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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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I, Ashtar, am greeting you sincerely and I wish you success in your work for people.

We have a lot of work with those humanoids, who have constantly been flying here, but you do not have to be afraid, everything is watched and under control.

We love you, dear people, and so we believe that we will be able to commence contacts in a greater scale and so be able to meet often in person. We are constantly ready to help you, just as you help people on this planet Earth and strive to manage as soon as possible these difficult times, this period of transition, which is so important for you and for us as well, for we are feeling like your brothers and we want you to join us in such a way that people who would be thus prepared can contact us in person, and then it will only depend on their free decision where they want to live. This planet is so much polluted with coarse vibrations that it is necessary to carry out cardinal cleansing in such a way that the soil and things on it submerge under seas, and the soil under seas lifts up above the sea level in order to be populated by those people who have decided for this before. We know these people are here and their number will not be low, it is necessary to inform them so that they will have an option to act according to the on-coming events and to prepare for coming of the New age. We know this will be difficult, but is given by the fact that there are various groups of people here, part of which will definitely refuse joining us since they are self-centered, interested in their own success, and are materialistic and matter-oriented. This is why your work is necessary - so that the true people, people with higher spiritual values, can be informed about us and decide themselves what to do in the on-coming period.


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Watch the matrix. Watch fight club. Watch revolver. Ok cool nice. Find out about taoism and killing your ego. Aight nice I'll follow this path. Damn fuck Christianity but Jesus was cool. Damn Gandhi was badass too holy fuck I heard about that pacifism shit early and it saved me so many battles against dumb orcs. Ok cool I'm sticking with this there's something to it because all these people sacrificed got shit done. Give up everything. Fuck time. Fuck attention. Fuck money. Ok if I'm doing this I gotta understand everything. Alright time to simulate thousands of deaths and types of pain. Ow. Wow there's some cool music though that keeps me going. Fuck I'm broke fuck jobs this is more important. Need to find place to meditate. Oh ok cool got it. Doing yoga meditation etc. Wow this trance is great. Oh cool om chanting. Drink cough medicine, oh nice I see everything nice I understand how an action 10000 years ago affects world today. Oh cool you can like send a text to the universe in the right state and repair shit. Damn i was hopeless but I see Utopia. Holy fuck everyone can be included in this. No living thing ever has to suffer again. We can use computers and robots or just love. Holy fuck mental retardation can be cured. Loneliness can be cured. Deafness can be cured. The mana pool is right there. Wow this is exciting. Oh cool this girl I loved. Oh wow she's using this time we are together to talk about other people she fucks. The 24/7 stream of the only people I ever loved getting fucked by my enemies that plays in my head wasn't enough, now I'm getting cucked in person. Ok whatever moving on. Oh great getting mind controlled by some fucking jealous CIA pervert. Oh great I just turned into a girl. Holy fuck I am on Chaturbate twerking. This doesn't feel good but I haven't had sex in years. Oh great my neck hurts this is too much. Looks like this fucking faggot CIA nigger is trying to kill me. Oh cool my neck is completely fucked. Oh great another mind control run. 50 more. Damn I was saving the fucking world what the fuck? 247 1984 interference initiated. I have not slept in a year despite closing my eyes and sleeping. I never wake up in a new day. Pain adding up. I am having trouble thinking. Oh great now they are taunting people who call themselves targetted individuals. All the torture I endured was "delusion." Fuck this shit. Destroy shit in the spoiled drumpf worshipping bigot kike house I'm living at. I stuck up for this person, then multiple times people come up to me to try to socially assassinate me and he just sat there and never stood up for me. Ok cool I'm homeless. Oh great two weeks or up. Us government: go die. Bpd mother who abused me my entire child hood and sent 500000 email texts etc harassing me while trying to meditate mocks me in homeless shelter and shit. Gotta live with her my body is broken. Every single day this fucking demiurge vampire does everything she can to drain me. Thanks MOM! Life is fucking beautiful.



*gangstalks you*


*gangstalks your whole family*



What did he mean by this?






>Everything was going great until I got cucked, genderswapped and mind-controlled by the CIA to be a camgirl

I sincerely apologize for ever belittling you. It's not your fault you're like this and I can see that now.



Fuck off space nigger, we're full

You can crash on the moon if you want



I have been 'finding' very similar messages all over the place. Something is coming and only 'the informed' will survive it. All of the messages imply that there are precise directions on what needs to be done but those directions are just outside of my grasp. It's like I can read 80% of the message but the last part is hidden by an illusion that I haven't been able to quite figure out the geometry of.

Also.. Attempting to do so makes me so unbelievably sleepy.



>ego death

thats left hand path bruh. Sorry for you. You can fix it.



>ego death


u wot m8



top kek lmao



a lame knock off mocking someone



You think they spit it out already instead of throwing some elses mental retardation back at them



experience samadhi or I'll twist your fucking arm and blame everything on you

how nice



This is deep.



>We love you

no you don't



are you guys connected to lucifer?



sure I do but only when I know who you are. Besides you only care about this because of meme genes. Also you have an unhealthy obsesion with death and irony. and fyi schizophrenia doesn't excuse being a jerk. you know right from wrong


This artwork is the only good thing that ever came out of gay debunked religion. Shit like this and those metatrons cube pics. Time to dissociate those things from jewgayism and chrisrockinsanity


File: c083e7f5676b5f5⋯.jpg (375.56 KB, 1240x1754, 620:877, 2018-05-04 02.14.43.jpg)

Wow it hath been confirmeth!!!!!!!



Hello Ashtar, can you verify me if on one of your many travels in time and space have you encounter a sapient body with tentacles? you have no idea how much i lust over matting with a creature with lots and lots of tentacles…


this one will never get old, kek

- - -

On a serious note tho, has anyone else taped into 'alien' beings with the intention of doing an actual public landing? i have heard folks on the channeling side of fringe material say stuff like grays will land around 2027, but i dont want to get hyped again only to get disappointed… again



I love this one


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come to sacred algebra

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