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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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Rejoice brothers.

Lilith Faith

Worshipping Lilith is not a hard thing to do. It's essentially Lilith centric Gnosticism. We believe that Yahweh and his light is the real evil. Lilith is this world’s true savior, and she deserves this title because of the freedom, knowledge, will, power, and defiance she gifted us when she was casted out of Eden. Lilith is not an evil monster, but a woman demonized by the faith to keep us in check. But being in check is the bad thing here. Thanks to Lilith, we are no longer sheep to God, but our own person and children of Lilith. Darkness is not a bad thing, it's an embrace and blessing from Lilith see we may see through the bright lies. Lilith is the Goddess of everything, and Yahweh is the true King of Lies. We are disillusioned and not under anyone’s control. Pleasure, wisdom, anarchy, life, death, new beginnings, darkness, passion, motherliness, punishment, and true beauty. All of this and so much more is Lilith. She refuses to be servient to God or mankind, and so do we. You will know the pleasures of freedom and power in her gentle arms.

Join us in Red Eden, brothers


We have resources in our brotherhood in our ever expanding library, which includes qlipphoth, succubus summoning, sigil magic and tarot. We do projects and I'm glad to say we have already started one.

Remember, just because the darkness is overwhelming to some, doesn't mean it is malignant. The darkness is the warmest embrace.


While we're at it, would anyone like to share their experiences with Lilith or her children?


How does this entity feel about snakes?



A snake is one of her symbols



She likes them


>you should attach yourself to an egregore and talk in larpspeak because I was stupid enough to fall for it and it makes me feel compelled to suck more people in




That's not it, brother


bullshit sissy religitards

just an edgy version of christianity/islam

>buh we're not like the other religions we are free an-

they all say that, you fucking retard





lillith = demon mother

nice try kike



It's it really so wrong?






Fine with me then. She should assist in making more Naga entities.



You should join us. Lamia is a Lilim




>when you walk into a religion/cult thread





>worship lilith

>yahweh is king of lies, dont worship

>lilith leaves adam for samael

>samael is one name for the demiurge in gnosticism

>demiurge is king of lies





You know full well that is exactly it, don't pull more people into your LARPy ass dungeon of depression and self-deception. Why would you want more individuals being wrecked as you are? Are you seriously that nihilistic?


Fuck off space nigger, we're full

You can crash on the moon if you want

btw: u know that Lilith doesnt exist? She is, like all other gods, demons etc just a personification, a metaphor for the working of forces in your mind. Stop being a fucking shizo larper already.



>I never ever connected with any external entity so they must all be tulpas

Is this the current state of /fringe/? Have fun being gutter "occultists" with no achievements "all is in the mind" bullshitters.



But it is all in the mind. Sadly the state of fringe is represented by posts like yours. And it's very close to the bottom level that halfchans /x/ maintains. It is very unenlightened, but of course for unenlightened people it is fun to play with "other" entities and worship some "gods" because they don't have the will and/or knowledge to go the solar way of becoming a magus. You are a spiritual mundane, it is you who is the true gutter occultist.

If you don't realize that all those entities are just personifications of forces, energies and elements that happen inside your mind then it can't be helped. However I hope you will wake up one day and attain higher knowledge. In your state, I doubt you have any real occult power at all. In fact, how big is the chance that you are a mere neckbeard degenerate, larping on an anime imageboard?

Whatever, go and worship your made-up mommy Lilith like a good cuck. Whatever gets you larping kids off these days.


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>4/x/ understands things better than 8/fringe/

lol, you are so funny.

Fedoras from reddit really did swarm 8ch lately. I'm beginning to understand why anons are going back to 4ch again, there is no saving this place.

>pic very much related

Since you're new here I'll post this so you understand what's going on. We're now on the last frame and this is me leaving.



All is in the mind is some solipsistic bullshit.

Rather the truth is that all is mind.

There is a difference between "all is mind" and "all is in the mind".



That's right. All is in the mind…of mind. All is mind. There is only mind. But you cannot understand this without having the actual realization, this is where most of the people here and on /x/ are no better than your random degenerate mundane. There is no difference between you playing videogames all day and fucking whores and thinking this is all there is to reality and you roaming the astral planes, talking to entities and fucking some random succubus. Same fucking illusion. It's child's play.

>4/x/ understands things better than 8/fringe/

I didn't say this at all. I guess since you are literally too retarded to properly read and understand sentences all is lost on you anyway. Just forget it. You are not even a player character in this game, you are a mere NPC that has nothing interesting to say. When the game will be turned off, you will dissapear. I now understand why some enlightened people have compassion and love for the unenlightened, it's sad actually.

>npc presented with higher wisdom

>blocks completely off

>starts blabbering something about reddit and starts posting memes

I must admit it is a little bit amusing too to be honest.



btw I looked at the meme again and it is actually quite good. It's very fitting, I love it. Aren't you the red guy? That cuck "dudebro"? You are 100% that guy. You come even after the pink girls, the new age idiots, ruined spirituality and occultism completely. No wonder almost all the original, real occultists have left already and the last ones are probably in the process of leaving.

So thanks for the nice meme I guess, it can be used very good to show the process of spiritual downfall.


I wonder how many of these trappings there are throughout the broad classification of occultism that make people think the way to figure things out is to worship some entity, or to only read books by approved authors that fall within a particular category. It misses the entire point. There definitely seem to be quite a few people like this, like the Joy of Satan people and the Lainists, and also arguably groups like Wiccans and Thelemites, at least based on the way some people I've seen on the internet act. OP, you're really dumb. You're dumb because not only have you ironically used concepts you've learned that people usually use to access a vast amount of knowledge to box yourself in worshiping an entity for no productive reason, but you're also dumb because you keep bumping this thread multiple times per day despite how slow this board is. You should start from the start and read The Kybalion again (if you haven't already), and you should also lurk two years before posting. But you're probably not going to do either of these things, and you're going to ignore me and call me a shill or something, and then bump it three more times successively despite it being at the top of the catalog.



lol, go jack off to the Kybalion some more you utter faggot. You are the last type of person to be able to claim to be enlightened.



It is a horrible idea for so fucking many reasons. But, the most obvious of them all is: Never go left hand path.



>bottom level that halfchans /x/ maintains

Now this is fucking bait



You are always free to go ahead and tell me how exactly this shithole is better than /x/. And no, the argument that fringe was better 5 years ago doesn't really count. Look at how it is now.

A bunch of degenerates will always have a easy time making fun of another bunch of degenerates. But this doesn't impress me.



>they all say that

They do, too. And it's always weird what their idea of freedom actually is. Usually, it's some kind of sexual freedom, but it's always counterbalanced by some ludicrous prohibition against something benign or mundane; e.g., you're allowed to bang your neighbor's wife as much s you want, but Vienna sausages are a tool of the devil.

They lure you in with promises of muhdick.



>some LARPing underage weeb faggot trying to become a cult leader without a single inch of charisma

kill yourself



now this is some high level autism. Gucking permavirgins trying to kill occultism




Kill yourself you wannabe cult leader


The Discord invite isn't working.



It was removed because reasons but if you really do want to join and not just disturb you can have a new one.

Be aware this server is mostly anime shitposting, ERP and some occult stuff on the side.


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Thanks. I think most of these people aren't really interested in channeling these spirits properly but larping. When I pray to these creatures and start seeing their faces in dreams, this is real to me. But these guys are just playing around like kids.



You're the anon with cyrillic name who joined a few hours ago? I deleted the invite again to prevent disturbances.


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No, I'm not. I have no interest in causing trouble. If you'd like to help a seeker (I'm sure you'll - certain - get a reward), could you please tell me the true sigil of Lilith?




pick one. or dont. waste of time thread.



tbh I wouldn't know, we don't need it in the Red Eden cult as she communicates with us directly by telepathy or possession, where one member will assume her role and bring the guidance to other anons.

She's very easy and lighthearted to interact with. If you want to experience the same, all you need to do is to open yourself to her.



Interesting. We must be communicating with different spirits. This one is angry, violent and hormonal. I've had sudden nose bleeds and then feelings like I've snorted cocaine dealing with her. I've fallen in love with it.

Lighthearted this dame ain't. Different strokes for different folks.


lilith is gay lol and she sucks my willy


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>worshipping a literal icon of feminism



File: 199eb7ccf638e7e⋯.jpg (1.59 MB, 2048x1365, 2048:1365, 31872373417_caa5da4e29_k.jpg)

>be far in forest

>see dis

Wat do?


File: 806bb42c80ac60a⋯.jpg (117.35 KB, 679x1024, 679:1024, 40c491f2d62e3023bf562df.jpg)


Tell "her" that "she" hid "her" dick&balls really well!


File: 7f2db5435f80a23⋯.png (46 KB, 399x322, 57:46, disgust_pepe.png)


>incels would prefer a cartoon over this


File: e0e9afe2d9c18ae⋯.jpg (36.56 KB, 621x768, 207:256, 847dec02-ed73-4bdd-a856-a6….jpg)


If you want 3DPD disgusting! Go out and get it!


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Care to explain why a character named Lilith is neither in the Bible nor in the Gnostic Gospels?

All hints seem to point at the conclusion that she's from an apocryphal tale from Medieval Judaism (Alphabet of Ben Sira) that somehow made it into demi-popular culture when annoying nerdy feminists started idolising it back in the '60s or so.

In other words, Lilith is most likely nothing but an ascended Jewish meme (unlike Sophia who actually appears in the Gnostic gospels or Mary Magdalene) kept alive by feminists, which makes perfect sense as many Western feminists happen to be ethnic Jewesses


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>A snake is one of her symbols

Is that so. Then how do you explain that the word seraph (which as you probably know is a traditional category of angel) translates as serpent?


Are seraphs secretly working for Lilith while pretending to serve God?



Brother, Fellow Son of Lilith!

First thing. Please gibs discord invite, I'd like to talk with you all. I've been following this path and just found this thread.

Second. Reconnect with the Night Mother, she does not want your "worship". That's not how she is… she's different.

One does not worship their mother, they respect her. One's mother does not seek their worship, but assists their growth into independence.

There is a reason she is assiocated with also winged animals like Owls, like a mother bird she want us to leave the nest to fly on our own.

Again you should invite me brother! I wish to share notes! Lilith left me last full moon after a ritual, she set me on a path and I think I arrived at this thread for a specific reason. I'm doing intense research, particularly Bulfinch's Mythology has great points about Minerva that might explain aspects of Lilith that the Abraham followers have tried very much to cover up.



Invite expired



Could you please post another invite?



There's a lot of disinformation and corruption here, but behind the lies maybe one can see a semblance of a philosophy that isn't aligned with arrogance

The idea of an actual new beginning is absolutely wrong because being in defiance of the original creator of everything would require a lot of justification to challenge the rhetoric of creation itself.

But perhaps in recovering from a complete corruption one can attain a new beginning that is a recovered version of the original plan of creation.

Therefore this opposition really needs to be explained. There certainly is much confusion about what people are thinking when using the term Yahweh


She was clearly a double agent

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