In this thread we are going to share our occultic ways of self improvement.
I will start by saying that all self improvement is occultic in nature and everyone who practices self improvement apply methods with fringe implications without realizing it. It all comes down to the moldability of your current genetic setup. And your dedication to a task that can change you epigenetically.
Epigenetics: the body's ability to change ones genetical setup to fit the new environment the body perceive itself to be in. The most common example is those who experience starvation and how their metabolism change. Which is a quick genetical adaptation to prepare for future starvation. Though this change exist for a number of archetypal actions in our life. For example working out the body connects the physical strain as necessary to our survival. And thus we prepare for further physical strain. To be a superior politician who earns the most possible money you have to be free from empathy of those who come to harm from your policies and a good lier to defend yourself from backlash. And what better way is there to get rid of your empathy than to hurt children? This explains the rampant pedophilia amongst top politicians. There are an endless amount of combinations to mold yourself into so I'm gonna put down a concrete example for those who aim for spiritual development.
To start with, fasting, regularly. Fasting increases your epigenetic ability. Second, be absolutely dedicated to the routines you hold. A single day of "cheating" sets you back an enormous amount.
Plant based diet: This is a controversial one. Mostly because you need nutrients from meat to survive in the long run. The more meat you eat the more of a hunter you become in your mindset. Paleo based diets have shown to sky rocket cortisol, which is good for a hunter who wants to be alert. But no spiritual enlightenment have come from full alertness. While there are positive things to this, the hunter is always dependant on the prey. And dependency reduces spirituality. For the little meat you should eat, ritualize it. Ritualizing is a powerful tool to reformat the meaning.
Stress: stresses function has been to prepare the body of physical activity. And in an evolutionary sense spirituality during physical activity is negative. Everyday life is filled with stress and to become the best spiritual version of yourself you need to combat it. Stress hyper concentrates the signals your brains send. Reduce the peripheral activity. Which prevents you from developing spiritually. A way to counter this is breath work. Emulate a breathing a calm and at rest person would have and your body and mind will get into that mindset.
Socially: Strive for either seclusion or for becoming close with individuals who don't have interest in the usual social games. People who like to talk about abstract stuff and don't assert a social pull or demand on you.
Feel free to discuss and share methods for different kind of manifestations of yourself.