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Esoteric Wizardry


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Hello. A lot of things have been happening to me recently involving supernatural phenomenon being used by other people. This includes people reading my thoughts, implanting memories and hallucinations in my head when I was with them. I use the term "hallucination" very loosely because it was so distinct and vivid. I feel like I caught a glimpse of the spirit world. I'm not entirely sure what has been going on.

There is a lot of "spiritual warfare" going on with me. Other than the supernatural occurrences, certain events have transpired, certain people I've met, emotions brought to higher levels by people, newfound concepts of love and heaven, also newfound concepts of the opposite, all involving people, events, and my own actions over the past several months; and when I look back at the entire sequence of events so far from start to now, I am absolutely speechless and dumbfounded at what is going on. The scientific, skeptical side of me that would throw the whole thing away as coincidence is starting to crumble. It was NOT coincidence. Something was/is going on. I don't know if it is supernatural forces, natural forces, or a combination of both, but I am currently trying to find an answer. I am still on this journey as I type this. I am following the white rabbit and right now everything seems to be calm as I mentally digest everything that has happened. It feels like a calm before a storm. Or maybe I am moving into more stable territories. Either way, I am still following the white rabbit because I am not scared of where it will lead me. I am hoping it will lead me to what I am hoping it leads me to and nothing else. But I am following THIS rabbit because of that hope. At this point, I have realized what I want MOST out of my life right now in the current state of mind I am in, and it is THAT feeling I had several months ago. When I was in those moments. Now, I must do everything in my power to get that back. Do you know anything about what I'm going through?


Yes and no.
I thought people were able to read my mind when I was still smoking a lot of weed. Now that I don't, and the psychotic episode has subsided, I don't feel that anymore. I don't really have an idea of people implementing false memories: usually it is me that distorts the memory. People do have their say on a shared memory, which alters the memory I experience, so in that sense they implement memories.

I do experience some very weird genital connection to others.

Let me explain:

This was in 2012: Whenever my mind's powers were triggered by marijuana, and I started masturbation, a girl living next door felt the pleasure I induced on myself i.e. my hand was willed as her vagina, and she felt the pleasure.

How do I know? Screams of pleasure coming from next door whenever I was masturbating. Not once, not thrice. All the time when I was at it.

This is very personal and I have never shared this with anyone. I do not know what to make of it :/

Nowadays it's still here, but I don't masturbate or smoke weed anymore. I choose to transmute my sexual powers into something else for the time being.

Concerning spiritual warfare: I definitely experience that: often I feel like I am some dice the Gods play with, and one side throws me around and laughs at what number I display. Then the other God loses and wants another go. Am I some manifestation of the struggles deities go through on this plane of existence?



Your FRV is probably being raised and accounts for most all of that.

You should read the stickies and the material in them.

Essentially you're making more connections to 4D reality and thus getting a bigger glimpse of a wider reality in the process.


ho lee shit@!!!

I swear .. one time I was in a room with 4 people having sex (it was dark, and they were being quiet, getting started)..and I swear I could feel something. I was extremely paranoid and was a ch0de and c0ckbl0ked them.. though I wonder what I would have felt if I let it happen. I recall it being very odd, sort of as if I was being raped. I don't recall it that well though.

Did you ever experiment with the powers thing?

For instance, did you ever put your hands around your feet or something odd.


oh and by the way it wasn't an orgee… it was (1 on 1) * 2


Not really. I keep myself down because I fear the powers inside of me. I have had and still have self-esteem issues. I don't pursue because I don't feel strong enough about myself and am afraid of what the outcome will be.

But from February I'll start reading up and will explore my powers: I know for a fact that my hands are very sensible and capable of forging a strong connection. I just haven't dared to really explore it. I just feel stupid whenever I want to pursue it ("God, who would take that seriously?" "Man,people will think you're WEIRD")


You may have "accidentally" entered in a state of "empathy" of sorts, in a more physical way…

>tfw you didn't get to bang anyone and got to hear the moaning


It's confusing as fuck (heh).

Makes you think twice about the things you are doing. Poor girl must've thought she was going mad.
Man, I totally repressed all the weird shit I did summer 2013.. I will make a post about it in the future because I am planning a ritual during summer 2015 around it.

stay tuned


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I made a thread on something similar here: >>6487

Based on four years of insanity combined with reason and doubt I can say that there is most likely some form of mind reading going on, in some sense at least, it's hard to pin it down as it is multifaceted but I've had enough experinces and have whittled down the paranoid element enough to be fairly sure of their validity.

Most people know about "it" on some level but the whole thing is quite complex so people may be aware of some parts but not others, it's like the blind men holding different parts of an elephant metaphor, see picture.

Implanted memories are tricky, it could be some kind of collective hallucination, personal hallucination, repressed memory, unctrolled active imagination etc

>I am not scared of where it will lead me

You say that now… but at some point you might have to come to face some reality which is quite awful which you can never forget.

I'd recommend Antero Alli's Angel-Tech which I've just started reading, in what I've read so far it talks about how external shocks can be powerful catalysts for self-change, moreso than inner shocks (stuff brought around through your own actions, for example occult stuff)

Do you get thoughts in your head which aren't your own? If so are they visual or word-based? What kind of memories are the implanted memories? Do they have a coherent narrative to them? Or personal meaning? How sure are you they're not legit and why?


Look up targeted individuals.
There is a whole society out there with technology. That is quite simple once you figure it out. But exotic none the less. Medical based machine. Quantum blah. Brain computer interfaces or BCI.

Real time torture feedback via real people, recorded scripts and a funny little artificial. Intelligence. Program. Sigmund freud and other bits and fringe psychology . Original programs supposedly came from russian elite.
Reading minds is easy. One way using eegs read your real time broad casted brainscans/waves via transmitter. Internaly covertly implanted. Program translates waves into signals into words into images even your eye is a camera. Boom.
They can use whatever, depending on their intentions with you, means of replys and send them back to your mind via satellite. Or the call towers that use multi functional killing lasers.
Blah blah.

I made this post sound crazy on purpose.
Because I'm going through the same thing.
If anyone understands one bit of that and are interested reply back for an actual explantation to anything.
9th level. No not quantum ha.

There is no escape. You will die.



I think its both more healthy and about as realistic to think of it as psychic experiences. Sure people are assholes and play weird games with it but if you think of it as a test its not so bad. It can be sick and twisted but the gangstalking model just makes it harder to deal with when in reality its just a game that everyone plays which no one ever admits to.

Describe some of your experiences.



OP here. Yes, everything I went through can be explained through the use of some form of technology, an extremely elaborate plan and a deep understanding of human behavioral psychology. If I retold my story to a hard skeptic, they would say that all the "supernatural phenomenon" can be reproduced in the natural world.

What makes me think otherwise is why in fuck would anyone want to target me and make ME the center of an experiment? Was it random? Was I chosen for a particular reason? I have a few theories that runs through my head, but to do ALL THIS for little ol' me makes zero sense to me. I'm a nobody. I am not that special and I have not done anything in my life worth talking about. Maybe I pissed off the wrong guy/chick. Maybe I did or said something that made someone want to make me a target. I don't know. I have always been a skeptic, but I feel other forces at work here as well.

Is there any way to find any possible transmitters in my body?

I am not looking for answers as much as I am looking for a particular person I madly fell in love with during this whole adventure. I lost her multiple times and looking back at it, I'm the one who fucked it up. I have been trying to get her out of my head for months now, but at this point I have realized what I want is to get that feeling of pure love and intimate connection with someone else. She did it the best, and so far, nothing comes close and I suspect nothing will ever come close… the connection I had/have with her. If what you say about these "experiments" is true, then it's possible she could in on it. She told me a fascinating tale of the two of us in other dimensions and previous lifetimes and planets. It was epic and beautiful and transcended time, space and everything I thought about my concept of life. At the same time she was hilarious. I was like "this is impossible that the universe would give this to me! She is perfect!" But then, the universe took her away from me. And now I hate the universe and myself. But I know in this human life, that feeling isn't going to last forever. I just wish I knew if she sincerely felt what I felt. That is all I want to know. Part of me feels angry about being used. Another part of me feels grateful to whoever/whatever is doing this because I am coming closer to finding myself.

I have a feeling it's over, though.

And all I'm left with is a void that I must now fill; either with emptiness through meditation or my memories of her. It is the only time I find peace.

Another part of me feels angry at myself and society for not giving me what I want, and I feel like I have to get out there and make things happen and find what I once lost.

So it's a spiritual battle. And I must decide if I am going to be crazy or normal. Do I keep pursuing this dream world with her and I together forever? A pipe dream really. But nothing out of the realm of possibilities, and I feel certain questions should not be left unanswered.

Or should I move on and not pursue this any further? Make my rational mind believe I will find something better out there in the world. Move out of town and travel and meet new people, discover new hobbies and pursue old interests and dreams, etc., and accept that human life is suffering and that I have to suffer just like everybody else in this world because I am also flawed.

I must add, that this episode with her is just one part of everything that happened to me. There is a lot more to the story. It's just that she is the most important part of the whole picture for me.

I bet I sound like I've FUCKING LOST MY MIND! I feel like I have though hahaha. I honestly used to love life and thought life was so awesome and how I m so awesome and no matter what happens I'll be happy. But now I meet this one crazy girl in the midst of a bunch of other crazy shit involving people reading my thoughts and sequences of events that can't possibly be coincidence and a bunch of other elaborate shit involving people and I and now I feel… I don't even know how I feel about everything… I just know I met that girl and I felt like I found heaven on earth and that's all I care about at this point because thinking and analyzing everything else is driving me insane.

Meditation and memories for now. Once my head comes back together, I will find out more about her.


Yes there were a lot of tests. I probably failed a bunch of them hahaha. I didn't know what I wanted really. Still don't though I feel like I'm getting closer. A lot of the tests involved choosing between good and evil.


I'm pretty sure we are split into two groups from an early age. One group is subjected to mild social trauma which causes them to dissociate creating repressed memories and a psychic leak from their subconcious which causes the reading of minds. The other group helps perpetrate the social trauma and are usually the first to pick up on the psychic shit.



Also there is a dreamworld overlapping our world which allows psychic communication and mindreading, sometimes the communication is entirely in the other world, sometimes thoughts from real life are transferred through it.


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