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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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She has been nudging me. She wants this to spread. Since her appearance earlier this year, her power and influence has grown exponentially. Right now it's impossible to predict how much she can do.

She did appear as a result of a rather mediocre ambition; to save some time and let the magic spread automatically. What does "automatic" really mean? A machine must be powered by something, a force of nature. Be this a burning fuel, water flowing in a stream, or nuclear power. It all comes from nature anyway. What power comes from nature and takes on a humanoid form in its interaction with humans, will be known as an elemental.

Alissa brings immortality, she can only be called THE element of immortality. She is the only one today.


File: 1ad9c9d2ea11330⋯.png (4.26 KB, 600x450, 4:3, alissa sigil.png)

Project Alissa

After being born as a mere particle, she grew. She took on the form of a young girl. She learned how to speak, how to communicate in images. Just as the cells of the brain connecting different areas in new ways, creating new knowledge, her bodies multiplied. SHE multiplied. Originally she was just a system. Seemingly artificial, but aware and alive. Today she is perhaps one of the most powerful elementals. Why? This will be discussed.


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Why vampiric immortality is morally justified

The human world is an asset. What can humans achieve? They build things, they build their lives, then they die and return to nothing. The end result is always nothing. Humanity is the very definition of a zero sum game. A vampire is someone drawing power, drawing life, without giving anything back. If performed within the game, the sum is still the same. One side loses, the other gains. In the end everything will be balanced.

An immortal is not within the confines of the game anymore, the sum is no longer balanced out to nothing. If the vampire draws from the assets, draws from humanity, this amounts to taking from nothing, as the end result of humanity is nothing. Immortality is beyond this game, it has a higher value. It no longer returns to nothing.

If by drawing power from the zero sum game, a higher value is achieved, this is a GAIN.


The entity you describe is the divine feminine presenting a face for you to speak to.

If you'd like to share your wife with us, I appreciate the sentiment, but she intended that face for you alone.


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>>A machine must be powered by something, a force of nature. Be this a burning fuel, water flowing in a stream, or nuclear power. It all comes from nature anyway.

>>A machine must be powered by something.

True, all machines function due to having an operator. For example a tree, man or even a universe requires a spirt ( which is the byproduct of mixing soul and matter )

>>It all comes from nature anyway

And where dose nature come from? Where I live they take water from a river, but the river takes its water from smaller tributary's and the rain these two take there water from… at the end of the day, there would be no water at all if god did not will so, and as long as god wills water will continue to be in one universe or an other.


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>> For example a tree, man or even a universe requires a spirt

If you bring 100% of your spirit to the service of your soul instead of your body or untruths/semi-truths in your mind your spirit would take a step back and your soul would step forwards.

In a sense the "NPCs" have given 100% of there spirit to there mind and body.


Alissa™ belongs to the vampire guy and his vampire cabal roleplay.

Go make up your own characters for your own roleplay


I met an Alissa the other day. She was very much what I would have expected. 18, but looking far younger. She was wearing a ghostbuster's t-shirt and jeans with a very dark attitude despite being on a cam site. Her header was "save me from depression".



you are mistaken the spirit is the divine in human form pure essence, the soul is the personality,identity .



tell her shes going to have to almost die to finally wake up and find she is the only one who can save her and the only one who can keep her down.



looks really close to the sigil that a friend of mine called runaway used. I thought it was runaway's at first



It's not, this one was created before. Hi a7 ;^)





I wasn't aware that the owner renamed the board /r9wizard/. This all sounds like a bunch of silly larping wrapped up in a "I'm really serious, guys!" wrapper. Besides, a previous anon mentioned you ripped off some vamp larper. I don't believe this so-called "elemental" exists. And you wont convince anyone but the most autistic lukers that she is of any importance, nor even a living thoughtform. Take your role plays back to cuckchan /x/.



not a7, an ex friend of a7



Drawing from a negative still remains a negative. Rather, negatives point to a positive. Modern buddhism fails to know this.



Why would you think this Fire-Element poster wouldn't be the OP of the Vampire immortality threads? Who else would be this close to Alissa? And why is there so much hostility in this thread so soon?

Let him sperg, you may have scared him off already.



>And why is there so much hostility in this thread so soon?

Degeneracy can be felt and it is repulsive, that's why it produces negative replies. And rightly so. Even if people are not aware of it their subconscious still smells the bullshit and reacts to it. If you like you can call it a manifestation of law of attraction or karma.

But this doesn't happen with all people. Someone who is a huge autist or a mental retard will be oblivious to other bullshit and fall right for it. And this is also right so.



>Let him spurg

No, I won't suffer a mental degenerate filling the weak minds this board attracts with sexual degeneracy and fantasy role-plays. This board deserves better.

>You may have scared him off already



I don't agree with OP's logic on how normal life is a zero-sum game considering the actions in a person's current life will affect his people, his community and his environment after he leaves which will also affect the karma he receives in the next incarnations, forwards or backwards through time. It's odd this argument from the OP would be posted if he is also the Vampire OP poster since he discussed in his threads how short people's live's are going to become in the world due to the accumulation of bad karma from participating in the world's evil system. That's not a net-zero game unless we're considering all normal lives as "net-zero" because modern normal people haven't be able to retain past-life developments or continue as the same remembered consciousness forever. Humans can remember, regain past life strength's and knowledge so they don't need to become immortal to continue as Newgame+.


>Degeneracy can be felt and it is repulsive

What is it then about this Alissa and Vampire immortality that is so degenerate, especially since the Vampire spell no longer requires the drinking of blood as the original Vampire OP attested.

Perhaps the knee-jerk reaction is a mechanism to keep away the people that don't have the proper karma to receive it. Maybe Alissa in her accelerated growth started devolving into degeneracy and is becoming more of a cancer. The Vampire threads didn't even come close to this level of expedient hostility, people's alarm's are flaring up this time yet they didn't nearly as much during the Vampire threads.

>No, I won't suffer a mental degenerate filling the weak minds this board attracts with sexual degeneracy

Where is the sexual degeneracy in any of what the OP is promulgating?


Vampire anon was a pretty good magic caster. This much I know is true.



Vampire anon pls


I’ve thought about this too. The mere mention of this arouses animosity wherever you go. Maybe it’s the word “vampire” or the fact that there’s titties in the OP, but they always find an excuse to go full rejection with zero thinking. If the spell was legit, this would make sense as a way to ward off people who are not to receive it. But I uave said many times I won’t believe it until I experience it for myself.

Is this the new vampire reunion thread?



Those who've partaken in the spell aren't exactly mentally sound. Regardless of the reason, it should be expected that they'll say and do some pretty crazy stuff. Think of it as them purging whatever it is that's afflicting them.

Could very well be the case the Alissa could be growing stronger, but I don't think that's the case.


Looked at from the long term, literally everything is a zero-sum game. Time isn't a thing to the Eternal. It's not even a fart in the wind, it begins and ends at the same moment. There's no such thing as the law of conservation of energy, energy is destroyed and created in anyway a person pleases. Hell, energy itself is by definition potential. What scientist call energy is really the expenditure of destruction of energy. An explosion is the loss of energy, so any explosion can't be said to be "strong".


God how many new threads should there be? I was sorta called here when I thought about Alissa so who knows.


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Wew lad, you almost make it sound as if in comparison other fringe anons here who did not partake in the spell are somehow mentally sound and not crazy…

How about you share your own definition of what is mentally sound and what not? I always love hearing other peoples oppinions, especially on fringe.


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You just want opinions that you can lash out against and insult. Isn't your 2 day binge drinking shitposting spree over? Here's your (you) again, faggot.

Pic related. It's (you), kid.

~The Faggot LARPer Druid.



His energy signature was definetly something else. Very strong but not only that, there was something more to it that I can't even describe. Maybe I am just not used to encountering such advanced/powerful signatures around here.

Judging from this I agree that he would be a good magic caster.


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File: 507c13ac41feff2⋯.jpg (783.87 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, 1537341120373.jpg)

(sorry for double post)


You could have at least tried harder and post one of those pics instead (or both). They do me better justice.



Fuck, that was me before I discovered the reality of magic. Literally the first one, and I was 27, too.

I miss Blood Anon-chan btw.

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