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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

File: 6d6be0e6470042f⋯.jpg (15.88 KB, 300x460, 15:23, Franz Bardon.jpg)


just finished "Initiation into hemetics" by Franz Bardon.what are your thoughts on Bardon? has anybody progressed with his methods?


I've progressed tremendously following the outline of what he teaches and studying of course a lot more to fill in my knowledge of things he only briefly talks about.

It is a good book to work your way through while doing and studying many other things.


Bullshit Occultism - The Book.



How is it bullshit occultism?


File: d3e1869dc4fc12b⋯.png (68.15 KB, 936x417, 312:139, a1.png)

File: 23676422a0cb7ee⋯.png (342.18 KB, 930x1497, 310:499, a2.png)


>mixing truth with half-truth, falsehood and personal belief

>greatest mage that ever lived my ass

One could rant forever about this fraudster. But no, let's praise the armchair fatass who mixed Eastern practices which he didn't understand in full into Western 'Occultism' after stealing from his teacher. Le epic great Hermes Trismegistus who didn't bother to advance on his own and 'decided' to die from bacon.



I saved the second (guide) pic. Thanks for that, it's pretty good. However I still cannot agree about IIH being shitty or bullshit occultism. Actually I think it is one of the best works and guidelines that you will come across because it contains basically all the mind exercises you need plus a guide to astral traveling plus a basic outlay of the astral planes, the elements and the elementals you find in the astral. I mean what exercises are there to do that really matter? Visualization, manipulating energy and elements and practicing stillness. Plus some form of being fit and flexible. That's the basics and they are all in the book. keep in mind that the book is only about initiation and is for the noob and not for the master. About Bardon himself I don't know anything and I am neither ready nor willing to discuss him as a person because I don't know him personally. I only see his book before me and I find the book gets the job done pretty good. Another book that gets the job done pretty good is "Astral Dynamics" by Robert Bruce. It gives you a good outline of the energy bodies and the astral planes, the workings of all those things and exercises how to train your energy body and how to astral travel. Other books are nice ramblings and juicy theorie but teach you nothing more than that very theory. The exercises are what truely matters and Bardon and Bruce both get them right.

If you know better sources or books to study (that are not bullshit occultism and give you great exercises)please post them here.



>One could rant forever about this fraudster.

Yet you post only two pictures that you probably didn't even come up with yourself…because you have nothing to say on your own about him. Come on, greenpill us all about how truely shit Bardon is and how much he failed or be exposed as the huge eternal idiot that you are and leave forever. Since one can rant forever about Bardon I am sure you will come up with lots of facts about Bardon other than those two pathetic pics.



not worth my time



Because you are a pathetic faggot. Just talk and nothing behind it.

I bet you whine about Bardon and IIH because you failed at it and now you need to blame someone. Just face it, you are a braindead mongrel who will never even be 1% as good as Bardon was. Now fuck off


File: f41358419144627⋯.png (64.69 KB, 625x626, 625:626, cff.png)



He's fairly easy to understand as an introduction to "occultism." But in general remember not to take anyone's word as gospel unless that person's appearance to give you advice is miraculous in itself.



>who will never even be 1% as good as Bardon was

Not being fat already makes you better than Bardon. He's not exactly a tough act to follow.

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