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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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To preface this, i have very little experience with magicks or fringe in general, i've only been here for a little longer than a month. so i don't know if what happened is just a coincidence.

i've been meditating about three times every week, and i thought i'd test if i could do some sort of battle meditation during soccer practise.

i was the goalkeeper, so i'd have more time to meditate on luck, i meditated on our team having extreme luck and winning, not trying to think about anything negative for the other team because i felt like that would be malign.

there was no way our team should have won three times in a row, they the faster and more experienced on the team and often went right past our defense, but every time they shot for the goal, it wouldn't go in because it was just a centimeter off or because the other team (even though they were very experienced) messed up their shot and kicked over or under the ball.

we ended up winning 8-6 three times

here's the kicker though, about 4 hours later, i became incredibly tired, and after about 30 minutes of not going to sleep after that, i pretty much collapsed in my roomand fell into a deep sleep that i didn't come out of until about three hours later. i woke up incredibly tired and pretty much only able to walk, and as of writing this i've also accumulated a headache.

what i ask is if any of you have had similar experiences of trying magic and falling asleep for no reason later, and/or if any of you might have a solution.


You'll be fine. Magical energy of that type is like a muscle, use it and you'll be tired, but let it recover and it'll be stronger.



those dubs are reassuring, thanks



>playing soccer

Next you should use your magical powers to stop being gay



Do further studies upon this ability you have. You can probably use it for much greater things. In fact if you, with your power of manifestation, team up with mages which can help you supply the energy, shit could become pretty damn awesome. Shit, sign me up, fam. Keep in mind that your manifestation is limited to manipulation of probability, anything beyond that is a lot harder. But if done right that shit can be so powerful you won't need anything beyond that.


In fact, OP, if you need a "mentor" / "partner in crime" / "devil to make a deal with" / "bro to help you learn to control this stuff a little better" feel free to contact me. I got a bullshit email adress for this kinda stuff: hollownobody@web.de, I dunno, I only check it every now and then but I'll respond eventually.

(Self-sage for doublepost. Not that it matters on this slow ass board.)


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i'm guessing it's easier to do because it's an unspecific shotgun-like will and not very detailed right?

also, right now i'm still testing this, i'm gonna try this again next practise and really see if i can repeat the results, i can conjure up complete faith and *knowing* in that moment of meditation but i'm still hesitant in all this and haven't fully convinced myself yet.

as for your help, that's appreciated but right now i'd rather try and learn a little more about all this for myself, i will keep your email in mind though, thanks dude, have a great day.


>just a coincidence

No such thing.

Although that doesn't mean one always gets the significance of coincidence right.



Usually sniper-like works better than shotgun, but since you're manipulating probability in a game containing so many different probabilities the shotgun approach might be more effective considering that you are new to this. To really master this skill try to find something outside of soccer where you can concentrate on a very specific possibility. Personally I've managed to make a couple bucks on the roulette table that way, just always bet on red or black and try to influence that. This is a good training since red and black are easy to visualize, too. So far I never lost any money on that table but I also played carefully, took my time and didn't become greedy.



i'll try coin-flipping then, only two possibilities that are easy to visualize.


Great idea anon, I should try that as well

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