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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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I am an experienced psychedelic user and I am trying to use altered states to understand esoterics. Recently I underwent entire ego death whilst under the influence of 2cb. This was a very fearful trip for me as I am someone who has a very strong ego. One of the recurring themes as of late for myself and included in the trip, is embracing the divine femininity. I am a reformed porn addict who had a penchant for trap/trans. This makes it quite uncomfortable for me to accept this divine femininity as I have come a long way from the days in which I was addicted to that gay degeneracy. A few days after, I was with the friends that I had happened to take 2cb with and I started hallucinating. This is common for me as I had smoked weed and I frequently trip off of it. But one of the hallucinations was me talking to a part of my mind that was this yellow being of energy which seemed to be a reflection of the femininity of myself. It was very sexual in nature to myself and much like the pornography I used to watch, it had a penis. My initial thoughts were that my idea of femininity had been corrupted into a degenerate form of itself through years of porn. May someone please give me some advice as to how to approach such a deal so that I can keep myself balanced. Sorry for blogposting but I am not sure where else to turn.


This is very troublesome to interpret anon, especially because it seems you have no background on magick. The idea of femininity on magick is nothing about sex. It's a concept needed to understand a greater picture. It looks what you are having is in fact something to do with your personality that is changing and it's conflicting with you old self.

But if you wish to understand better about what is the feminine concept, you should go to the books on the recommended section. But it won't help you to understand your hallucinations.



I have some knowledge on how magick manifests and how to invoke it on a somewhat passive level, but very basic. I will try and research into femininity. How would you describe the femininity inside of yourself? As someone who is growing more masculinity in mindset and body having changed lifestyle alot, it seems like something I very much so avoid. I am in touch with my emotions for sure but I am not sure whether denying any femininity in myself is duty or just unhealthy.



dude…You are gay, no man question his own sexuality… I am in touch with my emotions but i never thought on "growing" my masculine side…

The femininity side? You are joking right? And you know "a little" of magick? The principle of Gender has NOTHING to do with sex. Sex is just a manifestation of Gender. You know nothing and are to lazy to read. Again there is NOTHING that will even help you by reading because what you really want to know, you already know… You just don't want to accept. Go seek profissional help if it bothers so much. But from what I read…It's pretty obvious and there is no problem at all.



>dude…You are gay, no man question his own sexuality… I am in touch with my emotions but i never thought on "growing" my masculine side…

Either I'm misinterpreting you or you're wrong and needlessly belitting.


There's no need to deny that you have femininity. Decide what you want to be and cultivate that. Be more masculine then. But suppressing emotions is foolish.

feminine, masculine, the yin and the yang, the shakti and shiva.




Literal LOL.



It is not a matter of questioning sexuality, it is about finding the balance between masculinity and femininity. I do not think you understand me.


Thank you for the post, I will read this tonight.



sounds like you may have accidentally created a tulpa by pouring tons of emotional energy into your trap porn. The same meditative states can be reached without hallucinogens I would suggest you put serious effort into reaching the point where you can meditate that strongly without taking substances. I find it much easier to meditate deeply after a fast. But, when I say fast I dont starve myself.. I just tell my hunger to fuck off "we eat when I decide it is time to eat". And, when you find that entity again.. Do not be overly open with it. "how can you tell an angel from a demon?" Until you understand what it is you do not know what it is capable of. Find it, and tell it that it needs to level with you. Demand straight answers and only straight answers. If it does not have your best interests in mind eventually it will become tired of your questioning and leave you be.



The masculine is forceful; a transmitter, the feminine is passive; a receiver. They are not mutually exclusive, but they are never equal either. Water can be both forceful and passive, but it can not be an ocean and a drop at the same time.

I know what I just said will go right over your stupid little head, this post is intended for everyone else.



Your vanity is bigger than your intellect it seems.



My hypothesis is that you're experiencing the maturation of a brain structure that had gone mostly unused. What you experienced was the analysis provided by this maturing structure, hence the externalized whatever. Where this structure would have been overridden and unnoticed when it was weaker.

You should drop the bullshit masculinity/femininity word games. I don't know how other people don't see that it is an obvious psyop. There is nothing to it other than the money you're throwing at it to make it go away.

I think the only thing for you to do is analyse and envision success. Then you know exactly what you should be training instead of looking at your dick. Then when your brain tells you somethings wrong, you can kindly teach it the right way. The so-called corruption is just what you had to work with after the abuse shut down your mind. It will help you if you treat it as the abused child it is. No need for drugs.


Honestly mate we all love going on the internet and talking about the wendingos and the sleeping annukai we found on Google maps but if you 'trip' on weed this board isn't for you, you will develop paranoid schizophrenia some time in the next 6 months. Sooner if you're a 2cb fiending clown.

The shamans of old had a saying "if a lad claims he can trip off weed he's talking out his arse"


Don't listen to anyone here that is negative. They are just trying to spread their negativity and small-mindedness.



I fear that you may be right. And I am aware that those states can be reached without drugs, I try both methods. Psychedelics are what lead me down the path in the first place and I feel they still have some knowledge to teach me. I've not yet seen the entity again so I think I am fine, I had a vision of it being locked in chains so I think for now it is dealt with. I do time restricted dieting but not quite fasting, I may give it a try for meditation.


I am not sure what you mean by money thrown at it to make it go away, if you're talking about psychedelics, I have been using them for far longer than this problem. You are right that I need to focus on my success rather than look at my dick, I am going back on my nofap which I slacked on this summer due to boredom. A grave mistake on my part. What exactly is wrong with looking at masculinity and femininity, I don't see them as entirely equal, but there is undeniably a difference between the two.


Tripping off of weed is only something I managed to do after a decent amount of psychedelic use, and I do not think schizophrenia is quite how you understand it.


I try to atleast digest some of the viewpoint of even negative people, but you are right that often they just seek to bring you down.

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