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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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So, I decided to get into Corpus Hermeticum since it's one of the first things shilled by modern gnostics after the Nag Hammadi library (which I'm already familiar with).


And right in the second chapter I bear witness to this:

>Wherefore child-making is a very great and a most pious thing in life for them who think aright, and to leave life on earth without a child a very great misfortune and impiety; and he who hath no child is punished by the daimons after death.

>And this the punishment: that that man’s soul who hath no child, shall be condemned unto a body with neither man’s nor woman’s nature, a thing accurst beneath the sun.

>Wherefore, Asclepius, let not your sympathies be with the man who hath no child, but rather pity his mishap, knowing what punishment abides for him.

So, explain in to me please why the hell does the gnostic community approve of this demiurgery that basically spits on celibate/monastic lifestyle?

Or is it some kind of twisted "allegory" that I don't get?


Obviously just more corruption to scare you into furthering demiurge bullshit and feeding the matrix while sacrificing yourself and your children.

Learn to pick the rare gold nuggets out of the huge piles of shit. Any and every teaching is not perfect and has some corruption/lies to it.

Common sense (and quite some great other teachings) tells us IMO that being celibate without children is the true way.



You should try to create something in this world, not necessarily a human.


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1)Locusts, black-people, and gypsies reproduce uncontrollably until all resources are consumed and civilization is destroyed.

2)Incarnation is tied to the 'collective-being' of blood/race who's psychic counterpart is the collective unconscious.

3)By not reproducing during the kali-yuga, you're weakening this being.

4) Whereupon you'll eventually be forced into the body of such a "locust" and it will hurt like hell. Assuming any individuality of yours even survives the black swarm that is their collective unconscious.

Maintain your House lest you'll find yourself living in slums. Fight the rats, both within and without, lest you become them.



Are you saying that if I don't have children I'll reincarnate as a nigger?


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I've been using imageboards since 2007 and I've never had the opportunity to post this picture before.

The point he's addressing is probably the most compelling natalist argument I've seen so far. Consciousness does not end. I don't know how reincarnation works exactly, but if it follows any of the laws of physics or anything similar to them it'll likely involve reincarnating in the same region and time period of ones death.

So if there's no white babbies around basically you'll end up as Paco eating pico de gallo that your 4'7" Guatemalan mother feeds you.



I´m not him, but if you are still tied to the matrix of souls in this sector, and the white genocide take place, what other options you have?



My thoughts exactly. It's just weird how so many gnostics hold hermetic texts in unquestionable high regard despite passages like that.


Actually I wonder if the whole thing is the result of an incorrect translation. Maybe "fruit" would be better? That would rhyme with Jesus's "tree that bears good fruit".

Now that I think of it, the creators of the canonic bible did things like exchanging the word "church" to "wife", so no wonder. The deception runs deep.




Thank you for your input, but I asked the opinion of gnostics, not poltards obsessed with sex, breeding and material existence.

Any kind of spiritual work that is not aimed at breaking the reincarnation cycle is useless.


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Perhaps I've been too verbose.

Let me be more clear.

You tend to reincarnate in the same race/ethnicity. It's characteristic you acquire, they mold you, and in turn, you mold them. No man exists alone, born out of himself with no ties to greater structures. The collective unconscious is what forms the "heaven" of said race (eg, Valhala, etc.) . A beautiful garden where you meet long-dead family members, ancestors, etc. But said heaven is "rooted" here on earth, on the continued existence of said bloodlines and genes.

Now, ours of course comes with responsibilities and challenges. You may think yourself wise cutting the roots of the tree of heaven to escape them, but there are far worse places to be.

Say you kill all of your race. Will that stop the thirst of your soul? You'll fight like an animal with the souls of animals (niggers) for a small chance at the physical existence you considered yourself so above when alive. And in an instinct-driven body you shall return. And many aeons shall pass before you even have a choice again whether to die or not reproduce. At most, you're undoing the great work . The long road of seeding matter with spirit and intelligence. Because it's easier to seek escapism than admit failures. Like having a diet of burgers because "the body doesn't matter anyway". Hint: it does. Matter and spirit have one root . Tough there are things worth dying for, that doesn't mean the body doesn't matter.


Any information that comes from a human is questionable. It gets filtered through human senses and experiences and turned into the words of a limited language. Obviously we're talking about Hermes Trismegistus here, but to act like it's impossible to question some of the things he said or wonder about the context in which he said them is idolatry, which misses the entire point of occult work. I'm definitely not questioning the seven axioms, but if you're going to act like he's literally the most important person who ever lived and that you need to take every single word he said seriously, you're just as bad as those Thelemites who get super mad when you say that, you know, maybe Aleister Crowley isn't the only person whose books I should be reading. Two entirely different people in terms of importance, but both human (speaking of which, people say Hermes came from outer space, so how likely is it that that claim is just people taking him too seriously? It could be true, but it seems more likely to me that it's more idolatry).

Specifically with this question, the idea of there being "punishment" implies objective morality rather than karmic debt, so it sounds fishy. Not to mention, what about people who die before they reach puberty? What about people who do really important work throughout their lives that don't have time for children? This is the kind of thing that you should be deciding to do intuitively/with guidance from your higher self. If not doing a particular thing was going to cause some kind of adverse reaction based on being judged by a supreme being after death, then it would be the judgement of beings that are keeping you in chains. The archons can suck my dick.






I've been struggling with this topic lately and this is the most convincing argument I've ever heard in favour of a Magus reproducing physically. I thought I'd reincarnate in a timeline where everything turned out alright, but this is the Kali Yuga so perhaps Nature needs all the help She can get.

I don't look forward to having my evolution retarded simply because of low quality vessels.



>assuming any individuality of yours even survives the black swarm that is their collective unconscious.

How do I detach from its influence?



>You tend to reincarnate in the same race/ethnicity.

Do you have anything substantial to support that claim?

>collective unconscious is what forms the "heaven" of said race

That sounds like a "false heaven" mentioned in many gnostic works. An illusional rehab of sorts a deceived soul is put into before being thrown back into the matter.

>beautiful garden where you meet long-dead family members, ancestors, etc

That's typical new age spiritualism that stems from mundane fear of death and fear of loss.

>Will that stop the thirst of your soul?

More baseless implications. Breaking news for you: not everyone enjoys living in this dungpile of reality. That is why things like monasticism and asceticism exist.

Anyone who's doing spiritual work has decisively severed or in the process of severing ties with the mentioned "collective unconscious" (which is in fact the devil's true nature). By disconnecting from this grand prison through spiritual work one returns to the True Existence.

Btw, I'm perfectly aware of the demiurgic natalist agenda so you can stop your shilling already, life cultist. For it's not falling on naive ears.

PS. I definitely didn't start this thread to argue with polfags and their memes, but I guess that just shows the present-day population of /fringe/.



>If not doing a particular thing was going to cause some kind of adverse reaction based on being judged by a supreme being after death, then it would be the judgement of beings that are keeping you in chains.

Well said.



I'm sorry Mister Enlightenment, but are you going to transcend the need for physicality in this Lifetime? If you were you wouldn't be here.

Modern Gnostics being the depressing arrogant idiots of Occultism yet again.


>be like a nigger or become a nigger


Some of the posts sound just like another version of the christian hell. "You have no free will, no choice and no freedom. You exist only as a slave in the system and a thousand chains bind you here. Do as we say or face severe punishment".

I wonder if anyone still falls for such silly outdated scare tacticts. The worst part is they actually believe anyones soul here was fighting with niggers just to get a chance at a place in this shithole here. Yeah, their own soul maybe.

The gnostic teachings were pretty solid in the beginning but as with all I believe they had their own fair share of corruption and misinterpretation by degenerates, sex addicts and material-loving faggots who suck demiurges dick while simultaniously having archon dick up their ass.

Such teachings are coming now to an end and we are reclaiming our own power and our freedom. Only those who love reincarnation and this system so much will be left behind in this shithole.

Peoples egos have a very hard time to accept that nothing matters and all is an illusion, that they can just go into the astral after death and live happily ever after or do whatever so they create artificial systems and beliefs and try to maintain some "order" to protect the system from anarchy or collapse. But because all is mind and they walk the unenlightened path, they create their own hell for themselves. Their own mind makes them reincarnate as niggers and be stuck in samsara forever. Being a philosopher and occultist doesn't mean you are enlightened, while at least the basic level of enlightenment is the most important thing in this whole story. The enlightened one realizes he can just walk away and that none of those stupid doctrines is real. It is not hard to cast off the chains from you that bind you here because there are no chains.

The sad part is that those who advocate forced reincarnation and severe punishments for "wrong behaviour" manage to actually scare and brainwash other people and drag them to hell with them. But again I think in the age of enlightenment this bullshit will finally end.



Traditional western occultism dictates that you incarnate in the physical plane to struggle and evolve, ultimately conquering it. Gnostics believe that they're in hell trapped by the devil and escaping is the goal. Ask and you shall receive. There is no reconciliation I can see.

If this is necessary in your development then so be it, but for fuck's sake I've never met a self-proclaimed Gnostic who wasn't in a sad state. It reminds me of my previous self so it makes me a little angry. I just can't come to terms with you lot which is why I avoid you when I can.

Plus, Karma is simply cause and effect. You are punished by your sins, not for them. You're only a puppet as per the degree you do not recognise your master self.

Help me reconcile, anon.



>are you going to transcend the need for physicality in this Lifetime?

There's no "need", only attachments. Which are being dealt with.

>If you were you wouldn't be here.

Well obviously I'm not done yet.


>Traditional western occultism dictates that you incarnate in the physical plane to struggle and evolve, ultimately conquering it.

No, that is simply social-darwinism under an occultist wrapping. Sometimes also known as "satanism". Nothing direct to do with traditional occultism.

>Gnostics being the depressing arrogant idiots

>for fuck's sake I've never met a self-proclaimed Gnostic who wasn't in a sad state

You could've just said

>lol get a life fags :^)))

That is what all your little "accusations" really boil down to anyway.



Now we are going to a whole different topic. I don't really want to discuss this or disagree with you. Actually that post is pretty decent.

What makes me angry is nonsense like "have children or go to hell". I'll side with all the countless monks, celibates and enlightened masters who never ever claimed such a ridiculous thing but who in fact advocated celibacy and severing your ties with the material world, actually going away from it. This is the only way the material world can be "conquered", otherwise it just sucks you in. Even non-masters who still get glimpse of enlightenment tell it doesn't matter and there are no rules whatsoever. Has Franz Bardon in his book "Initiation into Hermetics" ever told: "oh btw go make some children or you'll be a nigger for some thousands of years"? No, he just said the astral planes will be your home after death so there is nothing to fear or to be concerned about. Has Jesus said such things? Has Buddha said such things?

Teachings like "Do xyz or be punished" seem extremely self-serving and egoistical and can only be told or acted through by egoistical, "evil" beings. That's why the concept of the archons makes sense to me. They whisper bullshit in your ear to trap you in misery.

By the way, ever thought about the fact that Gnostics might be sad and want to get out of here is because they are one of the only few who can actually see and understand? Not that I agree with the statement that most Gnostics are sad.

And one very last thing I feel like adding here… I am a sort of empath/intuitive person. I don't really know if my third eye is fully open or not but sometimes I can tap into infinite intelligence to feel what is right and what is wrong. And those teachings about being forced to reincarnate and being punished for certain act in this physical illusion do not resonate at all. They just don't feel right…in fact they feel very wrong and like a sick delusion.


Alright let's assume reincarnation is mandatory. Let's say I actually do create one or more children. What now? Will I be spared of reincarnation? Or will I have more liberation in choosing which place I wanna incarnate next in?

What if I am a white guy in Europe and I make some children but they get killed and only niggers remain, then I will have to reincarnate as a nigger regardless of me having children? Or the children survive and there will be in fact some white people left when I reincarnate again. Then I will reincarnate into a white babby that lives in a nigger-islam hellish world and would be rather dead instead.

It doesn't make sense at all and sounds like a shit deal no matter how you turn it around, but feel free to enlighten me about the truths to this topic.


So if there is such a heaven for every race where all the ancestors dwell then why does reincarnation exist? Do I stay in my heaven or do I reincarnate? Why do all the other ancestors stay in heaven and I have to reincarnate over and over again? Because they made children? Is that it? Sacrificing a child to this system as a token in exchange for your own freedom?

>You tend to reincarnate in the same race/ethnicity. It's characteristic you acquire, they mold you, and in turn, you mold them

This is why all spiritual people work on cutting those ties and freeing oneself. Let go of this stuff and let go of the physical. We shall not bring more children into this hell



I suppose I'm being unreasonable, but it is no matter. Act as per what you believe in and you'll be just fine in the end. We're all on the Path, you can't escape your own Good.


Aye, we agree. Forced reincarnation is a disgusting doctrine no serious occultist should endorse. I fundamentally think that we are here because it was our desire to, as per Atkinson and Manly P. Hall. Even Montalk said that physicality is desirable because of the battle of Wills which breeds character, my intuition reports this hence my disagreement that this is some spooky dimension worthy of contempt. I love the struggle myself.

Back on the whole breeding topic, I think not breeding might have an influence on your Karma in the sense that perhaps you feel that you did not do enough and so your future incarnation will reflect that subconscious mentality. If everything was just fine, breeding wouldn't be worth it to most Occultists but in this case it might be? I'm still thinking it over. I totally reject the idea of spiritual punishment, it's just Cause and Effect. Your subconscious especially shapes your present reality and the one to come. That's why mastering it is so important.

Imagine Case A:

You breed, your subconscious is at rest that you did something to avert the tides. Result being that your next incarnation will align with your expectations of a better future.

Case B:

You don't breed, you feel like you didn't do enough. Result being that your next incarnation will align with your expectations of a worse future.

This is assuming your consciousness isn't tied to a specific timeline or anything of the sort. It's just a hypothesis I'm considering.

Though in this case, simply having a firm belief and desire for a greater future will supply the mold for that to happen. Breeding isn't strictly necessary at the last analysis.



But breeding to put your subconscious at rest seems like a mundane way out to me. You still have no control over your mind and you cannot influence your subconscious, you merely escaped the consequences by a "trick" for lack of a better term. You are still not enlightened and at mercy of your subconscious mind which will give you hell regardless because in the afterlife it is much stronger and you have no control over it.

Besides, I guess for freaks like me the consequences for breeding and not breeding would probably be the opposite than for most people, including you. The way my mind and understanding works I would be free when I do not breed and I would be tied to reincarnation when I breed. I have the feeling that it is of utmost importance to go your own way and really inquire what feels right for oneself. No teaching can fit for all people. When All is Mind and your mind dictates all, especially your afterlife, this is even more important.

This teaches me to be more tolerant towards ideas and teachings from other people but at the same time reminds me to stay true to myself and listen to my own intuition.

btw it may be very well possible I came here voluntarely in the first place. But I have learned my lesson and rather not come again.



>You still have no control over your mind and you cannot influence your subconscious

Of course, if you have a high level of self-mastery then you can do whatever you will and none of this matters at all. That's always the ideal, otherwise you have to act in such a way as to "create the best environment" for your goals, in a manner of speaking. That's the entire premise behind elaborate rituals, which I also do not like.

>I would be free when I do not breed and I would be tied to reincarnation when I breed

I don't think breeding or not would tie or untie you to reincarnation in a particular way but I could be wrong. Everyone functions differently.

>it is of utmost importance to go your own way and really inquire what feels right for oneself.

Take what works, discard what doesn't. That's Atkinson's advice and it's the best there is. In my opinion people have to create their own magic systems in order to be successful magi. When peering at other occultists' work, what you should be doing is looking for new ideas to incorporate in your system. Reason and Intuition are master-keys a serious occultist can't do without.

>I have learned my lesson and rather not come again.

You'll only know that for sure in the Astral at the end of this incarnation, you may have a revelation then. If that's the case then that means you're ready to function permanently (consciously) on higher planes and have no need of physicality to grow further. This world is simply a step on the Great Journey to Reunion with God, there are countless of them ever upward.


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How many posts have you made on /dep/ today wizzie? It may have been ad hominem, but it was still accurate. Most Gnostics are depressive types who are simply seeking the ultimate form of escapism. That website literally used to have a link to the Suicide Hotline at the top of the page. It's good you're not using trash like anime and video games anymore, but spirituality as escapism is still unhealthy.

When all that you ever see and behold is a manifestation of the Lord, what is there to run from?

>The Kingdom of the Father is spread out upon the earth, and men do not see it



I'm open to new ideas, can you explain to me why breeding is evil?

The souls will keep coming, no matter what i do, then breeding or not isn't changing anything, perhaps you think it affect you in a spiritual level, or you are afraid of getting attach to this world by loving your son?

Btw, you think killing a person liberate him from this hell?

Because maybe you can put the goal of killing at least one human in your lifetime, that sound pieous as fuck.

Actually, by that logic, (((they))) are truly saints.

I´m a full hikki virgin, so maybe you can sell me the thing If it isn't too retarded.



Sweet projections. No, I'm not depressed and don't post in the place you mentioned (why do you even know about it if you are a breedfag?)

Also, there is nothing wrong with escapism, especially if achieved by means of spiritual work. That is in fact is exactly what monks do. So do you disapprove of monasticism too?


>why breeding is evil?

On personal scale it distracts you from spiritual work and attaches you to the world of matter, ultimately bringing nothing but pains and regret. Watch a movie called Samsara (2001), it covers the subject perfectly.

On a wider scale it brings a new soul to suffer in this world.

>Btw, you think killing a person liberate him from this hell?

Not really. An unenlightened person will not be able to escape the reincarnation mechanism anyway.



Normie mundanes will never understand.

You are talking to earthbound egos who are completely blind, might as well talk to stones.



>On personal scale it distracts you from spiritual work and attaches you to the world of matter, ultimately bringing nothing but pains and regret.

I disagree, and to be honest, i feel pity for people who think that way.

>On a wider scale it brings a new soul to suffer in this world.

Why assume it will bring new souls, and not recycle what is already here?

What is love for you?


The demiurge make you rude, or you were rude before coming here?



NOPE. no kids, no babies, no thank you. why create a human being so they can suffer like that? I'm just gonna live my live and pass on and leave the evil matrix. just be with God. everyone should do the same.



The greatest gift you can give your children is to not allow them to be born into this cruel world. You will meet them in heaven later anyway.



>I disagree, and to be honest, i feel pity for people who think that way.

In other words, you irrationally reject the very notion because it contradicts the values that society has taught you to respect.

>Why assume it will bring new souls, and not recycle what is already here?

"New" as in "once again". By breeding you facilitate reincarnation for others, thus being a tool of Mara/Demiurge/Matrix/Maya/Eagle/whatever-you-call-it.

>What is love for you?

If you mean the erotic "love", the one that results in physical procreation, then it is a hormones-induced delusion meant to keep the spirit trapped in matter.

If you mean Love as in "universal compassion" then it has nothing to do with carnal indulgence.



>In other words, you irrationally reject the very notion because it contradicts the values that society has taught you to respect.

You normally jump into false assumption that fast?

Because if so, that's dangerous.

I disagree, not because of society, but for nature, and of course, because i have no problem to being in "hell".

Life is hard?

Yes, but also is fun.

Years ago, i was depressed boy, i used to think that nothing matters, that my mere existence was a mistake, a sick joke, and wish not death, but non-existence.

My desire was never be conceived, that way my family wouldn't suffer.

I kill that old version of me, i grow up, and i learn to put a smile in my face with simple things.

I´m stronger in every sense, and i have no regrets.

I think that life is like a game, a very complicated RPGMMO, i play my style, i have fun, i learn and after a million levels i stop playing and return home.

I get it, you feel attacked because you think i'm trying to convince you.

But i don't want to convince you, i want to understand you.

If you don't want to have this conversation, just tell me and we ended in that instant.

Be honest with yourself, you think society taught any of us, or new generations to respect anything?

You honestly believe that hedonistic degeneracy lead to procreation?, it happens actually by mistake.

You cant see the anti-natalist agenda?

>"New" as in "once again". By breeding you facilitate reincarnation for others, thus being a tool of Mara/Demiurge/Matrix/Maya/Eagle/whatever-you-call-it.

Then, the logical conclusion is putting end to all life on earth.

Isn't that correct?

>If you mean the erotic "love", the one that results in physical procreation, then it is a hormones-induced delusion meant to keep the spirit trapped in matter.

I was not even referring to that definition.

>If you mean Love as in "universal compassion" then it has nothing to do with carnal indulgence.

How do you practice your love?



>i have no problem to being in "hell"

>Life is hard? Yes, but also is fun.

Ah, so you are one of those who think that suffering of countless living beings is "beautiful in its own way too"? I see.

>I´m stronger in every sense, and i have no regrets.

>i play my style, i have fun, i learn

Earlier you claimed you're a hikki virgin. So, what changed? You learned to enjoy your lifestyle instead of being depressed about it? Well, that's admirable. But why praise the world? Simply because it lets you lead a relatively comfy existence?

>Be honest with yourself, you think society taught any of us, or new generations to respect anything?

Yes, the effect of societal norms and memes (in the scientific sense of the word) on human mind is considerable.

>You honestly believe that hedonistic degeneracy lead to procreation?, it happens actually by mistake.

Majority of humans have always been hedonistic profligates, the difference being that some cultures were/are significantly better at masking that than others.

So don't fall for the "right vs left" polarization, nor mix spirituality with politics. I know about about your current problems with the neo-marxist agenda in the west, but it is extremely foolish to assume that the "opposite side" and its beliefs are automatically the pinnacle of spirituality. The world is not black-and-white, it's mostly grey-and-brown.

>You cant see the anti-natalist agenda?

The agenda of millennia-old monastic traditions? What is wrong with it? Or are monks "le degenerates" according to your opinion too?

>Then, the logical conclusion is putting end to all life on earth.

Of course. But alas, it's not that simple. One cannot fight fire with fire.

>How do you practice your love?

By striving for truth, enlightenment and liberation.


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>Sweet projections. No, I'm not depressed and don't post in the place you mentioned (why do you even know about it if you are a breedfag?)

You're sure spouting out wizardchan exclusive memes often for a person who's never visited the place before. I'm not a breedfag either, reproduction is more or less irrelevant in my life at the moment. If it happens it happens. It's not as though anything is truly created by reproduction. The first law of thermodynamics makes it pretty clear that nothing is created and nothing is destroyed. Bringing a child into this world is simply a transformation of matter and consciousness, not an act of creation.

>Also, there is nothing wrong with escapism, especially if achieved by means of spiritual work. That is in fact is exactly what monks do. So do you disapprove of monasticism too?

Monk is quite a large umbrella term for a very diverse group of people with different aims and goals. In Buddhism for example only the least populous school actually seeks to end the cycle of reincarnation. Most Buddhist monks, those of the Mahayana and Vajrayana vehicles, vow to reincarnate again and again in this world specifically to help others.



>Earlier you claimed you're a hikki virgin. So, what changed?

I change

>You learned to enjoy your lifestyle instead of being depressed about it? Well, that's admirable.

My lifestyle doesn't matter anymore, i don't feel "bad" or that i'm a "loser" those were society standards, not mine.

It´s not that i don't want to find a job, and have my own house, i do, and i will, or maybe i'll escape to the forest, the fact is that i never know (which is also funny)

But i just don't bother with things that really don't matter, maybe it´s something i cant explain properly.

>But why praise the world? Simply because it lets you lead a relatively comfy existence?

Oh my Deer god, when in the infinite timelines i did that?

>comfy existence

You don't know my story, you don't know my life, you can't say it's comfy.

>Majority of humans have always been hedonistic profligates, the difference being that some cultures were/are significantly better at masking that than others.

So don't fall for the "right vs left" polarization, nor mix spirituality with politics. I know about about your current problems with the neo-marxist agenda in the west, but it is extremely foolish to assume that the "opposite side" and its beliefs are automatically the pinnacle of spirituality. The world is not black-and-white, it's mostly grey-and-brown.

You made so many false assumptions that i can't even answer all of it, so instead i want to ask you:

Why are you so defensive?

I already established that i don't want to attack you

>The agenda of millennia-old monastic traditions? What is wrong with it? Or are monks "le degenerates" according to your opinion too?

I think it was pretty obvious i wasn't talking about monastic tradition.

I was talking about (((them))), they plan to eliminate about 80% of population in a couple of years, maybe more.

And of course eradicate the white race, the genociding agenda it's so evident that i assume everyone here knows about it.

So i suppose the answer to my question it´s "no".

>Of course. But alas, it's not that simple. One cannot fight fire with fire.

Why it's not simple?

If you don't breed, it´s a +0

If you commit to kill as many humans as possible, let´s say you manage to kill 20, go to jail, maybe in 15 years you go out a manage to kill 10, then you go a -30.

If you are not alone, that can be easily a -300.

And that just thinking in little murders, you can think in big and, for example, poison the supply of water, that can potentially kill millions

Or you can just sterilize humans.

In little, you can go over there cutting off balls.

In big, you can, i don´t know, promote the use of contraceptives, or maybe poison the water again, or poison the food, you know, if you have political power, you can do many things.wink, wink

Maybe that way your real god would be proud of you.

>By striving for truth, enlightenment and liberation.

I see, then you love yourself too.

That's the best thing i hear today, so i´m happy.


>I'm not a breedfag either, reproduction is more or less irrelevant in my life at the moment. If it happens it happens. It's not as though anything is truly created by reproduction. The first law of thermodynamics makes it pretty clear that nothing is created and nothing is destroyed. Bringing a child into this world is simply a transformation of matter and consciousness, not an act of creation.

I agree in every word.



I obviously meant the board you mentioned, not the chan itself.

Also apparently you don't know much about Buddhism. The Boddhisatva path means vowing to return to the world willingly and on your terms after breaking the cycle. That being said, only a few attains that state, most end up with the general Arhat-dom.


>My lifestyle doesn't matter anymore, i don't feel "bad" or that i'm a "loser" those were society standards, not mine.

Well, again, that's admirable. I can even relate.

>Why are you so defensive?

I don't think I am. Perhaps it's just my posting style.

>I think it was pretty obvious i wasn't talking about monastic tradition.

Similarly, I think it was obvious I wasn't talking about anti-natalism as part of some profane materialist political agenda.

>If you commit to kill as many humans as possible

>Or you can just sterilize humans.

If there was a way to instantly end all life (or at least all sentient life) on the planet, I would probably be a proponent of that. But such a way either doesn't exist, or is in the hands of people that will never or never fully implement it.

That being said, my doubts also lie with the notion of fighting the material prison by material means itself. As I've said it feels like trying to stop fire with fire. You can't beat the game master inside his own game by means of that game.



>Also apparently you don't know much about Buddhism. The Boddhisatva path means vowing to return to the world willingly and on your terms after breaking the cycle. That being said, only a few attains that state, most end up with the general Arhat-dom

I said absolutely nothing about reincarnation being a choice or not, this was irrelevant to the content of my post. I simply addressed the fact that not all monks seek absolute escapism and to leave this world behind like you were trying to pretend earlier. This is a baseless, petty attack on your part.



No, that's you who engages in pointless nitpicking when the general picture about monks is clear:

1) they barely involve themselves with the mundane world

2) they don't procreate

3) they engage in practices viewed as "wasting time" by mundane minds

Sounds pretty much like the escapism that you're so keen on shaming, doesn't it?


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>1) they barely involve themselves with the mundane world

Depends on the sect. Not all monks are cloistered and isolated from the world. Many choose to interact with laymen on a regular basis in order to help others. The monks in the monastery I visit regularly are located right in the middle of a big city, they have tons of laymen over all the time, and they livestream regularly on the internet to people from all over the world. They're plenty involved with the mundane world.

>2) they don't procreate

In classic Hindu society as defined by the Vedas and Upanisads, the stage of renunciation and for seeking moksa comes after one has fulfilled ones familial duties, such as reproduction. One can of course become renunciate earlier, however this isn't the typical order.


Zen and Shin monks in Japan are also allowed to marry and reproduce. Granted this is not the norm in the Buddhist world, but still, there are monks who reproduce.

>3) they engage in practices viewed as "wasting time" by mundane minds

So what? This is another completely irrelevant point. Everyone views different things as pointless and wasting time. What I said earlier was disparaging escapism, such as video games, anime, and the ultimate form- Sravakayana. Meditation work in itself is not escapism. If anything, coming to know ones Buddha-nature is coming to embody reality more fully. It's only escapism when one makes the personal decision to leave it all behind when one has ascended all of the dhyanas and realized the Deathless.

>Sounds pretty much like the escapism that you're so keen on shaming, doesn't it?

It sounds like you're just running from personal problems and are now seeking religion as a new form of escapism. Compassion and a desire to help others is an essential ingredient on the path to full, right and universal enlightenment. Selfishness typically doesn't get one very far on the spiritual path.



>Similarly, I think it was obvious I wasn't talking about anti-natalism as part of some profane materialist political agenda.

So the answer to my question is definitely "no".

>If there was a way to instantly end all life (or at least all sentient life) on the planet, I would probably be a proponent of that. But such a way either doesn't exist, or is in the hands of people that will never or never fully implement it.That being said, my doubts also lie with the notion of fighting the material prison by material means itself. As I've said it feels like trying to stop fire with fire. You can't beat the game master inside his own game by means of that game.

>I would probably be a proponent of that.

That's all i need to know.

May the stars light your path, so one day you will understand that everything against you it's the only fair way.

Thanks for the lesson.


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Ah, it's you. Suspected as much.

>running from personal problems

How? By starting a thread about why there is natalist narrative in a hermetic text? Ok.

>now seeking religion as a new form of escapism


Was already deep into philosophy and related matters while you were chilling you-know-where or probably even before that. Stop assuming everyone around is younger than you.

>Selfishness typically doesn't get one very far on the spiritual path.

So, celibacy means selfishness in your opinion? Ok.


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>So, celibacy means selfishness in your opinion? Ok

I wasn't even talking about celibacy anymore, I was talking about the Hinayana/Mahayana dichotomy, and the inherent selfishness of trying to escape to Nirvana. The entire point I've been trying to make here is that reproduction doesn't matter. It doesn't matter if you bring children into this world or not, nothing is gained or lost either way. Hence what I said in >>120831

This is one of the main reasons I left wizardchan. The extreme, toxic attitude which you've demonstrated in plenty and the complete and absolute obsession with sex. You've crawled out of your containment bucket to sperg out about sex on /fringe/ now. Coming across a single passage with reference to sex in a Hermetic text has gotten you this utterly butthurt, it's ridiculous.

Stop basing your identity on the things you don't have and don't do. Negative reinforcement is a horrible idea and one of the most basic concepts around here. When you proclaim "I renounce sex" and always dwell on its absence you've bound yourself much more to sexuality than even your typical sex having normie is.



>the inherent selfishness of trying to escape to Nirvana

If it results in actually "escaping to Nirvana" then I see literally nothing wrong with such a "selfishness".

Regarding my supposed "butthurt" about the text in question: you see, it doesn't simply mention sex/breeding, it unambiguously condemns refusal to procreate and threatens with punishment. You can't find that in Buddhist texts (no, I don't care about Amidaist fanfiction and such). You can't find it in Gnostic apocrypha (if I was butthurt in the way you claim I am, I would be sperging out about the Gospel of Philip for example, but you don't see me doing that). That passage is mundane social conditioning on the level of judaism and exoteric hinduism. It is extremely weird to be found in an esoteric, hermetic text, especially one that is generally held in high regard by gnostics.

Thus, the thread was meant not as an expression of frustration, but bewilderment and curiosity on my part. And with the exception of a couple of polfags (whose narrative you so eagerly jumped in to support), I've received some satisfying opinions.

That being said, I actually agree with the general idea of your post's last paragraph. Too bad you've been fighting a strawman all along.


There is no selfishness. Morals and values are not objectively real. Egos argue for having children, working hard, achieving something, saving Evropa, etc etc because it serves their deluded, self-made agenda. Then they place their subjective values and goals as objective and try to shove it everyone elses throat while ignoring the fact that those goals and values are not grounded in reality, that they are simply an illusion and all this stuff does not matter at all. People shame you with selfishness and escapism just because they just cannot accept the extreme magnitude of the fact that it doesn't matter and it's all void. It's human to be a survivalist, and they are just acting naturally as humans. Only an actual enlightened being can see through the illusion.

It's ok to do what you want, really. Everyone is responsible for themselves and has to walk their own path. If someone wants to detach from the physical completely and leave "Samsara" and all it's hardships and problems then that's a very reasonable goal and nobody can object anything to this. Only selfish, hurt and scared egos will try to stop this. Creating children possibly generates only more karma and attachments, if you want to leave the Matrix it is wise indeed to not breed. All those pathetic arguments about selfishness and escapism and some weird responsibilities one has to take, and arguments of accepting the physical world and being happy despite of the crap going on here they are void and are inherently devoid of any sense or reason if you elevate your viewpoint beyond that what the matrix taught you to see.


Sometimes it's ok to be rude. It's easy for you to say the world is nice and one only must learn to deal with it when you are locked up in your parents basement and play WoW every day without facing any of the suffering or the hardships of life. This is also a form of escapism, but unlike you I will not make the error and shame you for it. You go your own way and deal with life in your own style. If you found a way then more power to you. I will not call you selfish for it because that would mean I fall for the illusion of the matrix.

The whole problem of this thread is that two entirely different worldviews and philosophies collide. Nobody will win this argument. It is a waste of time and energy from the very beginning. This is why most wizards, occultist, philosophers and enlightened masters keep silent…like literally they almost never engane in discussions or answer any questions. It's a pointless endeavor. Egos shaped by the matrix will only see what their taught to see.


I should bring children into this fucking shithole of the universe? Am I completely retarded? No way in hell I am doing this to anyone, let alone my children. All those selfish egoistical demiurge cocksuckers metrialistic faggots who preach this degeneracy can die and rot in hell.


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Even the ancestors incarnate. The grandparents of old become the grandchildren of new. You sow wheat and plant trees so that you and your children will not starve, tough it ages and falls, it leaves the seed so that it may grow again.



There is a "horizontal" direction to evolution and there is a vertical one. Mere darwinism doesn't get you multicelular organisms or human-level intelligence.

We're not here to become as beasts nor be devoured by them. We are here to tame the beast.

Any anti-natalist who's not a solipsistic child will recognize this: if you're truly consistent in your beliefs, then it's not enough not to breed. You'd have to ```kill``` breeders if you want change. Else it's just a personal failure you rationalise as success . By your own actions you came to this world, and if you abandon your responsibility, and let it grown more beastly, you somehow expect you won't come again?


By the time you hear the ticking of the clock, the the garden shall be barren,



There is no responsibility and no personal failure. It's your dogma.

No need to kill breeders. Everyone is responsible for one self and you have to respect free will of others.

To tame the beast is to tame yourself. To conquer and to defeat the flesh. Mind over matter. You will be stuck here as long as you further this system. Anyway, if you really love this system and this world, if you love how it all was before and if you love the direction it is going in then of course you will breed and be attached to the system. You will further it and stay here, and that's fine with you. This is why we don't kill everyone. Because of people like you who love all this stuff here. But don't assume everyone is like you, and don't try to convince everyone to adopt stockholm syndrome like you have. Some of us will detach from this place and move on to other realms. There is much more to existence than just earth, you may one day see it too.



>We are here to tame the beast.

The beast is inside you.

>By your own actions you came to this world

Baseless assumption.

>you somehow expect you won't come again?

I won't. "He who has known the world has known the corpse. And he who has known the corpse - the world is no longer worthy of him."

And >>120858 is absolutely right - arguing with people like you is like trying to have a conversation using entirely different languages. Enjoy your Samsara.


>To tame the beast is to tame yourself. To conquer and to defeat the flesh. Mind over matter.



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>don't try to convince everyone to adopt stockholm syndrome like you have.


Those who are capable of questioning the value of breeding are exactly more likely to have a psycho-genetic makeup worthy of breeding.

>if you love how it all was before and if you love the direction it is going in then of course you will breed

You know I don't. The world is my garden, and I shall strive to maintain it from weeds and darkness, or be burred with it. I don't have the luxury or the indolence of running away. The same people and the same unmoving land where I am I've been countless lives before. Each time trying to mend the ties between heaven and earth, and move us closer to God and further from Beast. I don't think you understand what it meas to have a land or a people.

I don't tell gypsies or niggers to breed because 1) I don't need to. 2) It would be counter to the purpose.

You don't tell them not to breed because 1) they would tear you apart 2) you're just hoping to find an echo chamber to feel better about your decisions and lack of responsibility .

>You will be stuck here as long as you further this system.

You know that's not how it works. Karma is a psycho-physical law, not a moral one. Unrepentant murderers incarnate undeterred, whilst murdered people carry birth-marks of their scars in their next life. Everyone's decisions affect everyone else. You don't get a candy and a pat on the head for failing here. If you truly believed that, we wouldn't be having this conversation.

>Mind over matter

More like mind away from matter, am I right?

>you have to respect free will of others

Now look who's imposing his morality on others? What happens if they don't respect me?

Tell you what. Discussion is fine, but if you or anyone else endeavors to damage my land, my garden, or my people, then any further arguments are to be conducted at the end of the barrel of a gun. This shouldn't be a problem to you, since you don't like it here anyways. Me, I have a task to perform. The task isn't survival, but survival is needed to finish the task. This too, I doubt you'll understand.

The two worlds are one, and indeed, I found that there is nowhere left to run.



Your post was good until

>stockholm syndrome

If you think your way is the only way then you are a fool, and will be torn asunder by reason thereof. We depart from this Earth just as soon as we have learned the lessons it has to teach us, mastering ourselves and our circumstances in the process. All argument further than this is a matter of the self, thus futile as you can see by this thread. Practice the tolerance you preach in heart and mind.


Taciturnity is indeed a virtue, there is power in silence. Nitpicking aside, I acknowledge your words so I will cease thought of the matter here.


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>If it results in actually "escaping to Nirvana" then I see literally nothing wrong with such a "selfishness"

The thing is, if you are changing the conditions in your life to attain Nirvana, such as let's say through asceticism and meditation practice, then your Nirvana is a conditioned thing- and in the eternity of time and space all conditioned things will be unconditioned. It doesn't matter if you spend 100,000 kalpas there, it's still going to end one day. It's like building a sandcastle upon the beach. It may be a very badass sandcastle, but ultimately it will be washed away like all else.

You're operating from a very dualistic perspective here. In truth it doesn't matter where we end up in the next lifetime, to the enlightened mind all places are the same. Nirvana, Siddhaloka, Nagaloka, Valhalla, one of the Hell realms, they all have the exact same fundamental grounding- Mind. They're all emanations of mind. That which perceives Nirvana or Samsara, Heaven or Hell, the consciousness behind the organs of perception does not move, does not age and does not change. That right there is the Buddha nature, and it's exactly the same whether you're an Arhat or a sea turtle.

You're chasing a mirage. The priceless jewel has been with you all along.



You're making the same mistake I did when I was younger and was, too, infatuated with hip trendy concepts like Dzogchen, Tantra and Advaita that were popularized by the new age in contrast to the "inferior Theravada" and such. Meanwhile, actual practicing Tibetan masters have actually even written books on why this is a mistaken, delusional outlook (check "What makes you not a Buddhist", for example). The concepts you are talking about are to be contemplated and practiced AFTER one goes through years of "normal" asceticism, ahimsa, meditation, etc. And it is not even suited for everyone, but for those for whom that "conditioning" you mentioned becomes a problem in itself.

The dumbed down version of Advaitism popularized among mundanes is wishful haughty self-delusion.

>dude i can totally do whatever i want dude because i'm like MINDFUL yo, woah dude buddha nature everywhere, like i'm already a buddha dude, how cool is that! like nothing totally matters yo, nirvana and samsara is the same dude

In fact, I think that's the main reason why most of those teachings used to be kept secret: in the unprepared hands and minds of mundanes they become a road to spiritual degeneracy.


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>You're making the same mistake I did when I was younger and was, too, infatuated with hip trendy concepts like Dzogchen, Tantra and Advaita that were popularized by the new age in contrast to the "inferior Theravada" and such

Theravada is the base from which all of the various Buddhist schools stand. How could one ever hope to practice the Mahayana if they can't even follow the Hinayana? So there's absolutely nothing wrong with it at all, it just tends to be a little sterile and unromantic in its teachings which doesn't appeal to a wide audience. Have you ever read any of the Pali Canon? It's wisdom yes, but it's also the one and only collection of writings I can think of that's more boring than the Christian Bible. Very very painful read, as an oral tradition originally it reads like the owners manual for a vacuum cleaner.

>The concepts you are talking about are to be contemplated and practiced AFTER one goes through years of "normal" asceticism, ahimsa, meditation, etc. And it is not even suited for everyone, but for those for whom that "conditioning" you mentioned becomes a problem in itself

It's a very common concept that there are various gradations of practitioners, with most people having to grind it out with much practice over many years in order to discover what they've always possessed. Those who experience instant enlightenment are far and few between, men like Huineng and other Patriarchs.

With that said though, the narrative of those who teach the gradual path and only the gradual path doesn't make sense logically. If the Buddha nature is something we all have right now, and have always had for time immemorial, then why does it take living as an ascetic beggar monk in the forest, meditating 16 hours a day, every day, for 40 years to find it? That sounds much more like fabrication than simply rediscovering the natural state and basis of experience.

Most schools accept instant enlightenment, with Theravada being the only one that claims the grinding process is the one and only path to enlightenment.

>The dumbed down version of Advaitism popularized among mundanes is wishful haughty self-delusion.

>dude i can totally do whatever i want dude because i'm like MINDFUL yo, woah dude buddha nature everywhere, like i'm already a buddha dude, how cool is that! like nothing totally matters yo, nirvana and samsara is the same dude

>In fact, I think that's the main reason why most of those teachings used to be kept secret: in the unprepared hands and minds of mundanes they become a road to spiritual degeneracy

This is true. Most of the texts that preach natural perfection, that we are already Buddhas and so forth were only ever presented to advanced practitioners that have already proven themselves to be capable of understanding and utilizing them in an appropriate manner. When mundanes hear such things they simply see it as an excuse to continue being lazy, lustful animals.

<Ho! O Vajra Speech-Essence, listen! I, Samantabhadra, teach that by virtue of the first principle - that intrinsic gnosis is unborn and undying - there is not the slightest difference between a person who kills millions of sentient beings and one who practices the ten perfections

This metaphysical talk is harmless to a bhiksu already well established with moral foundation, but to those who only obey laws due to threat of divine punishment it could be dangerous.


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>How could one ever hope to practice the Mahayana if they can't even follow the Hinayana?


>it just tends to be a little sterile and unromantic in its teachings which doesn't appeal to a wide audience

Well of course the "wide audience" would like to near-instantly become a superman like they believe those misunderstood teachings promise them. No wonder that wherever you look on the internet these days everyone is a goddamn super-enlightened self-made-buddha tantric gurumaster with obligatory reductionist demagoguery about embracing non-dualist lifestyle etc, while in actuality nearly bursting from the pressure of own pride, indulgence and sense of self-importance.

>Have you ever read any of the Pali Canon? It's wisdom yes, but it's also the one and only collection of writings I can think of that's more boring than the Christian Bible. Very very painful read, as an oral tradition originally it reads like the owners manual

Because it IS basically a manual - for establishing and operating a sangha. Still many sutras are imho an obligatory read, like the Dhammapada (basically a Gospel before Gospels) or the Rhinoceros Sutra.


On another note, look at the pic related. What's depicted on it is in fact very close to the Gnostic cosmogony. The Demiurge/Mara holding the world, the process of reincarnation is shown in the center of it with demons snatching the souls and pulling them back, however the enlightened ones are shown escaping into Nirvana/Pleroma that is depicted in upper left corner.

Now why would Tibetan Buddhists create such images if they truly thought "Nirvana is Samsara, just embrace the world brah"?

No, they know that Maya is a prison, and a prison on many levels including the one of mind - to the extent that the over-attachment to rigid concepts, including the very concept of Buddhahood, can in itself hinder the path of liberation. The world IS dirty and corrupt and full of meaningless cruelty and suffering, however the attachment to as opposed to disconnection from (the famous "don't see evil, don't hear evil, don't say evil" monkeys) the very notion of those things may pose a problem in itself.

And THAT is why those advanced teachings exist - to help tackle the most intricate and insidious obstacles a seasoned practitioner might face on the path to liberation, to ultimately trick the system at its own game; but not to enable shallow new-agers's lazy-ass self-important larpery a-la "i'm already le cool buddha and world is my playground lol".

Sorry if that's me who's strawmaning at this point. It's just that I've heard this internet talk about based true chad Vajrayana/Advaita vs gay-ass boring virgin Theravada/Dvaita so many fucking times that it's not even funny anymore.


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>No wonder that wherever you look on the internet these days everyone is a goddamn super-enlightened self-made-buddha tantric gurumaster with obligatory reductionist demagoguery about embracing non-dualist lifestyle etc, while in actuality nearly bursting from the pressure of own pride, indulgence and sense of self-importance

Well, I believe here on /fringe/ at least most of us would fall into the category of genuine, educated initiates, and given the format of dialogue- having unlimited time to orchestrate each response- you're going to end up with beginners sounding like masters out of the natural desire to present one's beliefs in the best possible manner. Some people for sure are going to speak out of ego, pride, etc. but I don't think that's the norm, not here.

It's probably pretty bad in the facebook Tantric Sexuality group though.

>Still many sutras are imho an obligatory read, like the Dhammapada (basically a Gospel before Gospels) or the Rhinoceros Sutra

The Dhammapada is a pleasurable read because it was an assembly of poetic quotes from the Buddha compiled by monks hundreds of years after his death. I wasn't aware of the Rhinoceros Sutra though, just finished before the site went down the other day, definitely enjoyed it.

>On another note, look at the pic related. What's depicted on it is in fact very close to the Gnostic cosmogony. The Demiurge/Mara holding the world, the process of reincarnation is shown in the center of it with demons snatching the souls and pulling them back, however the enlightened ones are shown escaping into Nirvana/Pleroma that is depicted in upper left corner.

>Now why would Tibetan Buddhists create such images if they truly thought "Nirvana is Samsara, just embrace the world brah"?

In a religion 2500 years old, with hundreds of schools across many thousands of miles we're bound to find things that may appear contradictory upon first glance. The wheel of life there could be presented to laymen, or novice monks in order to give them a sense of samvega, inspiring them into genuine spiritual practice. As we've mentioned before, different things are presented at different times.

In the artwork I posted above your last post, and right here, the male symbolizes among other things Samsara, and the female Nirvana. It's the union of the two that create Mahasukha. The male is also Upaya, skillful means, for it's in the causational realm of Samsara that the highest, unconditioned realm of Nirvana may express itself through the actions, speech and thoughts of Bodhisattvas.


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>No, they know that Maya is a prison, and a prison on many levels including the one of mind - to the extent that the over-attachment to rigid concepts, including the very concept of Buddhahood, can in itself hinder the path of liberation

As Longchenpa, one of the old school Dzogchen master would say, all beliefs bind. It doesn't matter if they're good beliefs or bad ones, gold chains and hemp ropes will both equally ensnare. You're 100% correct when you say attachment or identification with even concepts like Buddha can hinder enlightenment. When someone identifies as sadhaka, yogi, renunciate, or even Buddha, Shiva, etc. they've effectively damned themselves. These are all just words and concepts (bonds), that the true goal lies far beyond. The name that can be named is not the Eternal Name.

>The world IS dirty and corrupt and full of meaningless cruelty and suffering, however the attachment to as opposed to disconnection from the very notion of those things may pose a problem in itself

Attachment is really the only issue. The Theravada master, Ajahn Chah, observed in one of his speeches that it's from attachment to happiness that suffering arises. As he said, the two are really one and the same, like the blade and handle of a knife. If you pick up the handle, you're picking up the blade as well. However this is true both ways. The first Noble Truth creates the basis for happiness in this world as well, for if there's suffering there has to be happiness too. They're just opposite ends of the same spectrum.

Dirty, corrupt, meaningless, etc. are just mental concepts, perspectives born of temporary conditioning, they're not real in the objective sense. Really I like how Jesus puts it cherrypicking the Bible here

<Unto the pure all things are pure: but unto them that are defiled and unbelieving is nothing pure; but even their mind and conscience is defiled

<Rather, the kingdom of the father is spread out over the earth, and people do not see it

When we put down the knife of suffering/happiness, and cease judging the world around us, that's where peace is attained and the world is perfect exactly as it is. In my experience at least. I'm most definitely not a master, nor have I realized my Buddha-nature quite yet, but I'm pretty sure I've experienced some low levels of jhana / simulated jhana, and when in that mindset all of the pain surrounding oneself is completely irrelevant.

>Sorry if that's me who's strawmaning at this point. It's just that I've heard this internet talk about based true chad Vajrayana/Advaita vs gay-ass boring virgin Theravada/Dvaita so many fucking times that it's not even funny anymore

I really don't see how anyone could ever be a dualist. Even from a purely materialist perspective all is one. To the most bland, rabid atheist we're all just electrons, protons, quarks, energy that is born out of the exact same Earth, which grew out of the exact same matter from dying stars, etc. Then you have all of the Buddhist teachings for example that I believe point to nondualism as well- anatman, anitya, sunyata, "interdependant co-origination". The Buddha just didn't explicitly state it in the Pali Canon because it's more or less irrelevant to practice.



Just because some old degenerate fucks wrote this down ages ago doesn't mean its true, especially now. If they would see the world we live in now they would probably say that great horror awaits a man who still brings children into this place. Unless they are shills and minions of the demiurge to begin with, then they obviously would push you into making new slaves for the matrix regardless.

Never trust old teachings too much. They come from another time with another mindset and are not rarely full of shit.



do not trust anyone


Who fears death and misery obviously is not spiritually perfected. A true hermeticist would prepare himself to be able to raise children without fear, ignorance, and mediocrity.



A even truer hermeticist simply wouldn't give a fuck about either way and just go with what is.


It is important to procreate for the simple reason that white personalities are higher in quality than black ones. Much like how an animals personality is considered higher in quality to a trees. The cosmic will is continuously creating and forming higher forms of personality that are increasingly capable of understanding the situation they are in. To destroy the relative complexity of white thought would result in the planet earth reverting to a baser form and would merely slow down the awakening of the upper echelons of the human race, which are currently mired in materialism and desire by the machinations of the jews.



Do you think these things have a way of balancing themselves out naturally? I've heard that during the post-war baby boom, an improportionate amount of boys were born, seemingly to make up for the loss of men in the war.



Everything follows cause and effect. Everything follows the principles. If it does fix itself it'll have to have SOME sort of cause. But what with the collective opinion of the remaining world being "fuck whitey" and with the only potential magic users orchestrating the whole thing then I reckon we'd be fucked.


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>Do you think these things have a way of balancing themselves out naturally?

Well, yes. And no.

Good will win, in the end. But if you, yourself, don't strive to make it, then you'll eventually be absorbed by the Darkness that is to be defeated by the Good. Darkness is contempt to only exist and Consume. It's passive, and identical to the forces of Nature. Instinct without direction. Only Good strives and wills towards a higher Order, and only Good can will towards a higher Order.

When people say "yeah, things just balance out dude" , they usually mean it an excuse : "it's okay to smoke weed and don't do shit all day, Good will win anyways. then you'll get all the shit free without having done any of the work and effort. Like, effort is for losers man, chill."

Not so. You can see, it's not quite a lie. It's worse. It's a half-truth.



Fancy talk but makes no sense at all when you think about it from a wizards perspective. Please explain clearly what you mean by "Darkness" and "Good" and how it affects someone dependend on what he does.

Because without further explanation is sounds like another lame attempt at "do as I say and go to heaven, or disobey and go to hell" of which we had so many recently.


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So are you just defining good as that which strives towards a higher order then? Because I can be very evil and still strive for a higher order.

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