Pray the gay away 06/10/18 (Sun) 22:25:17 No. 121342
One of my friends who I've happen to know for many years happens to be an intense, self-hating homosexual, to the extent that he's wanted to kill himself on numerous occasions because of his sexuality. Over the course of six years I've attempted to aid him in removing this hatred by various means. For example by repeating that sexuality is such a small part of who we are, and that there's nothing wrong at all with being gay. However despite this he's under the firm impression that he's a diseased, mentally ill freak for his attraction to other men. Last night he even expressed to me the belief that one isn't "a man" until they've "touched a vagina".
Please excuse the blogpost here, but does anyone know of a means by which someone can reprogram their sexuality for normal attraction to the opposite sex? He's not at all cut out for celibate asceticism. I've tried advocating that before, but he's very attached socially and sexually to the idea of relationships, and seems to want one very very badly. Also obviously him simply accepting his gayness isn't going to work either, hence the depression, suicidal thoughts, erratic behavior, etc.
The only realistic option I see left is pulling some wizard magic out of my ass and making him straight.
06/10/18 (Sun) 23:31:51 No. 121350
>Vajrayana masters generate/channel enlightened Yidams into their minds
>Synchronize the Yidam with their mind, erasing the mundane consciousness and entering directly into divinity
<have friend create yidam/tulpa of straight dude
<when it's strong enough have it erase his previous personality and take over
If bronies can make tulpas I don't see why he can't. This would simply be an act of replacing one thoughtform with another.
06/11/18 (Mon) 03:11:26 No. 121360
Faggotry is caused by demons. There are examples of gay demons being exorcised on youtube.
There are child molesters and witches and wizards going around and putting gay demons and tranny demons etc into children. That's how these things happen.
06/11/18 (Mon) 08:36:15 No. 121372
>For example by repeating that sexuality is such a small part of who we are, and that there's nothing wrong at all with being gay.
You're the one who needs help
06/11/18 (Mon) 14:00:48 No. 121377
On an absolute scale where one wants to put their penis is a relatively minor issue. However, yes, on a day to day basis homosexuality tends to be a dangerous thing. For just one example multiple studies have shown gay men have life spans on average 20 years shorter than straight men- usually due to disease.
This is the exact kind of shit you don't tell someone when they're suicidal though.
The goal is an increase of health and happiness, not kicking someone who's already down.
06/11/18 (Mon) 17:04:31 No. 121381
>one isn't "a man" until they've "fucked a vagina"
ftfy friend
06/11/18 (Mon) 17:19:37 No. 121382
This. If you hate yourself so much you're willing to kill yourself, better to do it by replacement with a tulpa.
06/11/18 (Mon) 18:54:11 No. 121387
I was quoting him there. Touching Stacey's vagina in the 3rd grade isn't going to make someone a man nor will putting your dick into a vagina Even dogs, cats, ducks and so on successfully penis into vagina all the time. It's hardly the mark of a man.
06/11/18 (Mon) 19:04:37 No. 121388
>he's under the firm impression that he's a diseased, mentally ill freak for his attraction to other men
he is right tho
06/11/18 (Mon) 20:05:12 No. 121389
There is nothing wrong with being gay. The sooner he accepts that, the sooner he can start to form a healthy relationship with himself and others.
Any attempts to "change" his sexuality will only bring him more pain. The root of the problem isn't his sexual orientation but his unwillingness to accept it. You can't change the former, but you can help him change the latter.
My advice - teach him meditation so he can learn how to be with his thoughts and feelings without running from them. There is no strength in avoidance of the things that make us afraid, but there is in a direct confrontation with them. If you have other LGBT friends then maybe try to put him in contact with them so that he doesn't feel alone in this. And well - just be there for him, accept him, give him a positive example.
So yeah - he eithers learns his lesson and gets in touch with his emotions or he will keep running from them, fucking himself up in the process.
He can also seek divine help in this process of self-discovery. The heavens smile upon those who fight to be themselves and endure many ordeals to protect their nature.
Tulpas can only fuck you up more if you already feel fucked up. They can also fuck you up even if you don't. Generally tulpas aren't the best option.
>my source are YT vids of exorcisms
>it's a conspiracy of gay witches
Look mane, if faggotry was caused by gay witches putting gay demons in people I'd be the first one to know.
On the other hand - in civilizations unstained by the influence of Abrahamic religions gay and transgendered people were often connected with spirituality and magic and had a special place in society. We have indeed lost a lost of wisdom from the ancient times.
Homosexuality isn't intrinsicly connected with shorter life span. What it is connected though is a lifetime full of obstacles, hatred and persecution, and that is connected with shorter lifespan. The better he can cope with the latter the healthier and happier he will be.
Why not fight til the end and give it your best instead of seeking yet another way of escape?
06/11/18 (Mon) 20:40:48 No. 121393
Don't try to force this acceptance on him though. This cannot be done, nor would it be in any way beneficial to him even if it was possible.
Don't even present meditation as something that can help him accept himself. Present it as a tool - a tool which purpose is to know. You can even be sneaky and tell him that he can't effect this change blindly, that first he needs to know himself to be able to change himself. If he undertakes the practice of meditation, even with such a view, and gains insight because of it - this will be enough. In the presence of real insight and experiential knowledge of his thoughts and emotions nothing illusory can persist. It may take time, but once he begins to know himself he will see how deluded he was in running away from himself. He will start to pierce through layers of delusion and social programming to find himself, and in this way - he will find peace.
If you want some materials on meditation - just say so and I will provide.
06/11/18 (Mon) 21:51:02 No. 121394
>Even dogs, cats, ducks and so on successfully penis into vagina all the time.
They're puppies,kittens, and ducklings until they do. Point is you're not a certified adult male of your species until you have sex with the opposite gender.
06/11/18 (Mon) 22:04:59 No. 121395
>Why not fight til the end and give it your best instead of seeking yet another way of escape?
It's not necessarily an escape as much as it is a metamorphosis. I find it strange a hindu would be against that option.
06/11/18 (Mon) 22:21:48 No. 121396
>My advice - teach him meditation so he can learn how to be with his thoughts and feelings without running from them. There is no strength in avoidance of the things that make us afraid, but there is in a direct confrontation with them. If you have other LGBT friends then maybe try to put him in contact with them so that he doesn't feel alone in this. And well - just be there for him, accept him, give him a positive example
Thank you for the quality response, however I neglected to mention in the OP that he's my roommate also (wasn't relevant at the time).
I've been very sincere and devout in my own practice for a number of years, and we've both been roommates now for about seven months. I've gotten him to meditate with me on numerous occasions, basic anapanasati, from the context of "stress relief", and there was one time I even got him to do mala-japa with me. He only lasted till about the count of 50, then just gave up in frustration. Afterwards he expressed to me that it's bullshit and he felt nothing. The chanting was an attempt on my part to use another medium for him to attain some basic clarity of mind without raw, basic meditation, which he also seems to dislike.
>Tulpas can only fuck you up more if you already feel fucked up. They can also fuck you up even if you don't. Generally tulpas aren't the best option
When somebody is already talking about taking their own life, is any measure truly too extreme? I suppose I can apply pressure again, try to get him to practice with me, but it's just damn hard sparking interest/dedication in another human being. He was exercising regularly with me for the past seven months also, he ended up losing about 20 pounds too from it too, but the day my work schedule changed and I couldn't go to the gym with him at the same time anymore he immediately stopped and hasn't been back. It feels like I'm trying to boil water here, and the second I can't devote my full attention to the boiling anymore it ceases.
Creating a tulpa would at least be an engaging, creative process that would also cure his loneliness when it starts gaining sentience.
>He can also seek divine help in this process of self-discovery. The heavens smile upon those who fight to be themselves and endure many ordeals to protect their nature
When he gets home in a little bit I'll ask him to come and meditate with me again. Then later I'll also ask about the tulpa thing, get his thoughts on the matter, and also ask about him simply attempting prayer. Bhakti could work if he gets it to trigger. His parents are very radical Pentecostals though, the kind that walk around praying outloud and talking in tongues. They're also very opposed to homosexuality and openly talk about God sending gays to Hell.
Their influence is probably the root of the issue really, and it's seemed to have given him a strong inclination against God, religion, and spirituality in general.
It's a tricky situation. Thanks again for your words though.
06/11/18 (Mon) 23:15:57 No. 121407
Get him stoned and explain the concept of mind body dualism.
Has your roommate participated in faggot intercourse? Does he have a point of reference for sexual satisfaction?
06/11/18 (Mon) 23:45:23 No. 121414
>Point is you're not a certified adult male of your species until you have sex with the opposite gender.
Your point perhaps. You become an adult of any species when you reach sexual maturity, at which point you are 'capable' of reproduction.
When you create a tulpa you put power into something that you don't fully control. Giving strength to something other than yourself, depending on something other than yourself, is never the wisest course of action. How many "powerful tulpa" threads does it take until you guys know this?
Tulpamancy is by it's nature very dangerous. You create a conscious entity that is a purely artifical construct, that doesn't have a karmic background. You are fully responsible for that entity, with your very life perhaps. Creating something as complex is a terrible task.
Imagine creating a child, a newborn, and putting it a full grown adult body, with all it's perks and cons. Now if that isn't a recipe for a disaster I don't know what is. We all have karmic tendencies. Lessons we learned during the course of uncountable incarnations. Take that away and you have a being that is totally uncontrollable, unpredictable. Of course in most cases tulpas never reach full sentiency and are just toys for their "owners" to fulfill pony fantasies or what have you. In other cases the results can be unpleasant.
With such complex scenarios it's never as easy as "ey lmao just merge with thoughtform mane".
Anyway - what makes you think that metamorphosis is different than escapism? It is not always so of course, sometimes it unfolds naturally, but if you try and force metamorphosis out of fear of who you are and desire to be someone else - then yes, it is just escapism.
By the way - why do you think there is some special connection between hinduism and metamorphosis? The term hinduism is a misnomer anyway since hinduism consists of many sects and only from XVIII century onwards we can speak about single mainstream hindu religion.
>Creating a tulpa would at least be an engaging, creative process that would also cure his loneliness when it starts gaining sentience.
Even if he creates a full-blown tulpa it won't change this situation in any way. Even if he "merges" with it, that's just another layer of illusion.
Moreover, such an act will only create further karmic seeds that will perhaps grow in future lifetimes. He has to deal with the lack of self-acceptance sooner or later. It's not even about his sexuality as much as it is about his refusal to just 'look' into himself.
Anyway, that's yours, and his, choice. Just be sure that you are doing the right thing in regards to him. The way I see it - insight and knowledge of one's mind is never a bad thing, no matter the circumstances, so I am strongly leaning to him just undertaking a serious meditation practice instead of creating a tulpa.
But yeah - that's a really fucked up situation and I feel for him and you both. You can't save him, only he can do that.
One idea that I have - maybe dedicate merit to him to spark his interest in meditation? That would be a noble thing to do.
>Get him stoned
Drugs never solved anything, all they ever did was create more confusion.
>mind body dualism
06/12/18 (Tue) 03:23:39 No. 121424
>Even if he creates a full-blown tulpa it won't change this situation in any way. Even if he "merges" with it, that's just another layer of illusion
There's already so many illusions at play here, I doubt another one could truly mess things up that much worse.
>Tulpamancy is by it's nature very dangerous. You create a conscious entity that is a purely artifical construct, that doesn't have a karmic background
Why would you think that a tulpa doesn't have a karmic background? True creation doesn't exist, the 1st law of thermodynamics teaches us this. The present energy that composes our forms has already been around for an eternity and will continue to do so. Consciousness continues forward, regardless of whether embodied in the flesh like we are presently, or in a more abstract form such as a tulpa. I'm no great master myself and can't speak from direct experience here, but I would imagine that a tulpa existed before conjured forth in a practitioners mind.
Perhaps for shilling tulpamancy here in my next lifetime I'll be forced into the body of a small pink pony, trapped inside of an obese man's mind. Assuming I don't anuttara samyak sambodhi this time.
>Anyway, that's yours, and his, choice. Just be sure that you are doing the right thing in regards to him. The way I see it - insight and knowledge of one's mind is never a bad thing, no matter the circumstances, so I am strongly leaning to him just undertaking a serious meditation practice instead of creating a tulpa
I agree 100% there. Understanding the mind will always improve ones life.
To update on the situation now
<invite him to meditate with me over text when he gets home
<comes home high after chilling with pothead friends of his
<he seems enthusiastic about meditating
<we go out to the room I have set aside for it
<sets his alarm for 30 mins, when before I've never seen him sit still for 10
<tell him maybe he should set the alarm for a little bit less time
<he sets it to 25 mins
<meditating with eyes half open like usual, see him in the corner of my eye squirming, moving his hands and playing with his phone briefly
<after maybe mins he gets up and leaves
<later when I finish we have a serious talk about the whole thing
<drop my tulpa idea on him
<he calls it insane, and says that what would be best for him is probably just coming to terms with himself and his sexuality, accepting that he's gay
Definitely a step in the right direction.
06/12/18 (Tue) 03:27:25 No. 121425
Step in the wrong direction. The guy doesn't have self-control.
06/12/18 (Tue) 04:01:10 No. 121428
I'm not saying anyone should go out of their way to prove anything to themselves or others by "fucking" something, but isn't it even more manly to have dominated another man? I'm not gay and I don't promote or push that but logically speaking if man is the manliest thing, and fucking a vagina makes you more manly, then isn't dominating another man the ultimate "IM MORE THAN THAN THAT MAN BECAUSE I FUCKED HIM IN THE BUTT"?
I mean its horrible and gross and nobody should be messing with that unless they get tested for diseases and really love each other and stay in a closed relationship but it seems to be how the ancient greek/romans used to think from what I heard.
06/12/18 (Tue) 04:28:35 No. 121432
>Why would you think that a tulpa doesn't have a karmic background?
Karma implies grasping.
>The present energy that composes our forms has already been around for an eternity
Energy can't graps after anything, it simply is. Only more complex patterns of energy - i.e. beings can grasp and desire and perform actions. Since tulpa as a separate pattern in energy hasn't existed before it's creation then it is only logical that it doesn't have a karmic background, else everything would have it (since composed of this energy). Does a stone have a karmic background and will incarnate? If so, then when? After the Earth dies in a supernova? But stone itself is composed of particles, would a stone reincarnate as a whole or would every particle has it's own incarnation? Maybe lets go to the level of quarks? Using this same logic - I wouldn't incarnate as me, but every quark in my body would have it's own separate incarnation. That is just absurd.
>a tulpa existed before conjured forth in a practitioners mind
Existed as what? If it pre-existed in the form practitioner has in mind then we aren't speaking about tulpamancy but about posession. The whole point of tulpamancy is creating your own entity by your own efforts.
>Definitely a step in the right direction.
Agreed, he will figure it out. Too bad he doesn't want to meditate but he probably isn't ready yet.
06/12/18 (Tue) 22:42:26 No. 121475
>Existed as what? If it pre-existed in the form practitioner has in mind then we aren't speaking about tulpamancy but about posession. The whole point of tulpamancy is creating your own entity by your own efforts
We're getting far away from the practical realm of my own at least personal experience, however I think we're perceiving tulpas and the act of creating them in two different manners. If one creates an empty thoughtform, void of sentience, then it's simply a conditioned object, lacking consciousness though it may talk and interact in the manner of a chatbot online. It's like taking a dead block of wood and carving a dead statue.
If on the other hand though, there is sentience, then the tulpamancer did not create the consciousness itself. Consciousness cannot be created. It may only be channeled. When two parents have sex and spawn a child, that consciousness already existed in another time/form/place, they merely transformed a pool of energy into a vessel that then brought another being into this world. There was no true creation. This is how I perceive the act of creating a high level, sentient thoughtform. Its consciousness was there already, it existed already, however then a man created a body for it to inhabit.
I suppose tulpa is simply an umbrella term for a variety of different entities- ranging from mindless playthings to a Sakyapa yogi channeling Vajrayogini.
>Agreed, he will figure it out. Too bad he doesn't want to meditate but he probably isn't ready yet.
It's funny. He would rage at me in the past when I would tell him it's perfectly cool to be gay and that he just needs to forget the fire and brimstone bullshit his parents indoctrinated with growing up. However it wasn't until I came up with this crazy idea of replacing sections of his mind with a tulpa that he cooled down and realized he just needs to accept himself already.
Presenting him with that level of insanity helped him see the alternative and reasonable path of acceptance.
06/12/18 (Tue) 22:54:59 No. 121479
yeah because a mentally ill person should create a new being only to tryand consume it lke a cannibal
seems totally healthy
06/12/18 (Tue) 22:57:38 No. 121480
if you plant a seed in the ground and water it every day you're still growing a plant
just because you didn't create the seed doesn't mean you didn't culture and care for the plant to make sure it grew right
06/13/18 (Wed) 00:03:14 No. 121494
I relate to who OP speaks about, being le gay boy/tranny retard. It is awful, but celibacy is what helps me deal with it. Sex means nothing unless you plan to reproduce. Lots of gay men marry for the sake of having children and never go to sleep with other men, why can't he follow that path? Are his urges too strong? It is not hard at all to will away sexual thoughts or to just change what you're attracted to
06/13/18 (Wed) 08:08:09 No. 121540
>we're perceiving tulpas and the act of creating them in two different manners
We aren't.
>the tulpamancer did not create the consciousness itself
Of course not, consciousness isn't something you create. It just is. It is the only thing that is, because without being conscious you can't perceive anything.
>that consciousness already existed in another time/form/place
My viewpoint is informed by Trika Tantra and "Consciousness-only" Buddhist schools (and personal experience). Basically I view consciousness as undifferentiated and above karma and any limitation. It is just a ground of any being. You can have patterns in this consciousness and said patterns can undergo change and have their own karmas, but consciousness as such cannot. In your view consciousness is not in any way different than limited personality, since it is individual. Of course consciousness was already there. Consciousness is everything, since nothing can exist if you are not conscious of it. Nevertheless it seems to me you are conflating personality and limited individual with unlimited ground of being.
Consciousness is just that - being. With no differentiation, with no patterns. It is something that allows for those patterns to occur. Now I may think myself as a sad individual. In this example - there is this thought of sadness. This thought is what is known, my limited being is the knower and my awareness of it is the process of knowing. Now consciousness is what allows each element of this interaction to exist. Moreover, it is both the known, the knower and knowing. It is just consciousness looking at itself.
In your view there are different "consciousnesses" since consciousness of any being (in this example - tulpa) already exists in a pre-defined form ready to be channeled into vessel, but in fact consciousness is empty and it is the same emptiness for any individual. When you are deep in meditation in a state of no thoughts you may enter samadhi. Now what do you experience when there are no thoughts?
>It is not hard at all to will away sexual thoughts or to just change what you're attracted to
And what would be the point of that? What is there to gain and learn from living such a life?
06/13/18 (Wed) 14:28:35 No. 121545
>Basically I view consciousness as undifferentiated and above karma and any limitation. It is just a ground of any being. You can have patterns in this consciousness and said patterns can undergo change and have their own karmas, but consciousness as such cannot
Yes, exactly. Perhaps I haven't made this clear in my previous posts, but I agree fully that consciousness is the grounding of all reality, the platform from which absolutely everything arises.
>In your view consciousness is not in any way different than limited personality, since it is individual. Of course consciousness was already there. Consciousness is everything, since nothing can exist if you are not conscious of it. Nevertheless it seems to me you are conflating personality and limited individual with unlimited ground of being
I would describe consciousness as the sun, where its light may be channeled through an infinite variety of glass, crystals, etc. This will all dramatically change the appearance of the rays, and they'll operate differently in each vessel, however in the end- light is just light.
Or to use a better metaphor, consciousness is the radio waves, the physical brain is the radio, and our mind (the field of projection created by the physical brain) is the music that plays from the radio. The radio itself will break down over time, being a temporary conditioned thing, and the music itself may become garbled as the speakers fray, however that which entered into the radio will not decay.
>In your view there are different "consciousnesses" since consciousness of any being (in this example - tulpa) already exists in a pre-defined form ready to be channeled into vessel, but in fact consciousness is empty and it is the same emptiness for any individual
Though at the root of my present vessel, and your own, the raw consciousness is one and the same, it's very clear that these two nodes of identical substance are welling up in what appears to be separate times and places. Like an underground spring with two different wells. When I said that the tulpa had its consciousness existing previously, I wasn't talking about some special individual nature that could never be found , I was just talking about a raw node of consciousness still grasping to perceived individuality and thus being reborn elsewhere. The mind, personality, opinions, etc. are all temporary conditioned things imprinted in the physical brain, which die when the body dies. All that continues forward is the wave of consciousness, riding the same infinite ocean, based on its previous momentum.
>When you are deep in meditation in a state of no thoughts you may enter samadhi. Now what do you experience when there are no thoughts?
Hmmm, I don't think I've quite entered the heights of samadhi just yet, however based on my experience in the lesser dhyanas I would say all that remains is awareness itself. When the senses, the body, and the breath all vanish, all that remains is the knower knowing.
06/13/18 (Wed) 19:22:32 No. 121570
>a raw node of consciousness still grasping to perceived individuality
If it is just a raw node of consciousness then how can it grasp to individuality? For that it would have to have some traces of mind and personality that would do the grasping - some habitual energies that still cling onto dualistic existence - hence these are all still patterns in consciousness and not consciousness as such.
>I wasn't talking about some special individual nature
But if you have mutually different nodes of consciousness then they have to have some objectivity, some individuality to separate them from one another.
>All that continues forward is the wave of consciousness, riding the same infinite ocean, based on its previous momentum
What then prevents this wave from merging into this infinite ocean?
I see the process of creation of a tulpa as giving form to consciousness, solidifying it, until it is solid and complex enough to have sentience. Much like a thought appears and solidifies itself from undifferentiated consciousness in order to be perceived. Since tulpas are made from, and are, thoughtforms then the difference between them and thoughts is the one of degree. Since we may agree, or at least I think we do, that thoughts do not have karmas, then why would a tulpa have one?
06/13/18 (Wed) 19:58:49 No. 121575
>expressed to me it's bullshit
>he dislikes basic meditation
Why are you trying to save him? Seems like he really doesn't want to be helped. Let him have the tragic story he wants to have. Or are you worried about the police reports, family, questions, etc after he commits suicide? It is a lot of work and a pain in the butt, plus you got to act like you did everything to help when his family asks you about what happened. Maybe just tell him to wait a year to make sure he is certain first, a lot can change in a year after all. Then move out as fast as you can so someone else has to deal with the mess.
06/13/18 (Wed) 21:58:12 No. 121582
Wew sounds like you wrote this for me. I'm just about to get a second job and save up to leave my own hellish relationship.
06/15/18 (Fri) 02:08:11 No. 121641
>But if you have mutually different nodes of consciousness then they have to have some objectivity, some individuality to separate them from one another
This is true I suppose. On one level we are all Brahman/Shiva etc. and then on the other we're all functioning in the mundane realm in different bodies wearing different masks. The notions of individuality are constantly in flux, as are all the other aggregates that compose our essence apart from the unconditioned base , but nevertheless they're there.
>What then prevents this wave from merging into this infinite ocean?
It's always been a part of the ocean, though it may not be aware of it. The task of one who wishes to realize his unity with the ocean would then be to rid the mind of the obfuscations hiding this truth, or alternatively to realize the hindrances themselves are too a part of the ocean.
As the Platform Sutra says, "The afflictions themselves are bodhi."
>Since we may agree, or at least I think we do, that thoughts do not have karmas, then why would a tulpa have one?
Karma is simply the law of cause and effect, isn't it? Touch fire and be burned. Think and act with anger, have such anger returned to you. Well the death of one thought creates the basis of origin for the next, and also of course greatly influences its content. Perhaps my understand of karma is incorrect, but it appears as though there's something akin to karma working. Karmas honestly never been a topic I've looked much into though. From my beginner's perspective it seems like the wisest course of action is to simply do the right thing in each and every moment, and let karma take care of itself.
>Why are you trying to save him? Seems like he really doesn't want to be helped. Let him have the tragic story he wants to have
He's been there for me in the past, and it feels like it would be wrong to just drop him. I just don't see what more I can do. Sometimes people need to fuck up and hurt themselves in order to learn things. When/if that happens though it'll negatively impact me and my living environment.
Earlier today he came into work late again, high as a kite, and had the boss yell at him again for being late. He's going to get his ass fired because he can't control himself or his urges to go blaze weed with his shithead stoner friends.
Goddamn it's irritating seeing people intentionally do stupid things.
06/16/18 (Sat) 13:29:11 No. 121748
>for a friend
don't joke, you're probably referring to yourself if you are an INFJ though these are just my 2 cents
>does anyone know of a means by which someone can reprogram their sexuality for normal attraction to the opposite sex?
Don't eat yoghurt/probiotic milk/unfermented soy products/estrogenized female products like egg and milk (they came from females plus the fodder fed to them contains xenoestrogen for producing more yield)
most have been rigged to contain xenoestrogen or pythoestrogen and you can blame (((them))) .
Estrogen is a brain poison and someone who isn't used to estrogen at a very young age will have terrible effects (to someone taking hrt at their puberty or older)
Most of the food out there are tailored to promote homosexuality. Even that harmless bread at the grocery promotes cancer and homo. That coffee shop contains roasted soy and xenoestrogenized milk. The only way to escape it is to avoid them as much as possible and learn to cook avoiding those ingredients - internet is your friend.
Being gay is NOT genetic as the twin theory proves it. Identical twins have almost identical DNA and there are many cases where the other one is homosexual and it is therefore by choice or I would say learned from external stimuli or environment programming.
That makes it even more dangerous as genetics can 'flip' and fix itself with the proper selection of activators (or foods). It means gay can be induced by a greater force or by anyone with the right despair programming so it works like a "gay beam" weapon not a time bomb you can defuse any day.
What is genetic is autism and twins usually both develop them genetically (actually, autism is evolved but somehow their developed senses make them vulnerable to the world's negativities and become outcast).
I think there would be another category for homosexuality and it is timidity.
Men are naturally aggressive and if your friend still have that aggressiveness then he still have a huge chance to leap out of it.
So let's summarize
>avoid (((rigged))) drinks/foods and ingredients
>cook own food
>avoid hollywood-tier learning and programming - delimit yourself from obvious psychology operations programming (mainstream media / crowd acceptance)
>be aggressive
Don't know about the quality of water though. It depends on your area. If possible, drink well or spring water. Tap water is not kosher in U.S.
06/17/18 (Sun) 14:24:19 No. 121829
He's gotta do it slowly OP. He needs female friends. Once the friendship becomes strong enough there will be an emotional and mental relationship. Eventually the physical relationship can come. Try get him to fap to hentai or something more simplistic to start getting a taste for girls.
Gay people acquire the taste for men the same way straight guys acquire the taste for women.
06/17/18 (Sun) 20:25:02 No. 121837
He needs to stop believing he is. Tell him to mediate on the third eye. Tell him he is NOT his twisted hormones, but a divine being whose essence comes from the source of all creation itself. Made in its image with similar gifts. Tell him to stop giving it mental energy and to cut off bodily sensations related to it. One isn't born gay, they become gay over time. So it will take work to undue what has been done.
06/18/18 (Mon) 01:49:43 No. 121845
reading through your posts, it sounds like your friend's childhood was at-best, strict, and at-worst, abusive.
Was he abused? if yes, was it…
Either way he needs support, not reprogramming, if he seriously wants to use the occult as a means of helping himself, start with books and sigils of his/your favorite deities, and ask them to help you with your mind. keep this on a semi-regular basis.
Also, Beware of Dogma . Seriously, it appears to be one of the biggest pains your friend is undergoing. Books are guides, dogma is a tool that needs to be wielded briefly at best, and it is most frequently abused by dangerous personalities.
Nigga, get off the alex-jones-tier-bullshit. Unless OP and Fagbro are stuck in Chicago, San Francisco, L.A., Manhattan or Tokyo, they'll be fine.
but it is, however, vastly more satisfying to know how to make the most basic of basic foods and not have to worry about spending everything at the grocery store.
06/19/18 (Tue) 02:27:57 No. 121905
>Even that harmless bread at the grocery promotes cancer and homo
Can you post a citation for that? If not, care to explain how please.
06/19/18 (Tue) 08:20:09 No. 121919
Show pictures of kittens. <3
06/19/18 (Tue) 08:40:21 No. 121924
Theres nothing gay about sucking dick, 100% of HUMAN, MALE,s are just weak pathetic losers who are just another nagging bitch. The reason women are desired by most non retarded people is because they are action takers, they control the keys to this universe. Men are fucking pathetic. The best course of action is eliminating gender. Yes, I get it, the car mechanic needs to know if you have a dodge or a ford so he knows what parts to order. Truth is gender roles and "rules" about sex are just the nine trillionth way Astral parasites created to control people. There are benefits in both the maLe and female essence, so the ideal state is one which combines them both. Trannies are cool if they aren't whiney pussy faggots. Men are fucking gross. They look gross, hair is gross, they smell, they are dumb, nobody fucking cares how far they can piss. That's the problem with faggots and that's why they rightfully hate themselves. Even William Dafoe called that gay dude a fag for wanting to cuddle in boondocks saints.
Also the self hatred shit is one of the countless consequences of letting retarded Christians do their retarded evil (and well documented, nice try Liar) gaymes.
06/19/18 (Tue) 08:47:56 No. 121925
we get it you're a bipolar schizo who makes wall of text posts every 10 minutes
geez louise
06/19/18 (Tue) 08:51:12 No. 121926
Remember: all Christian brainwashing can be cured through a satanic ritual. Cut yourself if you want, just a bit to get some blood. Sell your soul, combine forces, whatever. You will feel freedom because you are making a choice for yourself for the first time, and not for egofag demiurge. This has nothing to do with satin being some super force that controls everything. It is just a good tool to use because of the themes associated with satanism, rebellion, death, darkness. When you divorce yourself from demiurge and marry his cooler brother Lord Satan The Great, then you realize that the only thing that happened is you GOT YOUR SOUL BACK by "selling it". I was raised by fucking moron christcuck narcissists and this method worked very well for removing fear of hell, then the brainwashing that this shit corrupted faggot demiurge world depends on goes away, and you didn't even lose anything either because you can get everything religion promised and your transformation becomes a journey that provides you with some decent knowledge to navigate your way through this shithole
06/19/18 (Tue) 08:54:00 No. 121927
"Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah I
Hope he can't tell I'm projecting waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"
- Fucking Loser
Holy fucking shit next time just post "stop, you are making me look retarded, so please just accept that all your argument are wrong because I countered zero of your arguments"
Fucking whiney kike. It's so fucking fun making you cry hahahahahahahaha
06/19/18 (Tue) 08:56:09 No. 121928
You need to use the same principle that causes straight men to like traps (in reverse)
06/19/18 (Tue) 08:57:26 No. 121929
"Stop having sovereignty in front of me. Change your actions because I rejected them. Let me control you! Fear me! Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah everyone look at my tantrum and accept my terms! Let this whiney little baby control you so he can teach you how to be as weak as a pussy bitch faggot who debates people by attacking their character instead of their argument!" - Checkmated Soreloser
OMG Maga dewd we need to save the aryan white princesses who won't fuck me because they need to know that they actually want to fuck involuntary celibates who have a PhD in Crying
06/19/18 (Tue) 08:59:33 No. 121930
Which buzzwords did I make you feel physical pain with? Was it the ones where I correctly described all human males as weak pathetic smelly useless scum? If that's not true than why does it sting you weak pussy hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha haha
Kill yourself. Nobody likes you. You can't even beat a wall of text. Sad!
06/19/18 (Tue) 09:03:43 No. 121931
Hey guys watch this. I'm gonna walk into a court room, listen to a prosecuting attorneys argument, then I am going to say "the defendent is not guilty because he's a snowflake! And he's bipolar! And he's dumb! And other buzzwords! Make America great again by electing celebrity douchebags in elections I think are real (hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha you are so fucking dumb)
The judge will have no choice but to declare them not guilty, because America, and libtards, and other third grade level arguments that let people know I have an inferiority complex
06/19/18 (Tue) 09:21:48 No. 121937
Wtf, somebody just posted facts I don't like. Wait, I know how to make it so the facts they posts no longer apply to reality!
06/19/18 (Tue) 14:51:48 No. 121951
06/19/18 (Tue) 16:32:15 No. 121958
tell him to stop watching porn.
06/19/18 (Tue) 16:33:49 No. 121959
>one isn't "a man" until they've "touched a vagina".
One isnt a man until they have a son
06/19/18 (Tue) 16:36:36 No. 121960
>There are child molesters and witches and wizards
Witches and warlocks. Any who partake in such foul sorcery are no wizard.
06/19/18 (Tue) 16:38:16 No. 121961
Studies are not needed. It is openly apparent that faggotry is one of the results of an accumulation of dark energy. Most just refuse to see it.
06/19/18 (Tue) 16:41:26 No. 121962
Absolutely buttflustered. Amazing how you manage to be so obvious that your samefaggotry is this obvious on a fucking anonymous board. You got some demons, laddie.
06/19/18 (Tue) 21:44:24 No. 121967
>don't joke, you're probably referring to yourself if you are an INFJ though these are just my 2 cents
I know people do that all the time, and in the past on wizardchan I've done it myself to get around the rules there, however this isn't one of those times. My best friend really is a gay dude who hates himself. As far as the xeno/phytoestrogens go, the two of us avoid those entirely. I'm a huge /fit/izen also, and am very very devout with my diet and exercise regiment. He's out of shape at the moment but is coming around to adopting my healthy habits.
>Men are naturally aggressive and if your friend still have that aggressiveness then he still have a huge chance to leap out of it.
What does aggression have to do with anything? My practice has made me naturally stoic and calm in most situations. Confident, but I would never describe myself as aggressive and I'm basically a caricature of masculinity.
Female friends are actually a thing? I didn't think the two sexes socialized except to court one another, except for the occasional situation where one or both parties is disqualified romantically- such as being taken already, deformed, celibate, etc.
I know I don't know any females at all, except for older married women at work, young women I've dated, or those I plan on dating.
>Either way he needs support, not reprogramming, if he seriously wants to use the occult as a means of helping himself, start with books and sigils of his/your favorite deities, and ask them to help you with your mind. keep this on a semi-regular basis.
Normally he claims to be an atheist, or he'll angrily proclaim that there is no god, but lately I've become aware that despite his frequent profanity, he never says "goddamn" or anything involving the word god. He also seems to get offended when others do. I think on the inside he might be a believer in Jesus, which would complicate the situation, Christianity being against homosexuality.
It's hard to get into religion when you believe that Jesus is God, the Light, the Truth and the Way, yet he hates you for boinking dudes.
Been saying that for a long time. He told me yesterday he's attempting to nofap for a month, not sure if that includes watching porn or not.
One isn't a man until they've killed someone.
06/19/18 (Tue) 23:30:40 No. 121976
06/19/18 (Tue) 23:54:22 No. 121979
>One isn't a man until they've killed someone.
you ain't no man till you killed yousself yo
kill urself my man
06/20/18 (Wed) 14:24:47 No. 121995
And if you are under 5'8" you will never be a man even if you pay for escorts, nature dictates a man must be tall or at least normal.
06/20/18 (Wed) 16:31:26 No. 121999
File: b4b7e3624dee767⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 908.54 KB, 1400x984, 175:123, 0eec654eb9486c9109bb52cb19….jpg )
Nature dictates if you breed heteroally you're a man. Anything else is queer
06/20/18 (Wed) 21:47:44 No. 122008
List of requirements to be a man-
<positive K/D spread
<have at least one son who has lost his own virginity (non-virgin meaning he's had unprotected intercourse with a fertile female)
<know how to cook a rare steak, and more importantly have done so
<at least 6'2"
<body fat <10%
<must own at least two guns
<must wear only long pants and not shorts
06/20/18 (Wed) 23:15:23 No. 122010
File: 747621057595b46⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 511.73 KB, 1000x814, 500:407, Shotacon-Хентай-Хентай-сек….png )
All you have to do is be allowed to stick your penis in a vagina. A 5'0" preteen manlet could hit manhood before a 6'7" autist.
06/20/18 (Wed) 23:31:25 No. 122011
Please spoiler your 2d anime porn.
06/21/18 (Thu) 00:44:44 No. 122013
Ibogaine or the root of the plant Iboga.
May not change his like of man meat but should give him insight and understanding into his current state. Fastest route to a solution.
It's hard on the heart, needs to have a minder for the 24/48 hours he's on it. Plenty of fluids.
Google it. It's a no bullshit answer.
Good luck.
06/21/18 (Thu) 01:09:48 No. 122015
I suggest you distance yourself from crazy queers.
06/21/18 (Thu) 14:47:08 No. 122032
>your only a man if you're a WINNAR
I didn't expect to find this mentality here.
06/21/18 (Thu) 16:09:49 No. 122033
Fringe doesn't imply "free love"
06/21/18 (Thu) 17:15:23 No. 122037
100% correct. Another way of saying this same thing would be to call it transmutation/alchemy. Or in other words, competency.
06/21/18 (Thu) 17:23:58 No. 122038
>Using this same logic - I wouldn't incarnate as me, but every quark in my body would have it's own separate incarnation. That is just absurd.
Stop thinking of time as a vector and you might advance.
06/22/18 (Fri) 13:03:53 No. 122069
I don't know what you mean by this. Is this a statement directed at me or a general statement?
07/02/18 (Mon) 01:41:10 No. 122618
>On an absolute scale where one wants to put their penis is a relatively minor issue
Your friend doesn't speak from an absolute scale though, being the next wave to fall off of natural selection would make me miserable too.
07/02/18 (Mon) 03:09:26 No. 122621
If you got him to start creating chiballs, at least his neural pathways could be rewired, hopefully moving towards a better state of mind.
07/02/18 (Mon) 03:17:26 No. 122622
Dominating a man does make you more dominant, but being consciously aware of your dominance can be a sign that you worry about being dominant, which contradicts any alpha-male notions; a true alpha doesn't think about being alpha.
07/02/18 (Mon) 23:36:48 No. 122694
IMHO this is the best and probably easiest solution.
tell your friend to keep the nofap for some time and if (when :^) ) he fails, to look at porn with ZERO men in it (I recommend using videos with females masturbating looking at the camera).
Something like this should at least give him a fetish for females, but could take some time.
07/03/18 (Tue) 19:00:08 No. 122778
You're closer than you think as "demons" are basically like bugs in computers.
Only this big bug is created due to an assumption it falsely believes in, the idea that you can have one "sexual orientation".
Most people do not understand the floored basis of the concept of "sexuality" and how it can only describe procreative sex.
The rest is virtually masturbation with orifices. The attraction is essentially an attraction to masturbation in orifices and the way the physique of a person establishes or influences that. But it can also be influenced by indoctrination, delusion, simple mindedness etc.
In actuality, sexuality is a mere bundle of feedback response mechanisms, thus, like all mechanisms - it is impossible to only be impacted by only specific stimuli due to the chaotic nature of our universe.
tl;dr we're attracted to all things, not just men or women or both. That's a misconception of the nature of our body.
07/03/18 (Tue) 19:02:00 No. 122779
Could give him a tranny complex too though as he may self insert as a woman.
07/03/18 (Tue) 19:12:45 No. 122788
I am intrigued by your ideas and would like to subscribe to your newsletter.
As tribute, I offer: The reason for foot fetishes.
07/03/18 (Tue) 19:13:31 No. 122789
That meme is so garbo bro.
If you're any damn good at sex, you self-insert as the woman when you fuck her, because that's how you get her off, by feeling what she feels. Sex is about unity.
Duh doi.
07/03/18 (Tue) 19:21:55 No. 122793
Depends on how programmed the viewer is. Sexuality is primarily contextual. But once they believe they are some specific sexuality, they become trapped in what I call "memetic concrete". Once that happens, only great epiphanies or freedom of thought enhancing programming can help the sufferer.
In fact, discord may be of particular use..
07/03/18 (Tue) 19:38:55 No. 122802
>discord may be of particular use..
Hail Eris!
And yes, the concrete trap is very real, but we're rephrasing each other's words. It's akin to how curses are powered by the person who is cursed, it's impossible to curse someone who doesn't believe in the power of the curse. Unless you're willing to tie a piece of your life force into it, which will curse yourself instead. Or in other words
<play shitty games, win shitty prizes
Harry Harlow's monkey experiments come to mind.
The important thing for the silent observers to take note of: You aren't a fucking monkey.
07/03/18 (Tue) 19:47:04 No. 122807
Depends on what you call a curse or the nature of the type of curse.
Some "curses" are very applicable to people that are not aware of it. Take bio-warfare if you consider that a curse in some aspects, they can choose not believe in it, but you can assume it to be effective although it may have some failure rate. I guess the success rate is key in that type of "curse".
As for other curses, no one knows if they do affect the person as they have yet to develop the skill to observe it's affects .
07/03/18 (Tue) 19:48:56 No. 122808
>You aren't a fucking monkey.
Depends on whether you think you are a monkey and whether you agree relatively to other people that we are monkeys.
Some would say you are a monkey and much much more.
07/03/18 (Tue) 19:51:25 No. 122809
>Depends on what you call a curse
Of course. I meant things like if I say:
>this image is cursed
Curses can be transmuted like everything else, too. I didn't say _what_ kind of curse this image contains. Maybe it's a curse to give you a harem of women who bleed at the same time each month. Most men would gladly empower that curse. You're welcome.
07/03/18 (Tue) 20:07:53 No. 122815
07/03/18 (Tue) 20:10:26 No. 122816
>curse to give you a harem of women who bleed at the same time each month
That is beyond hell. We must never ponder such horror ever again.
What if you don't believe in anything though? Like all human concepts?
07/05/18 (Thu) 02:22:31 No. 122889
Then have fun with your mental paralysis
SAGE! 07/05/18 (Thu) 03:56:49 No. 122892
>to the extent that he's wanted to kill himself on numerous occasions
>I've attempted to aid him in removing this hatred by various means. For example by repeating that sexuality is such a small part of who we are
He should have made that a murder suicide.
SAGE! 07/05/18 (Thu) 03:58:49 No. 122893
>nothing wrong with being gay
Also nothing wrong with public defecation, pajeet?
07/06/18 (Fri) 14:20:14 No. 122937
Homosexuality, pedophilia, rape, masturbation, abortion, and the hatred of sex are all under the domain of the archetype Lilith.
Contrary to popular belief, sexuality can be polarized in any direction through the wise combined usage of will+imagination, sometimes very easily. Your friend, opting to simply "accept himself for who he is" is merely avoiding his innate problem. His depression isn't a normal psychological flaw like you're implying, it's a result of his intuitive understanding that he is extremely out of harmony with the yin/yang balance.
All the doors are closed to the unworthy, except the door of repentance. Unless he becomes serious about walking the path of regeneration and takes action to show for it, decay and the Second Death awaits him.
07/06/18 (Fri) 15:47:45 No. 122944
Lillith is dead.
Seriously, if you take what you're saying seriously, do a horoscope for anyone you know, yourself included. Compare Lillith's aspects to Eris', then compare the individual to their natal aspects. The results speak for themselves.
07/06/18 (Fri) 16:53:42 No. 122947
Archetypes do not work like that.
07/06/18 (Fri) 18:02:24 No. 122951
I'm guessing Jupiter and Mars is the most important planets for men and Venus Mercury for women? Their aspects, that is.
07/08/18 (Sun) 10:30:30 No. 123036
And you know becauuuuuuuuuuse oh you're pulling it out of your ass nvm.
Actually cast some charts and then get back to me when you have a fucking clue what you're doing.
Fug no. Mercury is intellect and communication. It defines your ability to convey information accurately and how you learn.
Only in classical astrology, modern astrologers generally figure women have masculine traits and men have feminine traits and that these planets have an impact on both (classic astrology said the same, but the theory then was that men/women don't admit to these traits so they project them onto their future mates, basically it was Freudian psychology before Freud).
Less important than the placement IMO would be the motion. You're the dude posting about "angsty teen/yang pill/imp/djinn", right?
I'd be willing to bet that you've got at least one of two (Mars/Jupiter) retrograde in your chart, quite likely all three (Mars/Jupiter/Venus). Fact is, I'd lay money on two out of three for sure, assuming you're that anon.
<what's retrograde mean?
Energy directed inwards instead of outwards. Mars retrograde tends to mean internal war rather than external, Jupiter retrograde is internalizing paternal/patriarchal expectations, Venus retrograde would be internalizing femininity. Basically all of them will lead to internal conflict until you sort your shit out.
To more directly answer your implied question of
>what planets are most masculine/feminine?
The answer is: The sun is masculine, the moon is feminine. In astrology, these are planets. If you want a feminine woman, find one with a moon in cancer. If you want a masculine man, find a solar Leo (like our boy in the Oval Office, TRUMP).
If I'm right about your chart containing retrograde planets causing inner conflict, focus on an unconscious-mind ritual this 11th-13th. There's a solar eclipse in the sign of Cancer during that period, and it's going to be some potent moon energy as a result. Sun rules Leo. Moon rules Cancer.
You gotta use both sides, otherwise it's like only working one set of muscles. You don't wanna be known as "Popeye the Sailor Wizard", do you?
07/08/18 (Sun) 12:13:32 No. 123044
>u're the dude posting about "angsty teen/yang pill/imp/djinn", right?
no that's the tard with the fire flag
07/08/18 (Sun) 17:48:05 No. 123049
The only one of those three with retrograde is Jupiter, fagot. I'm a fukin cancer according to tropical shit with moon in pisces, they're in trine harmony. My venus and mars are conjunct, 4 and a half degrees you cuck, suck the big dick side of me.
yur a fagit with no grip on reality. I was born at dawn to kill this gay fucking dream.
07/08/18 (Sun) 18:14:58 No. 123050
HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play. Rolled 1, 4, 2, 5, 5, 6 + 6 = 29 (6d6)
Seriously though ya'll gay trying to turn this into some sort of psychological game, saying I've got emotional issues like an effigy made of all of your tear soaked tissues. Applying principles without cause is a great misuse.
Are you a man or a martyr? Dying for the cause of child mirth? Mother to all deserters?
Give me your fucking money.
07/11/18 (Wed) 11:27:49 No. 123158
So, suppose you're a degenerate who easily stops all porn/fapping for months at a time without really noticing, but whose sexuality doesn't normalize in the slightest, anyway?
Not a faggot, btw, but possibly worse, as my only form of "sexuality" is some obscure fetishes that have nothing to do with intercourse . It's been this way all my life and I'm no wizard, but sort of interested to hear the /fringe/ stance on outliers like me. Good, bad, neutral? What do?
07/11/18 (Wed) 15:07:51 No. 123166
no one actually cares about your lack of sexual normalcy. most of the 'wizards' on fringe probably have trouble getting their wands to work right in the first place.
Go outside, soak in the sun, meditate and learn to enjoy being in your own skin.
07/11/18 (Wed) 15:43:01 No. 123167
you charlatans are not now able to manipulate me nor have you ever been able to successfully manipulate me
07/11/18 (Wed) 15:46:17 No. 123168
for the "feminization thread" that i am being inappropriately blocked from posting in (a sin against internet innovation…….i say:
@ eastcourt village…where is your "house n1g1g1e1r"
(the general manager from mcdonalds on court st.)