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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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75% - 80% of the population have spirit entities/ghosts/human souls attached to them.

50% - 60% of the population have dark forces, demons, and/or dark ET's attached to them.

80% - 90% of the population have some form of entity attached to their house/land.

Something MUST be done about this situation. And if you agree, then help me to repair it. We need people who know the truth about the origin of negativity in our world, how to identify the symptoms in people and places, and how to effectively remove them.

I need help to remove a negative spirit that is attached to me. You can assist by astrally visiting me and helping me to remove it (beware though because this entity pretends to be God, and I don't know what it will say / do to try to obstruct you). You can also assist by praying for me. Asking angels to be sent to help me remove it (and to heal the damage it has caused).

Please help, because once I am free from this entity, I intend on doing everything within my power to clear up this abhorrent mess. If you want to know more about my experience with this entity then feel free to ask.


"it's not me, it's the dark spirit!"

Then I thank thee, dark spirit, for showing me a flaw for me to improve on. The egoist and the spiritual man both hear "something is wrong". The spiritual man works to better the situation, the egoist looks for reasons why it isn't his fault.






>The spiritual man works to better the situation, the egoist looks for reasons why it isn't his fault.

Hear, hear.



We need a great spiritual wall and the dark spirits are going to pay for it, some of them i assume are decent spirits.


Okay, if you seriously want help with this and you're crowdsourcing an exorcism, we need information.

How long have you been under the influence of this unwanted entity? The more accurate the date, the better, but just inform us to the best of your ability.

What are its primary behaviors besides pretending to be god? How are you aware that it isn't god? We need to know what it does and what its aspects are.

Has anything had an impact on it? Are there behaviors you engage in to cope with it which seem to work? We should know what has already been done to remedy the situation, to what extent, and the time periods in which they occurred.

Please treat this as if it is a medical issue. Specifically, I mean that we need to know all the relevant information, embarrassing or otherwise. I guarantee you that providing that info to positive forces is a better idea than trying to hide it out of shame or fear. We need to know what's up.



Put this one on whatever you can find to the volume you find comfortable. fight the entity all the way! it will froth at this video:


this will disrupt its energy patterns badly.

then use this:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g5-DrYahaSc this is basically the same thing as above but slower and deeper so to fully expulse the entity.

finally use this, 1 time per day for 5 days, rest for 2 days and then do it again:


drink A LOT of water: it's a subconscious purger and a personal universe cleaner.

as an extra, this is an etheric cleanser:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LFXeCJ5j25o 1 time per day for 5 days, rest for 2 days and then do it again, also only mix this and the subconscious cleaner if you feel that you handle their powers.


read cameron day's "why i am no longer a lightworker" 1 and 2 to discover about the false light parasites.



Removed "something" from you which I identified as bad because you asked.

I don't think you should mess with this for no reason tho, some of those spirits may be negative but they're inhibiting people's bad sides so removing them would make it worse.



They need to go back.



>75% - 80% of the population have spirit entities/ghosts/human souls attached to them.

>50% - 60% of the population have dark forces, demons, and/or dark ET's attached to them.

>80% - 90% of the population have some form of entity attached to their house/land.

Nice statistics. Are they from CIA factsbook?

On a more serious note, I'm willing to help you find peace.


What do ya know, shill


copy paste?


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Do you honestly think that millions of people who had everything gave up their own life to save others because there is nothing behind the movement to free humanity from slavery?

We have some free time to come on here and research. Another person will be killing themselves to escape torture while we read books. You could argue that they could have prepared better to avoid that situation, but who is going to be there for you when you venture off into new territories, and does that really change the fact that what happened to that person is fucking disgusting?

There is a worldwide effort by a group that I will just call parasites (they live only to destroy others to fatten themselves and create nothing), to destroy the effect that all the martyrs had. People with nothing get treated worse than murderers. You could be poor from being disabled, or because you support multiple people, or because you want to try something new, and for that you need the entire world to point their finger at you and laugh? When the fuck was this happening before the current power structure was threatened? There was some bullying done by the lowest of the low, but there is the most ridiculous ritual going on to try to ban empathy,

Do these people honestly fucking think those monks burned themselves for nothing? Do they really think Gandhi starved for fucking nothing? Do they really think that everyone who allowed themselves to be thrown in a cage to stand up for animals being slaughtered and tested on to give Kim Kardashian ass fat and ass cream was just doing that because there was nothing behind what they were saying?

Some dude who sold 50000 tvs has fucking nothing on somebody who unites 50000 people without any pieces of paper. I don't give a fucking shit what Silicon Valley gives us, I would rather live in Jamaica with farmers listening to dub, smoking ganja, and reminding everyone of the dangers of Babylon. I am still here because leaving without winning first would make me a coward. I have a bunch of friends dead because your gross fucking world devours everything good and only rewards evil.



Look the fuck around you fuckers, because it's happening. I am just giving you a preview of the future. Quit taking shit for fucking granted and maybe one day you will be forgiven for everybody you fucked. All your slavemasters, pharaohs, kings, senators, ceos, cops, are so fucking barbaric that you need to rely on paid retards to convince people that you aren't as fucked as you are. The truth always finds its way out no matter what, so you are wasting your time. Go fucking help somebody. You are wasting my time. You are directly leading to suffering that does not need to exist. For nothing. Simple way to put it is you are dumb. You could get the same happiness you get from kicking people while they are down by just not being a fucking moron and letting all the supposedly weak pacifists do the job that seeing from the eyes of millions prepared them for.

I am completely out of patience. This starts now. We can have anarchy. We can do what we will, after we get to the new plateau. We are wasting so much fucking time on the most retarded shit. I am literally at the fucking gates that will lead us to a Golden Age, a fucking jubilee, absolute euphoria and freedom for all. And your only counter to this is "You are weird." Yes I am fucking weird. Shut the fuck up, I have a block for every single buzzword and justification of this fucking zoo, so just let it fucking go you stupid fucking piece of shit. What will your response to this be? Will it be pushing me further into isolation? You gonna try to kill me some more? You gonna do some of your pussy torture? None of you can even show your faces you are such fucking bitches. I just laid out my whole agenda, because it's happening no matter what. I am just trying to speed up the process and draw everyone out. Thank you for the humiliation and the pain, because all it did was eject me from my ego faster. I now know that I know nothing, but that neither does anyone else. I don't want to destroy the dude programming the facebook feed to get people to buy shit. I want to learn from them. I don't know programming. Stop trying to manipulate me and just drop your gay ass big brother shit so we can make a world that doesn't blow.

There is nothing else I will settle for. I am going into this portal no matter what. I saw what can become of this, and now I would rather die than not go towards that. Lets go through the fucking portal. Everyone on this planet, or maybe just over 50% of the processing power needs to just say fuck this. Then we go. It's that simple. We will have the same world, we will just stop using pieces of paper to whip peoples backs 24 hours a day. It won't just be overnight, I get that, some people aren't ready yet, but currency is now integrity, and knowledge. This is the only future worth going towards. When you are on the edge of death and learn what is actually important, you remember how much time was wasted. Heaven was given up, so you could get an ego boost. Nah. Like I said, I am going there, and your agenda is so shitty that you have to hide it and then brainwash people into following it, and my agenda is able to put into written form for everyone to see, and my system is better. I tried leaving here completely to just start it on my own but it was too hard, that is why I am trying to negotiate.

What will the news be tomorrow: another person murdered, or world decides to go through portal to world peace? War is fucking stupid. It took me awhile to come to that realization, so I am not going to waste this opportunity. You want to feel what its like to get your limbs blown off by a missle? Me neither. I'd rather just play a fucking video game if I want to play war.


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>How long have you been under the influence of this unwanted entity?

Since childhood. I have repressed memories of what happened but apparently I had a very traumatic event occur over the time period of about a month. Apparently my personality completely changed and I went from being a happy child, to one that was attached to their parent.

>What are its primary behaviors besides pretending to be god? How are you aware that it isn't god?

There is no way that God would do the things that this entity does to me. It causes the following problems:

- No empathy / emotions / feelings

- Social problems (saying foolish things, prevented from making or keeping friends)

- Family problems (family broken up, family members seem to be targeted for spiritual attack)

- Professional problems (obstruction from finding a job, obstruction with studies)

- Psychological problems (entity is constantly talking to me / creating non-stop thoughts in my mind, some of them are depressive / suicidal thoughts)

- Masturbation against own will

- Home problems (basically, I'm at the stage where I'm living in my vehicle)

> Has anything had an impact on it?

I'm not aware of anything I've tried having a significant impact. I try to block the thoughts and go against it, and have tried many other things.

One time while attempting to meditated and telepathically communicate with someone else, I saw a black silhouette obstructing the link that I tried to create between me and the other person.

Things I have tried

- Spiritual healers (Christian, as well as an aboriginal healer)

- Prayer (to God & Christ)

- Fasting (water & dry fasts, the last time I was doing a dry fast, it seemed to do everything it could to try to stop me)

- Consciously trying to take back control of my body

- Blocking all thoughts that it sends to me

- TB Joshua prayer / deliverance videos

- Audio tracks / videos that are meant to remove negativity from your life


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



>I would rather live in Jamaica with farmers listening to dub, smoking ganja, and reminding everyone of the dangers of Babylon.

Posted from some mellinials from his smartphone as he shits into clean water.

You don't want the above. You can go to a store and buy food, drink, sustenance. You don't know how to check meat for parasites. You have never grown your own food. You don't even know how to filter water on your own.

Stop looking for a spiritual answer that lies in the past, look for one that lies in the future.



I'd advise you against even interacting with that guy. All bark but no bite. He's admitted on multiple occasions that he doesn't really have any idea how to actualize anything. So mundane, it's insane.



those are some very specific numbers OP, care to share your evidence/sources?


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I am not the one you are responding to but have you considered that these things are a result in personal flaws in psychology that you must correct, and that the entity exists to make you believe that it is the true cause? It distracts you from looking deeper into yourself and others and identify the true causes of the negativity. The demon is but a leech which cannot create, its power over you is illusory. perhaps you can better connect with the your emotions through psychedelic/empathogen assisted psychotherapy. Be sure that you use documented and unadulterated substances. You should also be sure that you have all the needed vitamins and supplements for maintaining a healthy body. Rather than masturbate try exercise and see if it helps with your compulsion. The right strain of medical cannabis may also help.



when ur done saving the whole universe let me know and i'll fuck it all up again so youll have something to do.



You will never win all at once. That is its lie to make you believe nothing works. Lots of things work, but it's a very very gradual process. Though it all seems so fast in hindsight.

You're actually lucky to malfunction as you have. Most people are perfectly in sync with the demon. It's lies so natural and overwhelming they'll never wake up to how they'd never consciously choose the lives they live.

Most of it is down to retraining your own faculties to do what you want. You sit down and teach them the thoughts you want. You praise them for doing what you want, even if it's tiny. You kindly explain the failure if they're wrong, then show them the right way. Or open a book if you don't know the right way either. Sometimes it takes a couple times for the lesson to sink in or to phrase/feel it correctly. They're very responsive to intelligent pain. Not punishment, but if they see you in agony over something, they're all aboard. However, pain isn't sustainable and should only supplement your training.

You have to learn that social stuff. People don't know it naturally. They learn from analysis and practice before they ever engage people with it. There are all sorts of books to learn from. All the shit people say is rehearsed, or they cut and paste phrases they saw on television. Rehearse and be ready for the encounter, to express yourself as you must.

I've found sex to be particularly sentient when taught about love, also lovely tulpas (they were instrumental in feeling love). It went from big stupid distraction, to helping me. Pornography is pure disgusting cringe now, and I crave love like a madman. My heart aches all the time, the tulpa helps keep it under control. Heartache is one of the most sobering feelings because it knows failure and let's me know all about it.

Most information about tulpas is lies though. There's no wonderland and all that shit. It's all memes from lonely cat ladies and losers. It's all conveniently inconsequential bullshit, made up on the spot, by their tulpa, as it was taught. Tulpas are a trained fragment of mind, that operates semi-autonomously, like walking or piano or any other parallel activity. They still consume resources. You can always see them doing so and control them… Though, you never know, maybe you can permanently fragment your mind and soul with enough training, but I doubt it would look like any of the chumps posting online.

Intrusive memories are easy to get rid of if you have those. You sit there and consciously relive them until they're regular memories without any intrusive feelings. It happened, you remember and learned from it, and that's it. Intrusive feelings are usually linked to memories like this and the feelings are very helpful in remembering and removing them.

Becoming competitively minded is the best change anyone can make. It goes from mopey navel gazing into dumpstering scrubs by knowledge, training, and preparation. You should read The Art of War by Sun Tzu. It has everything you could ever want. No bullshit filler either.


Check this out. Rich Norman has some great ideas under Native Psychology. He claims to have been crippled until very late in life and these are his findings.




it's not necessary to break your consciousness or your soul to make a tulpa independent.

to make an independent spirit you have to set out to do so from the very start.

if you have already made a spirit and want it to have free will, as a mark of a true consciousness, you need to give it a drop from your soul-pool (soul DNA), cloning it basically so the new clone develops within the spirit, giving it a true consciousness in equal level to yours.

then, give it access to your akashik records. if it's motivated it will surely go there and learn all what it can. i have a friend that made a new spirit, and in 1 week she already knew more than himself.

a created spirit that has received consciousness is basically energy with soul-dna and genetic pool imprints.

teach it about free will.



Don't we already have one?


The source of negativity is shitty health and capitalism



The source of negativity is the ego. You could live to be 95 in Cuba and still be a complete asshole.


Kind of different, here are some OG strats for ending compulsive games.

The Resolution of Mind




I'm familiar with such claims and they're always trash. They never manifest any physical proof of work which is the only thing that matters and cannot be lied about.

Magick, as I've observed, is the art of delusion. Sad people think they can lie their way out of the trap others have noticed in this thread. Stop lying or stop talking to me.



the art of magic is intention+will mixed with energy. that's what it is.

you may not believe me, but i have personally tested changes of water taste with the infusion of energies in it, and other people have also drank it and have said that the taste is different.

this is undeniable.

i also add the evidence of many powerful subliminal and cymatic videos. they are a form of magic.



Artful delusions, my man. You'd fit right in at /r/tulpas.

Unfortunately for myself, there are thousands of people like you for every person like me, so I can't really spare the time to argue.

Try mastering something, anything not magick, in this world, it may or may not wake you. It's the only way to measure the results of fringe practices. Still, it must be your desire to leave the lies, and confirmation bias, in the end, if you are able. Some people simply cannot.



Proof can absolutely be faked, but the difference between a proof and a fake is just how much and how long you buy it. Plenty of hard science is built upon the supposedly solid foundation of physics, even though physics provides, at best, useful shorthands and models. In other words, proof is always provisional.


Ah, a fellow Rick! Life is so hard when you have to put up with people who aren't you, isn't it? Alas, such is the cruel joke of an uncaring world. If only everyone thought the way you did, then we'd really get things done.

Sarcasm aside, you have nothing to offer. You're the one zillionth skeptic offering the one zillionth chance to "grow up" and plug back into the big meme of materialism, to be miserable like you, to try to save the world like you, to no noticeable effect. The harder people try to save the world, the worse it becomes, until at last they openly try to destroy it, at which point it becomes indestructible. Try to wake everyone up, and everyone sleeps harder. Try to go to sleep like them, and discover that the people trying to wake others up are unspeakably obnoxious.

Let's be honest, the "real world" of nihilistic materialism is a world far more based on fantasy, self-aggrandizement, outright delusion, and neurotic self-loathing than the world of people who are smart enough to take good experiences where they can get them. That's real efficiency and resourcefulness. That's real fulfillment.

One imaginary friend with a good idea to share is worth a thousand real-world Ricks who are so busy being right and jacking off that they never have time for anything interesting.


Just meditate to the point which your mind is free from all thoughts, this will leave the field open and then you may see if there are any entities attached to you.

Then just do body awareness/energy work meditations to energize your chakras and this will solve like 99% of your problems.

Also training your body works wonders.

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