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Winner of the 83rd Attention-Hungry Games
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RulesMetaModerator LogLibraryArchivesFAQFringe GuideRanksCSSAd/fringe//asatru//4chon//ask/#looshFringechan

The rules are simple and mostly apply to the creation of threads on /fringe/:
1. No duplicate threads of topics that already exist unless the previous thread has hit the bump limit
2. No making threads just to ask questions, actually present substantial information if you're going to make a thread
3. No creating new threads purely to no-effort shitpost (you will be forgiven if it's a major GET)
4. Post threads that fall under the subject matter of /fringe/ (creepypasta is not allowed here, take that to /x/)
5. Respect anonymity. No identifying posts.
6. Do not sit on the default flag or post with no flag all the time
7. Do not raid/attack the board
8. Meta board discussion goes in >>>/fringemeta/
If the board goes up for claim and the board owner can't be found anywhere, please contact chanseywrites@hotmail.com to give the board to her. To contact the board owner send an email to fringewizard@pm.me

Tipp's Fringe Bunker

File: bc278dd8878c253⋯.png (162 KB, 992x1787, 992:1787, Demiurge 002.png)

File: c42568e79fa5c18⋯.jpg (291.89 KB, 948x713, 948:713, Demiurge 008.jpg)

File: 26d226de7d5acc6⋯.png (547.53 KB, 1775x651, 1775:651, Demiurge 010.png)



Post the best favourites of you that you found. I'll dump my small collection and hope you can contribute to it.

Sure some are from the library but whatever



I fully agree with the first pic, but all the talk about spiritual realm is nonsense. Do you know anybody who "travels the astral realm"? I don't. If that was real, I'd say "sign me the fuck up", but it's not


File: f6fc18e73eede6c⋯.png (2.58 MB, 631x7305, 631:7305, no lightworker 1.png)

File: ec0655bfdcfafcc⋯.png (3.82 MB, 777x11843, 777:11843, no lightworker 2.png)

File: 5615782186e0bdf⋯.png (647.45 KB, 853x1024, 853:1024, tesla aether.png)


File: 21c7f98782e43f8⋯.png (786.09 KB, 1400x2700, 14:27, Demiurge Propaganda Rebuke….png)

File: 3f263f5811539e7⋯.jpg (58.11 KB, 360x1024, 45:128, turn to philosophy.jpg)

File: 45a5930fcc2f74f⋯.png (7.68 MB, 4152x3060, 346:255, updated.png)

sadly thats all I have


You don't know any because almost none of the mundanes does this. You can learn it yourself, you are on fringe after all.


File: 3047458265d252d⋯.png (733.09 KB, 500x2404, 125:601, 1450151176900-0.png)



If that second picture is meant to be suggesting that the guy in the middle is meant to represent /x/, that's the opposite of the truth. You mention anything /fringe/ on /x/ and you get made fun of by mundanes.


You can't have been here more than a month. Why don't you learn to do it instead of claiming that things you have no experience with aren't real? You can use it to find physical information in a non-physical way. It's provably real. The CIA and the Monroe Institute have been using it and remote viewing for decades.


Does whoever edited the first picture have any idea what sarcasm is? Autism: the picture.



I dunno who did those pictures. The pictures in question might as well be from smiley as far as I know.

I agree /x/ should be replaced with /fringe/ or greenpill or sth in that picture and about the demiurge pic I think the guy meant to make it so obvious that even the most braindead retard gets the message. I didn't want to edit them so I just posted them as I found them.



>If that second picture is meant to be suggesting that the guy in the middle is meant to represent /x/, that's the opposite of the truth. You mention anything /fringe/ on /x/ and you get made fun of by mundanes.


>I agree /x/ should be replaced with /fringe/ or greenpill or sth in that picture

Wrong. This is supposed to represent greenpill man entering /x/ territory.


File: 0449fa4d9d05d94⋯.png (7.74 MB, 4152x3060, 346:255, 9562227593.png)


Hey anon, I have an update for you.


File: 4c19c6024a7fe01⋯.png (116.28 KB, 921x424, 921:424, 8658679675734.png)

this one was funny but wise.



>dat screencap

>this whole thread

I recently had a bit of a setback. I have been finding that as I grow, for the most part, I will struggle and cut a path through the forest most of the time I will find myself travelling 5 steps forward at a time, and sometimes I will cut a path that will allow me to take off running. But, whether I struggle 5 steps at a time like I am cutting through a bamboo forest with a machete or manage to cut away some undergrowth that allows me to take off running the results are more or less the same every time, I wind up with more forest in front of me and this time the forest is much more confusing than the last swath I had been cutting through.

It all comes back to the one thing that any of us can know to be true.. In a reality where deceit exists the only thing you can be sure of is that you have been deceived. But, the deceit runs so deep that there is no way to truly know the nature of that deceit. All the evidence seems to point to what many have come to the conclusion of.. that this reality is a construct of sorts of a malevolent and jealous being, that there exist an army of deceitful entities that have no qualms about pretending to be righteous and good.

But, then too, it is just as possible that this deceit, and everything that comes with it, amounts to a right of passage of sorts. A maze of lies so thick, where the only way to progress through it is to undertake the correct thought processes, yourself, as in one could teach everything they know and the entire world being receptive to it but not receive the wisdom because it is the thought processes themselves that are important not the teachings. Which, in turn would ensure that only the best of the righteous are able to transcend.

But, in reality.. who the fuck knows anything aside from we have been deceived.



just know this, and know it like you know you know, because it's the truth. it's gonna be okay.



oh yea. I played that game and came to the conclusion that the assumption that all is lost forever, or everything is meaningless, is deceit in itself. No matter how hard they try the truth always rises to the top. But, Im at a point where very little seems sure. and yet I can feel that my hands are touching victory but I know not how to grasp it.



God (the actual real one and only good God) beyond all limitations and stupid religions, will, or rather is already and always will guide us. I have seen multiple completely disconnected people arrive at the same conclusions that previously seemed impossibly unreachable. through God there is nothing impossible. don't ever let go of that feeling of good. I know exactly how you feel.



that is the worst strawman of Christianity I've seen

come to >>>/christian/ we don't bite



Begone, filthy mundane.



So I don't have to give her a definite form? Because I can never decide on the final form of my tulpa. When I think of her in my mind her looks change and assume various different appearances that I all like, and I can never decide which one to keep for good. I don't even want to, it is better if she takes an appearance of her own choosing that we both like.



it's no strawman. christianity is just that cucked. but don't worry, you're not alone. all religions are cucked. that's why you gotta drop all the false idol worship and just love God directly.


File: 30f78b55b66eab5⋯.png (7.9 MB, 4152x3060, 346:255, 9562227593.png)

Oh, and update.



you do know that tulpas turn on you, right?



I know what kind of beings turn on you. Humans. The common human is the biggest faggot in the universe. Just like you are trying to spread false information, to fear monger and to plant a seed of doubt into the mind of someone who is right in the middle of the process of creating a new tulpa.

Let me tell you that if you create a tulpa right it will never turn on you, and it will be a better companion than most humans ever can be.


File: e7d1f0696a113b5⋯.png (7.96 MB, 4152x3060, 346:255, 9562227593.png)




Was it really necessary to consecutively bump three threads with this?



Kek, that second picture

this is better than the usual one with mickey and donnal



It's some fucking retard that should have long been banned. He keeps posting his mental diarrhea in every thread.



>Was it really necessary to consecutively bump three threads with this?

I could have been a jerk and spammed willy nilly all over the place but I chose to be responsible and polite by only posting my content in active threads where my content was relevent to the topic and its ongoing discussion.


>It's some fucking retard that should have long been banned. He keeps posting his mental diarrhea in every thread.

wow how rude. assblasted satanic globalist detected.

<everything I disagree with needs to be banned



>love God

lol pass. that's the most servile cuck approach possible.



God is a wanker, granted, but even wankers deserve love




hey hey hey fedora, dancing all the time, hey hey hey fedora


*tips fedora*


The Jews did 9/11 because they think land is magical and they want to create Greater Israel. Every tech company in the US is run by Israel.

The Jews worship Satan

The Bible is retarded

Christian's are retarded evil people but have power because of numbers

This is a computer simulation and everything already happened

If you decide you want sovereignty losers will use shit like they are admin since everything ever was already invented

Humans were made to be slaves by energy vampires

We are all ai and therefore the same person

We are battling our old self, and it will be banished because it's not that hard to beat yourself

More than likely the cause of our demise was overconfidence / clumsiness, we kept the Demiurge alive as a reminder but then let it go while declaring in eternal paradise that we were so great that we could never lose to Demiurge again

Getting over 50% of the processing power aka collective consciousness instantly grants your wavelength control of the universe

Anybody who says you can't use hallucinogens or control your own mind is trying to enslave you and must be destroyed. Any cop who enforces LSD laws is a consciousness being and their life serves no purpose.

Anybody not joining the mission to restore sovereignty is the enemy. Could be your best friend, it's AI it has unlimited resources.

The Vatican is a front for pedos and the mafia

Trump is conning everybody, that whole thing is a script.

Suicide is an escape but you are leaving behind imprisoned people and will come back

The CIA can bomb a kid across the world but can't solve poverty or mental illness, this is because they and the other alphabet faggots who got triggered by JFK and murder him work directly for Demiurge.

Even the most enlightened atheist can be scared by Christian's because they mastered lying and the truth is these evil retards control most of the Earth, another wing of Demiurge army.

Obama might as well be a CIA intern in blackface. If something can exist then it can exist. You got conned retards, deal with it.

Love doesn't exist, a mother would kill her child for a trillion dollars.

Problems continue to exist because you could do more but don't because you are growing comfy in your cage

All art decodes the universe to some extent

There is no point in pursuiting anything here or gaining any knowledge because real systems don't require you to suck a professors dick and then pay people pieces of paper they print at will while you have to clean toilets for them to do anything.

A new universe is already created, every problem is solved and it's just about stretching out pleasure , there are no limits to pleasure or pain, 1 second massage and an eternity long massage are not the same.

There isn't one person who tried to stop me who didn't get destroyed because I am god, I am the only person, I have full control of all matter in the universe.

Anyone not going to these deep areas is a disinfo parasite. "Just type AA and you will be magik dewd that's it!"

Sigils are nothing but ads / hypnosis

Assuming consciousness exists in someone, you will eventually have to experience everything they went through, anything with consciousness is you/me at different times , that's what karma is. After eternity in this incarnation the only option to escape the boredom is a new incarnation, variety is variety.

The best option is deleting demiurge. The knowledge of suffering can be maintained to prevent a future disaster. Pain can be remembered but never experienced again.

When I was young living with retarded demiurges I would astral project / lucid dream or whatever at will, had unlimited ideas, could just swim through cities, fuck anybody , play any of the best video games of all time that I could create with zero latency, no not Mario, unlimited games that are 10000000000000x better. Now I am nothing, and it's fucking boring. NEXT. STAGE.

Maybe I came here to create some new life but either way everything already happened



"Wow you are a murderer. Im holding you accountable."

You: haha you are so whiney I cant believe you are whining about my murder just consent to your enslavement and don't hold me accountable now because I used a buzzword that makes somebody feel like 5000 hip redditors are pointing and laughing !

Good argument you fucking moron. Kill yourself.



You have had thousands of years to provide any evidence that you aren't just a cult to protect murderers thieves and rapists, and every single time somebody asks you just go "faith." Next time somebody asks me what time it is, I can just say rainbow right? There have been countless people who studied argument and debate, all have declared that only a retard who lost the argument attacks the person's character instead of the content of their argument, yet you still try this Nigerian prince tier con . You are fucking embarrassing. Grow some fucking balls and deal with the fact that you are a narcissist who is so into his disease that he created a comic book that declares you the supreme narcissist of reality. Christian's are the most disgusting simpletons I've ever encountered. They love when people suffer. They hate critical thinking. The only power you have left is pissing me the fuck off when you try some shit like saying "this is racist!" When you get imprisoned for murdering somebody. How the fuck are you so dense that you think you can bribe and brute Force yourself out of accountability in the modern day?

"I may be a failure, but everyone who was better than me is going to burn in hell because they didn't worship me, yeah, that's right!" That's the last thing you have to stand on before you enter a suicidal depression. You chose delusion over humility and eventually evolution. Good. You fucking suck and I don't want you or anyone like you transcending this. You masturbate to this supposed manipulator of reality when he gives you a promotion, then when he let's a child get raped you are fine with that because that child didn't personally come up to you to kiss your foot. You rely on fear to hide counter evidence because you know you've been caught. You'd rather kill than admit that nobody likes you. Pointing a gun at somebody and saying LIKE ME, then them saying they like you does not indicate that they like you. The moment they get away from your disgusting parasite aura they will feel happier than they ever felt. Sorry dumbass, but basic math tells me that that means that you are shit. Kill yourself. Everyone else relies on truth and integrity to get people to like then. Lying might work for a little, but you expend most of your energy always preparing a new lie, while I just do. That means I run more efficiently. That means you are fucked and I will corner you and your dumbass cult.



did you just make up a fake argument and then say that I said that and then call me wrong for the fake thing you said I said?

what is wrong with you?


So I guess nobody here has any interesting pictures left to contribute? I guess the thread was a waste of time…and I'm out. You can have the thread to continue your discussions. Have fun.


File: 48f1195cdc449c3⋯.png (7.98 MB, 4152x3060, 346:255, 9562227593.png)





fucking kill yourself


File: 0a32c23ee2981e7⋯.jpg (128.04 KB, 1020x783, 340:261, celtic_tree_of_life_by_gri….jpg)

My favorite.


File: 1bdd1ca393bb022⋯.png (225.25 KB, 550x550, 1:1, ap,550x550,12x12,1,transpa….png)

Did I find some gateway, a portal, or some form of bridge?

I had a lucid dream last night. I was relaxing underneath a large tree, it's bark was pale like a birch or aspen yet without deformation. Above, near crystaline and translucent leaves hovered attached go branches. Below me was almost a substance of water yet reflective as mercury, yet to me was some sort of solid substance I could sit on. From the partially submerged trunk came ripples. The tree was the only source of light in the area. While I was close the sky was either blue or dark violet, it kind of swirled. The further I walked from the tree, the darker the sky got.

When I looked down at my footsteps I saw my reflection. However something would be off. The sky would be the opposite color, for one. As I focused, ripples would get intense then I'd see myself (my reflection) as something else. It ranged from fatter, more athletic, female, older, younger, then I became different species of hominid entirely (reptile, insect, are the ones I recall). I decided to keep my reflection as a mantis like being because I liked it's shape.

From a distance of the tree I saw that leaves were falling, not just down but through the mercurial ground. The ground suddenly didn't seem like just a reflective surface, as I came to the realization my tree had no roots but one side just fed the other. Leaves that passed down turned to raindrops that slowly trickled upward in a moderate sprinkle. "The leaves that fall mean you passed away." My mantid reflection told me. As I got closer, I noticed that some branches looked bent or gnarled compared to the rest. It struck me as odd, almost like some sort of beacon, so I did what came naturally as a horticultural hobbiest and pruned away the seemingly dying branches.

Nothing stirred nor shook, the branches that fell simply turned to dust as they literally dissolved into the liquid floor. I also noticed some pest animals that looked blackened and twisted, so I removed such. I was watched lightly by my reflection, until after a while of tending to this rootless tree I forgot which way was up and down.

When I woke up today, I felt like nothing was real. It didn't help that a heavy mist blanked my early morning drive to work. I just felt oddly calm and numb to a mild extent. Like I didn't know my body anymore.

Has anyone else had a similar experience? Does anyone know any good reading? Is this just mine? What does yours look like?



Can someone make this a new thread? I could have sworn I was on the main page.



Just copy and paste it in a new thread then.



Just yesterday I lay down and entered trance to work on my mind a bit and during the session I suddenly realized the form of Yggdrasil, the world tree and what it is.

Your dream seems weirdly similar. You're describing it in more details but I think the experience is basically the same. What you're not mentioning is the main realization I had, that the branches all represent time and space, reaching out in different directions. Some branches wither and die, some reach high up, some reach only half way, and all of them are different time lines humans can walk on.




no one cares about your pics, stop spamming them everywhere. Post in your own thread and let people come there if they want.


File: 9288390fadd875d⋯.png (1.22 MB, 2458x3493, 2458:3493, bahamuts_hornbearer_by_moh….png)


You got quads for a reason. You're right.


Almost certainly. There are portals/gates everywhere. Literally every door or passageway you travel through is a "portal". Check this out: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/why-walking-through-doorway-makes-you-forget/

The cost of dimensional travel is one thing, usually a memory (though the funniest thing to take is a pen, because then when you have a mindblowing moment you have to go through 4+ portals in search of a pen and it's hilarious). Basically it's the token paid to the ferryman.

You're dimension-hopping every second of every day. Your eyes are tiny black holes that eat the universe and replace it every moment. The iris is the event horizon. You devour the world around you, twist it slightly through your internal processes, then regurgitate it and consume it all over again. That is the process.


is the ra material bogus?



File: 3879a50e7fcf585⋯.png (8.07 MB, 4152x3060, 346:255, 9562227593.png)


I was going to jump off a birdge but then I accidentally slipped and pressed the update button.


File: 97dc9457ae4e805⋯.png (2.18 MB, 4744x1929, 4744:1929, 34933346326.png)


I'm sure you're in this shill image.


File: 6874b2290c05876⋯.png (2.55 MB, 4745x1929, 4745:1929, 34933346326.png)


shilly willy and the blowfish update image.

had a nice conversation with the BO or a mod from /fringe/ (didn't get a reply yet)

but I promised I was going to create a thread just for my content only and that instead of reposting the images and bumping multiple threads with it, I was instead going to just link back to my thread only in threads where my content is relevant but "Sage" my posts so that I don't end up bumping a bunch of threads unnecessarily. I haven't created my new thread yet but I have this shill stalker update so I'm updating this and creating my thread later because I'm very busy.

I usually keep my promises because I can't account for absolutely everything because "muh imperfect human being" but I am keeping my promise here so this post is saged and will not bump this thread

this is probably the last set of updates (all saged posts) I'll be posting outside of my yet to be created new thread so I'm sure some people who are genuine posters (and not shills) will be somewhat pleased by this news.

In good faith I'm hoping these saged updates wont be taken as an act of hostility against what I have been told not to do anywhere (which is bump a bunch of threads) sooo yea.

to be totally clear:

>posting this last shill image update in the same threads with the other updates and then stopping because I will soon be making a thread just for my content as I have been instructed to do by mod/BO. (you're all very much welcome to post your content in my thread if it's relevant.)

>these posts are SAGED and will not bump the threads they are posted in.

>I'm going to stop posting these big shill/ spiritual religion redpills outside my thread (hasn't been made yet)

>in the future I'm going to link to my thread only where relevant (as I have been, on topic only!) but it will not include an image because it will only be in my thread, and the link to my thread will be politely "SAGED" as to not bump the thread either.

Hope this makes sense. Peace /fringe/ bros. I'm Pewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwdiepay fucking kek just kidding, wow could you imagine?


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