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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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I briefly considered /pol/ for this, but I figured /fringe/ might appreciate it more.

Wasn't going to post this originally, but CIA Niggers have really been testing my patience with their bullshit gangstalking. They quite enjoy zapping out headlights or running overcurrent with their bullshit phased array radars on cars around me while I drive. This either fries the headlights, activates the headlights, or makes them much brighter than normal. Occasionally they also like to disable cars completely. Fuck you CIA Niggers for causing property damage. Because you have tested my patience sufficiently, I am now posting this information. It didn't have to be this way, CIA Niggers. It really didn't.

Why am I a target you ask? I did some research into Phil Schneider's gold synthesis process.


fyi, I did not post the information above, nor did I send the guy that. Someone else did, but that's the clearest explanation of the procedure available online.

The non mouth breathing among you can figure out what keywords to Google search and find more information about the process, which is widely disseminated online. The slightly more technically minded amongst you will be able to get this process working even. Why do you think gold is often found near quartz and iron containing minerals? Les Brown's presentation on crystals is also enlightening.

Also, dedicated to the forum board admin, who was also made a target by CIANiggers, hope he's well.

My username online everywhere is crestind. I am also on le Reddit. I am based in Dallas, Texas. I am a law abiding citizen, and now target of CIA Niggers. Thanks for listening all! Peeeeace!



>They quite enjoy zapping out headlights or running overcurrent with their bullshit phased array radars on cars around me while I drive.

I was driving a couple months ago and there was a car in front of me the whole way, it had bright ass white lights on the back of the car, wasnt the brake lights or running lights, and they were blinking strangely. It wasnt like hazards, it was like morse code. long blinks and short rapid blinks. Even my wife was like what the fuck is going on right now.

I just had my truck broken into, one of my rifles stolen… but the other ones were left, and after the police left my neighbor was like 'dude there's been some weird fucks riding bikes past your house staring at it.' I thought gangstalking was bullshit, like why all the effort just to fuck with one random guy, but this is getting wierd.


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For starters, you're not crazy. I would never ever in my life call anyone crazy. As Dave Chapelle

I'm seeing more threads about it on 4chan.org/pol/ too. I believe it's a combination of them getting more ballsy as well as them liking to target 4channers in general due to their personalities, being people who go against the grain.

Also fyi, gangstalking is not real in the sense that that people actually follow you around, it's a misnomer by people who do not understand how the program works, and are too lazy to do even basic Google research. It can happen, but it's the exception, NOT the rule. The human resources required would be ridiculous. In your case I believe the break ins are related, but induced through the same technology by power of suggestion. I will not go into more detail for now. That is to say, it probably was not a hired hand, but a hapless victim himself.

It's a form of psychological warfare waged by the insane addicted to power and money. They care nothing for their fellow man. They do things that when described to others, would seem like insanity. Also, plenty of shills working around the clock to flood any claims of gangstalking with "shizophrenia" to discredit targets.

Targets are frequently just random people. It is the greatest crime being perpetrated by the military industrial complex today happening out in the open. Normies are so fucking stupid they will never take their eyes off their iPhones talking about inane shit to pay attention to anything. Redpills need to be stuffed down their throats by force.

Evil can only happen when good men do nothing.

Hope old admin is okay. We must all pray and visualize good thoughts for him and all targets. You can manifest anything with a mere thought. All reality crystallizes continuously from thought alone.

That is why THEY hate this board. You do not know the power you wield. By reading this board and the redpills on it you get too close to the truth and realize your true potential…

Screencap this thread if you know what's good for you.



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Assuming that wasn't some aftermarket shit… could be the backup lights. Those are white.

Dielectric effect, pretty basic stuff, but obviously refined after many decades to centimeter level accuracy, and fast response time.


Except their microwave is in an array, and probably can concentrate tens of thousands of watts if not more into a square centimeter, not a fucking ghetto beam spread out and bouncing aimlessly in a metal chamber we use to cook our food. If the beam is constantly steered and turned on/off it can create the blinking illusion. Whoever was driving that car probably had no fucking clue.





It's weird, I'm really only beginning to understand the gangstalking issue after almost a decade of being targeted myself. I pick up some things quickly, but sometimes I'm a slow pony I guess. Also Archived the link in the OP for you.




What have you experienced?


Yes, parasites whose agenda is so shitty it needs kept secret while everyone else is an open book are useless and need eliminated from existence.


"who would have the resources"

Infinity. Infinity. Infinity. In your head yet faggot?

There is no limit on resources. This is a computer simulation. Do you need an army to uninstall bonzi buddy from your computer? No, you click uninstall, then sometimes bonzi buddy won't leave.

"Wow my wife was just murdered"

"Wow you are paranoid why would someone go after her she's just a random person we aren't investigating this!"

Wow that line of thinking doesn't tell people everything about you and your intentions!



morons have no reason to spy on you so they just meme cia.


Society: Hey lets print pieces of paper people need to buy the resources we hoard and them make people be our slaves so we give them some

Human: No I am good on that that is fucking stupid. I am actually going to completely take over reality. I control my destiny now.

Society: Dude come on I am lazy I need your energy to survive just fucking consent to this you dumb fuck!

Human: No, you are a piece of shit. I am creating my own universe and you will die because you are a parasite.

Society: Wow. I am just going to ignore this. You know how governments have never, not once in human history ever taken actions to destroy their own citizens and maintain their monopoly on everything? That is because we understand your discontent with the current situation. Good luck and let us know if you need anything.




"There is no reason to spy on you. The government doesn't care about your data." - Cia Fucktard

*it's revealed that the government spies on everybody, and so do thousands of corporations*

"So what? So I lied? Big deal. That doesn't mean I am ever going to lie again. You are paranoid for saying that the government is spying you despite the fact that there is clear evidence that they are spying on you." - Cia Fucktard

Wow that is such a good argument wow you just won the case dude! I am just going to accept that I am an object and you are Zeus! Wow! I can't believe I was thinking about claiming my sovereignty. That's all you. I am your slave Obama. My job is paying my mortage for the next 30 years, and your job is hanging out with Tom Hanks. You are so fucking special and important. Wow. You are such a wonderful leader. By ignoring peoples concerns and only worrying about your selfish agenda, you are a great person! Lying is telling the truth! Drone striking civilians is peaceful! Am I doing this right?



Terry shut the fuck up already. You already said you were homeless. If CIA bothers you so mcuh then do something about instead of blaming a man child.


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So all you did was look at the website? You would think the most powerful agency in the world would take down the website instead of fucking with everyone who sees it


This would explain why the us is not backed by gold anymore…..

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