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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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File: 75792d2b24f2821⋯.jpg (99.15 KB, 1024x420, 256:105, age-of-mythology-87456.jpg)


We can see similarities and paralellity in Greek, Norse, Roman Egyptian and Sumerian gods.

Who were these gods and titans?

As far as I know the stars were named after gods by Romans, but could they name the stars after their properties? For example name Neptune as "Neptune" while it indeed looks blue like water, and Neptune is the god of sea. By that time they had no methods to see the stars up close until the renaissance age as far as I know. Not to mention all the astrological symbolism.

Anyway, what do you think, what do you know about them? Were these gods real entities, some kinda beings? Or just pilosophical concepts?

If they were just philosophical archetypes, why do all the above mentioned nations have basically the same gods (only the name is different)?




None of the faggots replied anything so far but the "get me laid" posts are always popular smh.

This is a valid and good question though


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Neptune is simply invisible to the naked eye, OP.

Traditional astrology goes no further than Saturn, all the properties attributed to Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Chiron and so on are just New Age revisionist fluff

The Lilith feared by Jews is none other than the Dark Goddess Kali, just like Satan is Set http://www.angelfire.com/journal/cathbodua/Demons/Lilith.html

Overall it sounds safe to me to assume that there are essentially two divine factions: pagan Gods and Goddesses that can manifest both in benevolent and dark forms and the Jewish Demiurge on the other; the latter attempts to control Gentiles by spreading fear of the dark forms of the non-Jewish gods and depicting it as plain evil

Never really thought about Titans though


The book of enoch talks about these beings that were spiritual and decided to come to earth to fuck human women becouse they were qt.

The offspring from these unions were giants.

I believe these first ones were what we know as Titans and their kids as Gods.

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