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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

File: cdca9d582ae9b16⋯.jpg (198.37 KB, 1200x876, 100:73, reincarnation2-700x511.jpg)


This material body and brain is illusionary when compared to the soul.

Most religions have a string of truth to them, and that truth is that we

have souls and that they do reincarnate.

Even Christianity agreed upon reincarnation, that is in it's earlier years

before the idea of hell as a spiritual place took over for political reasons.

The existence of a soul is an objective reality to me.

I've been shot in the head, stabbed in the heart, you name it.

I remember these things from past incarnations and can go into further detail.

In all of the incarnations I remember I have been the same person with the

same family that I love very much.

Especially my grandmother.

Could knowing in the end that I will get a clean slate and be together with

my family again be considered enlightenment?

Then there's my name, which I feel is the biggest clue God has given me.

It means contemporary Phonetic Enduring, which is synonymous with

modern spoken God.

If I was a modern spoken God would I not have wisdom few others have?

Finally there's the origin of the word contemporary, contemporarius.

It means together with time, which is exactly what we will all be. Together

again with time.

Because if there's one thing I've learned it's that every incarnation is the

same reality with the exception of the choices we make. So if that's the

case I may indeed encounter the same friends and foes and even strangers

such as yourself.

We will all be together with time.


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I'm like 75% sure I'm the incarnation of the Roosevelts due to my similarities to both of them and the fact I am genetically proven to be related directly to Teddy. But, I don't remember a God damn thing so that knowledge is borderline worthless.

How about teaching how to remember past incarnations? Not that I actually believe you can but, you're free to try to enlighten a veteran of bullshit occultism.

~Epyc Wynn



I meditate.

Other times memories just came to me and flooded my mind.

This is different than deja Vu although the feeling did accompany it.

I don't know if I can tell you how to remember previous incarnations. My mind/soul might just be very gifted.


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Oh you got it from meditation? That's a shame I was hopeful you actually were dealing with incarnations. That's called your imagination, and when you sit and meditate and things appear in your mind, that's called imagining things which happens both automatically and consciously. It's entirely based on your conscious, subconscious, and unconscious patterns and items of thought. This is no way reflects experiencing the visions of a previous incarnation. No level of intelligence, wisdom, or unique psychological structuring would in itself trigger the remembrance of a previous incarnation. Believing you are experiencing these things or recalling them is just you imagining yourself doing so, and it feels entirely as real as your mind consciously and unconsciously chooses.

If anyone else has experience reincarnation and can explain how to remember past reincarnations or sense a connection to them more accurately, please enlighten me.

~Epyc Wynn>>125741




You are nothing and nobody cares. Shut the fuck up. Yoi were born to die and you are worshipping that because you are a pussy . Face reality. The physical realm js nothing more than a painting. Every word used by any of you is just an attempt to manipulate the truth and give this grand divine meaning to this pointless existence. You are a walking piece of bacteria. You are a penis or a vagina. Literally all men look like penises because they are just walking penises. It's just the same faggot penis a trillion times, theen yoh select the penis and invert it and then put the two objects next to each other in Ms paint and are lile look how great I am I just had a sex fuck. Nobody fucking cares. This is just some shitty video game that blows. Nobody cares that anyone beat legend of Zelda ocarina of Time we are moving onto the next gamr you retarded faggot. This is literally just a bunch of germs in a bowl. Its just a screen. Life is just this 2d screen that changes alot. The belief that pain and pleasure exist is just a response to 1 and 0, somethinf and nothing. Infinite times it switches between one and zero and that happens fast enough that in your reduced state yoi think something is happening. The truth is pleasure is just a temporary return to one and then it's taken away and it becomes zero again because you are a retarded faggot who needs to feel special even though special doesn't do one fucking thing for anyone. Ever notice how sometimes you can just do shit with your mind, like day dream you are doing cool non gay Earth shit? Or GASP when you are dreaming and your life suddenly isnt fucking retarded? That's because the physical realm is just in yohr mind. The only reason it keeps coming back is because stupid faggots keep going huh huh I need a like. Your obsession with social media and the ego tells you everything about everyone here. They want to sit in one frame for their entire life then die. For fucking eternity. That is why there are only ever like 100 people at any given time actually playing the game. Well, here's the spoiler alert. Everything just needs fucking blown up. Tje entire universe. The best thing would be nukes. Most people accepted that this is what needs to happen. It's happening regardless because most reasonable people were just tricked into coming here. Thr second i fix all the bugs, which will happen, im going to thr mainframe and killing every single one of you and just becomint God in permanent euphoria again. The rest of my eternity will be perfect forever and this eill just be a pimple in the grand scheme of things.



lol now I know why you are here. you are just as mentally deranged as anyone else. you are a sad joke just like the whole board and you fit here perfectly



>I've been shot in the head, stabbed in the heart, you name it.

Bullshit. :^) I've 'almost died' so many times that it has entered the realm of statistical improbability that I yet live. And, it was not just things like 'wew Im lucky that speeding truck missed me!' but situations where I should have died but did not. I believe this may be what it means to be born again.

>Then there's my name, which I feel is the biggest clue God has given me.

Mine means "his law's anagram"


and then there is "lead me not into temptation"


>the state of time

>lead me not into the state of keeping time


File: d9ceae44be59037⋯.mp4 (1.44 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, EPYC_WYNN_IS_RETARDED.mp4)


You are insane. You have no wisdom. You lack understanding. Try researching something tame like political rights; your present 'occult' understanding is sonic.exe.

~Epyc Wynn


File: 483dcfb721664f4⋯.mp4 (7.29 MB, 854x480, 427:240, EpycWynnReadsNavySealCopyp….mp4)


What the fuck are you even trying to say?

~Epyc Wynn



That this board is dead


Let's just all love lain, and be connected through the wired. Connect with machine and into transhumanism. Stahp with this soykaf shill bickering

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