I fear that you may be right. And I am aware that those states can be reached without drugs, I try both methods. Psychedelics are what lead me down the path in the first place and I feel they still have some knowledge to teach me. I've not yet seen the entity again so I think I am fine, I had a vision of it being locked in chains so I think for now it is dealt with. I do time restricted dieting but not quite fasting, I may give it a try for meditation.
I am not sure what you mean by money thrown at it to make it go away, if you're talking about psychedelics, I have been using them for far longer than this problem. You are right that I need to focus on my success rather than look at my dick, I am going back on my nofap which I slacked on this summer due to boredom. A grave mistake on my part. What exactly is wrong with looking at masculinity and femininity, I don't see them as entirely equal, but there is undeniably a difference between the two.
Tripping off of weed is only something I managed to do after a decent amount of psychedelic use, and I do not think schizophrenia is quite how you understand it.
I try to atleast digest some of the viewpoint of even negative people, but you are right that often they just seek to bring you down.