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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

File: 082f003e5a57d5b⋯.png (509.61 KB, 630x648, 35:36, Haplogroups_europe.png)

File: e100a65b2127990⋯.jpg (3.29 MB, 4696x5384, 587:673, LANDSTAKENBYSWEDES12.jpg)


The oldest Nordic pagans believe that the Nordics migrated from the middle east under the command of chief priest Oden to Northern Europe.

Now this is of course false, nordics have been in Northern Europe for over 14000 years, they are were not part of the indo european migrations, but instead you'd have indo europeans coming out of the desert into northern europe with their pagan gods and idols.

Another desert cult you fell for Goy

Real nordics are not pagans.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t-99Py871Ls [Embed]


>only nordic paganism exists


So then what are they?


fuck off back to /christian/ you shill this shit literally on every board even ones not related to religion


File: 10df0452ad287e4⋯.jpg (106.88 KB, 1280x1024, 5:4, 10df0452ad287e4d91b429987c….jpg)

Stormare and goldwn one have distinct jewish facial features roflmao god tier my ass


File: 9640c13d2eb0fe6⋯.png (74.05 KB, 513x266, 27:14, ClipboardImage.png)

Except they did migrate from the Middle East. Human evolution happens much faster than you think. Human history happens much quicker than you believe.



OP is a huge faggot and does not deserve any replies. I will still reply to correct some of his disinfo.

Indo-Europeans did enter Europe, not 14,000 years ago but around 4,000-5,000 years ago. Germanics (and Celtics) are represented by the R1b haplogroup in OPs first pic. I1 is the lineage that has "always" been in Europe. The Germanic/Nordic culture and people did not emerge until the R1b and I1 peoples mixed culturally and genetically.

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