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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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The Islamic anon who became mod on MEWCH /fringe/ is trying to establish an Islamic caliphate for themselves.

They and their family are Arabic. We already divided them, me and my forces.

They are still working away at it in vain.

They have "French connections"… Might masquerade under "Islamic occultism"…

Perhaps it is retaliation for "The Templars" (lol) taking down the /islam/ board. A move that I thought was unnecessary and retarded.


interesting spiritual meta news


I am OP. This subject is not necessarily associated with 8chan /fringe/.


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Long live Colonel Muammar Mohammed Abu Minyar Gaddafi.



I don't care what religion mewch belongs to but this is horrible.

<avoid mewch at all costs, it's totally rulecucked and if say anything they don't like even if you don't break any rules they delete all your posts and thread and ban you. its 200% censorship.

polite sage as to not disrupt the thread




the only issue I have with Islam is halal meat slaughter and eccessive child rape. other than they're harmless compared to jews.



To be honest, the sandkikes are just the sword arm of the jews. Their destinies are as intertwined as a gordion knot.


A thread died for this.



only certain sects. Shiites despise kikes. and that's only because jews are gigantic pussies who can't fight without someone holding their hand or their circumcised peepee




It still doesn't change the fact that any muhamadean would rather team up with their semetic cousins to destroy the west. No matter how much they resent their brothers of the book, they seem to willingly work hand in hand to destroy any threat to kike domination. This is of course irregardless of sect.


File: 80f269324368eb2⋯.jpg (14.25 KB, 236x236, 1:1, ca006064c23004f069f6f45e17….jpg)


Big lulz

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