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Esoteric Wizardry


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How do we know lucid dreaming and astral projection aren't the same thing?

Have wizards been able to accurately procure information from the material plane they otherwise would not have access to through the astral plane?


Use the question thread if you want to ask a question.


Question thread mang, and lucid dreaming is just astral travel for normals who dont into magic.


>How do we know lucid dreaming and astral projection aren't the same thing?

They are the same thing OP.

>Have wizards been able to accurately procure information from the material plane they otherwise would not have access to through the astral plane?



My bad, forgot there was a question thread on this board.


So what's the relation there, is lucid dreaming projection that's limited in some way? Like, only projecting into some basic realm fabricated by your own mind?


My cousin was telling me how her boyfriend (ex now) would come an hour or so later then he was supposed to when his work ended. One day my cousin had fallen asleep waiting for him, and had a very specific dream of where he was at and what he was doing, in this dream he was having sex with one of her good friends, she dreamt about the events leading up, the dialouge and everything. She eventually woke up terrified of the dream, when he got back, she had asked him about it, describing detail and everything, she eventually broke him and he confessed out of fear and shock.


Very interesting.


>only projecting into some basic realm fabricated by your own mind




They are not the same thing. Astral travel is influencing the outer with your inner. Lucid dreaming is influenced by the outer of your inner.

Do you research or seek direct experience or else you won't know what you're talking about.


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simplified more or less. Lucid dreaming is when you keep to yourself mostly. But the astral is always leaking.


Lucid dreaming = a personal plane just for yourself or only shared with a few other entities
AP = connecting more with other actual entities and sharing a plane with others more

Ultimately both are the same and one can easily transition from one to the other and back.


Lucid dreaming = outside in
Astral travel = inside out


That picture don't right.


Can someone APing enter the dreams of someone else?


No. There is a separation between a person and his constituent soul-stuff and everything else which can not be bridged. That is the essential, individual nature of everything. By influencing someones consciousness from the outside you can influence the contents of ones dreams. By have a soul that is in tune with another you can have identical dreams. But you can never truly enter another's dreamscape.

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