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Esoteric Wizardry
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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

File: 019f64d8f85a64b⋯.png (702.78 KB, 971x594, 971:594, epycowo.png)


Four Occult Rights of All

From the four elements I have discerned four universal rights of all.

>Air: Free Speech; freedom from censorship.

>Water: Free Love; freedom from cruelty.

>Fire: Free Will; freedom from injustice.

>Earth : Free Union; freedom from isolation.

>Catchall 5th Element (Light, Aether, Space, Spirit, Bullshit): Freedom; freedom from limitation.

Reminder that the four elements are symbolic metaphors for the four classic states of matter: gas, liquid, plasma, and solid. These rights are extensions of the four-element system of symbols common to alchemical/astral symbolism. These rights are shared for the sake of furthering the aesthetic balance of the meaning of these symbols, as well as to further the relationship between classical symbolism and politics.

~Epyc Wynn


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But you're still going to die in the end, right?

Education is the only counter to ignorance. Educate yourself about death, so you can find life.


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Be the God god should've been with the resources you've got. A future death beyond my control doesn't change that principle.

Educating yourself about death doesn't in any way give you life or even enhance your life. That is not useful advice at all.

~Epyc Wynn


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<Free Speech; freedom from censorship.

Nothing more than a strategy used to undermine existing power structures. It’s a strategy employed by political factions that do not have power. As soon as such a faction gains power it reverses its position on the subject.

It's also freedom to lie, cheat and deceive. Babble is the weapon of the ignoble against the true. Speech and arrows should be straight and true.

<Free Love; freedom from cruelty

Free std's, freedom from the bonds that give us strength.

<Free Union; freedom from isolation.

You can't be free "from" something without someone paying the price. True freedom is voluntary association. Freedom to defend your lands.

<Fire: Free Will; freedom from injustice.

Freedom from injustice . Same as above. Only people fighting injustice and defending their rights can create freedom from it.

>Catchall 5th Element (Light, Aether, Space, Spirit, Bullshit): Freedom; freedom from limitation.

Life is limitation. Living is learning to make good use of it.


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>implying free speech is bad because it lets you lie cheat and deceive

It is the responsibility of you, the listener, to not be deceived. As long as the deceit does not result in you being abused or censored, you have no right to censor others on this basis. You can call anything deceit if it's persuasive or uses propaganda. Lies are not inherently evil and should be allowed. Cheating in gambling is illegal and not an inherent product of free speech. Contracts and laws are built to combat speech which in itself censors and abuses others.

>implying free speech only exists as a strategy to undermine power structures

No it doesn't; don't lump me in with those postmodernist bastards who treat free speech solely as a weapon and not as a necessary product of enjoying freedom.

>implying free speech is the enemy of truth

If free speech is the enemy of truth, then that makes the truth censorship. If truth is censorship, then truth is evil. If truth is evil, then it is not good and should be destroyed. Truth is not the enemy of free speech. Freedom is an extension of truth, and free speech is an extension of freedom. Don't create a false dichotomy.

>implying free love exclusively means sex

>implying sex cannot be performed safely

>implying sex cannot be used for bonding

>implying that sex impedes bonding

>implying sex does not facilittate bonding

Free love means free love. This is done through families, friends, and intimate bonds. This can involve sex but does not have to, and if it does we have the medicine and technology to ensure it's safe for those who don't want to suffer and die. Taking away sex with many takes away a means of obtaining a multitude of bonds which, because they are not mandated but are freely chosen, will thus be more enjoyable and comfortable because the bonds will not serve as chains.

>agreeing with the concept of free union but acting as if you disagree

Normie contrarian.

>agreeing again but still acting like you disagree

Double normie contrarian who is probably hella gay.

~Epyc Wynn

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