This material body and brain is illusionary when compared to the soul.
Most religions have a string of truth to them, and that truth is that we
have souls and that they do reincarnate.
Even Christianity agreed upon reincarnation, that is in it's earlier years
before the idea of hell as a spiritual place took over for political reasons.
The existence of a soul is an objective reality to me.
I've been shot in the head, stabbed in the heart, you name it.
I remember these things from past incarnations and can go into further detail.
In all of the incarnations I remember I have been the same person with the
same family that I love very much.
Especially my grandmother.
Could knowing in the end that I will get a clean slate and be together with
my family again be considered enlightenment?
Then there's my name, which I feel is the biggest clue God has given me.
It means contemporary Phonetic Enduring, which is synonymous with
modern spoken God.
If I was a modern spoken God would I not have wisdom few others have?
Finally there's the origin of the word contemporary, contemporarius.
It means together with time, which is exactly what we will all be. Together
again with time.
Because if there's one thing I've learned it's that every incarnation is the
same reality with the exception of the choices we make. So if that's the
case I may indeed encounter the same friends and foes and even strangers
such as yourself.
We will all be together with time.