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If you have any inkling of god-devotion, you are on the right-path. It doesn't matter what you call God, he doesn't mind.

Now, I will compile a list of good traditions, that are not watered down or corrupted, so you can make use of this devotion, towards knowing the reality of God.

It is up to you what path you favour but the key is being Initiated in real life, to actually build up momentum and practice. I will elaborate on what the nature of a 'good' tradition is, afterwards. You can argue with me If you like too.

For one, If you have meditated a bit, you can see easily in the pictures of these people they are genuine, you can sense the peace radiating from them. Even from their followers. Try them for yourself at least.

Authentic Hinduism / Yogic Lineages [All these people attained Samadhi, and Nirvikalpa Samadhi i.e Union with God]

> Yogananda (Watch the film about him on Netflix or read Autobiography of a Yogi. His life was blessed with the divine)


> Sivananda (He compliments Yogananda quite well)


> Karunamayi


> Ramana Maharshi (The principles of guru-devotion and chastity, strongly present in his life and background)


> Anandamay



Authentic Buddhism [Non-commercialised streams, emphasing continence, and moral conduct in order to attain Liberation]

> Theravada Buddhism lineage of Ajahn Chah (others in Theravada are good too)

> Vipassana Course Burmese Tradition (They offer free 10 day courses, to learn Vipassana meditation, all over the world. Look at old meditators If you go to one, and see if they radiate peace / hear their stories]

Note; Avoid Tibetan Buddhism at all costs, and Westernised Streams of Yoga, they are completely diluted. Comercialised to the core.


Christianity (Church is good for cultivating Bhakti, and thinking of God in general. It will enrich your meditation through establishing the devotional attitude)

Society of Saint Pius X (The second vatican council was bad for catholicism, this sect still maintains sex segregation, is pro-tradition, conservative)

Orthodox Christianity (goes without saying)

Independent Fundemental Baptist Churches

Coptic Churches

Okay— I hope you get something out of this.

The main corruptions in modern Yogic paths are sexual promiscuity, and lack of Bhramacharya (Celibacy). No one is celibate for life, but religious life cannot begin until you are continent. It is the virtue known as Viriya, and it is the male vigour or energy– Its accumulation will bring occult and spiritual power. Through this alone, you will be able to experience God fully.

All the great sages have promoted celibacy – Buddha, Christ, Yogananda, Sivananda, Krishna etc.. Even the great Intellectuals, you will see all of them have been continent. It is related. Monks of all Traditions too, those performing the miracles, read about them. Follow their examples. They were great bhaktas.

Moral Conduct, Sexual Chastity, and Conservatism are three things to look for in a Religious or Occult Tradition. Ascetism as well, including fasting, and continence. Prayer, meditation, Tapas, Austerities– God-devotion.

If you have questions or a quandry with what I say, or another tradition to add. Leave it below. Also If it feels wrong.. Trust your intuition. Get out.



Lord Buddha:

"A wise man should avoid unchastity as if it were a burning pit of live coals.

From the contact comes sensation, from sensation thirst, from thirst clinging; by ceasing from that, the soul is delivered from all sinful existence."

Lord Krishna:

"Sensuality destroys life, luster, strength, vitality, memory, wealth, great fame, holiness and devotion to the Supreme. - from Gita."

Saint Kabir:

"Just after the act, both the partners feel extreme drainage of energy, still no one understands the importance of celibacy."






All the great sages have promoted celibacy

Buddha- had a wife

Christ-banged a whore, mary magdalene

Krishna -had a 8 wife's

Yogananda- "founded a school for boys and probably" fucked them in the butt

There was never a virgin enlighten being ever.

he existed for only a brief moment

But your right no point in wasting man juice on a cheap thrill

should ball up that frustration and start using magic



hey OP. I like to read a little bit of everything, even things I don't 100% agree or disagree with because it's important to have critical thinking and learn not just the truth in the world, but the truth within yourself. I'm always looking for others to read my thread and give me their personal opinions and ideas on the whole thing. I have a feeling you might like some of what I wrote, so maybe check it out. it could possibly work with some of what you already do.



>Authentic Traditions

>posts loads of dogmatic crap written by hypocrites

This is literally Christianity for occultists.



1) Most modern Buddhism is non-Traditional. Remember that Buddhism originated in India.

2) You're forgeting about Sufism.

3) What do you think about Mormonism?



Mary being a whore or prostitute is such a huge misconception continuously fed to us by the media, it annoys the shit out of me.



>Avoid Tibetan Buddhism at all costs

Any elaboration here? Lately I've been coming across the opinion in various Buddhist circles that the Yogini Tantras of the medieval period were composed by Mara and not Buddha. However, theoretically at least they should all point one in the same general direction- to the reality that lies beyond words and all conceptual distinctions.


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Anandamayi Ma: (Joy permeated Mother)

Sri Ma Anandamayi today is widely recognized as a personality of great spiritual eminence. She was born a hundred years ago and she took final samadhi at the age of 86. She was the embodiment of a joyous self-sufficiency, which enraptured the hearts of all who came near her.

Although she traveled incessantly, it was seen that she was at home everywhere and no one was a stranger to her. Throughout the length and breadth of India and also beyond its shores people found her to be, as if the personification of their own inner vision of the Adored one who is most dear to their hearts.

In Dhaka where she first gained recognition, She was known as “Manush Kali”, that is, the ‘living Kali’. Kali is the presiding Deity of Bengal so that was quite understandable. When she moved out of Bengal and visited other provinces, her presence elicited the same type of response, even at her first appearance.

On the shores of the Holy Narmada, she was greeted as “Devi Narmada”. In Madurai she was hailed as the Goddess Minakshi by surging crowds who waited hours for a glimpse of her. In the Punjab she was given the same place of honour as the Holy Granth Sahab. In Vrindavan, the much-respected Mahatma, Sri Haribabaji Maharaj saw in her his adored Deity, the Lord Gauranga.


What about Neoplatonism, or Hermeticism? Do you consider Franz Bardon to be "authentic"?


Read Sivananda more thoroughly. He advocates the opposite of what you're saying, if by celibacy you mean no sex.


Human: wow I don't want random people suffering

Religious Idiot: yes! God! God! Not you, not humans, my imaginary friend!

You had a awful run. Now fuck off. That word is so fucking annoying. It's on the same level as cooties. If you want/still need to play this dumb ass game then return to the "learning why being a megolomaniacal douche with unjustified delusions of grandeur which give you control over every being in the universe" dimension. This is the evolution dimension. We like things like yoga, meditation, and music, not worshiping a statue you made of a "divine leader" who is actually your ego. The sooner you let it die the sooner we can get to actually solving problems and getting everything religion promised us. You are wasting my time by making me restate this over and over, and I only have like probably 2/3 of a life left so please for fucks sake just shut the fuck up about the names you give your ego!



I have solved problems by just staring at them long enough. There are a billion Christian's with enough room in their houses to house every homeless person on the planet. They will throw away takeout food that could have fed the entire world. There is fucking nothing to your schizophrenic gay debunked bullshit. Fuck Jesus. Fuck the pope. Fuck assigning magical days of the weak as days where we have to worship a fucking loser. If I see someone suffering I go wow that's bad they need help, I don't go "man, if only that person worshipped me, maybe I would help them.

Go through the long painful process of admitting you are full of shit and transfer anything positive towards systems that aren't psychotic, like GASP treating others the way you want to be treated, which solves everything



Buddha is a complacent moron who seeks to be an unplucked string.

Buddha tasted the high pleasures of the palace and the lows of the starvation cults. Then chose a middle way after seeing an elder man teach a young one how to tune a stringed instrument: Too tight the string snaps, too loose the string makes no sound.

But Buddha was a fool. He ignored his own path! He tasted both high and low before telling everyone to be complacent and serene. How can you know the range of notes the string can play if you are not willing to risk the string snapping under pressure, or if you won't pluck at a limp thing.

How can you unify opposites if you avoid tasting either opposite?!

Celibacy is for fools who have no self control. Sensation need not drive thirst unless you're some half enlightened nitwit who is a slave to temptation.

All this crap is for the mundane. What is more godly? A perfectly motionless constantly dead line of existence, or a wildly vibrating harmony that sings with all the spectra of life?

Krishna is a slut for death, seeking to remove oneself from all things life. Jump in a volcano if that's your path.



It's really interesting watching everyone bounce around between sith and jedi teachings and then trying out the whole gray jedi thing and then suddenly realizing that there's almost endless different flavors of that gray jedi thing and then rediscovering a bunch of absolutes and going into new true paths and throwing away labels and making new ones and just rediscovering better and better versions of everything.

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