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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

File: d800ff80fe5eee6⋯.jpg (950.88 KB, 2284x2470, 1142:1235, 140418-coslog-heaven_c2a5a….jpg)


If malicious forces can absorb negative energy for their benefit, what is stopping an individual from absorbing their own negative energy and putting it to good use?

I for one, enjoy experiencing most 'conventionally negative' emotions. Fear can be fun, as can sadness, even a full on panic attack can feel good. (not good, but like i don't feel the need to avoid it, if that makes sense)



negativity can be transmuted into positivity and Unconditional Love. you can also, as you do, experience negativeness as positive learning experiences. either way it's a good exercise.

>the picture

it depicts the corrupt demiurge, actually.



Fear and panic can temper you. But uncontrolled fear and panic will deceive your wisdom. Balance is important, tip your scales too far in any one direction and it will be your undoing. If anything I think exposing oneself to fear can be a good thing, as long as you approach it with the attitude of defeating that specific fear once and for all.

Negative thought forms are a good example of this, actually. They stop fucking with you once you stop fearing their presence. Last time I encountered them it was a small group and after I said "What are you here for? Cant you see I dont fear you?" They just stood there for a bit and I lectured them. "Why are you coming to me to feed anyway? Dont you know who created your miserable existence?" Then I explained to them how jews use fear mongering to get idiots to accidentally create negative tulpas and it is the jews they should be going after. :^)



>"Why are you coming to me to feed >anyway? Dont you know who created >your miserable existence?" Then I >explained to them how jews use fear >mongering to get idiots to accidentally >create negative tulpas and it is the >jews they should be going after. :^)

i'm curious, how did they respond?



Would you say anger is a negative emotion?

I can see it as positive as it can drive you towards doing positive things.



lol so you basically told a bunch of spirits "let me tell you about the jews"

well played sir


File: 7d5da3f0b8f33b1⋯.jpg (4.81 KB, 277x182, 277:182, sith11.jpg)

This is the way of the Sith.

So called Negative passions can increase your power and move you forward.

Peace is a lie, there is only passion.

Through passion ,I gain Strength.

Through Strength, I gain power.

Through power ,I gain victory.

Through victory,My chains are broken.



they didnt really respond, their 'aura' started to feel friendly though. And they just kind of lurked around and I continued to speak to them in simple terms. That was an interesting night. Havent felt any such entities since, but I now seem to have a 'friend' that likes to try to get my attention by making me trip or drop things. No idea what that ones purpose is.



I'd say there are different qualities of anger. Objective driven anger I wouldnt call a negative. But 'fuck this fuck everything' temper tantrum type anger would be a negative. Any emotion can be a positive, as long as you never let it control you. And some of them are easier than others to lose control with. Like what I said about fear and panic. Fear, when warranted, is a good thing. But when you allow fear to turn into panic your perception will be distorted as hell and perception is the most important sense that you have.



There isn't a base you to be controlled. Rather, the emotion is you to the extent that it grips or releases you. Intent beforehand and during is the means by which that energy is channeled, it has nothing to do with whether or not you are under the sway of an emotion, as if it were an alien influence.



When one does not fully understand the power that a particular emotion wields, it might as well be a foreign influence. All emotions have positive and negative aspects, but if one allows the negative aspect of a net negative emotion to gain power over their thoughts they are yielding their potential to that emotion. This is why the despondent, those inclined to blackpilled faggotry, never see their lives improve. The negative lives and breeds with the negative and yielding your thoughts to negative emotions ensures that you will be unconsciously engaging in negative personal memetics.

Its all, everything, about perspective. Negative emotions dull your perception, which limits your perspective.

If you want to learn a thing or to, pay attention to the leftists over the next couple of weeks. Keep a keen eye on their behavior and thought patterns. They have spent years performing rituals (chanting in the streets) and devoting massive amounts of energy to negative thoughts in their commiserating.

Pay really close attention to them… The tulpas they accidentally casted are coming back to destroy them. Learn a thing.



>pay attention to politics

I will do many things, but infecting myself with that useless level of thought is not one of them.

True that one may well be alien to one's emotions, if that person is under a strong ego delusion. A wide context is the definition of health, yes, but to open the context until it bursts frees one to engage in near enough anything save for total ignorance, emotions included as outpourings of sensation and ego reaction. It is self-attachment to these concepts and states which is the root of folly, rather than some methodological flaw.



It's what I do when I'm upset. I gain a heightened sense of things and utilize it towards my work in a productive manner.

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