Is the islamic end of the world coming? 05/31/18 (Thu) 18:34:43 No. 120875
>Al-Masih ad-Dajjal (anti-christ in islam) has fulfilled multiple of the predicted signs.
>There are 10 signs of him coming, of those 10 8/10 have been fulfilled.
>There are 4 signs of his emergence, of those 2-4 have been fulfilled (2 are arguable)
>Particularly noticeable is a very specific sign of date-palm trees in Baisan no longer bearing fruit
>In islamic eschatology there are 5 major signs of end times.
>Of those 2-3/5 have been fulfilled.
>There are also 60 minor signs.
>Of those 25-33/60 have happened.
>A lot of those seem like they could happen in the nearby future.
Is this a real possibility or just a large amount coincidences?
06/01/18 (Fri) 06:13:28 No. 120890
>the romans will form a majority amongst people
guess the world's not going to end…unless we breed finns to bring about the prophecy
(I'm personally okay about breeding finns)
SAGE! 06/01/18 (Fri) 07:30:33 No. 120892
(((coincidences))) huh, maybe.
The way I understood it was that not every minor sign has to be fulfilled only a certain fraction, so even if some are practically impossible the big event might happen. also polite sage.
06/01/18 (Fri) 15:55:42 No. 120895
>women will rise in number, and men will decrease in number so much that 50 women will be looked after by one man
06/01/18 (Fri) 18:28:30 No. 120898
All those signs sounds like general human shenanigans that have been a thing long before Islam even existed.
06/01/18 (Fri) 19:50:17 No. 120899
>nomads will compete in the construction of tall buildings
thats creepily accurate for something this specific by prophecy standards
06/01/18 (Fri) 21:26:50 No. 120904
There is a pattern of patterns that everythign follows. It plays out in history along the lines of these prophecy's. It is also why the prophecy's in all tongues read like unintelligible metaphor. The trick is.. how do we interpret them. The first step is to identify the pattern. The second step is to figure out how the fuck it applies to everything. The third is to figure out where we are in the pattern. The fourth is to figure out where in the pattern these prophecy's take place.
I believe we are either near or at the point of the pattern where the large scale pattern (not just the small scale "we are living through the 1930's" pattern.) begins to repeat.
We have a metaphorical flood, an exodus of rapefugess. We have a metaphorical antichrist, the (((globalists))) . Et cetera et cetera.
06/02/18 (Sat) 01:06:44 No. 120912
bumping turbo-interesting thread
06/02/18 (Sat) 01:45:16 No. 120916
95% of all these signs are already 100% true. it's closer than we think.
06/02/18 (Sat) 04:00:44 No. 120921
>3-7 is basically real life
>8 is arguably similar to those who live as complete wageslaves
>10, 11, 15, 16, all very much real life as well, especially in metropolitan areas
>17 has basically been in effect for 1000 years tho
>18 is like those grocery stores adding 'pay a dollar to feed hungry kids' stuff
>20 is literally a slutwalk
>21 is the US university system and their rate of censorship
>22 Fake news
>28 by Romans what is meant here? Christians? White people?
>32 Humans communicate with objects? Like cell phones?
>35 That is basically the modern design of women working full time so the powers have extra tax pool
>36 Arguably prevalent today, especially if you take into account social media
>38 Now this makes more sense if it is spoken from an ISIS standpoint
It's safe to say there's a lot of strange, detailed parallels to current society. This doesn't make me think of any natural prophecy, sadly, this makes me think that such 'traits' were forced upon mankind. As if some group simply wants to see the world demolished so something new can be born from it's ashes.
SAGE! 06/03/18 (Sun) 18:17:02 No. 120944
Fuck teh jewzzz
btw teh way this is me
06/03/18 (Sun) 18:20:00 No. 120945
gOd n hitler in pece as man kind finolly realizing teh truth
06/07/18 (Thu) 08:22:42 No. 121138
it's not just that, the
>humans will communicate with objects
is also creepily accurate
06/07/18 (Thu) 19:40:14 No. 121146
06/08/18 (Fri) 04:29:57 No. 121174
OP, I think you're onto something.
>>women will rise in number, and men will decrease in number so much that 50 women will be looked after by one man
The waiting part is what's going to cause you to be one of those men who are the reason behind why those who yearn forward are to have the fifty women.
>the large scale pattern
What would the historic equivalent of the large-scale pattern be?
06/09/18 (Sat) 21:38:22 No. 121267
>finns are romans
the ultimate WE WUZ
06/10/18 (Sun) 02:42:10 No. 121275
From what I have come to understand I think every doomsday prophecy ever is bullshit.
06/10/18 (Sun) 02:48:11 No. 121276
>the historic equivalent
What I imagine, when I am thinking about or working on figuring it out, that it basically amounts to the geometrical equivalent of the iching. Or, and this isnt the best analogy, a multidimensional (as in geometrically) sort of zodiac without the idoltry.
06/10/18 (Sun) 02:56:18 No. 121277
>acceleration of time
I have noticed and others around me have agreed with me that over the past like 2 years there are certain times where it takes 20-30 minutes to travel a road where normally it takes 10 minutes at the same speed to go that same distance.
06/10/18 (Sun) 03:41:37 No. 121279
Anyone else think that the fifty women to men note is just a euphemism on how men are the ones who fight wars?
I don't think the ancient arabs had a concept of a gender-specific disease. Lets hope that this isn't some sort of prophecy of xenoestrogens turning men into women.
06/10/18 (Sun) 09:28:16 No. 121299
That's deceleration, surely.
06/10/18 (Sun) 14:28:58 No. 121312
all I can say is
>muh happening.
that said, this one's got some very specific signs, oddly specific even, at least by prophecy standards.
06/10/18 (Sun) 15:04:45 No. 121314
yea but they follow more or less the same rule as other prophecies. There is a way to read the pattern of history and figure out how it flows but all the 'end times' stuff I dont think is correct at all since it seems like the story of his story always grows, it may repeat in certain ways but why would we be lucky enough to be the ones whom experience the 'end times'
And, as above so below.. a forest grows and eventually burns only to make way for new life to grow, the cold death of winter gives way to spring. I think if anything the end times are the end of an age.
Take a look at the life cycle of a civilization, the death throes of a society mimic end times prophecies.
06/10/18 (Sun) 15:05:57 No. 121315
normally it takes x amount of time to travel the same distance, but there have been times where it took 2x amount of time to travel the same distance at the same speed. Time was counting faster.
06/10/18 (Sun) 15:22:28 No. 121317
Much of this is eerily accurate, yes. It also is specific in many claims and still fits them.
But I just cant get over things like 58
>The Moon will split in two, but non-believers will insist it isnt happening for real
06/10/18 (Sun) 17:37:31 No. 121320
Most likely either there will be an optical illusion of a second moon, or another moon like object will appear. or maybe by moon they mean something entirely different. Just watch out for any related sings but don't take this too literal. I doubt the actual moon will just split for real.
06/11/18 (Mon) 05:51:04 No. 121364
If you were to understand those doomsday prophecies in their pure forms before disinfo fucked the entire idea of it up, it wouldn't quite be the case. If you learn how to practice qigong, you should be able to get more accurate answers of what's to happen. Also take into consideration that when people learn of these prophecies, they expect it to come immediately which is why the knowledge is so quickly twisted. People get really caught up in the supposed end of things because they're unaware of the fact that majority of mass-changes are done within galactic (or even universal) scale, exopolitical cold wars. Humans on Earth are just one of the many slave planets that end up affected by the decisions of higher beings.
06/11/18 (Mon) 11:53:20 No. 121375
It may refer to the flat earth/moon landing never happened theories, meaning people believe in different moons conceptually.
Coincidentally in the surrealistic book trilogy 1Q84 by Haruki Murakami from a few years ago, there's a second moon appearing indicating a split reality, but only some people can see it.
06/11/18 (Mon) 12:00:52 No. 121376
I don't think you wanna be that guy. I think those who will be left to look after the hordes of women will have the most terrible fate.
It is better not to be a slave of the desires of the flesh and to be materialistic in my oppinion. Meditate, become celibate, master your body, get rid of all desires and finally attain liberation, leave this plane of suffering behind. Women are not worth it, it is only a shallow illusion that makes you think of them as awesome and something to be desired. Leave this job of looking after the masses of them to some blue pilled pua degenerates who won't mind to be left behind in hell for a few more decades.
06/12/18 (Tue) 05:29:03 No. 121447
In science the term "acceleration" has been used for both speeding up and slowing down. It's like the name for a change in current speed whether faster or slower. I always liked the word deceleration better to describe the slowing down part of course because it makes more sense.
06/12/18 (Tue) 05:30:33 No. 121448
Oh so it felt the same, but the clock went ahead quicker. Whoa. nice perspective.
06/12/18 (Tue) 05:32:15 No. 121449
hey there, do you have any tips on qigong?
06/12/18 (Tue) 05:35:42 No. 121450
>your image
>then my image
>only some people can see it
like the mandela effect
whoa what's going on here. somebody get crazy russian hacker in here to say one of his "whoa"s for me. this is really interesting.
06/12/18 (Tue) 18:14:34 No. 121467
i'm gonna go on a whim and say that that image is probably not the thing the prophecy implies, if the prophecy is true, it seems that those signs go in a chronological order, so for now we should wait and see.
That said, can anyone find any data on global earthquakes and lighting storms?
06/12/18 (Tue) 23:28:44 No. 121487
I wonder if the "sky trumpets" have anything to do with it.
this thread has some links to videos of those strange sky sounds
06/13/18 (Wed) 01:41:35 No. 121512
>tips on qigong
Close eyes and point your eyes upwards, remain patient, ground yourself, be in the sun, don't eat before (or at least heavy foods), drink unflouridated water, listen to the planetary sounds of your natal dominants.
06/13/18 (Wed) 01:47:47 No. 121513
06/13/18 (Wed) 03:22:44 No. 121528
06/13/18 (Wed) 18:41:10 No. 121566
Great find. Even if this has a scientific explanation, we should treat it as a part of the prophecy, there's a reason why the sounds are called "trumpets".
The prophecy is getting more and more likely.
SAGE! 06/13/18 (Wed) 18:57:55 No. 121568
Thinking about it long term, most of us can agree that the last year passed faster than expected.
Talk to any elderly person and i gurantee to you, they'll agree with you. Polite sage, since i've made a lot of posts in this thread.
06/13/18 (Wed) 19:50:57 No. 121574
it's been happening for a few years now..
06/15/18 (Fri) 17:26:22 No. 121707
06/16/18 (Sat) 07:54:38 No. 121737
No, but the zionists want to induce the conditions and force to happen, or brainwash people into thinking it will happen to control them
This is the entire point of ISIS. The fall of sham is another sign that is also present in the bible
Anyone that wants regime change in Syria is contributing to bringing the apocalypse
06/16/18 (Sat) 20:43:06 No. 121766
I was joking, I only want one really. Maybe not even a whole one, just the good bits.
06/22/18 (Fri) 20:14:38 No. 122087
>The recently discovered 2016 HO3 has been the companion of Earth since around a 100 years and probably continues to be so for another couple of centuries. It is an asteroid with a diameter of 40-100 m and a distance from Earth between 14-38 million kms.
>Although it is at most a minimoon, we can delete the “what if” from the beginning of the question. As you see in an article on the website of NASA Solar System Exploration Research Virtual Institute (SSERVI):
>any given time there should be at least one asteroid with a diameter of at least one meter orbiting Earth. Of course, there may also be many smaller objects orbiting Earth, too.”
Possibly the thing in question, but i wonder about the "non-believers will say it's fake" part.
07/02/18 (Mon) 01:13:52 No. 122612
>most of us can agree that the last year passed faster than expected
This one feels to be going pretty fast as well, but I assume that would have to do with astrological placements.
07/02/18 (Mon) 01:14:32 No. 122613
>the zionists want to induce the conditions and force to happen, or brainwash people into thinking it will happen to control them
I've only heard about the Islamic end of the world on here though.
07/03/18 (Tue) 06:27:58 No. 122725
>Lets hope that this isn't some sort of prophecy of xenoestrogens turning men into women.
It is. But it's also about how biological women are going to go after chads.
Basically either join a harem as a bitchboi (and take pride in it), or take the WANGU YANGU PILLU like that one epik bytch alt keeps saying.
07/03/18 (Tue) 15:03:34 No. 122752
Roman culture is being revitalized, even if roman genetics are diluted. Look to their ideals at the height of their civilization, those memories (memory-memetic-meme-gene) are still in your racial memory.
Dilution just means that we each hold a handful of pieces of the puzzle, and have to work together to make them fit together and form the whole picture.
07/03/18 (Tue) 18:39:22 No. 122769
The end of the world is always coming.
07/03/18 (Tue) 18:43:32 No. 122770
I don't think it will turn out as you'd expect. Women can be obsessively ego destructive when they outnumber you. It takes effort to overcome the effect of being in a group of women in order to be a man.
Besides, given genetic modification, we may avoid the issue entirely.
Frankly, humanity would cease to be before that I think unfortunately. Our chances of getting off this rock and successfully colonising new worlds is extremely small.
07/03/18 (Tue) 18:44:54 No. 122771
Very spoopy.
But who knows, I bet there are people that have a warped perception of the world that allows them to see the future. Must be hell though.
07/03/18 (Tue) 19:25:17 No. 122794
It'll basically be some fantasy amazonian culture. Modern social values are based around the idea that women are precious and men are disposable. It takes 9 months for an infant to be borne, and that's before 5+ years before the child is semi-self-sufficient, and during that whole time there's additional resource consumption by mother and child. Men however can pump and dump until they're dehydrated.
If you had a 50:1 ratio, men would become the precious commodity to be protected.
So I guess if you're a manly man, expect to have girls babying you because they don't want you to do anything dangerous especially if it might injure your precious testicles.
>ballbusting jokes will cease to be funny
>male-on-female rape jokes will be hilarious because why would a man need to rape a woman
Truly, this is the lightest timeline.
07/03/18 (Tue) 19:29:37 No. 122797
It's not hell, but it is disorienting. There's this sense you get of "haven't I been here before?". Keeping a dream journal is a necessity unless you want to go insane thinking your life keeps playing on repeat.
Ofc that's prediction of your own life events, I've never cast a line further out than is relevant to me.
07/03/18 (Tue) 19:35:50 No. 122800
I prefer women that know how to think free and think about their universe as I do.
Most other non free women are as annoying as most other non free men in that they don't seem to care about their reality. In fact people that like to ask questions are becoming a rarity. There are too many that want to be asked instead.
>There's this sense you get of "haven't I been here before?".
Given what science seems to be trending too, you probably have. People really don't understand how little we know about space and time. It's like travelling an endless road and people just don't seem to care about that.
But I do tend to find that I walk in familiar footprints.
07/03/18 (Tue) 19:38:00 No. 122801
Also, wasn't there a supernova nearby recently?
Has anyone began to think about the consequences that could have on time.
Because I have no doubt that we would not be able to measure it with current understanding.
07/03/18 (Tue) 19:44:15 No. 122805
>you probably have
I know I have. We're vibing on the same wavelength, my homie G.
>re: female presence preference
That's the beauty of it: The sexual marketplace dynamic shifting means that women will have a motivation to be appealing mates. You'll have prime choice.
You also will have the same problem all alpha males have: When sex isn't a difficult prospect to obtain, you have to find something in women that makes them valuable enough to keep around.
Have faith in the sexes. We will recover. The transition will be rough, but when are transitions ever easy? Dis-ease is caused by resistance to change.
Come on, dance with Uncle Iroh. Feel the flooooow.
Probably, there's tons of influences out there. The main one occupying my mind right now is the upcoming partial solar eclipse on the cusp of the 13th this month. Channel that Cancerous moon energy, brother.
07/03/18 (Tue) 20:01:20 No. 122812
>When sex isn't a difficult prospect to obtain, you have to find something in women that makes them valuable enough to keep around.
Depends, some men value everything dearly and think of sex as an extension of true love. Though, they may burn with love to deeply value both sex and the other aspects.
And if you take any more moon energy it may fall from the sky… or cause you to need chemo ;^)
But enough kidding, if there is any phenomena on a space time level, humanity is not even close to prepared what may or what has already happened.
Explosions cause ripples and waves in oceans of water, what will a supernova do with space and time?
I worry about the undertow of such a beast.
07/04/18 (Wed) 22:28:07 No. 122884
You'll get the "Best Poster of the Year" award, right? :)
07/05/18 (Thu) 02:15:28 No. 122887
>channel moon energy
07/05/18 (Thu) 04:07:09 No. 122895
>sandnigger ramblings
>having any credibility
07/05/18 (Thu) 15:49:55 No. 122902
>a thousand year old rambling which is eerily accurate doesn't at minimum get the benefit of the doubt because of sandniggers thousand years later.
07/06/18 (Fri) 15:25:37 No. 122943
>some men value everything dearly and think of sex as an extension of true love
Yes, this is a very typically masculine view.
No it doesn't. That's the crux of the contention, what for men is a display of love for women has become a source of social leverage. Any man with experience with the opposite sex has an invisible scar on his heart left by women, left the day he learned that women can be coldhearted calculating bitches who will gladly leave a knife in your soul to twist at a later date.
Men can be violent, sure, but to learn the true depths of human potential for cruelty, you need to find a woman. A man will break your bones. A woman will break your trust. Bones can heal, a fractured sense of trust will never be the same.
>And if you take any more moon energy it may fall from the sky
Hey, what better way to cause
<phenomena on a space time
<ripples and waves
<space and time
I didn't know there was one! Vote for me for class president of the class of eleventy eighteen!
Start sleeping on your back (or LEFT side), for one. For two, learn to love your mother for the crazy bitch she is; she may have screwed you up growing up, but she also screwed your head on pretty straight if you're standing here today.
And for three… Nah, come back to me when you've done one and two, that's already plenty of homework. You've got four days to turn in your assignment.
07/07/18 (Sat) 13:43:36 No. 122991
Me mum and I are on really good terms, actually. I should probably check in on her more, though. Thanks for the reminder.
You want me to start sleeping on one side? ALL NIGHT? You're a madman.
07/07/18 (Sat) 13:55:39 No. 122992
Channel sun energy instead faggot. Don't become a feminized cuck. The moon is for females and it will only give you Yin.
Better yet, channel energy from the midnight sun. It is the ultimate spiritual sun.
07/07/18 (Sat) 14:39:29 No. 122993
Sorry i must have forgotten to take my Yang pill today
07/07/18 (Sat) 16:00:48 No. 122995
wtf I'm not the yang pill guy. Just read Evolas "Introduction to magic" where you will learn about the midnight sun. You must know the moon is domain of the feminine which big time female energies and I am not sure if you really should absorb too much energy from it. Maybe if you are literally a feminized faithcuck and you go the humid way of wizardry then you can. But if you go the dry way of the sun like a real fucking man (it is also the superior way) then you better stick to energies from the fire. The humid way is giving your power away COMPLETELY and becoming a mindless dependendend servant of "god" with no own will or power at all. This is the bad way. The dry way is to attain massive willpower and self control and become a powerful master yourself, bowing down to nothing and noone. It is the superior way. It is all written in the book, you will find the book in the "temple of salomon" library here on fringe.
btw I think the yang pill thread is pretty retarded, but is has some good points between all the larp and shitposts. A few goldnuggets in a soup of diarrhea if you will.
07/07/18 (Sat) 16:32:23 No. 122998
07/07/18 (Sat) 18:58:31 No. 123003
Faggili you can't even win the sit-up competition, what yang?
I gave an easy 325 for some LARPers to beat but I doubt you can do that much without pulling something or taking a 10 hour nap to forget the pain your guts are feeling.
Dry your tears and phlegm and get to fuckin' work. You still have till 9 PM MST (UTC -7) to win, or you can start tomorrow if you have something to prove and want all day to prove it.
(This obvious provocation may be over, but there will be many more to come)
07/07/18 (Sat) 19:28:12 No. 123005
Well I give you credit for trying so hard and expanding the energy for this. Keep it up Yango, at least you are trying to do something…positive I guess
07/08/18 (Sun) 10:44:34 No. 123037
If you think a solar eclipse in Cancer is a time to channel solar energy then –
Eh, anyone who follows you wasn't ready to handle her power anyway.
TBH the pied piper of Mr Yang isn't entirely wrong, he's just half-cocked. You need solar energy before you can work moon energy, but to get real results you need both.
I believe the /fringe/ FAQ puts it thus:
Water energy lets you know what's going to happen.
Fire energy lets you make your will manifest as what happens.
When you're strong enough and balanced enough, those concepts are no longer separate. Where you want to go is where the world is taking you. Rather than you fighting the world, or the world fighting you, it becomes a tandem dance. Hopefully that makes sense.
>sleep in one position all night long
Why do you feel that's difficult? Just lie still. Definitely do it on your left side if that's the case, back is too much for you right now.
I refuse to post the picture of stomach sleeping lest it be taken for acceptance that it's an option in the first place. Stomach sleeping is almost as bad as sleeping with your head facing north.
07/08/18 (Sun) 10:47:50 No. 123038
Aw now I feel bad for calling you Yang anon, he really has tainted that flag hasn't he? My apologies sir. And I agree with your views on his thread.
I basically imagine him as being a sassy billy goat jumping around headbutting everyone. I'm sure in billy goat language he's making some excellent points.
07/08/18 (Sun) 11:46:02 No. 123041
Damn I've been sleeping on my stomach all my life. How to reverse all the damage done?
07/08/18 (Sun) 12:12:08 No. 123043
ignore him he's autistic
sleeping on your stomach is what almost all animals do, it is natural and superior
07/08/18 (Sun) 16:45:18 No. 123046
Start sleeping on your left side.
Sleeping on your stomach is useful for relieving gas and that's about it.
Most animals are quadrupeds.
07/27/18 (Fri) 06:34:53 No. 123790
>50 women to 1 man.
During the time this was written, women were completely sustained by the male, only thing they had to do was nurture the child.
As such, I think this should be interpreted in a non-literal way hinting towards the NEET revolution.
Said revolution is quickly happening, neet's are growing at a pace like no other. If we would see this in a way, 50people to sustain per worker it seems more realistic. Study, advanced jobs can also be excluded, I could see there being a time quite soon where there will be more doctors than office workers, construction workers, and etc.
07/27/18 (Fri) 15:47:11 No. 123798
what do you mean? The Abrahamic religions have a shared eschatology
07/28/18 (Sat) 23:07:34 No. 123841
I'd like to see the end of the islamic world
07/31/18 (Tue) 18:46:35 No. 123970
Lol that's gendercide for but I see where they are coming from. Men are turning into gender traitors by the day.
07/31/18 (Tue) 18:47:03 No. 123971
Nah the Jewish world needs to die
10/31/18 (Wed) 01:11:29 No. 125900
A soy cuck may as well have become a woman, and the era of soylent men being acceptable will eventually boil over.
11/15/18 (Thu) 17:05:17 No. 126273
11/15/18 (Thu) 22:42:09 No. 126282
Doesn't work too well since womanhood is being dissolved as manhood.
11/15/18 (Thu) 22:43:07 No. 126283
>left side
I always tend to do this specifically. Is there a particular reason to favor that side?
11/18/18 (Sun) 06:38:15 No. 126357
What if all that it means is 50 women will fuck the same one man while the other men are virgin incels?
11/18/18 (Sun) 12:23:42 No. 126368
>taking hadith seriously
Those texts were written several centuries after Muhammad's death. Most of them are twisted in the way to control Muslims (the ones about fighting Turks and Indians for example) There's also Al-Bukhari (one of the most cited hadith writers) saying that Muhammed told his followers to drink camel urine when they were sick, enjoy that.
11/18/18 (Sun) 13:44:38 No. 126370
>What if all that it means is 50 women will fuck the same one man while the other men are celibate monks and occultists on their way to Gnosis?
fix'd that for ya. sounds good to me. I'll take the Gnosis over 50 women any day. You hear that, demiurge?
11/18/18 (Sun) 18:55:50 No. 126380
>I'll take the Gnosis over 50 women any day
No you won't. You only say that because you can't even bring yourself to make the effort of fucking even just 1 woman.
And yes, I'm projecting. That doesn't make it any less true. In fact I know exactly the situation you're in.
At least be honest.
11/18/18 (Sun) 19:11:43 No. 126383
>you can't even bring yourself to make the effort of fucking even just 1 woman.
>And yes, I'm projecting.
Just forget it. Let the demiurge keep his dog-treats for himself. You are incredible lucky to live in the end-times, because the end times provide incredible freedom and chance for Gnosis for every thinking man. ( while the society around him collapses and most other people go to shit). Use this opportunity wisely, forget women and attain enlightenment.
12/16/18 (Sun) 07:53:26 No. 126927
only a kike wants the end of times to happen, which it isn't
12/16/18 (Sun) 08:07:15 No. 126930
>Is the end of the world coming
12/17/18 (Mon) 14:47:16 No. 126963
02/19/19 (Tue) 17:37:14 No. 128708
The Hour has come near, and the moon has split in two.
And if they see a miracle, they turn away and say, "Passing magic."
(forgive me allah)