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In this thread we are going to share our occultic ways of self improvement.

I will start by saying that all self improvement is occultic in nature and everyone who practices self improvement apply methods with fringe implications without realizing it. It all comes down to the moldability of your current genetic setup. And your dedication to a task that can change you epigenetically.

Epigenetics: the body's ability to change ones genetical setup to fit the new environment the body perceive itself to be in. The most common example is those who experience starvation and how their metabolism change. Which is a quick genetical adaptation to prepare for future starvation. Though this change exist for a number of archetypal actions in our life. For example working out the body connects the physical strain as necessary to our survival. And thus we prepare for further physical strain. To be a superior politician who earns the most possible money you have to be free from empathy of those who come to harm from your policies and a good lier to defend yourself from backlash. And what better way is there to get rid of your empathy than to hurt children? This explains the rampant pedophilia amongst top politicians. There are an endless amount of combinations to mold yourself into so I'm gonna put down a concrete example for those who aim for spiritual development.

To start with, fasting, regularly. Fasting increases your epigenetic ability. Second, be absolutely dedicated to the routines you hold. A single day of "cheating" sets you back an enormous amount.

Plant based diet: This is a controversial one. Mostly because you need nutrients from meat to survive in the long run. The more meat you eat the more of a hunter you become in your mindset. Paleo based diets have shown to sky rocket cortisol, which is good for a hunter who wants to be alert. But no spiritual enlightenment have come from full alertness. While there are positive things to this, the hunter is always dependant on the prey. And dependency reduces spirituality. For the little meat you should eat, ritualize it. Ritualizing is a powerful tool to reformat the meaning.

Stress: stresses function has been to prepare the body of physical activity. And in an evolutionary sense spirituality during physical activity is negative. Everyday life is filled with stress and to become the best spiritual version of yourself you need to combat it. Stress hyper concentrates the signals your brains send. Reduce the peripheral activity. Which prevents you from developing spiritually. A way to counter this is breath work. Emulate a breathing a calm and at rest person would have and your body and mind will get into that mindset.

Socially: Strive for either seclusion or for becoming close with individuals who don't have interest in the usual social games. People who like to talk about abstract stuff and don't assert a social pull or demand on you.

Feel free to discuss and share methods for different kind of manifestations of yourself.


> Fasting increases your epigenetic ability.

Why? To produce proteins you need intake with aa, to change your DNA you will need proteins, therefore you need intake. Fasting, logically viewing gives you the opposite effect.




Fasting increase DNA methylation. Rendering the genes susceptible for change.



>Rendering the genes susceptible for change.

I'm a bit scientifically illiterate, so perhaps you can explain this to me. But why is that a good thing? If they are susceptible to change they could just as well change for the worse as for the better. How can I know the changes will be good?



>How can I know the changes will be good?

They don't just spontaneously happen out of thin air. They are caused. Thus they can be perceived before they even take place. All you have to do then, is to be aware of what goes on within and without you. You can then take control of these influences and either allow them, deny them, or even set them up yourself.

But, for changes to occur, you must be flexible enough for them to be manifested, hence making the genes susceptible to change. What I'm trying to say is that this is merely a prerequisite. What becomes of it then is of your own choosing.

Summed up: strive for good, and good you shall become.



>LEP and ADIPOQ DNA methylation levels were higher in LBW compared to those in NBW subjects

Well, Lep…

>Leptin (from Greek λεπτός leptos, "thin"), "the hormone of energy expenditure",[a] is a hormone predominantly made by adipose cells that helps to regulate energy balance by inhibiting hunger.

So obviously, if you are fasting the body will send a signal for na increase of Lep for you to not desperate of hunger


>Adiponectin (also referred to as GBP-28, apM1, AdipoQ and Acrp30) is a protein hormone which is involved in regulating glucose levels as well as fatty acid breakdown.

Wich is also obvious, since your body needs energy from soomewhere, so it needs to breakdown fat…

Also methilation, is not about changing the DNA but making it change the activity without changing sequence. If it doens’t change the sequence, it doens’t alter the DNA.



The process itself doesn't. But it makes it easier for epigenetic change to occur



But even if it where true, it would probably change the frequency where lep or adipoq is synthetized. It wouldn't allow a change on other part, if it does the same could be said about smoking cigarettes for example.

I am not saying that fasting is bad, strictly caloric diet has some serious health advantages but you can't relate it to a better epigenetic chance compared to a normal situation.


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You already know what you have to do.


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Please senpai , should I quit my job as a salesman? I have about 3 months of bills money to work with. The reason I ask is surrounding yourself or seeking seclusion , is that like in my free time or forever? I feel like getting to know mouth breathers could help me help them since we’re all connected, but it would not surprise me if they are dragging me down. If I find myself in a happy mindset the obstacles won’t matter ex: a job suited for my desired lifestyle will manifest


Help me help them and thus help myself. I would like that very much to live a life where not a second hurts me to be alive. I totally think I’m going to quit though the more I feel this I’ve only been doing it for three weeks and I don’t think I’m afraid of work as I’ve held many jobs before even in construction, but this is a different level of soul sucking


The fact that this thread has ten replies and none of them contain any useful information tells you everything you need to know about this board. It's a bunch of pussies who doubled down on their delusional belief that they can get control of the world by being a weak schizophrenic who doesn't face reality. Your brain literally tells you: wow, my life is shit because I am a weak person, but that is just because I haven't drawn a symbol for Zeus yet! You invent fucking nonsense so you never have to solve your problems. Your endgame is everyone else fixing everything for you while you hide . Every post you make has nothing of value, and it is only there so you validate the idea that being a coward is the best path for getting what you want . You are frauds, and no magical spell is ever going to change that.



Ouch! you're right, I should just do things the right way! It was so obvious.

sort yourself out, there's some advice



>Strive for either seclusion or for becoming close with individuals who don't have interest in the usual social games. People who like to talk about abstract stuff and don't assert a social pull or demand on you.

This is a good way to get yourself into an echo chamber situation. As someone who has actually secluded myself, I can tell you that while it has some benefits it is also terribly destructive and disorienting. There is a time for seclusion on the path of spiritual development. Just taking the time off doesn't mean you are going to gain any real advancement or insight at all. The trick is to not remove yourself entirely from the world but to be a an objective observer of it. It's not easy.


>I would like that very much to live a life where not a second hurts me to be alive.

You will never attain this. Life on earth involves suffering. And suffering is a crucial part of spiritual development. It is in the dark corners of your psyche where you learn most about yourself and thus nature. If you can't go there, you won't help anybody, especially yourself.

Moral of the story is that it's not the world that's holding you back, it's you.


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>>you need nutrients from meat

No from blood or milk, but you shouldnt be drinking blood, so if you are lucky you have good milk that isint too fucked up by factory farming and hormones / antibiotics


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In heralding the most widespread massacre, I believe that war is preparing mystical spheres for the apparition of great ideals. Where the charnel house dissolves, joy will be born in from it; where the weight of mortality sinks down, the soul's freedom will be uplifted.

-Boyd Rice


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Ask and you shall receive.


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Despite getting superior Hitler dubs I don't think you addressed anything >>125049 wrote with your posts.

>"The ultimate goal of life is to reach God"

>"This human form of life is meant for developing love for God"

Wow, deep bro..

Step right up! Enlightenment for the New Age, brought to you in .jpg format! Just say Hare Krishna a few thousand times to automatically enter for the grand prize!



Keep a daily practice.

Record the results daily in a journal.

Meditate everyday.

Keep a dream journal.

Write in it every morning, even just to say you don't remember dreaming.

Learn about nutrition, cut out all junk food, and eat right.

Learn yoga, or at least exercise 4-5 times weekly.

Cut down on the internet.

Replace internet with reading.

Cut out all your addictions.

Make art, write, and create things.

Learn new skills, such as programming.

Learn about the plants, etc. in your area and what you can and cannot eat.


If my church tries to baptize me into the CIA, how is putting me on meds for SIGINT going to help?

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