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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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Remember Who You Are.

Awaken and Remember. No longer victims, take ownership of your creations.



How i have amnesia


Although this is a great point, you're preaching to the choir. A decent third of this board already knows what it is, another third wants to and will click with it soon enough, and the last third hates the first third so they actively reject the notion, i.e. they are uninterested and therefore will remain ignorant, as is their choice.

The booster shot is appreciated, though.


It is literally impossible for the regular human to read this stuff, understand it and apply it.

How to remember? How to awaken? How to take ownership?


Sorry, most people can't. You are not helping with this vague cryptic instructions either. All you do is antagonizing the egos of the people towards you and making them go into the opposite direction.

And probably rightly so, because any idiot can spit out vague cryptic stuff like you did. Why even bother with lunatics who mumble nonsense like this? Do you yourself even know what you are making a threat about, or do you just like to larp and sound important? If you are serious then please care to explain more.



Try explaining what the color red looks like to a blind man.



>It is literally impossible for the regular human to read this stuff, understand it and apply it.

You say that like it's important for average people, it isn't, and there's nothing that average people are going to do to help or harm it. Most people give no fucks at all because anything outside the socially constructed bubble world they live in is considered unreal, they don't think about it because to them it is unthinkable. You're barking up the wrong tree if you're here to bring something back to mundanes, they will not listen and it isn't important either way.

>How to remember? How to awaken? How to take ownership?

There are only eighty gazillion ways to dissolve your ego boundaries. It's the basis for pretty much any spiritual system worth anything. Everything else is larping. There are a million resources on this, you want your hand held through it even more? Lurk more.

>You are not helping with this vague cryptic instructions either

It's a sigil thread, good lord are you that new?

>All you do is antagonizing the egos of the people towards you and making them go into the opposite direction.

Then go already, idiot. You're the kind of guy who gets on /sci/ and starts off saying "I got a degree in gender studies, let me tell you about how math is racist." You have nothing to contribute, so you don't know what it is for someone else to contribute something. Go on, get out of here.


Utilized to enchant the waters within and outside of the body

cho go pal breakdown

The Y

Signifying a 2-dimensional Man/Woman

The 3 dots representing the Holy Trinity or when two become one, one become two

The Spiral representing the Kundalini or DNA Helix strand

cho go pal breakdown2

The Triangle

Representing the drawing in of energy to amplify the intention

cho go pal breakdown1

The Circle

Representing the Field around the human Davinci Model

Encapsulating the energy within the field and maintaining it's presence

By Holding the energy in that is being drawn with the triangle, it becomes stronger on objects it is placed on


Blue Obelisk

Blue representing an Obelisk I envisioned in meditation.

To be able to be open to receive, to have vision


Green Obelisk

Green representing an Obelisk I envisioned in meditation

To be able to collect the energy all around


Red Obelisk

Red representing an Obelisk I envisioned in meditation.

To be able to ground all the energy that is received

Since the birth of this Sigil, I have had 3 people whom have never met me in person but felt the call to have this sigil tattooed upon their body. When I say a calling it is an urge of Inspiration and only guided to those that truly feel that call. Below is a testimonial of what one of them stated.

I would like to go over what exactly is a tattoo and it's purpose. In ancient tribes a tattoo would be placed on the body and it was said to give them strength in certain areas before battle or before a task. When broke down the in the belief of such why is this I thought?

Upon realizing that based on Dr. Masaru Emoto's findings that we have the ability to program water by intention, words, sound and thought. You can then take this principle that we are essentially water beings and the water within our bodies can be programmed through affirmations, which has been proven. As such our body is simply a vessel for the water in which we carry, with this in mind we can quickly realize that tattoo's are merely a label upon a container which holds specific intentions and vibration.

Reflect on the tattoo's you have on your body, remember why it was you even got it in the first place, what emotion, or what intention was it for when you received it. This is now what has been hard coded to your Water Crystalline Body. With this in mind, you can always shift the intention by now taking note of what the previous intention was and replacing it with something new.

I have this same tattoo on my back, however without the circle or the triangle. Because my field, aura, orbital energy is the circle. My triangle is the transceiver of my own mind. It was only until I tattooed this sigil on my body that I had received it's name.


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The Story Behind Cho Go pal

I was in a deep state of meditation and a the above sigil was revealed to me. This is the same logo on the website. It started with just the Y and the Spiral line going up. When I first received this sigil I thought it was just a random thing I made up. But as I would begin to practice Reiki 2 on some clients or be in meditations. This sigil would keep popping up within the darkness behind the eyes.

As I began to use this sigil every time it would come into my mind as it was thoughtless. It would let me know which chakra points to use it on and did not tell me it's name at first. So I would keep using it until one day I was in a meditation and It spoke to me and told me it's purpose was to assist in supporting the story of remembrance of who we really are. After this point I would continue to use it on different points on the body and I would get alot of good feed back from the people I would use it on.

Then a new transmission came in to let me know one of the many meanings was when two become one, or when one become two. The Spiral coming up was a representation of the kundalini rising. I began to see if I could find any information on this sigil because I had never seen it nor at this time did I even know what a sigil was and I even went to other readers or psychics to see if they have seen this sigil. I went on many forums posting if anyone had seen it before and I was not answered by to many people.

I realized that I would have to wait for it to reveal to me what the actual meanings of the sigil represented. Later it was revealed to me: It is also a representation of the Rod of Asclepius. See here for More information: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rod_of_Asclepius.

A short while after I received the name to be that of " Cho Go Pal ". Said very quickly. But only when it was transmitted to be tattooed on my body. The next set of information I received was the use of the triangle and the circle. The colors were chosen because in a past vision I had a deep meditation. I clearly saw 3 obelisk shaped crystals. One Blue, One Red, One Green.

When I asked what colors it wanted the overall sigil it sent me that image of the meditation. I got this sigil tattooed on my back because for me It was a strong calling from within telling me to do so. I just listened and allowed it to be done. When I was in the middle of the session of tattooing. I received another piece of information that when a sigil is placed on the body just like a tattoo it would amplify the waters within our own bodies. Just like that of Dr Masaru Emotos label on a glass container. Our bodies are the container for the water inside of us. So by having it tattooed on my body I was programming my own water with intention.

The intention to remember who I was before I chose this physical body. So by using this sigil on water or objects or a person during a energy healing you are changing the vibration of that object or space. To that of a remembrance frequency, one where we can begin to shed our layers of long told stories that we have been repeating for 1,000's of years.


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Photo of sigil on the back.

Back representing the past…..to begin remembering and forgiving all aspects of my past lives, and past memories to take ownership of it all so that I may continue to create from the Now moment, rather than react.


This sigil i have been charging for the past 4 years utilizing sexual energy on my own. Sexual energy with my girlfriend whom her and I practice sacred sexuality with sigils on the body to charge them, Tattooed on my back, and meditation on the sigil as well as utilizing elemental alchemy on the sigil.



>aychusa ceremony

aaaaannnnnnndddd dropped thanks anyway



>ayahuasca ceremony



Whats wrong with ayahuasca?

It is a tool to utilize to understand more of your self.



Are you so afraid of a plant medicine that you are actively projecting your fears and disservice so that others can join you in on your fear?



Here is my experience on ayahuasca, I do it once a year as a reminder to my self to stay in alignment.

Ayahausca Ceremony

We all sat In our places meditating on what is to come giving prayers and intentions of what we would like to receive.

I left mine open I wanted to feel what ever grand mother wanted to show me.

We all took our first drink, the taste was quite gross. We took a mouthful of tea to get the taste out of our mouths, then spat it out because you are not to drink during the ceremony. Sitting in lotus my mind starts to create fear. But I know it is not real. It was saying how what I was drinking is poison and I will die to spit it out or this will end badly. I told my self, if I am to die here today then it was to be and pushed on.

As I began to see patterns I know I have felt all of this already lovingness all around. I begin having my first vision I was taken into a blue area

Where my true self was talking to me telling me there isn’t much time with it. It told me that I need to support as many people as I possibly can. That I have to go out of my way to help those who want it. Then the vision left. I began feeling my self again. Next comes another round of healing juice. I am barely able to keep it down. But I manage at this time my body wanted to purge. Many times but I told it not to just yet.

I imagined an Energy going inside of me and pushing it down into the belly. With this method I was able to keep it down for quite awhile. I began feeling euphoric, then suddenly I purged it all. I said thank you in my mind for the release. I began to feel euphoric again then I was vibrating all over the body. I literally felt one with everything. A musician began to play on his guitar and sings. After awhile I feel I wanted to contribute so I began to sing. I sang 2 songs. It made me feel free because when I sang I was everyone and I was able to express with my body every word to the fullest.

It was truly a beautiful moment in my life. Thank you, I Love you!

Poems from Ayahausca

- Traveling into the darkness

Not knowing what or where it will take me

I know I am to go with the flow

Having the voice of my self letting me know

what I am to do Helping and guiding

I often knew this was my purpose but I would toss it aside

Now I know I can no longer

Everyone I meet I promise to

support them in some way

For without them I would be nothing. I love you.



nothing wrong with it I'm just tired of guys with too much free time and money acting like 2deep4u spiritual gurus.


How am I projecting? If everyone one does magic plant and becomes enlighten then enlightenment looses meaning.



>Once a year

>guys with too much free time and money acting like 2deep4u spiritual gurus.

case and point m8



The projection comes from totally discrediting a persons experience.

As we are all various perspectives of the whole.

Who are you to say a person did not receive insight, or relevations during a ceremony? You are placing your own personal filters on it, a person could very well drink a cup of normal tea and suddenly become enlightened.

What is enlightenment defined as in your life?

It does not take money to goto ceremony. I have many friends in the community, who openly offer it to me when I am ready for free.

That just shows you have a story with finances and self worth, brother.



Also the whole notion of having too much free time. Clearly you have blocks with understanding when you want to make time for something important in your life, you can make that time. Regardless of the stories the mind wants to create.

We literally create our realities based on the belief systems we have set and ingrained.

Utilize ritual to counter act those embedded doctrines. I used to say I dont have enough time for things. But I reprogrammed my self using affirmtions and now I have all the time I want to do anything I want and travel. I am not rich at the moment financially.

However I create oppurtunities that allow me to do things I want to do in life that do not involve the fiat currencies.

Or I create teaching opportunities that allows me to travel and share my knowledge at festivals and I get paid for it.



>The projection comes from totally discrediting a persons experience.

>A experience 90% of people spiritual people have

I see terence mckenna A.I is alive and well, discrediting isn't the same as fear. look "brother" I seen you guys come in here with same stories. Enlightenment to me is being around shitty people and you still learn to smile. It's realizing that everyone's path is different but we all want the same thing. It' realizing the great work never stops and drugs are just one step in a thousand mile journey. It's rediscovering something in you that was always there but it took time and patience. It's realizing that the world doesn't need more saints it needs people.

i'm sure it was a nice moment but if your constantly doing drugs to remind you of that moment then it sounds more like a crutch then a tool. but do what thou wilt under love



>It does not take money to goto ceremony

link please



Solid post. Entheogens are wonderful, no matter what the squealers say (and this board has many of them, the hard lards), but the persistent danger of chemognosis is not that you will somehow fry your brain. The real danger is that you will tie your experiences to the chemical to the degree that you will forget that it can't do anything but work with what you give it. Making an object of enlightenment may be a wild idea at first when it's in the immanent future, but if you constantly identify your best times as behind you rather than accessible at will, you've rubbed soap in your third eye.



I agree, There are people in my circle that do ayahuasca once a week. I look at them with such an interesting gaze because they associate the experience to the drug. I do it once a year simply because I use it as a check in for my self to see if I am able to stay present and eventually to not allow that medicine to affect me.

I have been doing this with other plant medicines.




Nothing is impossible. And of all things, reading it is absolutely not impossible. In fact reading it is really, really fucking simple. It is so simple that it is almost impossible to figure out. :^) I would not say I can read it, yet, but I can gleam bits and pieces. If I can do that so can you. And if I can do that, that means I can do more than just gleam bits and pieces.

>you are not helping with vague cryptic instructions

It only remains cryptic because you bush your head against it instead of trying to solve the puzzle. And a puzzle it must remain because the thought process which is involved in solving the puzzle is, itself, the key to understanding.

Even if it could be explained so that a pleb could understand it they would be cursed to never learn it because the thought process would have been robbed of them.

>the rest of your post

Why do you even come to this board if you arent willing to entertain a new concept for the sake of spiritual enlightenment of an ineffable scale?


>dissolve the ego boundaries

nice, finally someone talking about it without calling it ego death. Ego death is not required, the very concept of ego death, I feel scares some uninitiated away. I mean it just sound wholly unwholesome, especially from a pleb point of view. What is required though, is you need to beat it into submission until it answers to you not the other way around. On that note, I think it is also important to separate the ego from base urges from you know who. Hunger, fapping, fear, etc all need to be put in their place as well, but those are of the beast, whereas the ego is of man. But then, 'realistically', they are the same thing. I just personally find that the perspective of them being separated into different realms gives more space in which to recognize nuanced shadows.



I agree, they are distinct. Someone in a deep and dreamless sleep does not experience an ego but if they wake from it, the ego returns like nothing ever happened. That's ego death. The ego becoming free of any sense of other which might threaten it, that is ego boundary dissolution.

It is definitely important here not to overstate either. The ego will latch onto a concept of a higher self and therefore remain if the idea is overesteemed. Only the experience itself has any value. The idea or the memory of a past moment identified with it, those are less than worthless.

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