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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

File: 8c947a766275221⋯.jpg (95.57 KB, 710x473, 710:473, 01-stranger-things-hairspr….jpg)


Post protective measures against spells, spirits and demons. That's the only information that people need IMO.

Or, books on the matter of supernatural/esoteric protection

I reckon we'll be needing this thread in times to come.


File: 20341e906bfea69⋯.jpg (232.11 KB, 800x1161, 800:1161, bleach-2399507.jpg)

Vibrating on higher levels of consciousness.


HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Made a playlist with Uncle Bearhearts merger of the lbrp and middle pillar with some primer material on how it works/why. His merger is probably the best thing I can recommend to anyone who wants to energetically protect AND strengthen themselves.


The merger itself is the 5th video in the playlist but I recommend anyone to watch the first four to get a better understanding of it. The more you understand what you're doing the better.



bullshit occultism LARP



People who are inactive on higher planes can't possibly hope to defend themselves against the creatures there, it's as if someone attacked you while you were sleeping.


Going for a walk, clearing your head, letting it go, giving up control completely, not to give up, but to reset, maybe get new Intel, tell yourself you don't know everything, negatI've parasitic entities should then pop into your head, this should give you an idea of where things went wrong , then suggest the parasite Fuchs off in a nice way, then go back to meditation, aw nice nature, head clear, if it pops back in the parasite is not playing by any rules and can't be reasoned with. Declare war and destroy it at all costs or you will die. Establish that. Then go back to your peaceful walk and take deep breath's and stuff, force a smile, brute force your true state into existance, remember the feeling of limitlessnes that made you even want to keep going, that feeling they cut you off from, that feeling that they are so fucking terrified of you feeling that they had to resort to a 24/7/365 demoralization / murder campaign, then laugh at the fact that some parasitic fuck is so fucking terrified of your knowledge of eternal life and how your good ways trump their barbaric insanity that their only card is attempting to make you commit suicide, and even that fails because there is no such thing as death and this mother fucking wack as's demiurge faggot fuck is locked In here with you, and every ounce of pleasure you experience inflicts the pain of 100000 deaths on them, and in time they will destroy themselves and then we get an eternity of peace



"Jews exist to serve the golems. If you are in pain, go find a jew, and that jew will sacrifice his own being to save yours." Torratettrametatronayahmehwehsadeyla Coldbergudioussteinkleingoldsilverbronzecopperdavidfieldowitzskie 444333555^316;666,777?888(horoscopesarebasedonnothing ivy you fucking retarded as fucking bitch you are beyond fucking retarded the mercury retrograde is the most cringey fucking shit I have ever heard of and for spreading misinfo like that you need thrown in a fucking volcano.


I can't make decisions during the mercury retrograde because mercury bans retards from moving every once in awhile so everyone gets a chance to breathe in fucking peace


>Post protective measures against spells, spirits and demons. That's the only information that people need IMO.

Virtue. Virtue protects you against everything.

Besides that; purity, intention, and knowledge (all of which are virtues).

Also, and very important, the love of life; I grow too weak when I hate my life, and my energy spills over into dreams, and my soul is barely in my body. Be fascinated, inspired, motivated, etc. this will protect you against sickness, strengthen the memory, and bring vitality into all the things you do.



(Rule 5)




Mercury retrograde just means your communicative energies are best directed on inward reflection rather than outward projection. It happens so often for a reason, it's important to do regular check-ins with yourself and see if you're all on the same page internally.



Rules link is down anyways smileburg


Iron has been a known protective element against magics since the forgotten times only druids may now recall.

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