Hostile Aliens 10/05/14 (Sun) 22:32:09 No. 1158
I need help /fringe/ I need someone to come help fight aliens with me. Right now I just don't know what to do. These beings are way more advanced than me, they're highly psychic, easily capable of immobilizing you and then doing who knows what to you. I can bring them fourth easily, just by thinking about them, and indeed I'm trying very hard as I write this thread to maintain a stable mood and not to think too much about them while still getting this information across to you. Every time they come, they turn off the power first. Even if it's an off-the-grid solar powered building, the fucking power goes out in everything, although not necessarily hand-held stuff though they might disable that too next. Even when other people are around, they do some weird things, I guess spacetime manipulation and are good at abducting you or someone around you without anyone noticing. They are extremely evasive, don't like to be seen, seem to panic when they realize that I CAN SEE THEM, and have caused me some considerable trouble in the past and are not above torturing their victims. They do not want to be detected and prefer to isolate you and fuck with you in subtle and sometimes very overt ways without leaving any evidence behind. I can bring them fourth at pretty much any time and if anyone wants to meet up with me to fight aliens you can try to do it with me but I don't know what to do, they're so much more advanced, it seems quite hopeless. My mother says to NEVER bring them over to her place or she won't let me visit her, despite that, they've come a few times and that got me in trouble but she hasn't totally banished me from visiting yet. These alien beings are extremely advanced in magick and have a lot of demonic like qualities. The aura they give off induces pure terror and fear for your life and your soul. I don't know where they come from, they don't talk to you, and they're extremely clever. They prefer to strike during moments of vulnerability, when your guard is off, and it is easiest for them to get to you. If you are alone in bed, or if you happen to be sick or drugged, that's an opportune time for them to strike and get away with it. At times though they can be provoked to come even during daylight and while in a perfectly sober state. If we're in a rural area together they will be more likely to show up too and in a much more populated area they seem a lot more reluctant but they MIGHT STILL COME and even being in a crowd doesn't guarantee they won't do some kind of manipulation of the reality around you, freezing everybody around you, inducing some kind of trance in all of them, and abducting you very precisely in the middle of all of that. I don't try to fuck around with them normally, I fear them, I know they are perfectly capable of stepping across boundaries to do real harm. When they are coming it's usually best to immediately try to quell the panic and focus on happy thoughts, it seems to prevent them from phasing in, if you aren't on the same wavelength as them emotionally. It can be really fucking hard though when you hear them and know they're coming. What can we do? Is anyone brave enough to fight them with me? How can we even fight them? Alien greys are the worst fucking thing ever btw, when I see pictures of them I try to keep calm, and I think maybe that "ayy lmao" meme is actually a clever attempt on someone's part to make them seem humorous and harmless in order to make it harder for them to abduct people.
10/05/14 (Sun) 22:38:25 No. 1159
This gives me shivers.
10/05/14 (Sun) 22:45:19 No. 1162
I will attempt to lend assistance. You have my lmao, which gives you time to get them in a headlock and pull their eyes out. Keep positive around them, fear is their main weapon.
10/05/14 (Sun) 23:33:31 No. 1176
>>1162 Where abouts do you live then? You should come visit me and we can fight aliums together. …or I can take up a trip in here and try to fight them alone and if I make it back alive post about it in this thread. I'm not sure that's a wise thing to do, maybe I should just study magick and focus on attempting to counter the more elusive benevolent beings instead.
10/05/14 (Sun) 23:54:11 No. 1178
>>1176 I am in England but we are all in the universe. When I was very young I had an unexplained familiarity with the image and idea of 'greys'. They seemed quite comical to me, maybe as a coping mechanism. If possible, I'll fight them off alongside you. The benevolent entities are much more pleasant to encounter though.
10/06/14 (Mon) 00:01:30 No. 1180
>>1178 Damn you're an ocean away from me.
10/06/14 (Mon) 01:47:49 No. 1200
>>1159 The voice filter makes it spooky
10/06/14 (Mon) 06:09:02 No. 1297
10/13/14 (Mon) 17:45:15 No. 3637
10/14/14 (Tue) 03:46:54 No. 3924
>fear is their weapon >comes at night >when you`re vunerable, sick >happy thoughs helps And me thinking I was fighting demons on a monthly base, it was the aliens all along. nah, it`s demons. Pray helps a lot. I don`t believe in aliens, but I woudn`t doubt, good luck anon, but it seens you are on your on.If it`s aliens it is a strange thing, they wanting to remain silent, and trying to get us while weak, maybe we are very strong
10/14/14 (Tue) 04:04:36 No. 3926
10/14/14 (Tue) 04:15:14 No. 3929
>>3926 Because I want to have hope, if it`s both there is no hope left for mankind.
10/14/14 (Tue) 05:59:26 No. 3938
>>3929 >>3924 >He doesn't believe in AliensYou know there's 100 billion stars on our galaxy, and 100 billion galaxies in our universe? On a purely mathematical level, it is very nearly impossible that we are alone.
Not only do aliens exist, WE ARE ALIENS. We are a genetically stunted slave species that was originally designed to mine gold for the beings known as the Nephilim or Annunaki. See the work of LLoyd Pye, Zechariah Stitchen, "The Lacerta Files", Michael Tellinger, Enrich Van Danken, Michael Tsarion, Montalk, and many others.
10/14/14 (Tue) 06:12:44 No. 3939
10/14/14 (Tue) 06:19:37 No. 3941
>>3939 Why are you insulting him for teling the truth?
10/14/14 (Tue) 06:35:04 No. 3943
>>3941 The only truth in this thread is that you're both idiots.
Sorry to say, but you'll just have to deal with that.
10/14/14 (Tue) 06:37:12 No. 3945
10/14/14 (Tue) 07:06:25 No. 3952
>>1180 we can hop over and assist you from the astral, we can also construct thoughtforms to do it for us.
read up on psychic defense, thats how you fight them alone.
10/14/14 (Tue) 07:15:20 No. 3953
>>3943 >>3939 The mind control is real, the mind control is here.
10/14/14 (Tue) 07:38:15 No. 3957
>>3953 It's useless to resist my mind control rays!
10/14/14 (Tue) 13:28:19 No. 3993
>>3938 It`s not that I don`t believe in aliens.
It`s that I don`t believe they can come here. FTL and all that.
10/14/14 (Tue) 14:52:50 No. 4020
>>3924 Dude happy thoughts help with fucking everything though.
Business, sports, anything at all where you want to perform well you shouldn't be fearful or doubting but should go at your task with courage and a positive mindset.
Also have you considered a third option; that they're neither aliens nor demons but black ops humans groups connected to the CIA and other organizations like that?
10/14/14 (Tue) 14:54:24 No. 4022
10/14/14 (Tue) 14:56:22 No. 4023
10/14/14 (Tue) 15:00:08 No. 4025
11/13/14 (Thu) 23:46:11 No. 9568
>>3957 >>4023 Are you guys being sarcastic?
tipp 11/14/14 (Fri) 22:55:50 No. 9645
>>1158 pray to jesus christ m8, don't know why but it works.
Jay-man is, even if made up, an extremely powerful thoughtform, a benevolent one, one fed loosh for two millennia.
Oðin ## Board Volunteer 11/14/14 (Fri) 23:30:15 No. 9650
>>9645 >praying to jew-man >not praying to yourself
tipp 11/15/14 (Sat) 01:43:23 No. 9658
pleb doesn't even know Jesus was a thoughtform created by the highest high king of the aliums, placed in the womb of maria after the greys inseminated her i bet you don't know about pagan jesus either also i didn't like the music you posted.
11/15/14 (Sat) 07:18:34 No. 9684
>>1158 You sound like you have some severe mental disorders. You should seek help. Feelings of paranoia, allucinations, thoughts that a secret force is conspiring to bring you down but it can't be seen by anyone else are all red flags that something is wrong with you.
>inb4 hurr durr fedora>inb4 schizofrenia isn't real ayy lmao .
11/15/14 (Sat) 08:08:56 No. 9688
>>9684 >I wonder who's behind this post Get out in the name of Jesus, trickster alien scum.
11/15/14 (Sat) 08:09:55 No. 9689
>>9658 >pleb doesn't even know Jesus was a thoughtform created by the highest high king of the aliums, placed in the womb of maria after the greys inseminated her i bet you don't know about pagan jesus either
I'm new to this board. Can you greenpill me on these topics.
tipp 11/16/14 (Sun) 00:46:51 No. 9743
>>9689 you call that bait?
11/16/14 (Sun) 01:19:44 No. 9751
>>3939 >christfag good goy detected
11/16/14 (Sun) 01:27:24 No. 9755
>>9684 Nice try rabbi, we dont want you kike pills or kike mind manipulations.
BTW, your Qaballah can be neutralized. Just a matter of tapping into the the OLDER and ORIGINAL source material you kikes stole from.
11/16/14 (Sun) 02:29:26 No. 9769
>>9743 No, I don't. I'm legitimately curious as to what pagan jesus is and how jesus is a thoughtform.
11/16/14 (Sun) 03:44:46 No. 9772
>>9769 Go read the part in
The Book of Knowledge concerning Jesus. I think his summary is pretty accurate. There's also Montalk's historicity of Jesus article: (which I just re-read in full)
11/16/14 (Sun) 03:45:30 No. 9773
11/27/14 (Thu) 10:00:33 No. 11121
Give me a way to comunicate with you ,I will give you some text and sigils to carry with you or make into a pendent,they will run away from you and never bother you again. Email ?
11/27/14 (Thu) 10:22:49 No. 11124
>>11121 that's me, I am going to keep this tab open for 10 more mins, if I receive the contact email from you so be it and I will help, if not I will know you are trolling or not desperate as you try to make us think you are.
11/27/14 (Thu) 10:30:33 No. 11133
>>11124 You are aware this thread was made nearly 2 months ago, yes? Also the last post made before your's was two weeks ago. It is highly unlikely OP is still checking this thread actively.
11/27/14 (Thu) 10:34:29 No. 11134
I guess you have to live with your torment. (Closing tab) Best of luck.
11/27/14 (Thu) 10:35:01 No. 11135
11/27/14 (Thu) 11:33:58 No. 11137
They always seem to enter through fear. That is how you will know they are close. If you keep the fear away they won;t bother you. My guess is some kind of loosh farming operation.My two encounters with aliens. >Driving down a road just after sundown>Suddenly fog everywhere >Start getting a tingling fear, I know something is unbalanced >Sudden confusion, flashes of greys in my vision, feel like amnesia >Look around notice fog is gone, road is completely empty, all the lights are off>Check my car clock; 8: something >can't figure out where all the cars went >pull into a taco bell I noticed still had the lights on, ask where everyone went, they are confused tell me it is 1:30 am.. da fuck my car clock still says 8 something ?Keep driving home>more fog >ohh shiiit here we go again >get home it is 4 in the morning on a 30 minute drive, and my clock still says 8 something pm Second time >In room>Suddenly get deathly panic feeling >Don't know what it is >Wake up in bed.. have no idea what happened >look out window >see light flashing around. >Get freaked out, open window too see >The light shines on me>"Hey man!" it's my roomate, I ask what he is doing outside at night with a flashlight >"You didn't hear that!?" "Something huge was on the roof making a bunch of noise banging around." heh…ayyyy. .. heh
11/27/14 (Thu) 11:59:37 No. 11141
>>11121 Why don't you just post the text and sigils for that pendent in here?
11/27/14 (Thu) 12:02:57 No. 11142
11/30/14 (Sun) 15:26:33 No. 11496
>>9684 I have had the same exact shit as OP, i have the diagnosis of Schizofrenia, so i can second that.
I cant into proving or disproving these dark entities though.
fear is what they feed on, once you let go of that fear all the power of "them" just goes away.
12/02/14 (Tue) 00:53:42 No. 11660
OP go read up on demonological UFOlogy. Bust out the name of Jesus Christ. Apparently that does have an effect.
12/02/14 (Tue) 07:58:43 No. 11688
>>9755 >source material which is…?
12/05/14 (Fri) 14:06:39 No. 11997
>Go to bed not thinking anything harmful >Wake up after 9 hours of "sleep" dead tired >Day ruined, don't have energy for jack shit. I swear something like this has happened to me before and it's terribly annoying. Asked my pendulum, supposedly was abducted by aliums. Those goddamn space kikes keep stealing all my power when I have so much that I want done. How effective against aliens would impregnating my room with protective energy be? As a neophyte do I even have the power to protect myself when I'm not conscious of the actions around me? >inb4 smiley's I'm conscious at all times pasta.
shapeshifting shadowwalker 12/12/14 (Fri) 03:15:05 No. 12724
>>OP Look up targeted individual. They sound just like the elusive fucks your talking about. Ill help you OP
12/12/14 (Fri) 04:31:53 No. 12733
>>11997 I just get my ass kicked by aliens consciously. Just a few days ago I thought a grey-alien that had no fucking eyes, just empty eye-sockets, and after that I had much more skin problems and low energy and so on afterwards + the disturbing feeling that there was, even after I phase-shifted away from that fucker, some entity standing beside my bed and not moving from his position the whole time. I have this kind of etheric sonar thing I do too…
I was away from my home for 3 weeks so all my astral shielding in my room basically withered out while I was away and I'm vulnerable as fuck right now. I'm so tired and worn feeling and yet I got to put defenses back the fuck up so I can recover fully and get shit I want done.
>>12724 I have no doubt I am targeted for being an extreme political dissident, serious occultist, etc. and people around me have been questioned by intelligence agencies about me. Like literally FBI agents go to people that have known me and question them about me.
12/12/14 (Fri) 04:32:41 No. 12734
>>12724 Please do give any practical advice you have btw. I can hardly sleep and am constantly harassed. I need to protect my room and heal my body fully and so on.