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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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Give me back my body. Somebody help me get my body back. I tried the sieve technique and it broke the sieve. It just stood on it.

It takes my emotions. All my expressions are not me. It took my feelings and my empathy. I DO NOT CONSENT TO IT BEING IN MY BODY I HAVE NO AGREE MENT OR CONTRACT WITH IT. IT PRETENDS TO BE GOD.



How are you typing right now?

Are you meaning to say you have something attached, embedded, or present/haunting you that you want to get rid of?


Ok bro I'll leave. Didn't know it was that bad for you.

Was fun, cheers.


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>How are you typing right now?

I don't know. It hasn't completely taken over my mind. But it has pretty much taken over my feelings. My body doesn't feel "mine" many of my actions don't come from me. It has especially taken over my emotions, empathy, and feelings. My behaviours are abnormal and weird, and my emotional expressions are not from me. It created extreme trauma in me when I was a child. I think thats how it got into me and why it has so much power over me. It tormented me, then told me to sell my soul!


Typical neg attachment or even possesion by now. Read Robert Bruce "practical psychic self defense" or whatever its called from the library. It may or may not help

>ground yourself

>cross running water

>stand in water

>surround yourself in water

>its all about grounding and water



I don't see it. I don't see that book in my version of the library (although I did download it in 2015)



Again, just to clarify, while it's not in the library, there are other books authored by Robert Bruce. These are:

Mastering Astral Projection

New Energy Ways v2 (1999)

Astral Dynamics

I did find this book on the internet when I googled for the .pdf though. It's a surprisingly short book, less than 20 pages in totality. Is this what you're talking about?


File: 8ab44589c57959a⋯.pdf (344.31 KB, practicalpsychicselfdefens….pdf)

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Sorry, I didn't include the .pdf in my previous post but that doesn't matter anyway because I found what seems to be the whole thing in a 164-page Microsoft Word .rtf document. Another link I saw reveals the book's length to be around 170 pages. I converted the .rtf file into a .pdf file. I assume this is the one that's recommended but I guess I really should just redownload the library as it's probably been updated since the last time I got it.



Yes the book is something around 160 pages small. Still worth a read, althought if your case is very severe you may need some more help which is beyond my qualification lol




Did you try pretending to be the devil? Alternatively, maybe it's right, did you try actually being the devil? If nothing else works and you've made sure you're plugged in, try turning yourself off and on again.



I just got into reading the book and already, Bruce has mentioned that the attachment of negative entities can cause lumps to appear on the physical body. I have one right now on my groin. I honestly thought I'd moved oddly in my sleep and my undies had ripped out a pubic hair and now I had an in-grown hair swelling (even though, rationally, I don't even know how that's possible and it's never even happened before anyway) but this changes everything. Especially when you consider the fact that the swelling started the night I went to sleep whilst listening to healing-tone binaural beats and I had that odd nightmare where I felt a very specific feeling. The one I felt in the early days when I was aware of the parasite's attachment.

I'll be sure to keep going.



Well it is awesome if I actually could help you out, even if it's only a little. When I read the book I also noticed symptoms of attachment on me. I went and grounded myself and tried to purify myself and my house and I think it worked. My symptoms came to be just after reading the book. I thought a lot about negs and all this stuff and I must have attracted something to me.

>pain in the footsole like stepping on a nail

>same night a perverted sexual dream that I could never enjoy in real life. I woke up very horny even tho such nasty things never arouse me

>in the morning right after awakening I smelled cigarete smoke in my bed even tho I do not smoke and there is no chanche someone smoked nearby. It was astral smell and it was there only for a few seconds.

I immediatly opened all windows in my house to let as much light ans fresh air into the house as possible, visualized me and the whole house getting cleaned by electric violet light and prayed a few times. I cleaned the house as much as possible, cleaned myself and went for a walk in the forest where there is also a river. I walked across several small water streams, touched the water and touched the earth in the forest.

Basically did all the things I could to purify myself and get rid of the neg. I think it worked. Althought I don't think I had a lump somewhere on me, but I guess I acted fast enough.

Best of luck to you my friend! Read the entire book



Hey, that sounds good. I think I might even join a gym just to amplify my cleanliness further. Is just jogging enough?



Jogging is really the poorest mans version of fitness imo. Join a gym if you can, that's what I do too. Personally I think weightlifting 3 or 4 days a week is optimal, one hour each day is perfectly enough. Everything above this is only usefull if bodybuilding is your career.

Weightlifting will improve your physical strenght and health in ways that jogging never could. It will also of course strenghten your aura and our energy body, making magick easier for you and harder for negs to attach themselves to you. Here are a few ideas for training:

>monday chest and abs

>tuesday back and rear delts

>thursday legs and neck

>friday arms and shoulder

Pretty balanced imo, you don't have to stay long in the gym and you also don't have to take ultra heavy weight. Wednessday and weekend as a rest days are perfect to prevent overtraining. You can do 4 sets with 10 reps each for one exercise. Choose exercises yourself, you can mix up machines with free weight.

Another idea would be whole body strongman training

>monday whole body

>wednesday whole body

>friday whole body

Here obviously more rest days because training is a little harder with whole body, but again you can keep it short/one hour per day and choose the exercises of your liking. Gotta try out until you have your favourite routine down.

Me personally I always switch those programms up, but most of the time I do the first one.

If you feel like you need more details or have more questions of course I'd be happy to help.

Srsly only take jogging if gym is absolutely not an option. Jogging is so much less effective



Alright. What exercises, how many sets and how many reps?



Please use these videos asap: put this one on whatever you can find to the volume you find comfortable. fight the entity all the way! it will froth at this video:


this will disrupt its energy patterns badly.

then use this:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g5-DrYahaSc this is basically the same thing as above but slower and deeper so to fully expulse the entity.

finally use this, 1 time per day for 5 days, rest for 2 days and then do it again:


drink A LOT of water: it's a subconscious purger and a personal universe cleaner.

as an extra, this is an etheric cleanser:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LFXeCJ5j25o 1 time per day for 5 days, rest for 2 days and then do it again, also only mix this and the subconscious cleaner if you feel that you handle their powers.


read cameron day's "why i am no longer a lightwkrker" 1 and 2 to discover about the false light parasites.



always worth a try


I'll be glad to help you out more, but first I must say that you should finish the book first and do the thing mentioned in the book. Maybe then do this >>114582 and/or get help from a professional or something. You must decide for yourself if you really want to lift, push and pull heavy weights in machines or even more dangerous, freeweight barbells or dumbells. It can be very dangerous, even deadly if the demon that is with you decided to take control of you in the moment of heavy lifting. Think about that.

Anyway here is some basic suggested program, approved by me. This resulted from lots of personal research and experiement by myself and also watching lots of lifting videos. If you don't know some of the exercises you can always search them up on the internet. I always do 4x10 with medium weight, that means I do 4 sets with so much weight that I can get 10 reps out. If 10 reps are too easy, I raise the weight. If 10 reps are too hard, I lower the weight. Feel free to do 3x20 with less weight or 5x5 with lots of weight, whatever you like. It's all about what fits you best after all.


Chest: Bench press, dips, cable flies and inclined dumbell press.

Abs: Leg raises and negative(or normal) crunshes.


Back: Deadlifts, sitting cable rows or standing barbell rows, pull-ups, lat-pulldown machine, lower back extensions.

Rear delts: reverse butterfly machine, reverse standing dumbell flies

>wednesday rest


legs: squats, legpress, lunges, calve raises, maybe some leg machines if you like

neck: shrugs with barbell or dumbells


bizep: dumbell hammer curls, barbell curls

trizep: cable pulldown, skullcrusher

shoulder: barbell overhead press, straight arm shoulder flies

>saturday rest

>sunday rest

this is the most basic, most effective training I could come up with. It has all the necessary movements and exercises included to become strong, fit and healthy.

here the whole body program:


Deadlifts, squats, benchpress, overhead press, rows


dips, pull-ups, lower back extension, crunches, lunges

>friday: (same as monday)

deadlifts, squats, bench press, overhead press, rows.



>get help from a professional or something

Where would one go for help from a professional regarding paranormal matters?

Also, thanks for the advice. I weigh 250lbs though so while I'm leaning towards the whole body program, I can't do pull-ups. I've never done one.



>Where would one go for help from a professional regarding paranormal matters?

This is sadly beyond me, someone else will help you or your own research.

>I can't do pull-ups. I've never done one.

Not a problem, most gyms have machines for assisted pull-ups, or else just do some other back exercise. You will be fine, don't worry. You can also add some cardio training(jogging, swimming, biking) and a special diet if you feel like it, maybe losing more/faster weight or whatever. If you take the whole body program then you easily can put in there a fourth day, the cardio day.

Good luck my friend, you may yet be healed and get rid of that foul beast. Such a low astral faggot is nothing compared to your divine being and your divine will.



Thanks man, I'll finish the book for now.



Also, what do you think of joining the military?



Salt is a very good way to flush out the evil spirits and demons. Get some non-iodized, non-processed, sea salt (pink Himalayan salt works too). Put two teaspoons in 1 quart of water. Stir it up. Drink it as fast as possible. It will take like shit and you will feel like throwing up but don't stop. The demons will forcefully leave your body within about an hour or so.




I'm pretty sure it's non-iodized but I don't know if it's non-processed.



Very good advice, can't believe I forgot salt. But on the other hand it is also in the book.


What are your reasons? Unless I have good reasons, I personally wouldn't do it.



I thought it would make me a stronger, more self-disciplined person. Although then again, I remember reading that doing these things just trains you to know how to obey and submit. It doesn't make you more of a man but rather, more of a dog. I don't know. I think it might not be so good in hindsight.



>I thought it would make me a stronger, more self-disciplined person.

Since you are here have you read the FAQ and the recommended books? Have you read Initiation into Hermetics? Have you checked out the fasting thread or even better the nofap thread here?

I think it is perfectly enough for the body to workout in the gym. (you don't need extreme levels of strenght or fitness)

As for the mind, will and self-discipline, you might go with meditation, fasting once in a while, visualization exercises and of course doing nofap/being celibate. Those are pretty good (and hard) exercises. If you need the extra push and you feel like you cannot evolve on your own then of course the militairy might beat strenght and discipline into you, but I regard it as the last resort. I think in the militairy you may even catch some more negs and you serve a shit cause, which is the corrupt government and the matrix system in general.



Alright, I'll have more faith in the gym and magic.



That would work.


*7 billion demon humans are constantly trying to kill you unless you are doing their work for them for pieces of paper*

Wow how did these parasites get here?

Best thing you can do is fight back. What happened to you was essentially rape. Destroy them. If you have a virus you destroy it. Kill anyone who violated another's right to free will and creating their own reality.

I honestly think that anyone coming to fringe needs to take some oath of some sort. I know that sounds awful but something needs established. I do not feel in control of my reality, so I see no option other than hoping that this world is completely fucking destroyed. A simple alliance might be all we need. Nothing formal, just like a kiss on the cheek. It won't be like a contract that carries over multiple life times. In fact it's not even a contract. It's just a bunch of people trying to advance themselves / eject from the prison planet stating "yo dawgs if you are gonna fuck with people's shit we will fuck you". Just planting seeds.



Modern society has summoned demons that even the creators don't know about. Paying rent to some lazy fucking ungrateful landlord for the 200th week in a row can lead to someone going insane and temporarily losing themselves to the demiurge aura. I consider that black magic.



Would you recommend joining a leisure center to start swimming? I've never swam because I always too ashamed of my body but you know, I think I'll swim anyway.



>I do not feel in control of my reality

No wonder it was so easy to bind you, you've actively prevented yourself from performing magic. You'll be unbound the moment you get it, I never bind without an escape clause. This thread's theme fits you like a glove, but it doesn't have to be this way.

>so I see no option other than hoping that this world is completely fucking destroyed.

That's a bit like a toddler saying "I'm not potty trained, so I'm going to kill myself," except instead of going through with it, they just shit their pants. Learn how to use the toilet and actually flush shit. There are guides all over this site. Even if you've made yourself incapable of performing magic at the higher levels, it's a skill you can learn, and dedication is worth more than talent.

>If only everyone else toed the line, if only everyone else behaved as I behaved, if only everyone else did everything right, then and only then would things be right! Then, and only then would I be free! I, the one who feels utterly without control, know the way out of this shithole, and all I ask of you is your obedience, your time, your energy, your devotion to the project with which I have identified! It's not a formal contract or a demand, it's just something you have to do in order for me, the powerless one, to spare you!

Thrashing just makes it worse.


I bought an anti-static wristband, attached it to my radiator and I'm now in significantly less pain. I'm also experiencing reddit synchronicities regarding "bacteriophages" i.e. viruses that only attach themselves to bacteria. If I stop being a piece of shit, the parasite will go.


Oh sorry, I forgot. My original reason for posting an update on my status was to ask a question:

What metal thing can I take with me and attach my anti-static wristband to in order to keep myself electrically grounded?


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The parasite will not go since you're so damn tasty but you will definitely stop being a piece of shit.



>it pretends to be God

>it controls you

I have… acquired some experience that I believe may help you. This is a test of your will. You are in the labyrinth. It is mental. There is only one correct way out, each persons correct way out is different. Repeat the following until you believe them:

>There is no such thing as coincidence

>I know nothing, I am not God and therefor I can never know that I have not been deceived

>my existence is paradox and an evil spirit doesnt have shit on me



Sovereignity-denying individual! We are all God in the One as the One is within Us.

Coincidences do not exist, but synchronicites do.

Your existence is not paradoxical. You are here in the Eternal Present. There are many other dimensions and densities with clones of you, yes, but this is THE dimension and reality in which the current-you is.



its not paradoxical, but at the same time it is. When what you know is all that is possible and all else is impossible then the impossible is rendered possible because you know nothing. There is a beautiful perspective in paradox, lad, give it a shot.



Well, today I did it. I followed Robert Bruce's advice, I found a river and I crossed it. The water was waist-high due to the recent rains and I admit, I was scared to wade across since I know I can't swim but I did it, I got across and now it's gone.

Or at least, I thought it's gone. I decided to mentally replay the event of me crossing the river in my mind and when I started to do this, the parasite was resurrected and started rigging my thoughts again. When I tried to mentally replay myself crossing the river, I felt it pulling me away from creating that visualisation. I had to ask for the assistance of Christ to complete the visualisation. Then I felt it dissipate. Then I thought again of myself before crossing the river and I feel it reawaken. I think again of myself during and after crossing and I feel it dissipate.

My mental habit for hypothesising and exploring scenarios is built upon two acts:

1) Pretending that what's being visualised is real

2) Pretending that I'm not pretending

I can't visualise myself crossing the river without reawakening the parasite. So it seems to not truly be gone then, just deactivated. I think something that guy in the enlightenment thread was talking about regarding narratives and astral parasites really just being "psychoviruses" is beginning to make more sense now. Unfortunately, I never really did apply his advice and truly isolate the virus through the reformatting of my mind but nonetheless, I have at least this as a solution.



What are those

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