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March 2019 - 8chan Transparency Report
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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

File: 5062fe1ff3d11c5⋯.jpg (3.85 MB, 2664x4000, 333:500, DSCF1609.JPG)


Look into the middle of the circle on this lamp for 30-60 seconds intensely.

Zionist spirits have now been cleansed from your mind!

I tested this on a zionist working as a temple site guide in Israel and it worked almost instantly, after asking him to identify the symbolism. If you do not believe me, I dare you to try it yourself!

You will feel the effect.


Thanks I guess.


>stare at some Judaic symbols

>you'll be free of Judaic influence

This is bait


File: 0d46816679f6f2f⋯.jpg (4.71 MB, 4000x3000, 4:3, DSCF1744.JPG)


>This is bait

Yes, bait for zionist spirits to enter the trap.



WTF OP, I stared at it, now I'm circumcised!



Great! You are now waking up and realizing the abuse committed against your body!

It was not merely your genitals that were circumcised, so even you mind, that which you did not realize it before!


How does one pick up zionist spirits?



By watching porn and anime



Cowboy Bebop is the only anime I came across that is not complete degenerate horseshit. In fact classifying it as an anime would be an insult to the genius series. It is definetly worth watching, very philosophical and gives you lots to think about. The Characters are all likable and relateable, especially the main two guys. The Cowboy Bebop movie which was released after the series gives a nice addition to it and even amps up the philosophical aspect by a lot.

By todays standarts of a braindead and degenerate consumerbase the show would most likely be deemed as boring and slow, but it isn't. It doesn't feature sex and stupidity but instead has a high-quality story, philosphy and is full of feeling. The only "degeneracy" in it is the violence and fighting, but it's about bountyhunters in space after all. It also has lots of comedy in it.



Hell yeah! Cowboy Bebop has a very mature style, yet there is a certain innocence to it. The show is pure goodness. No overly cartoonish drawing style, no giant bouncing tits, no squeaky child voices, no pantyshots, no stupid and pointless themes or idiot talks. This show is unlike any other anime. You can clearly see that it was made in "the past times" when entertainment still had soul and was made with love….and boy does Cowboy Bebop have lots of soul and love.

And it's fairly short so no excuse to not watch it.



Watch serial experiment lain, paranoia agent, read devilman, monster, oyasumi punpun and Eden it's an endless world.

It's not degenerate.


File: d5e58cfcf8e412b⋯.jpg (3.22 MB, 3224x2588, 806:647, 1488623189473.jpg)

File: 834baf6f00d48d2⋯.png (99.54 KB, 528x480, 11:10, Laughing_man.png)


If you discard all modern anime as bad because a majority of them are degenerate, you're just exposing your ignorance. Little Witch Academia really has that innocense and excitement you'd expect from a magic themed anime, and it develops well as the series progresses.

Also, don't forget Ghost in the Shell - Stand Alone Complex, it's essential for really understanding online culture, it got so many things right. What is a "stand alone complex"? It's a meme. The story explores the creation of the "laughing man" phenomenon

>copycats with no original


File: 5990d720dc7323a⋯.png (3.96 MB, 1143x1600, 1143:1600, Fmab-poster[1].png)




>thread degenerates into anime thread.

>no one mentions this masterpiece.

I'm disappointed.


File: 2bc4d8302bfaefb⋯.jpg (36.83 KB, 300x415, 60:83, elias-ainsworth-drinking-t….jpg)

No one likes "Fringe: the Anime"?

Makes more references to European occultism than Berserk.


File: 26abbdd677b537b⋯.jpg (28.23 KB, 614x439, 614:439, 1fqogp.jpg)

Oh god what have I started…

Be gone foul weeb neckbeards!

The power of christ compells you! The power of christ compells you!



File: 34bfdeace0576df⋯.jpg (160.38 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault.jpg)


lmao you cannot just exercise the weaboo. once a man he changed his very soul to that of a japanese loli through watching countless hours of anime about little girls for little girls so because of "its" now altered biomatrix "it" is protected from all outside influence.

You have to go directly to the source of their power and destroy it…they will vanish like their last dignity and manhood once vanished.

their source is pic related




Also beware of them speaking their devilish curses in tongues..which is actually very bad japanese


File: 6be9a505c9b5787⋯.jpg (18.49 KB, 252x244, 63:61, Aphrodite.jpg)


Kurwa kawaii desu ne



that's mongolian you dip


File: 739c9f923809921⋯.png (340.33 KB, 640x720, 8:9, 1493927995866.png)


La noche est belle desu wa aishimasu.


wtf i'm a rabbi now



There are lots of good fringe anime, like Lain. Your gonna be hard pressed to find much after like 2002 though.


Brotherhood was too cutesy, the original was better.


SAC was a shit in my opinion but the original movie was amazing.



>SAC was a shit in my opinion

Your opinion is shit then since you clearly didn't understand it.

The original mind hacking theme was a product of the 90s when the internet was still not used widely. It made sense at the time, but in retrospective it's quite limited. SAC explores modern online culture and predicts accurately things appearing several years later, therein lies its value.



So, basically, your argument is because SAC is newer it is better. That's nice, but rather shallow; much like the dialogue and characters in the first couple of episodes I dragged myself through. I was actually excited for it, but it was an utter disappointment. The characters had zero depth, the story was mind numbingly slow and the action was sub-par. The only show worse than it that I remember form that time was Death note, which I wouldn't be surprised if you were a fan of as well.

At the end of the day though, such things are subjective.

>tl;dr stop liking what I don't like, etc



>the first couple of episodes I dragged myself through

The show is in all 52 episodes + movies. You can talk after you actually watched it.

>>tl;dr stop liking what I don't like, etc

I didn't comment on what you like, I criticised your criticism of one of the best shows in last 20 years. It appears I was right in doing so since it was based on nothing.



So, tell me again why I should watch 52 episodes + movies of a show that literally bored me to tears? It was virtually nothing but people talking about nothing while trying to sound smart. It was like a professor of the humanities condensed into an anime. Not worth watching, at all imo, let alone devoting hours of my life which would be better spent sleeping, eating or staring at a wall.

Saying it is one of the best shows in 20 years is baseless. It was almost as bad as the Hollywood bastardization of the original classic. You have a right to your opinion, but your opinion is nothing more than that.

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