Upon researching about her not long ago, she apparently is able to reflect the self back to an individual who comes into contact with her. Perhaps she has somewhat mastered her own ability to readily redirect someone's energy back to themselves, engaging somewhat as a medium for the self and the Higher Self to connect and possibly unite. However, mediums are something I do not consider lightly, for there are many who proclaim their powers and are just like those who do the same and claim to be alpha. One is not alpha upon speaking it, yet they are by showing/demonstrating it (lead by example, not word).
Some of the research entails a brief dive into the system of Human Design, a system which claims that the spleen (or spleenic authority) as part of chakras, expanding them to 8. This system is neither promoted or denounced, for there are tidbits of truth in many things. This system (or soul trap) elates that people fall under 5 categories: Generator, Projector, Manifesting Generator, Manifestor. and the last which holds less than 1% of the world's population, Reflector. She happens to fall under the last, which explains that those who are Reflectors are completely open figures, with certain channels within their centers designed for specific purposes. In short, she is able to directly reflect the energy of an individual she comes into contact with upon being in their presence, which possibly explains her situation somewhat. They are open, and thus susceptible to harm by others (such as 'Manifestors', who have a very dense energy field). Upon taking the test, this anon here happened to fall under the same, and although coincidences are something I do not feel drawn to traditionally (because reasons, obviously), it does shed light on some areas of this life.
Furthermore, she has been prone to blackmail from agencies supposedly, and those who have initiated critical backlash on her, as to which I am uncertain, if it was in relation to her work. For the record, I do not see her as a threat or a possible operative, as there may be those playing on her work of course, and possibly setting her up or attempting to deface what she does. Keep an open but skeptical mind as always, and do not feel afraid to question. Although I would question why this thread was derailed and turned into a shitposter's wet dream about something that belongs in another board, digression remains.