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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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"They" might try to emotionally discourage or slowly distract you from this post.

Put simply, I am dealing with a VERY serious possession and I need your help by praying, fasting, and asking angels/friendly spirits to help remove it from me. You could also ask your friends / pastors / other spiritual people you know to help.

The entity possessing me has caused all sorts of negative problems in my life. I have tried many things to remove it since becoming aware of it. I have repented, prayed, fasted numerous times at varying intensities, and forgiven all including this tormenting entity. I have gone to several Christian healers (and had a significant reaction from the entity but it was not cast out). I have spent hours trying to cast it out in the name of Jesus Christ, during which I experience a flame-like sensation however the entity remained attached.

My investigation into what caused the possession indicates that a significant trauma that I experienced during childhood enabled this entity to gain a significant foothold on my body. Thought the rest of my life so far I have experienced all sorts of social, family, professional, health, sleep, behavioural, and psychological problems.

I have read that possessing spirits can take over someones spiritual body, cause blackouts and extremely abnormal behaviours. I have had several occasions where people have told me that I have done something, but have not had any recollection of such events whatsoever. Therefore if I have done anything that you find offensive, then I sincerely apologise, and ask for your aid in removing this entity.

Please do whatever you can to help me. Just praying or fasting can help. Once free I intend on doing all that is within my power to significantly improve the condition of this world.


Did you ask the higher self to guide you? Do you need help starting your journey from darkness?

The entity you are dealing with is subjective and is your creation. It is a collection of your failures to be truthful with life in general.

You have to go back to the memory where you can recall your childhood trauma. You have to forgive the one creating the trauma. You have to forgive yourself for your inability to coupe with the trauma.

Pain is just pain. But our idea of pain can create more suffering.

You have to ask yourself questions. Why am I not happy? When the answer comes to you, you have to ask a follow up question, and a follow up question on that. Dig into your mind to find the root of all the problems you are facing and heal it.

A good guide for where to go, is to go where you don't want to go. Physical or mental, go where you don't want to go. Go there until you realize that your preference for going there was not real. Until you can be comfortable being wherever you are.

All the tools you need is inside. If you need more help, ask questions.


Fasting is probably making you feel worse. Get some coffee and go into the woods. Expel demon by you, not in the name of someone else.


A justified divine design brings judgement on what's wrong and right;

As the universe aligns, to open up your mind to this great light.

This apocalyptic wave, has come forth to bring you change,

Surfacing to show the way and cleanse you of your stains.

Journey to the edge of madness, to gain the empathy you need,

To truly feel the gladness in the smallest of kind deeds.

Prophets rise to give new sight, but the dark eclipses rays.

Though in this Dawn of Understanding, you break free from darkest chains.

Losing grasp on what distracts, a new found sight gives confidence.

When self reflection shows the facts, you can't deny it all makes sense.

The unmoving mover shows the way, through destruction of the old creation;

Consecrating your rebirth. Now break free from your sedation.



Try spirit releasement therapy. Network. Get a phone. Start making some calls. Find people who know how to do this stuff and can genuinely help you.

Or research and do it yourself.



as >>117903 said, all that you need is inside and with your Higher Self.

these may help: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rfQVgVayXcc remove entities

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g5-DrYahaSc remove entities (really unhooks them, the other one is like a slippery oil cloak that keeps them off you)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c9af5Mxzupw dissolves depression, stress and anxiety.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MjO7H5b9aEM self acceptance

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wma7XWjcHdI feel Unconditional Love

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=feilxGTQkow Realize Interconnection of All and your own Divinity.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8KQhfz1Wg14 Realize Divinity of Others and All.

as others have suggested, go deep within yourself to find the root of this issue. once at it, you heal it, and the entity will lose its foothold on you, leave, or will just vanish if it is really a manifestation of trauma.

in case it is an external entity the videos help and also for your task of significantly improving the condition of this world.

some channels are untrustable. some lie. the videos i have put in this

post are safe, as are drvirtual7's.

peace! :D


Just download McAfee antivirus


This world randomly distributes pain to you. Every path out is blocked with the worst pain you can imagine. Child birth is a painful process because women are sucking innocent free souls out of the real world into hell. Satan will heal you by getting you used to pain. Do you want 6666 hints that somebody is cheating on you or do you just want to know?

In the name of SATAN I command you to eat more drugs!



Rich Pastor Who Never Suffers Because He Steals: you are poor? Good. You are suffering and that is good. God needs you to suffer! Nobody except me the master conman is allowed to be happy! The meaning of life is suffering for me and God!

Gee whiz I wonder who the bad guy is???



Just become a tranny. Control freak autistic loser Demiurge will throw a tantrum and leave. You also discover that you are free. Everyone who would withdraw support for you the moment you did something that had no effect on their life whatsoever other than showing that nobody gives a fuck about their gay neverending rules for living was always an enemy.

Make random ass fucking noises. Walk with one leg up. Kill yourself. Do the opposite of what people tell you to do and you will discover freedom and a path out



uman being - help I am being attacked

Pigs: who cares are you paying us?

One of the best way to banish demons is laughing when cops die. There is not one ounce of value to any pig. They are less than maggots and when these astral parasites fuck off you need to do the right thing and celebrate. Go "hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahaholy fucking shit that faggot ass fucking pig just die hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahaha holy fucking shit what a fucking faggot loser wow some person who ruins lives over plants smoked to relieve chronic pain from working all day then ignores and joins in on the violating of humans rights snd the constitution when actions are taken to destroy innocent people for corporate interests just got sent to hell YES!!!!! THANK YOU LORD SATAN! CALL THE CLOSEST LAWYER AND AS SOON AS THEY ANSWER SAY "MAY I ASK WHOS CALLING?"


Visit a Catholic priest and ask for an exorcism, a simple one. That's the easiest thing to do. Only priests have the authority to cast out demons, and that's why if you go to any Chrisitian healer, you wont be able to get the demon bound and expelled. Also if the reason the demon is attached is due to some psychological issue or even drug use, you have to sort that out first. I wont assume anything but I'm just laying it out there.



Yeah just find a kiddy diddler , that will solve things!

The world is a shithole run by greedy evil parasites, but if you are not content with this it's because you need a schizophrenic kiddy diddler who acts as a distraction for the Italian mob to say random Latin words to you when you could have just got bonzi buddy to do that for free and figured out that magic wordz don't solve problemz



"Only priests have the ability to cast out demons" hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahaha that is the cringiest fucking dnd master thing I have ever fucking read holy fucking shit all Catholics are scheming fucktards who just want a mask that makes them look humble while they do everything they supposedly condemn. 5% of priests rape little boys, and thes people are one step below your imaginary friend gawd, but your imaginary friend can't stop people he talks to regularly from fucking children. Go fuck yourself you fucking retard.


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This "Conjuration of The Four" by itself is very powerful for exorcising entities(ideally you need another magician to do it for you IRL):

Caput mortum, imperet tibi dominus per vivum et devotum serpentem!

Cherub, imperet tibi Dominus per Adam Iod-Havah!

Aquila errans, imperet tibi Dominus per alas tauri!

Serpens, imperet tibi Dominus Tetragrammaton, per Angelum et Leonem!

Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Anael!

Fluat udor per Spiritum Elohim

Manet in terra per Adam Iod-Chavah!

Fiat firmamentum per Iod-Havah -Sabaoth!

Fiat judicium per ignem in virtute Michael!

Angel of the blind eyes, obey, or pass away with this holy water!

Work winged bull, or revert to the earth, unless thou wilt that I should pierce thee with this sword!

Chained eagle, obey my sign, or fly before this breathing!

Writhing serpent, crawl at my feet, or be tortured by the sacred fire and give way before the perfumes that I burn in it!

Water, return to water!

Fire, burn!

Air, circulate!

Earth, revert to earth!

By virtue of the Pentagram, which is the morning star, and by the name of the Tetragram, which is written in the center of the cross of Light!

Amen. Amen. Amen.

If you need something stronger, Burn before yourself and hearts of fish and recite with a lot of faith the following conjuration, called the Conjuration of the Seven of the Wise Solomon:

In the name of Michael, may Jehovah command thee and drive thee hence, Chavajoth!

In the name of Gabriel, may Adonai command thee, and drive thee hence, Bael!

In the name of Raphael, begone before Elial, Samgabiel!

By Samael Sabaoth, and in the name of Elohim Gibor, get thee hence, Andrameleck!

By Zachariel et Sachiel-Meleck, be obedient unto Elvah, Sanagabril!

By the divine and human name of Shaddai, and by the sign of the Pentagram, which I hold in my right hand, in the name of the angel Anael, by the power of Adam and Eve, who are Iod-Chavah, begone Lilith! Let us rest in peace, Nahemah!

By the holy Elohim and by the names of the Genii Cashiel, Sehaltiel, Aphiel and Zarahiel, at the command of Orifiel, depart from us Moloch! We deny thee our children to devour!

You can also trace the attached image of a pentagram on the the floor of the threshold (entrance) of the door of your room, just as it is shown here. The superior angle of the star of five points will be directed towards the interior of the room; the two opposing angles must face the outside of the room. This must be traced on the floor with charcoal.

Thereafter, the tenebrous ones will be commanded, “In the name of Christ, by the power of Christ, by the majesty of Christ” to abandon the body of the victim.

You must also abandon impure actions, especially that of indulgence in lust, pornography, and masturbation as these tend to be the basis of possessions. Use of liquor, drugs, etc, must be abandoned.

I also recommend meditating, praying daily the Pater Noster, which goes as follows:

"OUR FATHER, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen."

If you want direct assistance from Michael the Archangel, he can be invoked through the following recitation of the 7 Penintential psalms. https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=psalms+6%2C32%2C38%2C50%2C102%2C130%2C143&version=KJV

Demons are truly weak, they hold no power in any form. I wish you well.



*Livers and hearts of fish.

Some further prayers that may be of assistance:

"O Divine God! I want Thou to help me to defeat this demon, that wherever I go Thou shalt help me to defeat him. I want Thou to protect me from any evil that comes against me. Save me from all evilness."

"Thou who art the merciful and grandiose Virgin, I beseech Thee, do not allow anything to fall on me. Let me be thy advocate."


First, let's make sure you really, actually ARE possessed:

If this "entity" just causes you lots of bad luck, causes lots of weird (((coincidences))) and seems to try to communicate with you through events around you, it's no possession, it's the "demiurges" aka. "fates" doing, which makes it hard to identify why it happens. Though your description doesn't sound like that.

It could be an internal, exclusively psychological thing. In my experience pretty much everyone on this board is mentally insane so statistically, and because of what you described, the chances for that are pretty high. Especially because your investigation has lead you to trauma and because of most of the issues it causes.

In that case, >>117903 would be right, "it's something you created", but don't listen to him maybe just yet. If it literally takes control of you and causes blackouts this heavily increases the chances for possession and you claim this to be the case. If you DON'T also hear voices inside of you even though those sorta things happen, the chance of this being a possession is pretty damn high. And it doesn't help that you also can't recall those things "it" makes you do happening, if it was an internal creation 9 out of 10 times you'd remember it happening (even though you'd feel helpless to do anything about it when it happens). Plus fasting would have a great effect on starving "inner demons" like that, if that doesn't help at all then it's almost certainly external.

If that info isn't enough help I can try to get rid of the entity for you, though I've never done that with an entity that inhabits bodies, only buildings. So no guarantee there. But it might be worth a try. If you want to you can contact me through this fake-mail I made, hollownobody@web.de

Though if you feel like it's an internal thing it's better to listen to people like >>117903 or, maybe even better yet, someone who specializes on the higher self.



"I am in pain"

You: pour bleach on your eyes!

Dude, come the fuck on now, we have all aknowledged that there is more to life than gay 3d world, but that doesn't mean you exploit people to push your schizophrenic agenda. People are becoming sovereign beings again and there is nothing you can do about it. I am sitting here in the worst pain you could ever imagine, have been tortured in ways that shouldn't exist, simply for exposing bullshit, and I actually don't care that much because I know we are headed in the right direction. Your gay abrahamic fucking nonsense is dead. FUCKING DEAL WITH IT. zero of your gay ass Demiurge tricks work anymore. All you are doing at this point is expanding my war chest for debunking your bullshit. I would rather just continue my fucking life and have a jubilee, so FUCK OFF. Take advantage of your only opportunity to avoid more of these pointless wars when we have fucking DOTA and CALL OF DUTY.

I get it dude , the ego is a hell of a drug, nobody wants to admit they were wrong even if they are on a mission to spread lies. Doesn't mean that humanity isn't already 99.9% of the way to a new plateau. I made an active fucking effort to seek out a future where abrahamic fucktards aren't just told OK YOU ARE WRONG ITS OVER. I pity the brainwashed fool and don't like the idea of a world with no consequences.


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OP here.

Since I started my campaign to clear my possession, a few weird things have occurred.

I tried fasting for a while, and (a lot quicker than normal) something strange came along and did everything it could to interrupt my fasting. It then proceeded to try to psychologically traumatise me.

More recently, it seems that something (a positive spirit perhaps) has come to help me psychologically protect myself. The entity is still very much possessing me though.

My campaign continues and we WILL clear it. Any efforts you make towards helping me are greatly appreciated.

We will do great things once it is gone.

You can use my twitter account to monitor progress or communicate with me.




I would like to add that this entity put a lot of effort into trying to make me smoke cigareetes and masturbate. Possibly to increase its power because it knew that something was going to attempt to help me.



How do you test to see if they're safe? I'm guessing using audio editing tools or something, but some technical details would be cool



most of the time, hidden subliminals are cleverly secreted away. however some times they're painfully obvious.

audacity's spectogram is enough for the most visible ones.

i imagine that something like fruity loops can indagate deeper and has a nicer interface (i am used to audacity although its full power is still dormant, i work on releasing it)

if the subliminal is seen to the naked eye, it is seen as some marks of red in the 10-15kHz range. zooming in reveals that at least the marks that i saw aren't bigger than 3/4 of a second.

another way to test if they're safe is to check with your own energy: how do they make you feel? bad, good? does it make you feel "off" (like if your development was suddenly thrown off course for a brief second)

this second method is more reliable, although you may need to peer actively in lieu of passively (depends on your skills)

what do people say about the video? you can search for comments and inquire with your HS/IDS about them, and check their trustworthiness according to the energy that they bear.

as always you can question your Higher Self/Divine Inner Self.

peace! :D


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Here again. I am going to try an intense fast in a few days so if you intend on astrally visiting to see what it looks like or to help me then now would be the time to try to find/connect with me.

I have tried to astral project myself and not had any success. My consciousness is very weak when I dream, so it is possible that the spirit possessing me has taken over the astral aspect of my existence.

Last time I fasted something quickly came along and tried non-stop to get me to eat food and other things to interrupt me.



Take note of which sentences you choose to phrase in the present tense.


If you are still having problems please read "what demons can do to saints by merrill f unger" and "blood on the doorposts by william schnoebelen", you dont have to buy into everything they say but you may find needed guidance in these books.


Anybody claiming that "evil" can just be destroyed through positive thinking is a snake oil salesman trying to repair you just to the point where you are an efficient slave for them again.

What is the human agenda? Anyone? Any governments saying anything? Oh wait, they aren't, because their agenda doesn't involve you. If you are part of a path, you feel it. There is no confusion whatsoever. Ask yourself, are you part of humanities path? Maybe you are content being a janitor. Maybe like the billions of other people you are content with slaving away 1/3 of your life for magic pieces of paper that certain groups just so happen to have 99.9% of. Maybe you are content not knowing how a computer or politics work, because there are other people who can handle it for you. Maybe are you content sitting backseat to Justin Timberlake for eternity. Maybe you will be fine, to be honest. Maybe you will never fall off, and you will get just enough from the self proclaimed masters of all matter in the universe. That makes you my fucking enemy though. Zero pain needs to exist. Literally, not one ounce of pain. All we should be doing at this point is maximizing pleasure. Instead, anything you want to do is blocked by 5000000000000000000000000000000 doors you need money to enter. Somebody born into a rich family will never understand this. The only way to understand how fucked shit really is is to travel where you "aren't allowed" and notice the signs that indicate that people are fucking fed up with this King George / Abrahamic religions bullshit where you can just be sitting around then next thing you know a banker sends you to die brutally in a war so he makes 3% more money. Hey, maybe you are really that special, maybe war is a thing of the past, or you are so magically advanced that you can dodge the draft while some meathead goes and dies for you. I'm not taking that risk. As it stands now, to do anything, I have to rely on somebody who is unpredictiable, enables evil actions taken on innocent people, does not acknowledge my pain, does not acknowledge my concerns, and in 100% of scenarios will invoke their STATUS or number of dollars in their bank account the moment I ask for my share of the universe.



The only way to find out how fucked shit actually is to seek it out. Too scared to find out? Aw, too bad, that sucks, you are ruled by fear, and eventually you will come to a road block that you can't get through because you never transcended your fears. I think the most important issue today, and an issue that needs resolved fast before religions reemerge is the value of a human life is decreasing. Your friend died? Replace them. Your pet died? Replace them. Aw, somebody just die for writing an article? Who cares, wasn't me. Tell me how that logic doesn't come back to bite you. Who is coming back for you? Are you that great that you can carry a couch with just your two hands? You can handle running the entire universe on your own, so fuck everyone else? I am guilty of this too, and am completely indifferent to others suffering at this point. Sure it's sad seeing Sally get mauled by a tiger, but where the fuck would Sally be if I died in a car crash? She would be pointing and laughing "Haha, what a fucking dumbass!" or she would be pretending to be sad to present herself as Mother Theresa when in reality she would never lift one finger for me.

This never ends either. It's just one injustice after the other. People are born with the wrong looking face, and because of that they never once experience relaxation. That is fucking stupid. The majority of the world LOVES that. Ewww, that celebrity is ugly, eww she got fat, eww look at her she did this she did that blah blah blah worship my poisonous ego. Again, I am guilty of this too, it's human nature for us to act like beasts, but isn't that fucking pathetic? Despite my hatred of everyone, any chance I see any sort of plateau where there can be a reset, I immediately forget everything that ever happened and wish that everyone would join me in moving the fuck on.

I can't trust one fucking one of you, because I know that you may be cool at first, but you are just a few chess pieces away from completely turning against me. What if we meet, we enjoy eachothers presence, then I decide that despite the odds, the government is run by selfish greedy parasites and needs overthrown? You are going to immediately turn against me. That is because you can not live without sucking on the governments tits. That is because you are not free, and you are afraid of the path to freedom.

Legit, there is no fucking getting around it, the majority of humans, whether they know it or not are slaves. I made a huge effort to find myself some time and space to explore what the fuck is going on, and it's not good. The moment you start breaking out of reality , you will actually have your reality destroyed by the people whose job is supposedly "protecting your interests." Somebody has no direction in life, somebody gives them LSD, their brain is unlocked, then the SS will throw the healer in Prison for trafficking drugs they don't have a stake in. You do not have the right to your own mind in this universe. You will eventually get to a point where you have to either make the decision to willingly fuck over others to advance, or you won't advance at all, and you will understand what I am saying.You would think the millions of pieces of art made about how fucking fucked suffering/enslavement/evil can get would be enough, but the programmers work just as hard as the deprogrammed to maintain their prison.




I'm in love with you



I'd love if you would make a thread elaborating on your dogma and path, your solutions and all that stuff. I feel so alone thinking about such things with no one I know being able to understand, or more so no one wanting to. It suffocates me having no one want to care about me trying to help in the most generous and understanding way. Help people grow by elaborating Pls

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