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I was largely believed that most things esoteric were complete wastes of time. Entertaining perhaps, but little else. Then about a year ago I had many synchronicities - just one after another after another - that woke my mind up to the fact that I've been ignoring things my whole life. Since then, I've dived head-first into all these things, experimenting personally with claims I find interesting.

One of those interesting subjects is crystals. As a child, geology and mineralogy were subjects I greatly enjoyed, so when I happened upon info on "Vogel crystals," of course I bought a couple cheap Chinese-produced ones to test. If nothing else, I just got a couple pretty stones to display, right? I bought a small clear quartz Vogel and a medium-sized lab regrown citrine quartz.

I started skeptically, but quickly I found that these things have many secrets. I first followed an old video of Marcel Vogel, clearing and programming them. Afterward, I held one and pointed it at my hand and felt an invisible ripple wherever I pointed it at my opposite hand.

After a couple months of experimenting, here are the interesting experiences I've had with them:

- Temporary (several hours) relief of my wrist tendonitis when used on the area.

- When placed near my head as I sleep, with the male point facing my head, I have vivid dreams again. When I sleep without them, or with them away from my head, I sleep as normal.

- I once fell asleep with the citrine in my right hand. My phone was next to me, and at some point I put my other hand on it. My phone vibrated when I got a text, but at the same time, for the same duration, the citrine in my right hand also vibrated, and very strongly! I've tried to reproduce this but have had no luck.

- A day or two after getting the citrine, I was waving it around my hand, bored at the time. I absently thought "burn, burn" as I circled the palm of my hand. I then got distracted and put it away. The next day, I decided to try using it on the solar plexus chakra (citrine supposedly resonates there). I used it there, nothing really happened, and I went to work. An hour and a half in, and I had the absolute worst cramps of my life, and terrible gas as well. It was so bad I went home. On the way back, I saw a small, hemisphere-shaped granite stone. Being so much in pain, I figured maybe other stones could work too. I cleared it in a similar way as the Vogels, and used it around my stomach with soothing thoughts. Whether that stone did anything, idk, but the pain and all the symptoms disappeared within half an hour. I cleared that citrine three times to make sure.

For some reason, to me at least, the citrine has much more ability than the clear quartz. About 10x the effect. I've heard that the size shouldn't matter that much, so maybe it just resonates more with me, not sure.


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Nice post, I have never messed with crystals. I like metals myself, each one has a resonant colour. Gold is blood red, lithium is deep violet, sodium is orange like a sunset, mercury is deep aquamarine, copper is bright green. Turning the metal into a plasma/high entropy state shows the colour of it, crystals have a high energy state too. When an elecrtic charge is passed through quartz it vibrates at a resonant frequency that is dependant on the size of the crystal. I am not trying to explain what you have observed in scientific terms, if you are familiar with synchronicity then you will realize these phenomena can imply things about the more fundamental nature. If metals are yang then crystals are ying. Just my thoughts.


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>Machine-cut crystals



Lol yes, I realize I'm not testing the "genuine" article, but the low grade versions have shown proof of concept rather well, I'd say. And really, that's all I was after, to start. These items increase in cost by one to two orders of magnitude when produced by Vogel's strict guidelines.

That being said, I am currently saving to purchase one. I can't wait to see how much of a difference there actually is.


playing with crystals is essentially worshipping stones, basically false idol worship in disguise, rocks as false gods and such.


but I might also add that I also felt the magnet ripple feeling, so I don't know what to think.



I could use your same reasoning to argue that using my hands to cook is false idol worship, as is driving a nail in with a hammer.

Tools exist to be used.



LOL that's like saying healing headache with aspirin is worshipping false idols of medicine

Go back to the middle ages you dinosaur



i've also noticed special things about crystals. I also have raw citrine and this green crystal and many others.

I find that when I do meditation with them its much easier to stay clear of thought.

I also did the sleeping experiments you did. I slept with the green crystal in hand and I had a dream about a green grasshopper in that same hand. it stung me. I was very lucid that night too. so there's deff something too thiese crystals.


Giving meaning to your experience is a survival skill. It's possible that it's what helped humans even progress at all. Despite that, the moment you start interfering with other people's lives you are an enemy of humanity, and your survival chances will decrease. All these Jewish and Christian buzzwords stand for nothing but enslavement to me. I don't care if one Christian or jew was good, most are hypocritical glorified members of cults. There is no basis for their claims, none of them have casted one spell ever, ansd they only continue because they get rich and powerful through their bullshit. I'm not gonna go much further because this is getting ridiculous at this point and I've proven 100% that your shits fake and gay and that's all that matters. Not gonna eat my shit just because a retarded autist does . Yes, there is more to live than you just being a cosmic mistake. That is why you eat foodd instead of dying. No, society does not mean you find people and violate their freedom because you got duped by shit and can't pay your own price.. society is a system where many people consent for the benefit of all so that there's a lesser chance that bad things happen.

Talking to you christcucks is such a fucking headache. You've never experienced reality because you keep yourself in a bubble of fear and try to control others like fucking psychos. It's like dealing with a braindead toddler. Everyone is the same person, i have consciousness, so the more you waste my time the more you waste your own. If you can't comprehend that you don't have consciousness. There is no self, you just created some delusion system to preserve yourself. That is neccesary because people shouldn't just die in a dumpster, but it's also essential to undetstand that your self only exists to you. In a life or death situation there isnt one person thinking about the way their face or clothes looked that day because that shit is on a much lesser level of survival.this may be why in a shouting match or sporting event people actually feel alive , because their actual useful instincts go into play instead of the gay fake Jewish ego ones and they are actually living for themselves instead of some illusion. Just watch the movie revolver I hate everyone but I send telepathicc thank yous to guy Ritchie for making it all so clear



Perhaps you should look up the kind of breastplate Aaron had used in the bible.


I haven't had any weird dreams that I can recall… But for things like working with energy I find them very useful.


Nah, this thread isn't going to hit page 10 while mental degenerates on the first page are shilling imaginary sex dolls and succubus lovers harder than a jew shills out hrt pills.

I have actually been experimemting with semiprecious stones in conjunction with crystals. Currently I'm working with a double terminated amethyst in conjunction with a large malachite stone. I keep them on me at all times to absorb and release all forms of energy and frequency I put off. I plan to do this for 2 weeks before switching the Malachite for an Apache Tear. So far I've noticed I'm much more joking and feel a surge of vitality when at work. I do this without putting any expectations in my mind, to do so would stimey my results. Ond must be sure that the effects are not just mental aberrations convincing you of what is not.

With that said, I also go by the Vogal charging and clearing methods. Truly it is either up to us to mentally clear and charge them (given the right experience), or to just get a demagnitizer. I'm really attracted to natural crystals, so even my 3 peices of double terminated quartz are not lab grown or even polished. When I get home I'll post pictures of my small collection.

I do have a bad feeling about carrying around the black tourmaline, though. Something tells me it is best to charge it with negitive vibrations and gift it to an enemy. I feel like that would work well in conjunction with a well charged quartz.

I'll also post a couple videos you guys NEED to watch, as they will help you understand vortex based math and the divine formation of crystals.

~The Punished Druid



Looking forward to the videos


I apologize for the delay, here are the videos I mentioned in my last post.

Physics: Crystals 1958 Alan Holden - Bell Laboratories - PSSC Physical Science Study Committee


Gary Lite - An Introduction to the Rodin Coil and Vortex Based Mathematics


If you don't know who Gary Lite is, then you should check out his channel. Read the Kybalion first, as it accompanies much of his material. Besides, you shouldn't even be posting here if you haven't at the very least read the Kybalion and Franz Bardon's Introduction to Hermeticism. If not those two, then you should at least read Julius Evola's Introduction to Magic.

I also promise, this time, to post images of my small collection of stones and crystals.

~The Punished Druid


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And as promised, pic related is what I'm experimenting with. A cheers to you all from the cheap broken chalice of tarnished silver. Wine is best consumed in a beautiful, humble manner. Good night, lads.

~The Punished Druid



>My phone was next to me, and at some point I put my other hand on it. My phone vibrated when I got a text, but at the same time, for the same duration, the citrine in my right hand also vibrated, and very strongly. I've tried to reproduce this but have had no luck.

Hate to brake it to you, but you weren't awake.

Probably weren't asleep either. Most likely you were in some "liminal" state were you perceive the physical world and also "something more".

I sometimes get into that state, but once I become aware of it, I 'spook out' or jolt at things not being "exactly" as they should be if I'm awake. Then I become awake and everything's normal.

Eg. moving lights, colors, seeing trough the blanket as if it isn't there, etc.



Lol are you me? What you've written so far added to the Evola mention makes me feel I wrote this down and forgot about it. But then again my crystal collection is like 5 times bigger so I guess not.

I agree crystals are not holy or sentient in themselves, they're just a fractal shard of higher principles (just like organs, planets) that can be used to rouse and channel though them different energies for different goals. I also prefer natural stones and chunks of minerals because they were formed following this fractal patterns in nature (though I'd love to see what can be done mixing binaural beats on crystals in formation).

Black tourmaline is meant to absorb negative energies (to drive them from the ambient), so pairing it with kyanite or citrine to cleanse it often is a must, otherwise it builds up negative energies that will eventually burst.


It's been several months; thought I'd update with new information I've discovered or verified since the first post.

Firstly, after experimenting with the energies of these stones, I now wholeheartedly believe the chakra/prana systems of energy to be true (or at least the basics of these systems). I have used various crystals to energetically activate the places on my body which correspond to the major chakra centers of the body, and also the palms of the hands and the feet. I can hold a crystal and cause it to pulse, first at the same rate as my heart, then much faster than that if I concentrate. It creates a feeling on the body like after your hand or foot has fallen asleep, except it's just the feeling at the skin level - not the feeling below the skin nor any numbness. Each stone vibrates just a little differently, and they sometimes require some time in my hand before anything can start.

After some time at this, I gained the ability to cause my hand to tingle and pulsate simply by thinking of doing such, in kind and degree. If I have a crystal to which I am accustomed near myself and think of it, I can cause my hand to match the stone's vibration. After doing all this for some time, I happened upon a video (no idea of person or title) in which a man builds up his chi, then causes another man to feel it from many feet away with a wand and with his open palm. I learned I could now do a similar thing from my hand with no preparation (though not nearly to the distance of the man in the video).


I started with just the Vogel cut crystals, and since then I've tried various other shapes, firstly, because it's another variable to try out, and secondly, due to my pragmatism - that is, I didn't want to break the tip off any more crystal points, lol. I tried out points, double terminated points, spheres, tumbled stones and palm stones, and a carved animal shape.

Points do indeed put most of their energetic influence out the point. Not all of it though. By guessimation, I'd say 20%-40% of the energetic effect is still felt in areas outside the apex area. The most significant effective variable with regard to shape and energetic intensity of the apex, by my experience, is the angle and sharpness of the apex point, followed by the acuteness of the angle of the crystal body. In short, my experimentation concurs with Vogel's general shape as being relatively perfect for a strong directional energetic transfer.

Double terminated points are…still strange to me. I can tell that there is an "energy loss" in comparison with a single point, where at least some of the energy goes the other direction, when held at the center. When held at one end, putting energy out the other end feels less efficient than a single point crystal. To be honest, after a little experimentation with two such crystals, I decided to shelve them for another time.

Spheres are the real deal to me. These crystals seem the most powerful. They keep their influence going longer between charges, keep their field firmly, but more gently than points, transfer energy much more quickly due to surface area I hypothesize. The only downside is that their field of effect is large, and so sometimes you end up affecting others around you significantly. I once had a nuummite sphere in my pocket during a car ride with a sensitive/empath-type and a woman with ptsd. That was a very interesting day.

Tumbled stones are just weaker spheres with arbitrary field shapes.

Other shapes are combinations of points and tumbled stones in effect.

More to come later.


I began with testing quartz. I now believe this is the quintessential starting place, as quartz is a pure silicate, and nearly all popular metaphysical crystals are silicates. When you look up a crystal on a metaphysical website, they give a list of everything with which that crystal is associated. At first, I met much of it with apprehension; they had claims about attributes which I was not at the time convinced enough to believe existed. Now, I would say that much (50% - 75%) of the claims are subjective, but, for many crystals, they are more or less true.

Also, you can easily miss something if you aren't attentive to it. The "passive" way that crystals seem to work is by changing the shape and flow of the electromagnetic field and/or field of lifeforce of the body, such that they cause subtle changes in your regular thought patterns. This is one reason some people swear that some crystals are life changing, while others say they're just rocks. If you haven't conditioned yourself to notice changes in your thought patterns, you may never notice them change. To that end, most of these sites' info is correct, though I still bemoan the use of buzzword-like terms like "transformative" or "a sorcerer's stone." There's not much substance in these without further explanation.

Crystals absolutely can be programmed with thoughts. After trying several methods, the method that seems to work best is one I found from underworldclassroom.com (https://www.underworldclassroom.com/2011/03/connect-to-your-crystal/ @ 2:28). You hold the crystal with both hands until you can work its energy pulse to a constant or near constant vibration, then direct mental images or concise words of description to the crystal for 1 to 3 minutes. Afterword, the programming keeps until you clear it. You still need to charge it occasionally.

Crystal Varieties

You can find lots of pages decribing the metaphysical properties of various crystals on the internet. Here, I intend to list some I have knowledge of, with info I have discovered or verified myself, not just info regurgitated from one site to the next. Again, these are solely based on my experiences.


Clear Quartz (and other Quartzes)

My experiences with different "simple" forms of quartz is that they are basically all the same, with mild "flavorings" added. You can program an aventurine, a citrine, a smokey quartz, and a clear quartz all the same. As an analogy, imagine an rpg where all the heros in the party fight equally well, but one has 10 strength more than the others, and another has 10 dexterity more, and another 10 hp. It's kinda like that.

Quartz amplifies subtle energies and emotions. If you are having a party, a large piece of quartz may help it be that much greater. If you're having an argument near a portion of quartz, it will be that much more terrible. If you use it in meditation, it will increase your ability to do so. It doesn't favor any particular energy in its clear form, but effects all nearby energy. It transfers thoughts and energy better than most other crystals.

Citrine is predisposed to increasing happiness for its one sake as well as positive luck.

Smokey quartz is predisposed to calming dissolving stress, and making one feel more empowered.

Amethyst is predisposed to clearer thinking and speaking.


This crystal is harder to work with than the quartzes. It requires more time to "attune" to at the start, and seems to cause all sorts of "mischief" while this stage is being sorted out. My impression is that it does vibrate heavily with the root, solar plexus, and third eye chakras, as you might read other places. My third eye chakra requires a lot of work, so I can't comment a lot at that, but the crystal seems to pull survival and empowerment type issues latent in your mind to the forefront in crazy ways. The day I got mine, after a very pleasant, uneventful previous week, I told off my boss impulsively (not my normal character), obliterated my phone in one misstep, got an overdraft fee waived without knowing it existed and without asking for it, fought with my spouse and won (I never win), and firmly told a dear but wishywashy friend how to fix his career life (I rarely impose anything). All in one day. It does seem to be protective, in that it diffuses current and incoming issues of survival and empowerment in "creative" ways. It is an amazing crystal, if you can make it through those first few days lol.



My apologies for lack of specific attributes for this one, but I hope these occurances shed some light on it.

This one seems to be exploding in popularity with so many Youtube stories about it. When I got mine, I was initially unimpressed. They say you often immediately feel something from it, like it's hot to the touch or you get a headache. Whatever the reason, it didn't do that to me. I did know soon after I got it that it was powerful though. About 15 minutes after I took it from the mailbox, a thunderstorm started, almost out of nowhere. Now, I did look at the weather report previously. We were supposed to have thunderstorms, but they were slated for 9PM, and they arrived at 4:50PM. I often go with my whims on things to see what happens. When I noticed the thunderstorm, I took the moldavite, my nuummite, and my citrine out on the porch. After a couple minutes of concentrating on them, I instead tried specifically trying to mentally empower each of them in turn, then when they were resonating I held them in mind like that and concentrated at the weather. Within 10 seconds the rain tripled in intensity, and continued like that for a few minutes. Then I tried to do it again, and instead of it increasing, it slowly decreased and finally stopped within about 20 seconds after I finished.

So, if I were asked whether moldavite is powerful, I would empathatically agree that it is.

By itself, I really haven't been able to do much with it yet. But pairing it with other crystals, like above, has yielded some crazy results. By taking an attuned blue kyanite, and putting a well-charged moldavite at one end of it, I can feel a very very strong field eminating from them. I tried sleeping with this configuration on my chest one night, and after about 40 minutes, my entire body was resonating with a very very hot energy. It was so much that I could not continue laying down, let alone sleep, and I had to take it off and go outside to cool off.

Another time I was asleep with it near, and I "dreamed" a huge green pulse on a black background around my abdomen. It woke me up, and I found the moldavite right where the pulse originated in my "dream," which was not where I put it before sleep.


This is my most recent acquisition, so consequently I have little for it. Read the experience above in the moldavite section.

I put this on my throat once before I slept, and about the time I was drifting off to sleep, I felt a pang in my neck where it was, and a general thought of something shattering came to mind. This leads me to think it is good for clearing the throat chakra.

Other than that, I have noticed it is especially good at creating a field that affects the entire body, instead of specific areas as other crystals do. Pair it with a crystal which generates an energy, and you project that energy over all your body.

I have other crystals, but I haven't personally divined meanings from them yet.


Have you noticed any difference with crystal size? like what difference does a large crystal have vs say a smaller one?



also, do multiple crystals of the same kind empower each other? strength in numbers as they say and all.


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Yeah, the size matters lol. You can still get a very good effect from something small like a marble-size, but the difference between that and a giant generator crystal is pretty obvious.

Check out info on crystal grids. I haven't done a whole lot in that area yet, but the picture shows one I did on a whim. Kyanite all around with a moldavite in the center. Btw don't make this grid. Within a minute of being around this particular setup, I got a feeling like drinking 3 cans of Monster laced with a bad hangover.


Shit like this is the epitome of new age bullshit.



Do it and you'll know. Or don't.



Judging everything based on pop culture is the epitome of mundane retardation.



There's no reasoning behind anything OP is doing. He just bought into a fad probably because some youtube dumbass told him too. And then he freaks out because he experiences the psychic equivalent of muscle twitches. Most all of these things mentioned you should be able to do with your will alone. Yes, crystals can be useful for use in magical tools. But look at all this garbage >>132228 It's like a housewife with a shopping addiction found her husband's credit card. You should spend more time building effective and reliable techniques and less time buying crates of baubles. I mean, it seems like OP believes that he needs a rock to create a basic thoughtform. It's a good introduction to magic stuff sure, but it's abundantly clear to me that every single one of these crystal salesmen are nothing but con artists. Just take a walk outside if you need materials, you don't need to give money to these shysters.



I think you misunderstand the point of all this. The crystals are no be all, end all; I was never under this illusion. Instead I chose an area, which happened to be crystals, but could just as easily been anything else, and I'm giving notable experiences I've had with them.

Basically, here's some data. Make of it what you will.


This might be strange but concrete, bricks, and river stones drain negative energy from me and make me feel alive and happy again. When I'm weighed down by heavy vibes finding some place with lots of stone such as the stone landscaping place near me helps a lot.



intriguing observations OP



>This one seems to be exploding in popularity with so many Youtube stories about it. When I got mine, I was initially unimpressed. They say you often immediately feel something from it, like it's hot to the touch or you get a headache. Whatever the reason, it didn't do that to me. I did know soon after I got it that it was powerful though. About 15 minutes after I took it from the mailbox, a thunderstorm started, almost out of nowhere. Now, I did look at the weather report previously. We were supposed to have thunderstorms, but they were slated for 9PM, and they arrived at 4:50PM. I often go with my whims on things to see what happens. When I noticed the thunderstorm, I took the moldavite, my nuummite, and my citrine out on the porch. After a couple minutes of concentrating on them, I instead tried specifically trying to mentally empower each of them in turn, then when they were resonating I held them in mind like that and concentrated at the weather. Within 10 seconds the rain tripled in intensity, and continued like that for a few minutes. Then I tried to do it again, and instead of it increasing, it slowly decreased and finally stopped within about 20 seconds after I finished.

>takes forecasts totally seriously

>rain starts to fall, falls more, then stops

>literally the description of every fucking rain in the universe

>thinks he influences them with dingy stones in his palms

that's deep


A couple recent interesting experimentations, with comparing moldavite to other stones' abilities in mind:

I took the moldavite, held it firmly in my dominant hand until it pulsed with my heartbeat, then put it against my head, between my eyebrows with the same hand. I closed my eyes, and breathed in slowly and continuously for 10 seconds, until my lungs could not expand any more, the whole time mentally envisioning drawing in the stone into my head. I also repeated this exercise with my other crystals, with several minutes between each.

For most, nothing much interesting happened. For the nuummite, and blue kyanite, I got a minor headache centered in the spot I placed it for a just a moment. For the moldavite, I got larger headache, and a strange high feeling. It left me disoriented and incoherent for maybe 30 seconds. I really can't definitively say how long it was.

Another thing I tried, replicated with each crystal as before, was holding the moldavite in my fingers, separated so my hands did not touch each other but were placed on the energetic "grains" or major flow paths. I then visualized a white light flow pattern, a circuit, traced from the stone, through my non-dominant hand and arm, through my torso, to my dominant arm and hand, and back to the stone. I envisioned it getting faster and faster, then I moved the circuit path to go up through one shoulder, through the center of my head, back through the other shoulder to continue toward the other end of the circuit. I concentrated on keeping the circuit flowing for several seconds.

Most crystals didn't give me any noticeable effect. With the blue kyanite and with my lab regrown citrine I did feel something at my third eye and got a small random blurry light. The nuummite gave me a headache and a large muddled light. As if several different colored spotlights kept rapidly replacing each other. I need to retry that one later.

The moldavite though, gave me an amazingly deep and clear almost forest green light in my mind, which got steadily larger and more color-saturated the longer I continued. It also gave me an ethereal warmth in my head. Very odd feeling.


This is going to sound strange, but what crystals would be good for biokenisis. More specifically feminization of the body?



just take hormones, you're not following a spiritual path down that way, you're only following the more despirited and materialistic way you can find. enjoy being a fag too.



Nothing wrong with using material/mundane desires to motivate you to learn more about magic. Sure hes a degenerate and we can laugh at him but atleast hes using his desire to become a fag and directing it toward gathering esoteric knowledge. This is mental alchemy 101, hes changing shit to gold.



You're delusional and etherically degenerated and so you could never accomplish something as advanced as biokinesis. You'll probably die of cancer or suicide btw.





I'm a chick, just a fucking manlet of a one…. 6' and a face only a mother could love. Tried working out and cutting fat, but all that did was make me even more masculine looking. Ive always been a litte jealous of those fucking shorty whores, because no man wants a giant manlet of a woman. Im 25 and not getting any younger, and I just want to have a more girly shape so I can attract a decent man. Im not pumping myself full of hormones though…. and i am scared of going under the nife.



That's even worse. Women can't grow pneumatically enough in order to develop spiritual abilities. It's like being a nigger, you just don't have the brain for it. Maybe you could do some tarot readings or something but you don't have enough of a soul to do biokinesis.



Whats your diet like?



I eat relatively healthy. Salads and such everyday and have the occasional junk food on the weekend. Not really fat, im just butch.



Hard to say without knowing exactly what you eat and what you look like. I also don't really have a fringe answer, but I'd recommend incorporating more healthy fats (fish, avocados, nuts, etc) and moderate your carbs, avoid sugar as much as possible, I'd say continue to work out and do higher reps lower weight since if you are prone to putting on muscle this will make it so you don't get big and still get all the health benefits from working out. People think that eating fats is what makes you fat but in most cases it's actually sugar that makes you insulin resistant and makes you store fat AND carbs as fat, ik ur not fat but I'm telling you this so you don't shy away from adding more fats to your diet out of fear of getting fat.




Spoken like a true /pol/tard



Thanks for proving my point.



Without philosophy and one's life, magic is useless (for us and probably for God).

It is right to try to see the "bigger picture" in the Universe.

I am more knowledgeable concerning traditional religion rather than magic, but your gender is an important part of religion…probably similarly to all spirituality.

There is also a history on Earth of "the third sex" and ancient religious spirituality concerning those persons. An example would be the 'Third Sex' in Native American Religions. 'Third sex' being also the common nomenclature as well for God-hating trannies and 'Creation-mystery' phenomena as well as all the other people who fall under that title, historically.

Perhaps "feminization" is a topic that Wizchan is more acquainted with.


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To balance the body, anyone can use the lower chakra crystals. red orange or maybe yellow or green crystals, not purple or anything.

I'm thinking something red for your case.

The clear ones might be nice too.



You have no idea what men want. Women go insane without a father. My advice is to spam Owen Benjamin videos and to learn to run. You can do both at the same time. Seeing a man act like a man will change your thinking right away in ways you can't imagine. Running properly will make staying in shape painless and enjoyable.

Owen Benjamin:



Running technique:


Male attraction isn't completely physical. Don't get desperate and start lying and shapeshifting, it's an instant turn off. They can see your soul shine through your face if you accept the truth and work on yourself. Look for genuine mutual attraction and love, never lies. Developing a hard skill also indicates that you're not a liar and have an eye for beauty and still growing/alive. Biblical Christianity without any churches is the next big thing. Get a KJV Bible and pray to God about everything. Praying to God should always be the first thing you do. Pray for God to help you.





Concerning the Bible and Christianity, beware of these things:



>falsehood & lies

>powerful demonic entities acting under the guise of Christendom such as the "Demiurge construct"

Aside from.these things, the anon writing this post to you (me) is a believer in Jesus.


File: a598f064667e50e⋯.jpg (60.39 KB, 640x608, 20:19, very hard.jpg)

This thread made me place all my quartz under my head pointing towards me and my dreams have been real vivid ever since. I will need to wait some days to be sure this is not a coincidence.

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