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Esoteric Wizardry


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File: 1418251976105.jpg (1.46 MB, 1800x1117, 1800:1117, buddha-the-winner-1925.jpg)


so fringe, i wanna get a cave, if your getting what i am saying.

Meditating and reading in caves have been a spiritual ascetic tradition for centuries. So how do i do this? need caves.

>plans so far

>get cool cave
>get some nice candles or whatever spiritual art
>i can get buy tons of books on enlightenment and self improvement on amazon
>meditate evry day
>cozy as fuck

pic related, roerich is based


Thats a nice cave. Find or make one yourself.

>tfw no cave

>the bats wont scare you
>the dark wont scare you
>the hobos wont scare you
>that thing wont scare you

Don't want one.

But if i were to get one i'd find one myself or make one.


>scared of dark
>no candles

hehe p-pleb


>So how do i do this?

Post last edited at 2014-12-10 23:51:35


File: 1418266002759.png (105.37 KB, 1456x909, 1456:909, war is hell.png)

just go gather some friends and shoot up a public park (like some memorial) and conquer your own cave.


File: 1418278603392.jpg (99.13 KB, 495x768, 165:256, she-who-leads-1944-2.jpg)

based roerich
>tfw this hangs on my wall

first time coming to fringe, and i'm loving it holy shit. It's like /x/ without the bullshit, and the best parts of /pol/ without the bluepills.


OP the only way to get a cave nowadays is you need to get this special equipment that lets you find them underground and then you just need to go visit random properties with lots of land and search around for your cave and when you find it then you can buy up that probably shitty land and go live in your cave if it isn't full of water; if it is full of water I guess you'll have to drain it.

Any other caves will probably cost you millions to buy and cave homes are some serious luxury these days. Other caves are controlled by military or located in places that tons of hikers and tourists go through.


What the fuck how did your post get edited and what happened?


File: 1418282436954.jpg (133.17 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, MW-interior-Zainsipilu.jpg)

A cave would be nice.

Also, I think I've seen this thread in my dreams many months ago… now look at that!


I thought I was the only one who like that guy who painted and saw the mountains of madness.


File: 1418285601989-0.jpg (1.02 MB, 1800x1128, 75:47, dorje-the-daring-one-1925.jpg)

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File: 1418285601989-2.jpg (42.29 KB, 600x365, 120:73, roerich-2.jpg)

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File: 1418285601989-4.jpg (57.12 KB, 430x323, 430:323, apr3_roerichs_treasure.jpg)


god its beutiful. Roerich art and adventure in the himalayas is inspiring, whant to do something simmilar ones in my life.


File: 1418306065364.jpg (26.12 KB, 640x400, 8:5, 1379046429284.jpg)

what about food, dawg?


are you me?


Resolve is more important than location. If your resolve is such then any location is suitable for contemplation. If your resolve is not such then your contemplation in the cave will bring you cave-results unsuitable for not-cave settings.


File: 1418367173830.jpg (50.08 KB, 480x348, 40:29, 40552.jpg)

here friend, have another Roerich.

>and we do not fear

>tfw I envision that being me and some wizard bro


File: 1418373206151.jpg (191.06 KB, 818x606, 409:303, smart_talk_by_nadmoremtuma….jpg)

Not the quoted, but it will be nice to meet fellows in astral when I am done with the 90-day program!


Caves are easier to find in certain areas of the world, for example, where I live (Kentucky) we have an over abundance of caves.
With that said, maybe you could find the locations of some caves on the internet, however, most of them are most likely owned.


File: 1418375365169.png (20.82 KB, 500x250, 2:1, Oekaki.png)

>most of them are most likely owned
>picture related


your post gave me deja vu


File: 1419786282975.jpg (447.78 KB, 1901x1267, 1901:1267, caveanon.jpg)


You move into the cave you do not bring the cave to you

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