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 No.11890>>11925 [Watch Thread]

Fringe. I'm desperate. I haven't slept in days… think I'm on my fourth day. Think I'm starting to hallucinate, buzzing in my ears, seeing things in the corner of my eye. I feel this intense feeling of dread, like hell is about to spring forth, that the walls will turn into melting flesh and blood will begin to poor out of the wall sockets.

I tried getting some exercise last night, and I walked to the grocery store to get some fruit juice, but I felt just absolutely horrible. Like this gut wrenching feeling that some unseen force is stalking me, and sucking the energy out of me.

I work during the week, and it's almost impossible to get through the day, dozing off, can barely keep my eyes open. But as soon as I get home, try as I might, I can't get to sleep, and I think I'm tormented by something just outside of sight.

I don't know what to do.


File (hide): 1417707347303.jpg (78.87 KB, 791x1007, 791:1007, mobile_phone_tower_disguis….jpg)

Do you live near a mobile phone base station tower or excessive background EMF from WiFi devices?

Radiation from these towers and devices can cause ear ringing, and a shit load of other problems, cancer, chronic inflammation, biological damage etc.



>>11890 (OP)
>be me
>be super insomniac
>go way longer than you have with no sleep at all
>never experience even the slightest "hallucination"
>all my most powerful magickal experiences are when I get an unusual amount of sleep
>feel frustrated, sore, and miserable but never actually tired no matter how little sleep
>only "sleep" because I want to go to the astral and don't like to be in physicality too long


File (hide): 1417728921541-0.jpg (56.17 KB, 500x640, 25:32, cell-phone-tower-tree-trun….jpg)

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File (hide): 1417728921541-4.jpg (76.12 KB, 532x800, 133:200, cell-phone-tower-flag-pole.jpg)

When I went to burgerland I couldnt sleep because of those damn towers/wifi emissions.

Funny how the fuckers disguise them as palm trees (among many things), they do that everywhere.
And yes, even crosses and church towers are used as cellphone towers. Funny to cover all this shit up, eh? Some are even disguised as flag poles. Very illustrative.


> Funny to cover all this shit up, eh?
Are you retarded? I would rather have am ugly ass tower look like a tree or cactus than an ugly ass tower.

 No.11987>>11991 >>11992

fap, listen to white noise on the radio

listen to trance, exercise so much your entire body aches and forces you to sleep.



OP you are probably schizophrenic.


also turkey meat has a natural sleep toxin within it you can eat, so if you have turkey meat chow down on that shit, heat it up a bit too.



Target individual, advanced tech.
ur fucked


if you're hallucinating you'll die soon

go to sleep before you die


Turn off all your lights.

DON'T go on your computer, at all.

LCD screens emit UV light which makes it difficult to sleep because it basically simulates sunlight. Same with TV, phones etc. It's from the backlight, so your gameboy color won't affect you hah.

Turn off wifi, other electronics/electrical at the plug. Also your phone. (the electrical noise can affect you even if you can't hear it)

I need to follow my own advice, 2am AHHHH. only just found this board, so much new information… Don't die on me son.


He said he was dozing off at work. Begone, fearmongerer.

OP, if you did have a prion im pretty sure you could expel that shit with magic. Everything is within your reach, and sleep is a cakewalk compared to what you should have planned for later down the line. Read Invisible Influences by zivorad slavinski if you require guidance, and post a brief summary of your situation and steps taken to avert it in the question thread (or in this one if it continues) as you progress and requie further responsive assistance.

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