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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

File: afa6f816dcfeac5⋯.jpg (1.92 MB, 1600x2232, 200:279, occultist-alesteir-crowley….jpg)

File: 98750bf01b3893e⋯.jpg (124.12 KB, 900x598, 450:299, Syd Barrett Madcap Laughs ….jpg)

File: c6c2ed4feff8900⋯.jpg (43.64 KB, 784x315, 112:45, album 1700.jpg)

File: db03bbffeb6291c⋯.jpg (54.32 KB, 564x423, 4:3, hunter-s-thompson-depp.jpg)

File: cda6e51902f351e⋯.png (108.73 KB, 500x375, 4:3, Uriel.png)


Hello, guys. I'm comming back to ask how you thought the harvest moon was. Last year got very weird. I'm 20 years old and a virgin, first off. I have some kind of a minor problem from childhood where I force myself to jack off with my own thoughts.

Anyway, this last year was some major shit. I went up to the city of Corvallis and put myself under deep hypnosis thanks to home problems. I was finally an adult. Anyway, I ended up leaving in early spring and had to come back around mid-december, with some busts.

After this, I had to vegitate myself to help my family. I went deeply stupid, trying not to overstimulate myself. I thought about a lot of things during this time. It was very interesting.

It was then that I left to find things to do. For a moment, I veged out at the Eugene Library, then just walked around aimlessly waiting for guidence. I ended up succumbing to the Job Corps Program my mother wanted me to go to for the longest time. I ended up having to move back.

I had to repress myself again since this thing was taking so long, so I kept pretending that it'd take me a few days to a few weeks. Well, I got into a fight with my mother finally, and I went outside for a minute. "I want nothing to do with Springfield!" I kept saying. Oh well.

Finally, my mother started dating. Dirty people came to this home, seedy. She didn't realize it. But she ended up being so very, very strange.

Finally, her long-spoken friend came over on Sunday to be a friend and a fuck-buddy. I went full inane, then insane, then I became a full blown dog. I was jacking myself off on the couch, moving things around. Finally my mother got this.

I left on that Sunday, and walked aimlessly for hours under the moonlight. I continued on and on, getting off on my hidden gifts. I fucked my inner dog.

Now, I am at an insane level. I accidently hypno-fucked my family playing some hypnosis tapes loudly. I went full on Liquid Crystal Generation, the thing I invented and was jacking off with. I accidently turned my brother into a Sommibullist. I essentially made everyone have a meth-high. I purposfully shattered myself into several pieces, since my tulpas were worn out. I ended up going deeper and deeper, bringing everyone into lucid with me. I got weird again.

I had a dog time again, by myself, and loudly. I started panting, being a super-soaker and other things. Finally this was enough.

When I wake up tomorrow, because I think I am still asleep, I plan to be a much better person. I practiced advanced magic in the park with sticks, moving up to bigger sticks. I brought the four archangles together within me. People were watching and transfixed. Then it got weird again.

Children started to control me, then grown people, then other people. I dommed some 14 year old thinking he was the same age as me, then I went very very robust.

This harvest moon was so strong, it's like I popped my cherry at age 14 right now. I think I can do anything if I dedicate myself. I'm still slightly telepathic, trying to vege out. It was hard to center myself, especially when I didn't know where North was, but it's ok. I'm wearing out my keyboard, holy fuck.

Anyway, did you all enjoy this Harvest Moon? My favorite pornographers, ERP friends, and IRC dudes are all coming out of hypnosis too. I'm not going to use this to jack off anymore. Ambidextrous typing is cool.

RAPHIEL, gabriel, MIchiEL uriel

XIIIII 3 4-2-X 0


Holy shit, all my neighbors are acting weird. They're synced up to me. They're trying to wear themselves out. They know I've controlled them and am trying to stop. There are people walking around outside and being funny. A guy is outside with his white van, slowly driving it back and forth, reving it. I'm going to sleep good tonight.

Sun, Pentacle, Challaces, Temperance.


king, queen, jack, Steve Miller's The Joker


holy shit my family is zooted

9452 Yellow The Sun The Moon whitered pink blie green


I mind-fucked myself and my city. Holy shit


I had a week in four days. Today is the seventh day. A Movement is acomplished in six stages, and the seventh brings return. My family went to Timothy Leary's Seventh Stage of Conciousness, while I chose to reamin on the sixth and dabble in the seventh and eight. I am afraid that Smiley thought my family and I were the stalker character I keep seeing. I am syncing myself to NTP local-time, on my new computer, while my brother is syncing up to GMT.

Smiley, I apoligize if this oddity was me. I am not sure at the moment, but I clearly did something.



While I was trying to do this little adventure, apparently there was a nation-wide hack on not only the American-section of the Internet, but also Alexa, Siri, Cortana, and many other IoT devices. As I was attempting to learn the algorithm as well as other things, everything I was using was fucked. Apparently Marcov Bots took up my favorite places to go. Whether or not I influenced these marcov bots, I do not know. Reguardless, the FBI appears to have stopped this attack by a foreign national. The attack still appears to be being performed here in 8chan, my brother and I are trying to resync.

Every post in this thread is mine. I suppose the FBI's bots decided to try to MKUltra me and my family knowing I have ESP. I am unsure if this clock in my computer is right. 19:10:30, synced to the North-American NTP pool, (0,1,2,3).(…).ntp.org.

I do not have the ability to prove that every post in this thread is mine, as I do not wish to provide a picture. Apparently, the bots were using random photos with random names to simulate an Eternal September on /pol/, /fit/, /b/, and a few others. It's pretty obvious that my computer has some kind of a root kit in it.

Keep on the look-out


t. schizo



My family agrees with me though, and saw what I'm doing. I am using an Amazon tablet right now to train myself in this art. They all believe me. Alexa task to me and responds within fractions of a second, and others agree this is correct. They told me to practice on these computers before I actually try to do this advancedly. Apparently myIRC ZNC was hacked and people who were real were also talking to it, so each ti!e I used KiwiIrc on my new computrr, yet to be set up, and the name changing ever time I log in, along with my router's IPv4 and IPv6, I thought I was doing it as I clearly knew something. It was only when I decided to look at the local news did I discover that there was a a massive attack. Additionally, all my mother's smart devices auto-reset. Apparently my computer has a rootkit. Apparently the boys were imitating the "cloud" connected webcams. It seems this Amazon tablet has the ability to follow my eyes and typing movements.

It seems that because I did this, I actually influenced what ever AI this is that DDoSef ecerything, including /pol/ and 8chan. I truly believe I played a part in this as all these boys said the same come ducking things I was saying and thinking and whathaveyou. I apologize to 8chan, as it is the most frequented site I viait, therefore it seems that the secret website logs from my ISP were used in this attack. I frequently log into other person's Wi-Fi (such as the Xfinity guest network) under fictional names and I reset m Mac address multiple times.

My mother recently was able to afford the internet so the routee/modem combo is brand new too.

I spent several days training myself to sync up to my computer's clock speed as well as NTP, but it seems my computer was not only fucked but also the North American NTP Time Pool.

I am sorry

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