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Esoteric Wizardry
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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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I believe all technology that has an upside has an relatively equal downside; the larger the benefit, the more destructive it becomes.

So instead of cucking ourselves, we should start an anprim culture/religion group that bans the creation of technology such as modern medicine and electricity

>but I don't know how to survive in the wilderness

Aaaaaaand you're right. However, we can still leech off this shitty globalist society.

Avoid ALL modern medicines (medication, vaccines, etc), avoid all GM food, additives, grains/wheat/gluten, dairy, added sugars, and purified water, Eat foods we would eat in the wild like eggs, vegetables, and fruits. Start a natural farm in your backyard. Limit your exposure to microwave and EMF radiation from computers and microwaves by keeping your distance from them while they're running, or just not use microwaves or computers at all, stop masturbating like 1st world cultures encourage us to do (yes, I have been on nofap for months now.), and go outside once in a while, at least just for 30 minutes, actually step outside and get fresh air, not look out a window outside (we need vitamin D)


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>organizing anti-technology movement

>doing so through the use of technology

You already lost to your own unnecessary game of philosophy.


Every Fringer should try to actually live on the streets with just a rucksack, bivvy bag, sleeping bag, some cash to buy whatever the cheapest food they can get to sustain themselves indefinitely, and other stuff they can carry with them or on a bike easy and live like that for a couple months.

If you can't manage even two days like this you have to go back and rethink your plans and try again.

The goal is to be comfortable living and sleeping anywhere on a bare minimum of needs and to clear the mind of all the junk that both the internet and people in your life fill it with and instead focus entirely on the purpose of self-cultivation.

Forget about forming a society also there's so many people that already live like this you just have to become homeless yourself and you will meet many other esoterically minded homeless.



This actually a really good idea. I feel that this is very well a green pilled way.

I have been thinking about this for years, and also about suicide and I pondered what would be better. But I figure that suicide would rob you of oppurtunities for further realization of yourself and attaining Gnosis/Enlightenment. But of course the comfort that I am in right now and was in for all my life puts me in chains and makes of me a coward and a degenerate so until now all of this was just theory. But actually I'd love to do it, just need to detach from material things and comfort completely.

What I know is that conforming to current society, living in it and furthering it is no way to go. This society is for the abnormal degenerates. Sooner or later one will have to break out, even if it means becoming homeless and sharing greenpill knowledge with other homeless, even if it means to eventually suicide and go to the astral.

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