>I find that alcohol makes these feelings strong, while weed on the other hand makes them weak.
I drink alcohol but have absolutely no interest in weed. Grew up around it, and have tried it a few times as an adult and find nothing in it I like.
I do like tobacco though, but mostly through pipe smoking. I can't stand cigarettes and am disgusted by people who smoke them, even people I like. Getting drunk is anesthetizing. I mostly binge drink and while alone.
I like the things Teal Swan says about shadow work. It's been a while since I listened to any of her stuff though. For me shadow work is facing the harm others have done that I brushed under the rug. Hungry ghosts of Christmas past.
I've read that in High Magick doing shadow work is all about summoning demons and bringing them under your control. Magic circles, swords, lampblack mirrors, incantations, and probably some hallucinogens involved.
Being mostly feral (in this life, previous lives point to having been in secret societies) I prefer to let things work themselves out.
I encountered my shadow self a long time ago, during a profound experience while likely nearly dying of the flu. It was me, but completely sociopathic. Devoid of any concern of anyone or anything for any reason. We had some issues about some choices he was making, got into a fight, and I ended up having to punch a knife I had stuck under his jaw into his brain, then kick him over the side of a cliff we were fighting on. That was a pretty fucking crazy dream, and I was messed up for days after.
But I'd say it qualified as shadow work.
I don't think he died, just acknowledged and constrained for appropriate times.