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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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Why would anyone kill their ego? What are the benefits?

Being an egomaniac has a lot of benefits. Girls dig egomaniacs. Pride is always based on things you have done to earn it.

It's negative because dignity-wired people tend to dislike those that pull ego-mind-tricks such as sometimes demanding attention or inflating what they are telling about.

I guess it all boils down to pride… is pride good?



>Why would anyone kill their ego?

left hand path, least resistance

>What are the benefits?

of ego death? you get to succ demi's schlong

>Being an egomaniac has a lot of benefits.

>Girls dig egomaniacs.

>Pride is always based on things you have done to earn it.

that's just succumbing to materialism and desire. you can be egomaniac and throw all the conditional benifits if you want. true egoists are those who loathe "all" of this hell existence but love the "self" while valuing "others" as well.

ego death fags are always on suicide watch and thinks nothing matters because demiurge but then they get merged and succ'd into it.

False egoists don't have the three things I mentioned. Those who got the three leaves a legacic footprint for humanity to remember.

>It's negative because dignity-wired people tend to dislike those that pull ego-mind-tricks such as sometimes demanding attention or inflating what they are telling about.

Dignity wired people have black and white thinking and can only understand "justice"

They're even more dangerous than true egoists so I'd be very careful when close to them.

>I guess it all boils down to pride… is pride good?

pride is nothing if you're a finite being sufferring entropy of recycled resources in a low-vibrational plane. people will notice repeated events and that's the problem when the bits get rewritten over and over again. deja vu as they say.

what matters in the end is the process as you always look back after the goal when reaching into the end.

you can be prideful but did you kill an innocent without proper consent or led them astray in the process?

That is fallen pride. No loose ends or you lose.



the way is not kill the ego, but to weaken its influence (from making ~90% of your thoughts to 10%), and leaving it as a sort of GPS, which is its original purpose, be a help in this density (and physical place)

those who kill their egos become at peace and ideally should go merge with the Infinite Source, the One Consciousness. and by Infinite Source i DO NOT mean the demiurge or the corrupt demiurge.

to reach the Infinite Source, the Higher Self is a good avenue, as is the Earth, the Galaxy and the Galaxy's Core, alongside other True Light stars and beings.

Cameron Day's "why i am no longer a lightworker" 1 and 2 can start the whole road, literally.


have you forgotten that the corrupt demiurge, the great parasite, exists?


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Hey OP, ignore the Shlomos posting disinformation. Also questions to the questions thread.

But Ill answer as I believe this topic is highly misunderstood.

You can never fully get rid of your ego. Anyone who tells you otherwise is a shill or misinformed. The ego is a vehicle we use to traverse these realms. It's job is to keep you from being subject to the whims of the world around you. Your ego is your own personal demiurge. There is no actual "demiurge", its a personal Adversary system.

The real trick is to stay aware that your ego is trying to take control and that your awareness has full control. Ego death should not be used lightly by those of a lesser willpower. The few times I have actually succeeded were so terrifying, I was essentially a baby born into the world with no identity. Why would you want that?

Try ego humbling instead. You have to maintain control over it while letting it run around as an egomaniac. This is how you access the true deeper magic beyond the mental processes that most of /fringe/ is aware of. "Mind is All" is a THOUGHT trap, plain and simple.

Let yourself turn into an egomaniac, have pride in who you are. Humble yourself at the same time and realize you ain't worth shit in this world. Once you can successfully become a humbled egomaniac you have achieved a higher state that most people only talk about or dream of.

And just a little icing on the cake for ya. The realm of matter is the realm of spirit. The Alpha and the Omega. It's just hidden. The quickest way to access the hidden realm of spirit is not higher but lower. It lies beneath your feet within the earth as well as within your own animalistic being. Become The Beast. Do not fear who you know you are. True gnosticism m8.



True. The most ironic part is that the demiurge is part of the ego. But it's never the part that dies. It's the part that's left in the end, telling you "I'm your higher self, you no longer have an ego, follow me and I will give you happiness."

I've seen it countless times.



The trick of the demiurge is that it's both a part of you AND an external entity. Parts of it are implanted into every soul so it can affect its feelings, but its actual body is somewhere else.



those who truly are in communion with their Higher Self would never fall for such trickery.


All our ideas and beliefs come from elsewhere like family, friends, school, media etc. Then we summarize it all into one vague image and project it to our consciousness and claim thats 'me'. we then subject ourselves to those memories and try to maintain the form. If its a history and pride thing then you need to be even further egoless like the Ancients Romans were since your main task would be to carry on the traditions of your civilization and pretty much dieing for it.



Why do you seek an external source of validation? You must be scared of accepting that the demiurge exists solely within yourself. Why feed a lie and let your demiurge reign free because you believe you haven't beaten some invisible flying space lion serpent? An invisible sky beard sounds more believable tbh


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>Why would anyone kill their ego?

There's nothing to kill, because ego doesn't exist objectively. Stop believing its lies and use the power of the word to alter your mindstate.

>What are the benefits?

There are no benefits. Liberation from suffering is natural and truthful, as it is our default state of being. Don't look at the world with the belief that there's a gain or loss in knowing who you truly are.

>is pride good?

Good and bad doesn't exist. It's just an idea inside your mind that you use as a reference and template. Does pride divide or unite people? Which one do you prefer?


>left hand path, least resistance

LHP boosts the idea and belief of self, creates fantasy, suffering and illusions. The reason it's "least resistance" is because it takes no effort in falling down the ladder. Thus LHP does not kill the ego (until balance is realized).

>you can be egomaniac and throw all the conditional benifits if you want

Being untrue to your true nature leads to "non-benefits". But those non-benefits, benefits the individual when the lesson is learnt about the situation at hand.


>those who kill their egos become at peace and ideally should go merge with the Infinite Source

The energy is always available regardless of ego existing and some individuals already live their life with the energy, while still having ego. Ego is like a program installed on a computer. It doesn't affect the power cord more than the energy it consumes.


>ignore the Shlomos posting disinformation

then continues to unironically write:

>The few times I have actually succeeded were so terrifying, I was essentially a baby born into the world with no identity. Why would you want that?

The one who believes it is terrifying is the ego. All men are babies born into the world with no identity, that is your TRUE state of being. It's when you forget your true nature, identity takes place and justifies its own existence. The ego doesn't want to be a baby or a nobody, thus the idea is unappealing. By becoming a nobody, you become someone.

>Let yourself turn into an egomaniac.

>Become The Beast.

>True gnosticism m8.

Thanks Mr. Devil.


False light deception works on the principle of catering to the ego. By using objective facts, any false light spiritual group can be uncovered and refuted. Regardless of who anyone might meet (human or spiritual), do not give them the benefit of believing what they say. Pay attention and use facts to filter what anyone might say. You are not special, you do not belong to a star family and don't sign any contracts. Remove all those things you are not, so you can learn of who you truly are.


Beliefs are just ideas. Ideas aren't real. Please don't believe anything about anything.



Everything this anon is saying is based on his own conjecture.

>ego doesn't exist objectively


Be weary.






Who created the ego?



I said what I said not because it is true but because it is the first step. Ive already shed the self im favor of the higher form of existence. Until you face your own demiurge you can never truly be free. Becoming your demiurge expedites the process. Thanks for your input though



>have you forgotten that the corrupt demiurge, the great parasite, exists?

For a moment yes. The righteous-X and the corrupt-X. Anyway it is clear that I was referring to the latter.


>It's the part that's left in the end, telling you "I'm your higher self, you no longer have an ego, follow me and I will give you happiness."

When happiness becomes a hostage, that's what makes it very creepy. Not sure but there's plenty of "higher entities" trying to reach out.

The worst problem is some people with badluck/destiny are being led astray by powerful entities just because these said people's existences are a great threat to the entities and their followers.


>LHP boosts the idea and belief of self, creates fantasy, suffering and illusions. The reason it's "least resistance" is because it takes no effort in falling down the ladder. Thus LHP does not kill the ego (until balance is realized).

Well said. Ego death does not taint the self immediately but it can be used to strengthen that self and the knowing. As long as it won't come to the point they kill theirselves.

>Being untrue to your true nature leads to "non-benefits". But those non-benefits, benefits the individual when the lesson is learnt about the situation at hand.

Agreed. True nature, includes all chakras. Man isn't just Bestial nature >>115472 says it's okay to be the beast

don't go suppressing entire chakras then mindlessly going for appetite chakra. If all people becomes like this then there will be pillaging, raping, and killing anything because might™ makes right™ and we'll have another reset.

Balance is always the key.


tabula rasa

desper codex




>you do not need to weaken your ego to access the Infinite Source and the Infinite Energy

of course, but the ego can try to interrupt the process. centering in your Heartspace can help to avoid the ego's interruptions and annoyances.


If the ego is as great and mighty as it claims, can it destroy its own boundaries?


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Then begin by speaking truth, knowing truth and being truth. If you know what you wrote is not true, that is on you.

The pointer to you was that you cannot experience ego death and claim it was terrifying, because it is only ego that holds the opinion that letting it go is terrifying.


>If all people becomes like this then there will be pillaging, raping, and killing anything because might

Is the geographic location of the Middle East unknown to your gaze? A muddy pineal gland does not see far.


>but the ego can try to interrupt the process.

That's kind of the point. Hubris.


It can't destroy the boundaries, but it can show them so that someone else might destroy the boundaries.



Who else exists when the boundaries do not?


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I don't know, being an egomaniac is natural. Taking pride is the mechanic by which the demiurge has rewarded you.


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>Taking pride is the mechanic by which the demiurge has rewarded you.





nice numbers ;)

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