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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

File: b166a569af41107⋯.jpg (210.73 KB, 800x800, 1:1, Ghandara_Buddha_Statue.jpg)


Pls give books on buddhist practice. I want to get rid of earthly desires.


"Life is suffering" says the Buddhist and they call me edgy

"Physicality is hell" says the Gnostic

you rid yourself of earthly desires then you rid yourself of your human experience. Thats counter productive.


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Desire is infinite. It's pointless to try and stop it. That's merely like placing a lid on top of a boiling pan- eventually it's going to overflow. I think Krishna phrases it best in the Bhagavad-Gita when he says:

<A person who is not disturbed by the incessant flow of desires—that enter like rivers into the ocean which is ever being filled but is always still—can alone achieve peace, and not the man who strives to satisfy such desires

When you start to attain some basic level of samatha and jhana in your meditative practice then you'll find that the desires are still there, however they're simply irrelevant. Lust, wrath, and so on are simply ephemeral clouds in the mind that arise from nowhere and vanish within moments. So why expend any effort fighting illusions? The second you engage with desire, pursuing or rejecting, it wins.

Anyways, if I had to make a recommended reading list for Buddha noobs, it would be

>The Doctrine of Awakening, by Julius Evola

>The Dhammapada

>The Wings to Awakening, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu

>The Sixth Patriarch's Dharma Jewel Platform Sutra

>Working Toward Enlightenment, by Nan Huai-Chin

The first two there are must reads.



If you're new to Buddhism look up The Tibetan Book of The Dead. It changed my life and many other anons learned from it too


Once upon a time, a moron was born to the palace life. He had fine things.

Then the shithead went and explored the realm and realized there was suffering and poor.

So he left the palace to starve with the ones who thought starving was a path to spirituality.

One day he was sitting on the bank of a river, and a boat drifted by with a man teaching a young boy how to string an instrument: "Too tight and you snap the string, too loose and there is no sound".

The dipshit who saw this said "Being Content = Heaven" and was called Buddha. The state governments that came later preached his message, that you don't need to achieve or seek soul rending catharsis, no, you can just be content little sheeple and obey the fucking state.

One day, a poster on 8ch.net decided to call out Buddha on his bullshit. He gave the synopsis of Buddha's enlightenment then said: Hey, moron. You tasted both the highs and the lows. How can anyone unify the opposites if they only taste the middle? You tasted both starvation and the palace splendor. Should not we all strive to sample both the highs and lows before determining our own middle path?

Buddha was silent. For he was a dead man of a foolish ideology meant to enrapture sheep into accepting their slavery.



Inb4 Buddhists dispute this post. Satisfaction is weakness. Also, Buddhist smugness is rly cringe.


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ok buddy

do u get it?

upvotes to the loft

~Epyc Wynn




I reached enlightenment today. Guess I should say it reached enlightenment today.

Guess it shouldn't really say anything as the illusions all blur together into a shifting mosaic of image, color, and sound. Words fail the truth in its most primal form. Words become baggage that distorts the truth through false lenses.

The kaleidoscope itself is an illusion. Light is the only truth. But the illusion itself is so beautiful…

It sees a fork in the road ahead of it, and behind it. It can choose to go down any illusory path, each as ephemeral in its nature as the other.

So it gets bored and decides to jerk off.

Maybe the meaning of life is to appreciate the divine comedy and tragedy inherent in it. Might as well have some humor and enjoy the orgasms.

There was enlightenment today. And it lead to Nowhere.



Bullshit Occultist


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No no, I think he might be onto something.

~Epyc Wynn



When you meet Buddha on the road, kill Buddha.



>unifying opposites

Mix white and black paint and you get gray.

>gotta wake those sheep up

Spare us the crocodile tears over mundanes, nobody cares, least of all them.

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