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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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So much talk about illumination, going up in densities finding the light in yourself, but not so much about the other side, the dark twisted side of nihili, the absolut darkness in all of us, this thread is about annihilation, the ilumination of the dark side going down instead of going up.

I'll share my experience on this you may try to falow that path but be aware that it will take all away from you, everything that you value will be turn against you, you will be alone as on this path every one around you will be zombiefied by yourself or the one against you, as this is not the way of help and you will discover that even empathy, compation and love will just becam tools to aquire more power, so let's dive into the void and share the knwoledje of pervetion and coertion.



You have my attention.


So firstly, I presume you'r aware of reality manipulation, ie geting what you want through luck manipulation, for that some say you need energy, and well how you aquire it doesn't realy count on the result. Let say there is some way to hack things a little bit…

Transfer of energy can appen in diferrent ways, for exemple work, you consciuosly work on something to get better , learning the mecanism, but it's never the same as someone that is a natural, that with no apparent reason is always better than you, that unconsciously learned it, I'll not get on the why it's this way but let just say, it is like it is,

So how to get better without consciously learning, well suffering is the key, when you work on something you suffer (ie, you give away freedom, forming energy) so know first step of annihilation, just concentrate on your suffering, anyone has some they are not aware of, and focus this influx of energy on something that you want, it will also make you more aware of your surounding

Now let's get on the darkest stuf, you don't need to be your energy for it to work, and "good souls" or light workers are using it a lot, by empathy you can "harvest" suffering of others, that not dark you could say. And it's not, this is nearly cost free if done well,

But some darker ones with no empathy make people suffer to get what they want, like making someone work for you instead on a spiritual way, to do it you just need them to focus their intention on you, with fear or hate, they will direct their energy on you consciously or not, one you to use it well and focus your will on your desire, this is a really dagerous technique I don't recomand it, so work your empathy,and just steal form the suffering.


Then lets say you want more energy…

Well if you'r familiar with prayer mechanisme, you know it's just a transfer of energy to a bigger entity, so it could use it to save you for exemple or realise your dream, (you gave away freedom of though to get somthing in return that a bit bad),

To mimic that you can strat a cult, making you a god on earth , but we all know this, doesn't get without trouble.

A smarter thecnique could be possession, you invite a powerfull entity, an old god, a demon, or just god, and not just pray for him, but let it totally controle you uncoscious, and thus big chunk of your controle of the universe, to make a deal with him, in exchange of your unsconsciousness, some could assimilate to soul, you get what you want at a great cost.


Well if you just want total illumination, there is a way, letting you being possessed by an entity, preferably bad, and make a ritual of assimilation, ie merging your soul with it, you will never be the same and may lost your mind, but by becoming it, you access it's contole over reality, of course this dive you insane in most case as you don't identify with it and not, you ( preferably choose one not so famous as someone else could be doing the same, being a bearer, and his controle may be bigger than yours and take over your controle and mind)

then if your not insane and still llack for more power start to talk to the entity you have to do the oe thing you want to do, access it's unconscious, and then access the one controling it( there is always a biger one, always) then assimilat your soul with it, of cours you will change again, and identify with it, this is risky, but woth the drive, and each entity will show you the way it see the universe or multiverse, my recomandation is to stop on the destinal level ie an entity that has direct consciouss controle over the timelines, they are the coolest ones to be with, they don't give a flying fuck about anything and pretty much let you do what you want,

Now let's come to the end, after those, you may found more powerful one, but you won't be far away of nihili, and you just don't want to get there as like a black hole it will drain your energy endlessly you will be the shadow of what you once were, with no motivation, nothing will mater and most likely willl turn succidary it will be the will of the most powerfulll form of darkness against you. after 2-3 years of therapy and medication you may start t come back to normal, but that way of power doesn't come cost free, and the fusion of your soul will give you pervertion physical and mental one, you may start to randomly want to kill or rape, without hard mental will it will finally get you and you may do a mistake, if by that time your not in a position that protect you, your dead. and most likely you will pay the price of what you'v done in the after life may it be reincarnation, or worse

I don't recomend it, but if yoou want try it at your own cost.


Just a quick note by being possessed wake peaple , and specialy light wariors will see it, they will not do much agains you but other possessions, and most of our leaders are, will se it if you modify reality to much at their expence , for exemple focusing your will on the death of someone famous you dislike may get you in trouble as i discovered their is actually a system of protection around them, most are unaware of, put there by the entity they serve, (hitler surviving 23 or more attentas) in a fight if your entity is lower that thiers you loose. so to survive you will need to go up, and rick to touch the void and as I said, this will reboot you one way or the other.


AN other dark tip, is draining, at some level you will access consciously the folw of energy around you, and be able to contole it, on that point you can drain energy from your surrounding, this has dirct influence on your karma, my recomandation, just do it in need, if you'r bein drained, or attacked, at some point your consciusness may be enouth to drain gods or bigger changong the omen on a big skale but again this will get the attention of bigger fish in the sea, that what you don't want.

Final not ones you strat your journey to the dark side, remenber that your still one step away from the void that will ultimatly get you, and once your there realy few things can get you back to less than what you started with, let's say in the end it's always more better to go for the light, but easier to go for the dark, if you were to listen to me i would just recomand to become a light warior, and if you don't feel like it, just be neutral, and live your life without alignement, you will progress more slowly.



when you integrate both sides of the false polarities and dualities, you have the unilarity, the One Consciousness, the Unity with All.

the Unity with All is representated by the Infinite Source Itself, the True Creator (not the parasitic corrupt demiurge or demiurge)

The True Creator promotes Absolute Inconditional Love, always.

there is no true darkness in the world or in anywhere. even the most twisted and broken can be saved by themselves, and the false light can be reformed.


>you give away freedom, forming energy

this is a contradiction

>use your suffering to achieve your goals

this isn't jedi and sith.

>harvest suffering of others

loosh farming.


>make yourself a leader of a cult to steal their energies

why steal when energy is limitless and infinite?

>invite parasites to control you to give you "power"

they feed off you, most are dead life constructs and NEED you to survive, but you DO NOT need them.


>merging with an entity to achieve illumination

why? each one is Sovereign and Divine and Eternal and Free and Infinite and Inmortal and Unlimited. each one is Whole unto himself.

this advice is turning people into parasites.



>I'll share my experience on this

So - have you actually done any of this or are we in edgy LARP territory?

I won't even bother explaining how unnecessary all of this would be. You absolutely CAN turn your suffering into a powerhouse and be edgy and whatnot about it, while not being completely deluded and misguided… But this isn't it, sorry.


>The True Creator promotes Absolute Inconditional Love, always.


From one LARP onto the other…



>this is a contradiction

the delta of freedom was equivalent of energy, that's was what I understood it

>why steal when energy is limitless and infinite?

as before I knew shit, so for me all was finite.

>this advice is turning people into parasites.

Well that's the deal I was and I guess still are a parasite the dark side for what i saw end you up being a parasite that's why the world as I saw it was just a bunch of parisite interacting with each other, and again, I just wanted to show that going for the dark will end you up in a shity situation what ever you do, go for the light even if it seem easier a first.

I didn't had access to much knolegde , I had to test formyself, I lost so much in the process to get something people alraedy knew for a long time, but at least i understood what a parasetic being I was, I don't know really why but I know I am scince a young age, I could only see dark, and control no infinite, and i only feeled power and freedom once I was with these beings like I was programed to be evil, may be linked to the fact that my name is a 888 and I was born the same day as hitler, I always had this fear/feeling of destiny, that I would end up like him, that I was born to be an awful human being and I belonged to the dark.I fouth it but reality seemed to smile on me only when i did things for the wrong reason, so I gave up embraced it, and I discovered the world beyond, only the dark side, as for me every thing was perverted, I gained consciousness, but I didn't used it for the dark, instead I wanted to create a better world, so finally a day iI sacrified all my power and consciousness for it.



I've done all of it, I tested it all, it worked I ended up with astounishing luck for as long as I had control over it, but at one point it was the entities controling me and I loosed my mind,

I knew nothing about ocult so I tested it from scratch, and I guess some more clever people got better result than me from ages of reserche



> being completely deluded and misguided

on the spot…



Been down the path of utterly manipulating everyone and everything around. Developed a small-time cult, slept with members, had people literally handing over their 'souls' to me and begging for hypnosis. It was materially fun, but totally pointless. Didn't bring happiness, just distraction, and the cost was enormous. I'm lucky to have figured it out when I did because I was right on the threshold of incurring permanent costs.

I'd warn people against it but I honestly think the more consciously someone attempts to perform this kind of thing, the harder they'll find it, so I'm not particularly worried about the kinds of people who would actively seek it out.

One word of advice: If someone believes they're going to get good results by acting sinister/menacing or by putting their most abusive foot forward, the only people they're ever going to attract–if they attract anyone to work with at all–will be doormats. You're not some evil magus or dark lord if you're unable to think empathetically about other people's incentives, and "you're just an asshole" is not a directed thought with a particularly powerful energy behind it. If you get some teenager to call you a faggot on an online game, good for you, but the 'energy' you're going to siphon from that isn't going to do very much.

tl;dr to be able to do deep harm, you have to be able to empathize deeply.



>speaking truth gets called as a LARP hurr durr!!!111

The True Creator is just another name for the Infinite Source. When you say it, make sure that you mean the Infinite Source and not the corrupt demiurge.


>i was a terrible parasite but now i stopped parasiting because i realized the Infinity of All




I appreciate it but the reason was actually more local. I was with family for a couple days, and trying to maintain things with cult members at the same time, and I had a moment where I realized I didn't want anyone in my family to see what I was texting to them. I realized that the self which I presented to my family, which was undoubtedly a better self than me as the big-fish-in-a-small-pond hierophant, was ashamed of my behavior. One of my three guides was my immediate family. He never told me an unwise thing. If I couldn't tell him about something, I shouldn't do that thing. It was that simple.

Upon returning home, I cordially explained that I could no longer continue, wished them all the best, and cut ties. Immediately, and I mean literally the moment I ended it, everything was better. So much energy goes into maintaining other people's devotion, and their energy cannot ever make up for that, it has to be spent differently. The amount of personal energy I got back upon ceasing that role was astonishing. I've made more progress since then than I did in years in that role.

Everything else fell into place from there. My life is in pretty much every way better now for having quit. It fixed my family life, social life, marriage, magical and creative capacity, and most importantly, I regained a self-position from which the cessation of the ego would be the fulfilling of a completed life, rather than the inevitable destruction of an egocentric vanity project.

Ultimately, though there is no cosmic punishment for this sort of thing, it is self-punishing. It is impossible to be a sadist without also being a masochist, and vice-versa. It is impossible to manipulate others without manipulating yourself first, and in ways which cannot be avoided. To even desire such a thing is a product of buying into unconsidered, unquestioned peer pressure and psychoviral social narratives. I encourage anyone who wants to engage in this to go for it, so that they can see that the frustration never goes away. The clouds never part, the (proverbial) angels never come down to hand you a plaque saying you've made it, that you're the baddest motherfucker on the block and everyone either loves it fears you. It just reaches the point where that's the case. Plenty of people dream of having a harem and being able to wither and humiliate and pain their enemies, but to have it for real is actually just embarrassing, to say nothing of the sheer logistics. It was a huge pain in the ass!


As one also entranced by darkness I will make a few notes and pose a few questions for you also OP


To do what you call a "ritual of assimilation", I feel it is necessary to understand what the human mind is and how it functions. What we often consider our consciousness (or at least less magickally minded people might), is nothing more than our ego. A pointless mess of attachments and identifications serving to give our existence a more solid footing. That is to to, the ego serves as a way for people to understand themselves. Our "true" existence, so to speak, our soul, is beyond human comprehension.

What this means is that the human mind, the ego, does not need to attempt to understand the processes of it's soul or magick. Instead, what needs to happen, is for the ego to be changed in such a way as to support the workings of it's soul, or magick. We hold an intense amount of energy in us, and if we attempt to use magick and the ego is not arranged properly, all sorts of things can occur, the most probable of which is failure.

Think of it like this: Your soul is electricity, your ego are circuits and wires, and your reality is whatever the machine called you outputs. If the circuits are poorly or improperly made, you lose a lot of energy on objectively pointless things, and the output is all messed up.


To me it sounds like your fear is a prominent feature of your life. I feel that maybe that feeling of destiny was simply a fear that you made reality?


You must be the stonger mind, I cannot stress this enough. In fact you ARE the stronger mind (assuming you have not found some way to re-split yourself by now (at least from your perspective)). If a merger happened, you are ONE! You are the stronger mind! There is only one, split in two, the human and the eternal, and my guides tell me that if all goes well in time even that can fade away to a simple one mind through and through. If you feel that weaker (human) mind speak, understand that it is the ego. It is a reflection of the circuits you have built inside you. You know better than it, learn to handle it. It can be done easily and he will even thank you for it.

I wish to stress to anyone that hasn't done anything like this that such a process is VERY dangerous, and can lead to death (suicide and heart failure both being possibilities). There are much, much, much gentler and nicer ways to open yourself to your divinity. I still struggle to understand this process but it is essentially a controlled destruction and reconstruction of your psyche. It will rock your fucking world I promise you. Its fucking dangerous, but it is also the quickest way to access your occult powers from my understanding, and if you have more than a fair bit of grit, and a sadomasochistic side it can even be enjoyable.


Good points. I suspect that merging with another soul is highly unlikely (though I have heard more than my fair share of such stories), more likely I feel is that if any "merger" is occurring it is happening between a persons lower and higher minds.



aah. you have understood it! this is just another experience in the path of this life. maybe in this incarnation you will learn of (((their))) hiddenmost secrets (hint: the white light is a trap!) and have very successful and wise incarnations in any other planets or place you choose to visit.

as you said, it is self-punishing, but in the process you have learned a great lesson. maybe it's a part of the great lesson you could have incarnated in to learn (many lifetimes of a person are dedicated to the learning of concepts necessary for the advancing to the 4th density, then to the 5th, then to the 6th, and then merge with the Infinite Source, or go do whatever, realizing their True Sovereign Divine Eternal nature of both Creatorship and Observation [a.k.a you can create your own universe and its rules! :D], while escaping this multiversal matrix)


Hi there /fringe/

Most of you know me by another name. I'm a mod on /x/. Which one, you might wonder? I'm obviously not saying as I have no intention of ending up like Dwarf, whom you doxed, harassed, stalked, and did all the things an SJW would do.

I've been watching this situation develop since yesterday and I'm appalled. Truly fucking appalled. Because since /fringe/ started, I have never seen a more persistent, more self-defeating group of truly horrendous people in my life. Not since I saw Anonymous tear into a little boy back when they were monsters have I see such savagery.

Maybe you will win this war. Maybe you will take over /fringe/. But it is it worth shredding every single ounce of your humanity?

I'm a wizard. I got into this because I care about the way media is representing wizards. But the way some of you act makes me wonder if they got it right. And I'm a mod and I'm saying this!

You are racist, homophobic, you spit vile upon the developmentally disabled.

Do you even care about /fringe/ at all? Even a little?

What I've seen here is disgusting to the point I might even resign. I might not. I don't know yet.

You people are disgusting and you should consider changing what you've become. Because this is not what I signed up for. I am a member of /fringe/ not /monster/.

Truly, you have stooped to a new low. I hope you enjoy the hell that you have created and must now persist in.


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Thank you, that's a nice thought! I can only hope so. I've been able to accomplish at least some ego dissolution while here, and I'd like to think that at the end of this one, I'll be sufficiently satisfied with this life as a work that I'll be able to choose whether I want to make a variation on this pattern (reincarnation within this general family of timelines, on this planet, etc) or if it would be nice to switch to something else, if the work is 'complete.'

This is more relevant than it seems; total devotion to "this is all me so I can be selfish" is a path which *can* be taken, but it's very difficult to pull off properly without turning into what you'd call an STS. Really, the only modern examples I can think of that illustrate how to do it right would be the Aghori, and it isn't easy to follow that path, you have to really mean what you say when you say you want it all. Half-assing it and only wanting 'the good life' implies that there's some ultimate value to the illusions put up by the ego. It means dissatisfaction/incompletion (in a bad way, not a creative way) as a constant, which makes everything way more difficult.

tl;dr there's a reason why LHP is structured and not just "idk just be a cunt dude." Even cunts will get it eventually but it's inefficient to put it mildly. I've had way more successes magically and far fewer issues with tanha/craving since I stopped trying to be a Chad (plus if you really think about it, it's just silly–pic related). I don't regret it, but that road just leads in a big circle.



Shit man, /fringe/ has always been full of delusional madmen, it's BO is famous for his insanity (though he's probably also the most advanced mage here), you constantly got fights over whos believes are right and so on… where do your high expectations from /fringe/ even come from? The golden age of /x/? This isn't /x/, I wish it was but it isn't. Shit's a fucking mess and you know it. So why does it surprise you that noone cares about /fringe/? It's in an neverending vicious cycle of misinfomation, delusion and LARPing. I want it to be more. I tried to contribute knowledge even beginners can easily work with many times - and it drowns in all the bullshit. I want to care but is there even hope?



Maybe I'm just salty because no one responds to my posts, but it feels like serious or high quality posts are intentionally drowned out with spam.

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