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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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Liberation from the demiurge is almost complete by the light forces



Props if true, anon.



>victory of the larp blog

>"power of goddess"

lol into the trash with you


>feminine power of goddess

>love and light



This rings all alarm bells with me. But you have fun OP, I am pretty sure you know exactly what your doing



Try reading the rest of the blog and you will understand more, this is not channeled crap like the rest.


Oh boy, Dads age of childcare for us is over, now mom's gonna visit us for the next age? Hell Yeah! I see the amazing uplifting changes already! It's gonna be so much fun. I hope mom gives us all a transhuman android transgender goth gf. I just wish I could control my fucking urge to slap every new age plaedian I see in this board across the face

Welcome home Mom Lilith, see ya later Dad Jehova.



alright I'm sorry, I do not want to slap you across the face.

I want to be honest with you, I'd rather have the goddess spread her legs for us instead of getting a transhuman transgenger android goth gf. And I will not call her Isis, because that really turns me off. Lilith is so much hotter, and it's the same goddess anyway so who cares. Sure enough I can imagine Isis as a hot naked egyptian goddes, but it's not easy and the name just sounds shitty, while with Lilith I instantly get a boner, so that's about it



what parasites.


beware false light.



Isis is the Greco-Roman adaptation

You're talking about Aset



Greetings, I am a longtime follower of the Cobra movement since 2012. I have read all of the articles, interviews, etc. Please listen to what I have to say.

These two threads expose the current fraudulent controller(Ishtar Antares) of the 2012portal website who is recycling old information given by the original Cobra, a Slovenian named Alojzia Sulla. He has done all the interviews since 2013, you can clearly see that he is the same as the Ishtar Antares in his interview without the voice-modulation. The WHOIS info of the 2012portal site is registered to Ishtar Antares, and donations are redirected to him. Ishtar has taken a new turn recently as you can see in his recent coded update "COBRA Upgraded." where he has faked the death of the original Cobra Sulla's wife, Isis Astara, who is elderly, in order to take full control of the website.



I do not deny that 2012portal has some great information, but you need to be careful about placing your trust in it's information, or you need to use heavy discernment. Some of the information is correct because Ishtar has Sulla's notes where he recycles information. But all of his codes, and "current news" updates are made up by him…

Thank you for listening. It is my recommendation that you take the path I have, and stop externalizing your oppression. The so called "light forces" are not here to save us from anything, we can only save ourselves. And it is not all of us. It is only "for the few". You would be best to find another religious/spiritual paradigm which actually empowers your spiritual capabilities to find out the truth about current magical events taking place in the world.



>the ((("light forces"))) (aka false light) are not here to save us from anything

>we can only save ourselves


>and it's not all of us. it's only for "the few"




Many are called, but few are chosen.

Verses 23, 24, 25, 26, 27 and 28 of the 13th chapter of Luke textually say:

“Then said one unto him, ‘Lord, are there few that be saved?’ And he said unto them,

“‘Strive to enter in at the strait gate: for many, I say unto you, will seek to enter in, and shall not be able.

“‘When once the master of the house is risen up, and hath shut to the door, and ye begin to stand without, and to knock at the door, saying ‘Lord, Lord open unto us:’ and he shall answer and say unto you, ‘I know you not whence ye are’:

“‘Then ye shall begin to say, ‘we have eaten and drunk in thy presence, and thou hast taught in our streets.’

“But he shall say, ‘I tell you, I know you not whence ye are; depart from me, all ye workers of iniquity.’

“There shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth, when ye shall see Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, and all of the Prophets, in the kingdom of God, and you yourselves thrust out.”

Matthew 7:13-14

13. Enter in at the narrow gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leads to destruction, and many there be who go in there:

14. Because narrow is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leads unto life, and few there be that find it.

The Theosophists are mistaken when they affirm that all human beings will reach liberation. This concept is not accepted by the Gnostic Church because it is false.

On our planet Earth, the outcome will be likewise. Only a small group of people will be born as Angels. You, Montalk fellow, would refer to it in your Law of One material as the "Harvest of the Sun". This is for the few. The majority of the humanity will be swallowed up by the abyss and reach the second death, where the essence of their monads have to begin anew as a mineral elemental.

What is this race useful for? There is already no reason for the existence of this race. It is not useful for the solar experiment. This humanity is made up of people that have no interest in the solar ideas. This root race thinks only of their bank accounts, of new cars, of the actors and actresses in Hollywood. These are people who only want passionate, sexual pleasures, drugs, etc.

Obviously, this humanity is not useful for the solar experiment. People like these have to be destroyed and this is what the Sun is going to do. The Sun will destroy these people and will create a new root race in new continents that will emerge from the bottom of the ocean.



>humanity is useless, degenerate and desructive shit

Finally someone understands what I am thinking.



Better to return to the way of basest earth than to enter a false heaven based on ego distinction. Truer here to be the clay than the potter.



May you leave samsara forever. It wants you no more than you want it. Get out.




The torturous recycling of poor souls. Oh how I long for the day to leave this rotten machine for good. There is more to existence than to be trapped here.



Out, out, out. Stop longing and go.



Can you elaborate on what you mean by "false heaven based on ego distinction"? What does "ego distinction" mean? Let it be known that the Kingdom of Heaven within you espoused by Jesus Christ is beyond the mechanity of Samsara and the ego.



The very language used implies ego distinction. Angels, Christ, etc etc. Whatever energies make up my higher self, they will have none of it. A cosmic self is totally integral or else a shell game. I don't want to be an angel, exalted, given all sorts of goodness knows what titles and pomp, and I certainly don't want to now down before some great cosmic petulance which adores them! Nuts to that. Sign me up to be an elemental at the bottom of the ocean.


"The path to immortality is hard, and only a few find it.

The rest await the Great Day when the wheels of the universe shall be stopped and the immortal sparks shall escape from the sheaths of substance.

Woe unto those who wait, for they must return again, unconscious and unknowing, to the seed-ground of the stars, and await a new beginning." ~ Hermes Trismegistus



let me dissect this bit for bit:

the bible verses, as the rest of the bible, are tainted by corrupt demiurgic influence and are at best retold ancient fables and legends with the real message still mostly passing through, and at worst a spiritual limiter and enchainer.

theosophy is wrong in many, many things, but in the respect of

>they affirm that all human beings will reach liberation

they are right.

>people being born as angels

angels exist as messengers, as emissaries. of what? several things (and most lead into the corrupt demiurge). because they are messengers, it's implied that there are beings higher up on their "echelon" or "hierarchy".

but the Universe, and the One that is All and One has 0 global, encompassing hierarchies as they are generally thought about; the Natural Laws provide a far more flexible framework of advancing spiritually.

the presence and the need to hang on the "cold, hard hierarchy" to progress means that it's part of a matrix: another one within this one (and the many other, comparatively tiny ones).

abyss. why a final ending for something that is Infinite and Eternal?

>only their monads will survive the "second death"

but since monads (or rather, pluralities of the One) are already Infinite and Eternal, it means that nothing is lost: all the former lives were and are being integrated into your Higher Self's and the All's (Infinite Source's) experiences, and considering that your Higher Self is an "ultimate evolution" of yourself…

and do remember: "harvests" are the false light herding you into a place where your energy can be sucked more easily.

>humanity is not useful

of course that it is useful. by incarnating here (or being duped into it through the ((("lords of karma")))), you are in the Hardest Training Course of the Whole Universe, and even beyond (majuscles added for emphasis).

>solar experiement

such a thing is inexistent. this place is serious for the True Light Beings and all who choose to multiply their spiritual evolutions's speeds by a hundredfold (and even more!)

>what is this race useful for?

>they are materialistic and do not want to understand "solar" ideas!

these individuals who refuse to want to understand "solar" ideas as you put them, are either:

a. unevolved spiritually

they have just begun their journeys here, or only have few lives in this matrix. physical to spiritual. without these incentives, they would express their "physical learning drive" in another ways.

b. brainwashed into it

done for a long time by (((them)))

c. low vibrational/STS

self-explainatory. they are like this because their frequencies are low, and the STS ideology is characteristic of low vibrational beings. raising the vibrations would fix this issue.

d. all the above

it happens.

>destroy and remake all those who did not evolve

it's the same thing as the "harvests". they are inexistent: the only ones that "appear" to be real are false light ploys.

it is my view that everyone and everything that has a Consciousness (all of Creation) can be redeemed and eventually merge back with the Infinite Source Itself. as they came from It, why wouldn't they be able to return to It? this is a journey to learn and experience!.

peace! :D




the Earth was meant as a botanical garden for the experience of seeing many species together. until the modern human was crafted (in atlantean and lemurian times, the garden aspect was still present, and still persists nowadays through the dazzling varieties of life).

i am a non-dualitarian. this means that i am beyond STS and STO: i have integrated both into the Oneness of the Infinite Source.


you speak truth. if you really want to relive the experience, you may incarnate as a water elemental (or, rather, a blob of water with your Being imbedded in it).

do always remember to evade (((they))) and the (((white light trap)))



P. sure Lao Tzu would approve of being a water elemental if someone is going to remain mortal. The plan right now is to enjoy natural perfection and to say to everything "this too is me," Advaita-style. The stuffy types can fuck off out of samsara, I'll happily inherit it. In fact, I'll go one step further. I'm not content with a decent rebirth. I want to be reborn as everything, I want back in on Hermes' fractal game, I'm going to nest the cosmic dream within itself, like that dead Xzibit meme. The more I do this, the more I remember this was the plan. Should the brainiacs try to nuke the planet, or should they choke it full of mutagens (which they've discussed on here before), I'll just pick a form and start again like last time. Dualistic 'enlightenment' can suck it.

Sorry, I haven't gotten around to that akashic record stuff you told me about but I hope this counts in some way because I'm pretty sure this was always the plan. Was this always the plan? Anyways, it's a good enough plan for now. I get a 'universal telepathy' vibe from my endgame here, am I getting warmer? You know what, I'm going for it. Going to stuff this incarnation so full of intuition that I'll lodge in bardo's throat and explode everywhere and come back as a pineal ghost.



>P. sure Lao Tzu would approve of being a water elemental if someone is going to remain mortal.

Don't think you can speak for Lao Tzu because I bet he would see that you are not getting it at all. He would only laugh and laugh.

What I notice about your posts is that not only do you come off as a overhyped edgelord but you are also unhealthy obsessed with being in samsara and being the lowest shit you can possible be. Where does this obsession come from? Brainwashed this much, or with stockholm syndrome? Why can't you just be at peace and accept what it, since you yourself see this world as "natural perfection".

"Dualistic enlightenment" can suck it. Thanks for this wise words, edgemaster.


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Op here I posted the same post on the vampire thread. Sometimes you can get blinded if you follow the same path for too long.

I did some more diggin

I have been following cobra from all the way back to 2014 but recently things have been off with him so I did some more research and I found these links doxing him and showing who he really is.

His name is ishtar and he lives in slovania, he has a site called aurora2012.net which he dosent use anymore. The real cobra died in 2013 called sulla and his partner ishtar took control of the movement from there on out.


Here you can hear him without the voice modulation.



Always use your own discerment and intuition with information like this.

Always good to look at things from different perspectives.



I use only your own language. Surely this cannot so offend you? If I would be a joke to Lao Tzu that he would laugh at, good! May I be a funny one.

>Where does this obsession come from?

From where comes the obsessive desire to attain enlightenment? I am no more or less attached to the low places than you to the high. Consider me your balance, and you mine. Where would I be without you, really? You wish to escape samsara, I wish to embrace it. By embracing that which comes to me, do I not then balance the universe so that you might escape it, as is your fervent wish? Realize your wish immediately! As you will exist outside samsara, I shall exist within it.

>you are obsessed with being the lowest

>I will insult you and your position

Then our wishes shall both be fulfilled at once! You will escape this wretched torture chamber by giving me up to samsara, and I will stay in this palace by giving you up to nirvana. Surely this is just in line with your goal and views? One edgelord could not possibly do damage to your spiritual development, just as you could not possibly lift up an ego so obsessed with being low and base.

Therefore, get out of here! Don't stick around in the lower realms with me while you have the chance to escape! Go now and don't look back, never return to samsara!



I actually owe you a great debt, my balance. I will take on all karmic debt of yours if you will, out of generosity, permit me to remain here with my fantasies and delusions. Give your fetters and obstacles up to me, I accept them readily and will take your place on the round!


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You as well! I'll take your karmic debt upon myself. I stand foolish and unafraid of the cost. Your debts, I will pay.


Duality is an illusion created to prevent insanity and eventual complete destruction of the universe. There is no god, there is only you and me. We are the only people in the universe. I am a pair of hands typing this, and you are the eyes reading them. This is a computer simulation where every possible outcome already happened, it's just up to you to go towards something now that everything already happened. You are essentially living out a script. Nothing is great about you winning the super bowl, everybody has already won the big game. Cancer was cured infinite eternities ago. There is some other section of us 500 trillion galaxies away living a life where just breathing gives you the pleasure of 500 Christmas Days x 999999999999999999, but yeah let's just sit on Earth watching The Voice.




If a Muslim blows up an American building, he gets put in Guantanimo Bay and is tortured and eventually killed. In America he is the worst demon who ever existed, and in the Middle East he is the second coming of Christ. The same American who considers themselves the Almighty One who goes and blows up a village for "freedom" (((oil))), killing 13 children, will be considered Michael The Archangel in Dallas and is considered Azmodeus Luciferus Satanus Charlesmansonus in Iran.

So who is evil? Does it just come down to who gets to the top first? I have a theory that when the universe was created I looked around like woaaaaaah and that is the only reason Other Person got the head start and went on to enslave everyone in their narcissist hell. This person is praised throughout so many cultures, but if I would have won and they kept at their ways I would be throwing these Bushes Clintons Obamas and Trumps into mental institutions.

The only way karma would work is if two groups consented to a merging , and they maybe used some sort of arbitrator or just negotiated for a awhile until everything was worked out, then they set up a new plateau where they would right what they viewed as wrong. Their right would most likely still be anothers wrong still, and then if that group merged with some others and go strong enough they would eventually get stronger and impose their KARMA system on their enemy.

It ain't all black and white and anyone saying otherwise is a retarded simpleton.



Wow the fact that the only thing I like reading anymore is my own words is proof that I am the only person who exists and everyone I encounter are just ghosts. Somebody prove me fucking wrong by enlightening me somehow. I have zero knowledge of cars - show me how, starting today, I can start gathering old parts from junkyards and building cars that I can then sell. That sounds fucking awesome, I'm bored as fuck, society is a gay , and the only thing that doesn't make me feel like I am being murdered is doing something independently. If you aren't contributing to that in any way then holy fuck you are just a human pop up /

my lesser form and need to fuck off.



The only two? That's generous. I only count one and even then, it's speculative. I'm no more than your idea, and even I don't know who you are, so the question remains, are you at all, and if so, what is you?



Just because they disagree doesn't mean one of them is right. Islamists and americans are both terrorists when they kill people, they all go to hell for it.



>other persons all ghosts

You mean NPCs?



No thanks I keep and resolve my own Karma. I've been thinking about what you wrote and I admit it's not as hard to understand. At least when it comes to being human and staying in Samsara I can definetly see the appeal of this and see why someone would choose that. Cheers mate.


Karma is a choice. When you realize this, you are free. No need to debase and deny yourself.



Karma doesn't make sense forwards and backwards. It is a choice at best but what I suspect is that it is a flat out lie, a cultist brainwashing scheme to fuck up as many retards as possible.



Thank you! Perfect liberation is yours, may you see it immediately.



You are both correct. I use the concept of karma as an illustration within the context of a low/high duality. It is illusory, as empty as anything. Here I quote Longchenpa:

<Karma does not even exist on its own low level of existential understanding. It is part of the universal delusion, maya, self-delusion. Not even a crutch, it is always a glitch. Karma is not something to be tolerated provisionally; it is something of the order of the snake that is delusively projected upon the proverbial rope.



>karma is part of the universal delusion

in other words, karma is a constant-variant that exists and affects you for as long as you are present in this hyperholographic matrix of learning: through karma, the process of learning lessons receives a twist and gets a bit of automation (that is ignorable).

karma is self regulated by itself. all the ((("lord of karma" "you must return because you have bad karma!!!111"))) lies are trickery.

*karma is as much as a choice as leaving this matrix behind.*



>we are free now.



>we are perfectly liberated and free.




Nah, reality is real. You and Longchingchong won't get me this time either, Thula Doom.


>hyperholographic matrix of learning

You should get out in the fresh air more, my young friend.


Not really a lie, but the whole approach to it usually is. Your interpretation, while technically incorrect, is the most healthy.



the truth is out there for those with eyes to see. (which is to mean, everybody, everything and All)



That's true at least.



>nah reality is real

ror, that's like saying "you're wrong, it's not a turd, it's a dump," absence applies either way.


>Not Longdingdong




>ror, that's like saying "you're wrong, it's not a turd, it's a dump," absence applies either way.

No, it's not. Illusory implies non-reality, which is wrong. There is right and there is wrong.

>>Not Longdingdong


It might be sad, but that's how it is when it comes to oriental sages.



Texts such as those demonstrate the constructs of the mind laid out in scripture, presented to churches and religious practitioners/leaders, who may or may not understand the heart of the meaning in such literature, but you anon cannot depend on consistently pinning the 'corrupt demiurge' on everything. The scripture of the bible is to not be taken literally, just as with any text aligned to religious indoctrination. Even Jesus was against such confinement of his teachings, for they turned those who desired to learn of him into followers. He already had followers once, and learned from what they did. His lessons are to be heeded and demonstrated through discipline. When you read of sections in scripture, such as Luke 17:21 for example, what do you see?

>For they shalt not say 'Lo here!', or say 'Lo there!', for, behold, the Kingdom of God is WITHIN you

It is meant to illustrate that one must come to love thyself (not of pride), bringing one closer to their higher self, bringing one closer to spirit which ignites our hope. The scriptures are meant to illustrate what has and is happening within us, not what is happening outside of us in this world. This is where you are able to discern if someone truly understands the teachings, and thus avoid any facades with those unaware, in which there is too many, for they do not bear in-depth the eyes to see or the ears to hear which are not physical at all in nature.


Duality is a construct built upon an aspect in Hermiticism (to my understanding, but there is always room to expand on that), unfortunately not objectively understood and instead utilized to harass and conquer the spirit and soul of others underneath it, heavily laden with forces that affect the mindstate of the conscious observer who happens upon it. It is polarity under two sides, which is the aspect of duality to provide but one or the other to those unaware of the path in the middle - simply because in the dao, there highlights aspects of both in each the yin and yan. However, the curve in between is indicative to the unfollowed path, for it cannot be followed, only walked without speculation. To summarize, if you place yourself in duality, in yin/yan, you subscribe to being one or the other, not realizing that there exists a third path very thinly veiled. But there are many corruptions in any work that attempt to bind the human whose awareness is bleak and undeveloped to one or the other. Word of advice, seek no longer and you shall find, but continue to seek, and you shall become blind.



Texts such as those demonstrate the constructs of the mind laid out in scripture, presented to churches and religious practitioners/leaders, who may or may not understand the heart of the meaning in such literature, but you anon cannot depend on consistently pinning the 'corrupt demiurge' on everything. The scripture of the bible is to not be taken literally, just as with any text aligned to religious indoctrination. Even Jesus was against such confinement of his teachings, for they turned those who desired to learn of him into followers. He already had followers once, and learned from what they did. His lessons are to be heeded and demonstrated through discipline. When you read of sections in scripture, such as Luke 17:21 for example, what do you see?

>For they shalt not say 'Lo here!', or say 'Lo there!', for, behold, the Kingdom of God is WITHIN you

It is meant to illustrate that one must come to love thyself (not of pride), bringing one closer to their higher self, bringing one closer to spirit which ignites our hope. The scriptures are meant to illustrate what has and is happening within us, not what is happening outside of us in this world. This is where you are able to discern if someone truly understands the teachings, and thus avoid any facades with those unaware, in which there is too many, for they do not bear in-depth the eyes to see or the ears to hear which are not physical at all in nature.


Duality is a construct built upon an aspect in Hermiticism (to my understanding, but there is always room to expand on that), unfortunately not objectively understood and instead utilized to harass and conquer the spirit and soul of others underneath it, heavily laden with forces that affect the mindstate of the conscious observer who happens upon it. It is polarity under two sides, which is the aspect of duality to provide but one or the other to those unaware of the path in the middle - simply because in the dao, there highlights aspects of both in each the yin and yan. However, the curve in between is indicative to the unfollowed path, for it cannot be followed, only walked without speculation. To summarize, if you place yourself in duality, in yin/yan, you subscribe to being one or the other, not realizing that there exists a third path very thinly veiled. But there are many corruptions in any work that attempt to bind the human whose awareness is bleak and undeveloped to one or the other. Word of advice, seek no longer and you shall find, but continue to seek, and you shall become blind.



There is no way you're able to actually prove anything beyond the "something is" claim of solipsism. You cannot prove that it, whatever it is, has qualities in either time or space.

All manifestations of this are illusory, holographic. Just because an illusion is without the 'real' qualities you would expect it to have does not mean it is not real, it is simply empty. It has reality, as an illusion. Similarly, your life, whatever it may be, has value as a set of experiences, but what is the final sum? Is there any eternal quality it has? No, absolutely not! Nothing is immutable save for the one is-ness which is outside all relative and dualistic descriptors, having no qualities which can be proven, save for it being all being and nonbeing.

If you don't like my language, fair enough, but it is flatly not possible for you to prove anything has any kind of substance beyond this thing. Therefore, if you want to talk about the many manifestations in your life, cool beans, but it's apples and oranges. It's a bit like if I took you to go see some ridiculous movie and you believed every word of it was literally true and happening in front of you, solely because you saw it on screen. You're trying to say I'm tricking you somehow for pointing out that the whole thing is a projection and that it only exists as a film, and not as a series of real events you were witness to.




>Not Longdingdong


>It might be sad, but that's how it is when it comes to oriental sages.

Haha, oh man. Had a good laugh, thanks mates.



Small wonder (literally) that all the Asian masters are so good at grasping things in zero dimensions…



>words have no meaning

Then why do you use them?


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You have some issues following this through to the logical conclusions they entail. If "words aren't real," as you put it, then I haven't said anything, therefore, I don't use them and your point is null. However, obviously they are relatively real, as manifestations. I haven't negated for even one second manifestations as manifestations. I've only pointed them out as such. Knowing that a movie is just a projection doesn't stop it from being a movie, it doesn't stop it from playing, it only means I'm not shitting bricks thinking I'm stuck in a movie. I know I can get up and go to the bathroom, sneak into another theater, go stuff my face with popcorn until I look like I'm from middle america, whatever.

Nothing I do or do not do is ever going to change the nature of rigpa. It's inherent, there's nothing you can do to change it. You can't get farther from it, you can't get closer to it, there's nothing you can do to attain it, there's nothing you can do to lose it. You ask why I use words. I use words because it helps with certain things like communication, which is just as empty as anything else. I would have left this as is, but you seem interested, and let's be honest, being called Thulsa Doom is pretty flattering on a wizarding board.


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>You have some issues following this through to the logical conclusions

Pots and kettles.

>If "words aren't real," as you put it

Why do you quote me with things I didn't say? No, really. Don't just jump ahead to your oriental semantic games. Take a break and contemplate why you do that.

>However, obviously they are relatively real, as manifestations.

This sentence doesn't mean anything. It looks like it does, but it doesn't. Lingpingpong would be proud of you.

>I use words because it helps with certain things like communication, which is just as empty as anything else.

So why?

>I would have left this as is, but you seem interested, and let's be honest, being called Thulsa Doom is pretty flattering on a wizarding board.

You're welcome.


Liberation is not imminent and this thread is pure nonsense. We should just let it die instead of keeping it alive with useless discussions


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This thread is now random discussion thread! XD



>it is my view that everyone and everything that has a Consciousness (all of Creation) can be redeemed and eventually merge back with the Infinite Source!

ayylmao's obsessed with turning people into mulch



>New age


it's all the same m8



Ah, sorry, misread. Oh well! You don't seem too broken up about it.

>Longchowmein would be proud




you still are unique. realizing Oneness also means that the All is Infinite Potential. fractality means that you are never "mulchified", you are always "distinct", even as you and all came from the Infinite Source. in this sense We are One.



Don't worry too much about whether or not any given ego is woken up to this. I'm sure this sounds counterintuitive from the position of fighting the demiurge, but no amount of ego delusion is capable of uncoupling the infinite source, as you put it, from things as they are, corrupt demiurge and its matrix included. To maintain awareness of this even as one ego is essentially performing the act of liberating other egos by eliminating the distance between your ego and theirs.



What is the sound of one ass being blasted? Come on buddy, I've been good about keeping it in only a couple threads. It spilling over to other threads is just rude. You want to drag your disagreement out, that's your business. Take it up with the Montalk anon.



What is it, divine and perfect natural friend? You won't be mad, will you? You realize all is perfect and divine, do you? We are all one, friend. I am only a perfect and divine being doing perfect and divine stuff, just like you.

wait with what natural perfection I will come up next with



>girl saves cat


>spaceship came and they told me they love me

yeah i see were this is going



>being this butt flustered over one guy.


what the ones that read your thoughts and violate every universal right in the name of jebus?



Sweet fucking fuck… I know exactly what this is about. I have heard her. I have felt her presence. Do not be so quick to allow her to deceive you. I thought she was good until I started asking her questions and seeing that she was not what she seemed at first. BEWARE!



And everything appears as 3,6 or 9. Words do have meaning, but not as we understand them. The 'letters and numbers of the world' are all from the source code. The source is observable.. it is the the intersection point of 'three streams'. The question is.. Can that book be read? It is said that it can only be read by one.but once he can everyone will be able to.

I believe that soon the myth will no longer be a myth.



How the fuck is this shit not an useless larp?

>le goddess xdd

>"planetary liberation" crap

>meme writing style "i know everything" type of shit



You're asking me to act or not act causally based on the recognition of a thing which is outside causality. You've mistaken a recognition of an inherent thing as some sort of duty, or something to be strived for, attained, listened to, or some such causal concept. This misses the point completely. You're trying to parody a point you haven't grasped.


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Read the thread before posting figgets :^) i made a post explaining my viewpoint further below.>>116870

Right here.

In the esoteric field you should always use your own discernment, and things might not be as observed.

Its easy to redicule someone with an adhominem without looking further into the matter. I have followed cobra all the way back from 2014 and he had some really good info back then. But now he is changing. Discern at your own caution is what im saying :)

Nobody likes to be deceived. We all make mistakes.



I agree, I posted the same here >>116870

As I said before, you can lose your sense of reality when you only follow one source of information. :)



I'm not asking you to do anything, friend. You must really love to write lots of meaningless, empty phrases. This does not impress me, in fact I do not even wish to talk to you. Have a good day.



Good luck to you, my poor friend.



>Its easy to redicule someone with an adhominem without looking further into the matter.

Are you retarded? That site looks like a gay sci-fi larp



I dident say it wasn't, I just said discern at your own caution. It might be a gay sci-fi larp who knows?

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