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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

File: a2d20bd05118c59⋯.jpg (363.61 KB, 687x988, 687:988, a2d20bd05118c5999b2c1a1547….jpg)


I aint trying to get cursed guys but I would love to make and sell these amulets for me and others. I'm spreading the word of magick! Amulets dont grow on trees. I usually sell my shit for twice what it costs me to make. Thoughts?


Kill yourself nigger



So is that a no? orrrr


File: bd53718a07f0049⋯.jpg (4.3 MB, 2500x2117, 2500:2117, epyckynngsolomon.jpg)

Fine but when King Solomon files a copyright complaint with God don't come crying to us when you get a fine of 500,000 negative karma points and up to 5 years of damnation.

~Epyc Wynn



> I would love to make and sell these amulets for me and others.

>I'm spreading the word of magick!

Why would you do such a thing? Honestly. Is this your second week researching "magick"? The etheric and the commercial have nothing in common, and are antithesis to each other.



>I'm spreading the word of magick!

There is a reason the principle of secrecy is upheld by any order worthy of name.

I thought this thread was going to be about using magick for physical gain, not selling amulets to unwitting new-agers.


When everybody is chief, nobody's a chief.





File: 23abc96e8fdd304⋯.jpg (607.79 KB, 1792x1825, 1792:1825, chrome_2018-06-11_11-48-03.jpg)



~Epyc Wynn


For every action there is a reaction. What is right or what is wrong when the human law is no law for the all? If you think that what you are doing is wrong, then you are correct, the opposite is also correct.



PS: Not that what you are doing is usefful at all, but…



it's not cringe because you were thought to be serious. it's just cringe, like this post too


File: 88f9e3512f8439e⋯.jpg (108.42 KB, 401x404, 401:404, magick_merchant.jpg)


>he thinks magic comes from objects.

Go ahead. Be my guest. Sell as many of these as you want. Heck, use them to increase your luck. Go right ahead ;).



Why do you sign your posts like that? You sometimes have perceptive takes on things but you ruin it with the boomer style signature at the end. Its like tripfagging but even more irritating


File: 9dbe906114286e0⋯.png (29.26 KB, 684x684, 1:1, epycwynnwireframejournal.png)


Everything I make is a piece of art intentionally built around the core art that is Epyc Wynn. The signature is not a shit on my gold; it is the star on the tree. It's all one web. You can appreciate my posts on their own merits, but the signature is a reminder that they are part of an overarching greater meaning.

Also, what you have just said is a symptom of chan-style post formatting elitism. In my experience comparing this formatting style with other posting styles ranging across the web, it was not superior; it was just one more piece of the puzzle. Don't let the chan hivemind own you; not even a little bit. And if chan-style post formatting isn't superior, which I believe it is not, then I might as well post in the way I deem most suitable to me.

Additionally, it is valuable for a meme both in symbol and name to be documented. You would be surprised how much power you can entitle yourself to by simply being documented as part of the right place at the right time. My signature thus lends me some minor documented proof. Even if the proof can be faked, the odds of it being faked are low enough to where it's worthwhile to do.

In short, my signature is artful, suitable, and powerful.

~Epyc Wynn



it's really cringe worthy


File: 7b24a4a840990fd⋯.jpg (52.51 KB, 566x733, 566:733, 44c.jpg)


For you.

~Epyc Wynn



wow a screencap of a really cringe worthy site. thank you



funny how you stick to this slow asa board board. even funnier those times you tried posting on /pol/ and got btfo



No I also agree, to me it just spells insecurity. Even if you have something good to say, the moment I see your signature I immediately associate it with the personality of other people who want to be famous online and who are absolute retards. So I don't really know if you're a retard, you might be very smart for all I know, but the signature on a chan is really cringy. I don't really see how you can benefit from doing it.


File: 284ed5d8f2605ac⋯.gif (4.84 MB, 262x264, 131:132, epycwynnisnowlegal.gif)


You cannot have an ounce of my wisdom, without embracing all of my madness. The humor of Epyc Wynn is that all illuminating wisdom is wrapped in illusory ridiculousness. Call it cringe. Call it fame. But if you don't have the confidence to be proud of your fame, to strut without fear of your own judgement's 'cringe,' and to teach without avoiding the wisdom of the ridiculous, you will fall short. I won't enable these self-destructive behaviors, and thus I sign my post.

~Epyc Wynn


Well, you can do it OP, heck, maybe they'll even work out. Though there's no guarantee if you don't understand these things.

Ignore these supersticious karma and bullshit warnings, it is all made up crap. Here's the deal however: if you sell them and somebody dislikes it or feels offended by it, you may have bad business or bad consequences stemming from this person's actions. As such, it is wise to be wary to whom you sell.

There's also a very strong sense of secrecy in the occult, due to Solomon himself, Franz Bardon and so many others, so you'll get a lot of hate, as seen above, from practitioners.



>karma isn't real, but you may receive negative karma

This is how stupid occultists truly are.



Forgot the badge, sorry about that.


I dislike karma as a term because I see it flaunted around as an understanding that the universe is out to get you whenever you do anything morally wrong.

Rather, I think it's more useful and reasonable to perceive the consequences of your actions rather than just trying to quantify it in some generic word.



He's loosh farming inefficiently because he doesn't know a better way.

Basically once you reach a certain level it doesn't matter if someone is laughing at you or laughing with you, and he's at that level. It's actually quite ingenious, you can feedback loop it and laugh at/with him and get free energy from the exchange. You're right he's cringey, he's trying to be.

Epic is like a grain farmer that gives half of his crop away for free, he's a really charitable fellow in that respect.



Karma means cause and effect. You'd probably prefer the term "you reap what you sow". It's not a cosmic hand waiting to slap you, it's "if you're an unreliable dick, you'll attract unreliable friends (because reliable people stick to reliable people).".



Yes! It's all you will receive for your work. Otherwise, keep the shit a secret. It's like bragging about how well your girlfriend fucks. Eventually, she will catch wind of it and your relationship with her will begin to deteriorate. Unless she's a degenerate, then the relationship was never real, only full of delusion to cover the fact it was full of desire.




Can't wait to see their faces when the great day comes and they're full of confusion. Hell well deserved honestly.



If you think so, all it takes is for one to be offended unless you have been granted forgiveness from a higher authority, whom is clearly not on this earth full of hypocrites who love to smell their own shit.


As I understand it, there is no such thing.

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