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The rules are simple and mostly apply to the creation of threads on /fringe/:
1. No duplicate threads of topics that already exist unless the previous thread has hit the bump limit
2. No making threads just to ask questions, actually present substantial information if you're going to make a thread
3. No creating new threads purely to no-effort shitpost (you will be forgiven if it's a major GET)
4. Post threads that fall under the subject matter of /fringe/ (creepypasta is not allowed here, take that to /x/)
5. Respect anonymity. No identifying posts.
6. Do not sit on the default flag or post with no flag all the time
7. Do not raid/attack the board
8. Meta board discussion goes in >>>/fringemeta/
If the board goes up for claim and the board owner can't be found anywhere, please contact chanseywrites@hotmail.com to give the board to her. To contact the board owner send an email to fringewizard@pm.me

Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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Not masturbating, such as participating in No Nut November, is a cheap feminazi tactic to destroy masculinity by removing your main source of enjoyment with virtually no downsides unless you don't balance it out with exercise and basic nutrition.

If you aren't masturbating, you are not helping yourself at all. You're probably losing out on an anti-depressant and free entertainment, whilst supporting a movement which only targets men. But if you want to waste your symbolic power on something you don't even believe in, feel free to. Quit it with the new-age cookie-cutter nutritional and occult bullcrap of not masturbating; it completely ignores the fact it has a significant obvious upside of pleasure and entertainment. It's like these stupid vegans who think "well if I don't eat meat then it's healthier for the environment and use of energy overall in the ecosystem" despite the fact meat, especially meat being cooked, is objectively part of how we evolved as kings of the animal kingdom due to the superior energy benefits of consuming meat to the individual consumer.

Anyway, if you're still routinely not masturbating after this, you have the big gay and you're helping nobody and probably harming yourself.

This message was brought to you in part by the power of the Epyc Wynn Meme Face.

~Epyc Wynn


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trolling is a art, heh?


~Perfect Elegant Bloodflag Anon


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Wynn, I don't know how you're still in any form or power. It absolutely baffles me how you're not even banned from this board. You are the most divisive individual here, and you contradict yourself more times than not. You're only here because the new board owner hasn't caught onto your scheming ways. You're just riding on the coat-tails of the now past (and mentally unstable) Fringe Wizard. Your time is up, and you'll soon be exposed for the D&C scumbag that you truly are.

I not only pray for your demise, I actively perform ritual and meditation in hope of it. You deserve no less than spiritual death, you foul man.

Demiurge have you, you loosh-sucking demon.



Now is time for a voice of reason. A voice of justice. And a voice for those who have been lost and confused by the rhetoric you spew and premote here. You have done nothing, Wynn, but attract the lowliest here to battle your ever-complex web of lies. You wont last long in my face. For I am the ONE AND ONLY…


You now face that which you should fear most. But I'm betting you're ignorant to my name.

Let me remind you by saying… LOYAL LADS OF THE BOND…

I think you get the picture. Now die in the hole you've dug, foul man. You are not worth even the shit from the bottom of my boot.




When Epyc Wynn first appeared I have basically said the same as you say now but it doesn't matter. He just keeps going and no BO or anybody would do something about it. It is natural for such maggots as Wynn to appear and feed off a rotten husk…that rotten husk being 8ch/fringe. He is a symptom but nor the root cause.


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But one that can be driven off, given a powerful concerted effort.

And you desire to see this as a symptom, but not treat it? Truly, this is the demise of the board; useless faggots like you. You want to tell one man in a different thread to "stop being a pussy", but here you tell me to roll over like a dog?! YOU SICKEN ME.

I won't perscribe to your passivity. And if you have any sense, then you will join me in purging this board of scum like Wynn. It's NOT a hurculean task, my boy. For we are Wizards, and I suggest you start acting as such. We are at war, and this board is our battleground. I, however stand on many fronts. This board, though… It holds a special place in my heart.

Thus we must fight on!

~The Punished Druid



>but here you tell me to roll over like a dog

No, do what you must.


Technically this breaks rules 3 and 6 but he'd just deny it's a shitpost and cause a massive autism fuss if he was banned for that and rule 6 never gets enforced. People would complain less about the board if the rules were a bit better.


I know this is just trolling, but I have found ritual ejaculation to be a good way for noobs to eject stagnant energies they have not been able to transmute.


I haven't jacked off in three months and in consequence learned japanese. I am immortal, mortals know the bounds set by their ignorance. Stand in fear and aw to the glory of God, who stands on His to bare witness to the minds of the few who defy Him. They do not know, his Grace so great as to Bless their souls, his Wrath so bountiful as to destroy all that defy Him. By consequence, japanese is my fruit, and by consequence my aims be laid.




I'm doing nofap and learning japanese too. Keep it up bro you are going the way of the master race


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To the lemming down in front, please consider engaging in constructive criticism if you want to have actual legitimacy versus appealing to your child-like desire to be a wizard from Lord of the Rings fighting a Balrog. My righteous conviction is one of which I am certain, so you'll have to at least try to aim at me logically instead of wasting your time on cheap appeals to ethics I know you lack.

I'd also remind you that those who censor should only be fought by those who value righteousness, freedom, and free speech. There is nothing just or persuasive about the one who cannot handle free speech that offends their personal narrative.

Additionally, I am being completely serious. If you all stopped to break down my post, you'd find that it makes more sense than the wording lets on. I embody a balance between seriousness and ridiculousness, but surely my meaning is not that difficult to grasp.

~Epyc Wynn



Wise one, explain to me the functions of the earth, from whence the sun has come and where the moon has gone, and of the stars, their journeys across the planes, tell me of these things. With great accuracy I have made quick strides to defeat, for I have lost everything in my pursuit of nothing, and for this I am granted the chance to ask once again: what is it that I have desired? That question brings one answer, and that is truth. If it is truth I desire, then there is no man greater than the Wise, and if it defeat, there is no giver greater than the Wise. I ask you, tell me of the stars, of the rotations of the earth, and the sweet harmonics that they give us. Tell me, what of the ground, of the earth, what seeds they bear and of what nature they have come from. Tell me, what is the fate of those who seek but do not find, for I'm afraid I have yet not find a man such as you. And I'm afraid, more than anything, that the wisdom I seek is not within your cup.


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Since you're speaking of the Earth with no ties to reality, you've left me only to interpret your meaning of Earth as symbolic, and Earth as a primordial element originally was a symbolic way of understanding the state of matter known as Solid. Accordingly, the functions of that symbol is to stylistically relate to other aspects of life such as stability but overall the primary function is to symbolically convey the state of matter: solid. As an astrological symbol, especially when balanced with the sun and stars, the Earth is usually used to represent relatability and humanity. The stars, astrologically, usually represent individuality and transcending humanity, in a sort-of pre-transhumanist symbolic way. Stars moving across planets in turn would symbolically represent the power of transcendant individuality being granted to those planets.

If you have lost everything in pursuit of nothing, consider pursuing something else, perhaps in a different way. What you desire evolves over time because you have a brain with chemicals and conscious energy that changes over time based on a myriad of subtle reactions that balance in ways you cannot possibly track. Truth is in front of everyone's eyes and is easily observable; it's merely a question of how you choose to interpret it. The truth is you get a mix of objective and subjective information in your life and the truth is not really important at all. If you care more about truth than you do being righteous, you don't deserve the truth in the first place.

Individuality is a power every individual can wield, the world around us and the collectives of people around us change in accordance with competition and curiosity, and this balance is just one of many that can be discerned with basic observation.

The ground, in this case a symbolic representation of your origins, is just a template for your body and upbringing you got stuck with you can either make the best of, or fail to make the best of. Humanity, again represented by earth, continues to bear children, represented by seeds, in accordance with basic principles of evolution, amount of resources available, and interest in continuing to live for the sake of satiating things such as curiosity, entertainment, and improvement. The sake of those who seek but do not find is always the experience they gained in the process; and yet, it is that experience which they have found, and they can either accept that's what they've found and make the best of it, or waste it.

Symbolism isn't necessary, but you're free to do it if it somehow makes you feel more fulfilled in life. But to anyone else, it's just going to come off as confusing unnecessary puzzling of words subjective to interpretation, and rightly so. The wisdom is always there for you, if you want it. But if you don't want it, if you can't handle it, and if you choose not to make use of experience as you gain it and in turn wizen yourself with it, that is your choice.

This world is evil to the degree it grants us evils we did not choose or deserve; but it sounds to me like you are making yourself deserving of some evils by virtue of willful foolishness. If you choose to be more aware of yourself thoroughly and honestly, if you choose to criticize yourself thoroughly and honestly, and if you choose to improve yourself thoroughly and honestly, you will get what you deserve. And if you value truth, more than you value what's just, you have already abandoned truth, because there's no way to sense truth accurately outside of first improving your sense of righteousness.

~Epyc Wynn



Wise man, what difference is there between my perception and this reality?


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Reality extends farther away and is barely governed at all by your will by comparison to your perception. Reality is the quarks, particles, and elements arranged and projected based on metaphysical axioms or, the operations of the most fundamental codes of reality. Experience is the conscious energy, biology, and sensations of a being; which exists between reality and perception. Perception is the emotions, ethics, and logic of a being.

Reality is the product of axiomotic metaphysical codes consistently dictating how the quarks and particles and elements function which you can experience. Perception is merely a series of lenses you have to be wise enough to clean regularly and organize thoroughly so as not to let then govern your ability to truly understand your experiences.

However, such a duality is going to guide you away from the pebble between known as experience. Focus on that and understanding of the other two will follow more naturally.

~Epyc Wynn



A framework isn't the same as an actuality, just as a potential isn't an actual, so any words used to define and categorize this reality are by their nature already false and defined under a specific circumstance. You might say, until the actual has been achieved there can be no potential, but in that sense you would not know anything until your end has been reached. So, in short, I'm saying that you're wrong on the most fundamental level.


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By your logic, you never believed in the existence of reality in the first place. To believe in the existence of reality, you must believe that it is something we describe with words, rather than believing it is made of words. At that point, you've proven you believe in reality being a fake illusion created by words. That is a fallacy rooted in failing to differentiate between the sign and the signified, whereas reality is that which is signified, while the word reality is merely the sign representing reality. There is nothing wrong with describing signified things with signs, as it provides us a means of referencing things we have experienced and organizing them with our language. Failure to do so inherently hinders our ability to restructure both reality and our framework of perceptions.

You have truly fallen down a fallacious postmodernist rabbithole and I advise you escape such anti-intellectualist bollocks immediately.

~Epyc Wynn


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Excercising your will power by dominating your urges is far more satisfying than masturbation. Pussy.



>I miss the old days of fringe

<Does nothing about it

You only have yourself to blame. Else we'd not being seeing threads that encourage you to jack-off, created by bullshit occultists. Among many other threads posted by mental patients with internet access.



I just fapped to your post. Enjoy.



Not at all, since you've relied on others to define reality for you. You've not attempted to understand it yourself using your own reasoning. So, it's flawed from the beginning since you have no real understanding of what you're talking about.



>You only have yourself to blame.

How so? Fringe was never that good. Even when it first started it was mediocre at best. Is it really worth to put your effort and energy into this place and play the janitor or kindergarden teacher here?

There is an amazing library here. People just need to read the books and turn their brain on but only very few do this. For every quality post you make to answer a question or help someone out there will be multiple other posts and threads that spread complete disinformation and degeneracy.

Besides, the new guys who come here and wanna learn…who are most of them anyway? Mundanes. They seem like they wanna learn at first, but later almost everyone proves to be a degenerate. Most will only care about some stupid ass consipracy theories, succubus and roleplaying. The rare true student with potential for enlightenment will read the books, meditate and start ascending by himself. If I ever should see such a student I will offer my time and energy to help him as much as I can. For all others it's wasted.

It's just an imageboard after all. Relax and practice some detachment. Everything comes and goes and fringe was a decent thing but now I feel like it's time to move on. Chill out and wait for what happens next…meditate more.

>bullshit occultists

That's a title even too good for Wynn.



>No Nut November, is a cheap feminazi tactic to destroy masculinity by removing your main source of enjoyment

>your main source of enjoyment

Absolutely fucking pathetic. It's extremely rare that I come to /fringe/ and even rarer when I make a post but this was just so incredibly weak and contemptible. OP is a prime example of why you shouldn't masturbate or you'll end up browsing this shithole 24 hours a day, making the same posts and lame edited images constantly yet never experience any levels of attainment.

If tugging on your dick for 5 minutes is the apex of your life experience then you are far beyond merely broken.



The library here is garbage, spend your time elsewhere. You won't find enlightenment here, rather you're blind to where it is. You will never find what you look for if you think that you can find it in a book. Meditation by itself does nothing, and isn't even a defined word. Meditation originally meant one thing: contemplation. If you don't have the mind to contemplate, then you don't have the mind to understand any of this. Someone with the ability to enlighten doesn't need to read, or listen to anyone, all he needs is to look at nature. He bases himself off of Nature and works with Nature, never against it. All the information in the world can be presented to you in a simple book and you wouldn't know where to begin, because lacking the necessary endowments no one can achieve anything of any note. Ascension is illogical. In order to accept the logical, one must think in terms of the illogical.

Besides, /fringe/ wasn't made to serve as a medium for communication between mundanes. It's a stepping stone so that the people who are capable of seeing beyond the physical can have a place to study.



a nigga be wrong


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OP is now banned.



>Besides, /fringe/ wasn't made to serve as a medium for communication between mundanes. It's a stepping stone so that the people who are capable of seeing beyond the physical can have a place to study.

I agree and that's how I see it too.

>The library here is garbage yada yada…

Contradicting yourself much? This one should be banned for "dumb" and calling Wynn "Wise one".


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Epyc wynn should not be banned. All those who disdain him should engage with him logically and jovially. His positions have evolved over time – he is more aligned with the esoteric than ever. Whatever you do, stop feeding him loosh – banning him will give him a irrevocable loosh injection that will take years to rectify. /fringe/ remains the last bastion of esoteric thought untouched by Talmudic filth, do not taint it with censorship for the sake of the board's "tranquility".

He's an errant, if talkative, neophyte that needs direction and engagement, not the dogmatic dismissals of scoffing students who are equally lost!


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I'm banned from a lot of places but /fringe/ has yet to be one of them.

~Epyc Wynn



He's a narcissist. Loosh is a synonym for narcissistic supply.



Get as much information in your head, throw your computer in the trash, and then go to a forest and figure things out yourself. Everything, absolutely everything is full of disinformation. Figure it out yourself, no one can teach you these things. If you're here, at least, that means no one is willing to teach you.


If masturbation means directing some portion of my desire-energy towards something other than what is the proper focus of my mental energies than obviously I must abstain.

If you are very engaged in some work you forget about everything other than that work.

I do not want to start masturbating just to please you OP. I have conscious control over my body anyways and can command a massive flood of euphoria at will whenever I like. I can also masturbate and cum without the slightest feeling of pleasure such is my control. The mental states and physiological states are under my control.

Anyways, like a week ago a man said basically the same shit as you but said it to me in person, and so I decided to humor him and masturbate just hours later when I got home. Then I went about my life indifferent as usual.

Masturbation is quite meaningless to me.



Me the adept praying that any harm-thoughts be converted into thoughts of reform and love.


Rule 5 is being broken all over this thread, sigh.



Oh I do this sometimes for that very purpose.



The only sadness I feel concerning this board right now is that some are unable to enjoy it because it's not meeting their expectations but that is not the fault of the board.

I am one of those who just reads the books and mostly talks to God. I love this board and check in on it from time to time but whereas long ago I used to read every single thread and post on here, now I just randomly jump in for a few hours, then leave and go back to reading and to practice and don't come back until weeks or months later. I pray for the board that people will use it and benefit from it and that the various roles (teacher, student, etc.) will continue to be filled by people who yearn to do those things. I myself can only tell people the same concepts and make the same reading suggestions over and over so many times before I tire of it and wish someone else would do it in my place. I go to /fringe/ less and less not because the board quality has supposedly dived or anything but because I don't have as great of a need for it. I have found god, I have found real life practitioners, I have developed myself, and I am far along the path where I can say I have already demonstrated for so many, taught so many, inspired so many, and done so much that I have other matters now that are my focus and which I don't like to deviate from.

Life is a ladder. Whatever you do for someone else, there's an endless number of other persons just like them and beneath them, all at various stages of development. You show off remote viewing for someone, they are convinced and amazed (and other reactions), and then the next random anonymous stranger comes along demanding you do the whole thing over for them as well, and if you repeat it then another one comes along, and so on it goes forever. I'd prefer that the first guy I demonstrated would have been so inspired as to learn it himself, then teach others. In that I have done my work and can move on. There are however quite a few people in this world who, after seeing miracles, carry on without much changing in their life at all.

One man can make some observation that a thousand other people have, but for him that particular observation will be earthshaking, a complete revolution. It will fundamentally change him and set him on a new direction in life. It could be like that moment Evola talks about in the mountains. Yet for so many other people, their desires are so low, that they are content to be subhuman the rest of their current incarnation and that scene that so shook one man does not really register much of an impression in the mind of another.

Anyways my only wish concerning /fringe/ is it continues to have at least a few people on it who love it, who benefit from it, and who enjoy and live out its possibilities. I myself have other matters to attend to in my life to spend as much time as I used to, matters which hold a higher priority for me. I should add also that every visit here I feel the energy and thoughts of the users here and it's quite a storm, and it jostles me. Many well advanced mystics intentionally retreat into the wilderness, into obscurity, for the very reason of their mental sensitivity being unable to handle the life in the more populated areas. It's not that I can't endure being around people and taking in so much but I prefer to resonate on my own native plane of activity and not in the lower and filthier planes that I only visit for a short while and only out of a sense of compassion for those down there.



All of this. This is just the nature of the world though. Those who talk the most and are active the most in a place like this and who give it such a sense of activity and life must by necessity be mainly those who are lost, those who are questioning, and those whose attainments are recent (and so they are newly filled with a desire to share). Everything grows old though. They are a necessary part of the ecosystem of imageboards, although /fringe/ does in fact have a tremendous number of users who rarely and very infrequently post, but because there's so many it can still have a lot of new content all the time.

Those who are angry about this may as well be angry not with the board, not with the moderation, nor with the users; but with reality itself.



The libraries are not garbage they are very useful. Obviously you need critical thinking skills and analysis like Tom Montalk talks about but the material in the libraries provides much with which to productively engage oneself in contemplation. The board and the libraries are all good and serve their purpose, that some people are beyond being able to use it properly, says more about those persons. You may as well say the internet is garbage. It's not. In the hands of one person it's used for mind-numbing stupidity like sitting in some chatroom all day and jerking off while talking about whatever shit mundanes talk about, in the hands of another it's an amazing wealth of information and potential.



Name one bit of disinformation in this book: http://www.yogebooks.com/english/atkinson/1922personalpower.pdf

Good luck. I'll be waiting. If you can find even one thing that is wrong in that book, that isn't true, I will be grateful for your revelation.

Hard Mode: You must find something wrong in Volumes 1 through 11. No commenting on the material in Volume 12 (which is what this particular thread is related to).


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Don't be dreary. It's a lull. I can sense a resurgence already beginning, perhaps brought about by the approach of the winter solstice. Now is a time of contemplation and silence, but soon a time of discourse will take its place – and /fringe/ will be a pulpit where the sorcerers of our age come to share and decipher the secrets of reality.



Removing the garbage around gold nuggets isn't glorious work, considering you're sitting on a floating golden nugget in space.


You want me to read a whole book? Wow, that's great. Just for the curiosity of asking someone to read a whole book, a book that I have no real understanding of, to point out the disinformation, I'll do it. It's a novelty, to ask that question. I applaud the joke. I'll only read a few pages, or a few chapters if the book has some information that is really enthralling, but otherwise you will get the same.

First is the separation of the self by the self, for the self in the epilogue. It is not useful, and is in fact confusing. If you have the aspect of the warrior, then you are the warrior. Second, personal power is derived by God. Not God in the christian sense but in the metaphysical, platonic sense. As the creator. One doesn't necessarily develop this themselves, although they certainly can, but it is given by entities who actually know what they're doing. That's not to say that you can just lie down and do nothing for eternity and get rewards. Third, everyone can manifest anything in the world. When you carve a spoon from wood you're manifesting the spiritual concept of a spoon into the physical world. This is undeniable. Fourth, I is not necessarily me. We are composed of spirits, we are the master spirit, and in the same we are the composition of a greater cosmic spirit. I am that spirit, but by definition I'm not. So there is no master Self. And it's not provable that I exist to begin with, and by all categorizations of reason and logic, I do not exist. It can't be proven, neither spiritually, logically, intuitively, in any capacity I do not exist.

This isn't denying existence, but denying existence as autonomous to who I am. I've developed a monistic mode of thinking, so keep that in mind when I say this: if I am that which exists, and if that which exists can't possibly exist, then I do not exist within existence.

Fifth, all compositions that make up this non-existence, which I will from now on call the eminent existence, are by definition me, and all things that contain me exist as me, and are therefore holographic. There is no use of separating conditions. There are no differences between the physical and the spiritual. I won't comment on chapter 4, since it's all garbage. If control is the definition, then any act of control is conscious, and therefore there is no need to differentiate what is being controlled. Same principle applies for chapter 5, it's just expounding on that basic concept. Chapter 6, all eminent existence is by definition the loss of power and not the power in itself.

The rest of the book is just flights of fancy. If you're goal is to become one with God then all you have to do is act with His purpose. All nature seeks to become One with Him, so do that. You don't do it, just as you don't lift yourself by the laces of your boots. The greatest disinformation in this book is the sterilization of spiritual matters into neatly packed, easily understood pieces of information that anyone can understand, not because it's logical and intuitive but because it's so bland that a dog can practice it by accident. In fact, dogs do. Everyone does. It's the fact that everyone has read this book that has made this world the way it is now. It is not natural, and is in fact removed from the natural.

I hope you find all this as shallow nitpicking, because that is what it is. Since I'm not interested in the book I can't engage it in any manner that is productive. Throw it on the fire and claim it the work of the devil, that is what I do. The most important concept to understand, the message of what I'm saying is this: the point of Gnosis is to transfer one flame, from one candle, to the next. Have someone else light that flame for you, and you will have all the world on the palms of your hand. The point is to get all the mechanisms in your head as fast as possible, then disregarding everything for the purpose of purifying these mechanisms. This is a long process, and the body is full of impurity. Look beyond this realm and these words and you will see true reality.



I'm glad there are still people who know what's what in here.



I don't know anything, and am perhaps the greatest fool of the ages.



If you want that title you'll have to wrestle me for it.


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It is pathetic how those who act are chided by those who don't, as if the latter is wise and the former is foolish by nature. This is part of the inherent flaw of Buddhism: its ridiculous assumption that the more enlightened one is, the less interested one is in doing something beyond reveling in their enlightened state. One who is truly enlightened comprehends the importance of improving their self, and in the process, the world around them. Those who hoard knowledge and wisdom whilst calling the actors of life fools, are twice the fools the actors could ever hope to be.

/fringe/ is nothing more than a for-funsies romping grounds for me. I know most of you are full of shit, but the creativity of the bullshit on this board expands my horizons for concepts to think about. I don't need you all, and the fame I get here compared to literally ANYWHERE else I fully apply myself, is abysmal. If I'm here it isn't for reputation it's just for fun, like playing a nice video game. God forbid the player have fun. What I say is always built on technical truth while being surrounded in ridiculous-to-humorous language, but that's it. Put out some new ideas rather than rely on reveling in fake achievement.

As for reality, even if you put something that isn't part of reality into reality, at that point it has become reality, so it is not as if anything in this reality ISN'T part of this reality. It is annoying to see people on lower pedestals condescend from places of ignorance about how they have transcended everything like the postmodernist fools they are, when in reality all they have done is destroy all their opportunities to make something of themselves.

~Epyc Wynn



Define your own importance.


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I am a sirloin steak while this board is an Arby's.

~Epyc Wynn



You are a nigger.


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>implying that black people are delicious cuts of meat

Glad you take pride in your homosexuality and love of black people. It's hard to find people who own up to either on 8chan, so good for you.

~Epyc Wynn


not jacking off made me impotent, jackig off is the only thing that kept me thinking about sex. maybe it's good if you don't want to be intimate, but when I'm not masturbating daily I forget about lust but still think about loneliness and desire companionship. It isn't for me.



Behold the true face of this gay nigger in plain english. He is slave to his emotions and must maintain this particular belief at all costs.


Notice how he abandons the truth to suit his pathology. It's not merely a failed joke. This isn't a game for him. He must do this. Every single post is this warping of reality to fit the premise that he must be better that you.

I don't know what to do for him. I've only seen abject failure cure people of this need to lie.


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Take the yellow pill today. Embrace the fact magic is bullshit. Also, individuals are better than other individuals in certain areas; if we weren't then things such as competition would not have a reason to exist. In certain areas I am worse than other people, while in other areas I am better than other people. This horseshit focus by people on how "oh you're evil if you think you are better than anyone" is just some lefty socialist collectivist cockwash peddled by dongtards who can't handle notions such as individuality and basic hierarchy. Overall I'm better than some people -so is everyone.

~Epyc Wynn


Enjoy rotting your brain and messing with your reward system. Masturbation is a drug.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Nice reality warp. You are a liar and emotional parasite, dragging others down for temporary emotional relief. Any socially conscious mod would instantly ban your retarded ass.


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I mean what I say and act accordingly. You disagreeing is your choice. You are however deceptive by speaking as if you know as fact I am lying when I know as fact I am not, making you lean closer to a liar than I.

I would also remind you at no point have I gone out of my way to attack users of this board except in self-defense, whereas you and other users go out of their way to attempting to attack me. In fact, you are so scared of my free speech that you want me banned; a denial of my self-evident right, and in turn a denial of a basic righteousness. You must mean socially conscious in the Communist sense of the word, as no individually conscious person would cast aside basic ethics and righteousness just to censor someone for disagreeing with your personal esoteric theory. You're like the retards on /leftypol/ who banned me from their Discord server because and this was their argument, I didn't argue within the framework of Marxist wordings.

Censorship is an oppression only one who truly lacks righteousness and fully embraces evil, should ever commit.

~Epyc Wynn



All well and good but you are simply out of tact here. It seems you do not understand in what place you are to begin with. In fact you are very lucky that you are tolerated here this much and left spiritually unattacked and uncursed. Probably because any real wizard has given up this board by now.

Even if you went into a buddhist monastery and started to preach that their spirituality isn't real and they should masturbate you would be beaten bloody by the monks or at least thrown out and banned for good.

>at no point have I gone out of my way to attack users of this board

Shit like this thread is to be considered an attack. You are completely oblivious to spiritual and occult ways, the board culture and the philosophy going on here. Sooner or later some wizard might smack you for real since you just keep at spreading your nonsense…but maybe this is exactly what you need.


Get right on listening to this guy getting raped by demons Lol what a fag.

Everyone has to masturbate so he feels better about being a genetic failure incapable of being desired by a woman or he has big nose or is an antropomorphic Roach

Just leave the board or the earth lol



>implying any real wizard would be as triggered as you are by him

You just insulted yourself.



Did you put any thought at all into your post?



>/fringe/ is nothing more than a for-funsies romping grounds for me. I know most of you are full of shit,

>I am a sirloin steak while this board is an Arby's.

>Embrace the fact magic is bullshit.

You really are a delusional gamma. You contradict every other post trying to play victim now. You have never fooled anyone with this bullshit. Everyone knows what you are; there are only so many personality types. Give up the lies and delusions.

You should be banned. If you watch the video, you'll know your existence is unbearable to any remotely functioning human, and you should leave. You cannot fix yourself in the company of others due to the compulsive lies and delusions they provoke in you.




I must emphasize that you should leave. You are far more damaging than any bullshit about censorship. People cannot bear to post their thoughts around you or have their work associated with you.


Not banning this guy is cucked. It's quite obvious that he's using this board maliciously to charge his sigil.


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If you all have some wisdom or valuable teachings on magic to offer, offer them. If you do not, use some logic rather than generic insults if you wish to combat my own logic. If you have neither wisdom nor logic to offer, provide some entertainment at the very least.

I despite the lying postmodernist occult bullshitist, and find it ironic such beasts consider me the liar by disagreeing with them or providing my own observations. This board needs people willing to call out bollocks hivemind mentalities and failed notions on what works and what doesn't.

Look, if you all have something more to contribute, people will naturally prefer to listen to and talk to you. If you don't, people won't. That is the nature of magic -it is pragmatic at its core. And if people are listening and talking with me on here, that just shows you all have failed to capture people very well, and in doing so have exposed your own lack of contributions. I at least make the best of a field of study that all scholars have deemed shit. While I too deem it shit, I at least offer justifications such as "well there is some self-help advice to be found" or "the imagination is real so technically imaginary concepts are on some level real" or "this field seems like an offshoot of semiotics with an emphasis on mapping symbols like locations." What are any of you actually bringing to the table here hm? I'm not inducting people into sugar-fueled bollocks-filled dreams of madness like so many users on /fringe/ often try to.

In conclusion, if you all can do better, I will listen and learn from you; but if none of you can provide wisdom, I will make the best of this situation and provide my own instead. Be my master, or be mastered.

~Epyc Wynn



It's actually sad really, his constant desire for the feeling of superiority means he can't ever be reasoned with. He's lost inside his own gate of illusion, the result of failed initiation. The extent of his philosophy extends to being contrarian and claiming that he's right, for it makes him feel smarter than his perceived majority. He wears this on his sleeve, which is why he posts with an avatar, so that everybody knows that he's the one who is making these claims. The worst thing is that I think he believes the contrarian bullshit he spouts. His superiority complex stops him from questioning himself. I feel bad for him.



Magic is personal, if you don't see how it's possible then no one can show you how it's possible. Synthesizing your own understanding is more valuable than life itself. Your posts are only valuable in as much as they can be denied.



All delusion from the lying narcissistic gamma. Fuck, man. Do you understand that nobody wants to deal with you? They just want to ask their questions, share once in a while, and be appreciated without some fucking narcissistic retard breathing on their necks. Do you understand how retarded you are? Can you picture doing this at a table of people? Nobody would put up with your shit in real life. You'd get stabbed and tossed in a dumpster and nobody would say a word.


I don't feel bad for this retard at all. I want all the people he's driven away and all the people he's going to drive away at my disposal. He's limiting everyone's potential information exchange just to feel good for a few moments.


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I just provided you reasoning you chose to avoid dealing with just to suck of another poster. You mistake my confidence for a lack of self-questioning but mistake it in a way which appears willing, rather than accidental. Provide better information than me if you think my information is not superior.


Anything can be personal depending on how you use it, but every subject of study that exists has central elements that universally work in theory and practice. If certain central elements of magic do not work in theory and practice, that merely proves fault in the magic -not the practitioner. You all have yet to discover true magic.


A user with a pepe badge would just bullshit me rather than address anything I said, wouldn't they. I am me -I literally know 1:1 you are absolutely wrong, and even if you convinced the entire world, you would still be wrong because I know when I am lying and when I am not. I owe nobody pandering, and critique does not equate to narcissism you absolute horse's ass. Conveying free speech in no way limits people's potential information exchange, but promoting censorship like a fuckwheel most certainly does.

~Epyc Wynn



Bring to me this science. I've yet to find it. You fail to realize that you're living in a delusion, no mainstream scientist knows what they're talking about. Those who've founded their religion admit to the fact that none of this is possible. Of course, it is possible, and it is logical, but it's so simple that no human mind can understand it. Those who were on the right track were electrical engineers and inventors, but they're all dead now. Electricity can't even exist according to consensus.



You think you're an edgy scientist but your robotic data crunching hedonistic method of searching for truth is mislead. You are so quick to dismiss the human soul within you that you trigger even people that I would think would be harder to trigger than average here. you're seeking atleast in your own mind but to seek you must walk to truly find out. Basically you act like an ass pretending everyone else has the burden of proof because youre too much of a lazy turd to get up, read, try things yourself. you're asking for data but maybe you should try looking inside yourself for answers. Trust me you will not find them masturbating Lol. you're not really fooling anyone other than yourself.

If youre real listen if youre not then hahahah I cant believe you exist


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I'm not asking for a statistic. I'm just saying nobody on this board ever seems to even have a couple solid examples of magic that work beyond logical rehashings of the Kybalion, generic self-help advice, entertaining imaginary concepts that can't be applied, or giving parameters that are outside the realm of reasonable application. I've scanned the works and combed this place fairly well. I'm fairly certain you all aren't hiding anything and that I'm dealing with roleplayers and the mentally impaired here, with a few sane people who pass through for funsies.

Anyway, tell me when someone around here wants to actually put some effort into providing solid examples rather than bullshit all over the place and call it gold.

~Epyc Wynn



I think youre definitely a troll. Im not going to waste my effort trying to help someone who doesn't want to be helped.

If you think the material world is all there is then have fun. Stop replying


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Check out some books, the orgone accumulator handbook is interesting as hell. The guy who pioneered the idea had all his research burned. There is another book that is pretty much nothing but studies of telepathy experiments. I don't remember the name because lots of books are named so similarly. "institutional science" has been split over matters like astral projection as long as there have been scientists. The ones who entertain ideas like telepathy don't speak out about it anymore because they make good money keeping their job. DYOR

“Quantum theory provides us with a striking illustration of the fact that we can fully understand a connection though we can only speak of it in images and parables.”

― Werner Heisenberg


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I enjoy electrical theory, and I consider that inherently magical, so it depends on your perception of what's /fringe/. My realm of thought would more accurately be called neo-platonic/Advaita Vedanta. You're not looking for anything, just trying to smash your viewpoint and project everything that doesn't agree with your viewpoint as being automatically wrong. All magical proof could be likened to coincidence. Which is why you should focus on studying reality rather than studying the magical, but you'll soon find that the difference only exists in the mind. You either believe in magic or you don't, either way no one can help you in your search.

Perhaps you've been digging this hole of yours for so long that you're afraid of leaving it.



>I enjoy electrical theory

Hey me too, if I ever find where he lives I am going to blow every lightbulb in his house so he can understand magic kek.


What a shitshow


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>whenever I see OP's signature



Care to explsin everything you know sbout buddhism so far?


"oh no I need to sacrifice my entire being so that a woman is there to provide me with one of my biological needs! Then I can work 9-5 5 days a week while raising more parasites then die, oh wait ehats this an ass on the internet? *Ejaculates* wow cool back to being god fuck that fake ass love shit its just a chemical reaction that will be replaced by drugs eventually and if I want a fuck for ol times sake I can bang a robot who doesnt smell like hpv" - Oprah Winfrey


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~Epyc Wynn



>word salad

You sure proved us wrong with your graphorrhea, schizo.


Once I started experiencing deeper, more advanced aspects of occultism I started going insane. I am talking real shit, synched everyday, all is mind, collective concious. I got a feeling it was from the fact that I was masturbating too much making me mentally weak to handle what I was seeing. I have yet to quit masturbating and see what happens but I have read insanity is caused by not conserving sexual energy.


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Sometimes you should just approach things from the normie perspective, realize how ridiculous you sound to the common person, and simply consider how they would perceive the problem and in turn its solution.

Let me be clear with you: occultism is just a large series of creative concepts known as tools of the trade for writers and artists. If you obsess with the tools themselves instead of focusing on a specific approach to applying the tools, you'll become a postmodernist chaos mage jackass who can't comprehend that boundaries do and should exist. You need to remember the occult is just a bunch of fun symbolism and creativity but it's useless and an inspiration for insanity, unless you organize it around a logically sound system of logic aka a philosophy.

Before you can even call yourself a neophyte, it is expected that as a free citizen, you at least study philosophy so you don't go insane when studying the occult. Failure to do this basic step will lead to your outcome.

The occult is fucking bullshit. Don't study it unless you have a basic logical immune system properly in place first. Read/skim a few times a college-level Introduction to Philosophy textbook/pdf file to get started on this.

Get grey-pilled. Come back when you properly become a truly free citizen.

~Epyc Wynn


>5. Respect anonymity. No identifying posts.

This thread is a pretty good case for a repeated violation of rule 5.


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Did you just identify a rule? That must mean your post is an identifying post!

Did you just identify yourself with a PRAISE KEK flag? That must mean your post is an identifying post!

Did you circumvent the actual intended meaning of a rule to try advocating a user be censored? That must mean your post is a shitty post!

That rules exist so people don't get doxed Einstein. There is no reason to get rid of people using a pseudonym unless you intend to get rid of the few users who try to stand out; in which case RIP this board should such a ruling ever be upheld. Now if you want to try to kill the board and ensure nobody uses this place anymore, by all means try to get rid of the most active users, aka users who like to maintain a reputation via their signature.

I invite /fringe/ to by all means cut off its own legs by getting rid of its most active iconic users who identify with a name, if that is what /fringe/ wishes. I will have a powerful identity and series of communities to enjoy with or without this board; can this board say the same? Consider this a fair warning if such an action should ever be performed, that no active user goes quietly if they can help it. That all being said, I trust the moderators and administrators of this board are wise enough to understand the state of this board, its userbase, and their own positions enough to know that we should all coexist for our own benefits, and not try to overplay our hands, lest one of us go all-in on a pair of twos.

~Epyc Wynn



Vol here. I was told not to enforce that rule.


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Bumping this thread for the New Year. You all should not forget.

~Epyc Wynn



Why then does it exist? Some kind of tricky wizard thing?



It was created for a specific person (who will be obvious if you've been here for more than a couple months) who doesn't really post here anymore. The flag rule isn't meant to be enforced either. I think it's a bit of a dumb set of rules, but the board would still be slow and of varying quality if we did change them (at least to some degree), so I'm personally not that concerned. I don't even know who runs the board anymore anyway, so if you wanted to actually start some kind of discussion about the rules (in a thread for which the discussion would actually be on-topic, i.e. not this one), I wouldn't know who to address it to if I were any of you who think there are flaws to the rules such as particular lolcow-candidates who bring nothing of value to the board being allowed to shit it up for years.



The benefits of nofap seem to be most pronounced in the first month, or more like first weeks. I found after a while the hype and extra energy and confidence just dies off (makes sense cus your testo production comes to a halt cus you are not sexually active now which for nature is the same as if you are dead) and in fact you might even feel more tired and depressed than before. At this point I can only doubt permanent celibacy abd the effects of it. You start feeling shit again and just wish you could blow your load. Your hornyness and lust also die off but not completely. You always feel that your balls and prostate are full and even if you are not horny and even maybe cant even get aroused anymore by porn and chicks like earlier you still long for the relief of the pressure. It just sucks, I don't even wanna continue anymore past one month but I will. Maybe there is gold at the end of the rainbow after all, maybe you need to be at least one year celibate to notice it.



Continue, and do pranayama breathing to move the sexual energy up and throughout your body, the test going down is bullshit science most likely funded by porn companies.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


No, it's actually very true unless you willingly want to be(come)/stay masculine. Since celibacy easily unlocks power you will gain more control over such things.



So what will come out of it? After one month I still have not attained any spiritual powers, contact to spirits and wasn't even visited by the feared succubus whow ants to rape me and steal my energy. 3 months was my longest streak back then and even then I noticed no spiritual benefits. Now I have also read some reports from guys in the nofap community who have lasted one year or even longer and none of them reported any spiritual/occult benefits. They all only claimed that they just looked and felt better and had more confidence, but that's it. So this really begs the question why am I even doing it in the first place? I tought (and this is why I initially started with celibacy) you would get some occult powers, open your third eye, get a spirit-being-gf or at least get the ability to astral travel much easier. Now I don't know anymore. It seems like a meme.I don't like some bizarre stories from ancient yogis or buddhist monks who sat there and did nofap and meditated motionlessly for 5 years and then they dropped a nuke on them and they survived unharmed. Most of those stories are confirmed to be metaphors or confirmed fake. The ones that are still a mystery are also surely fake. Someone, if possible, should tell me what the actual endgame of this is and why I'm doing this. Has even anyone have real experience of major benefits of long term celibacy?



Most nofap reports are bullshit, all of them either edge/still watch porn/have sex with women, or they give their energy to other harmful sources like alcoholism/drug addiction/emotionally triggering ideologies. Look into the great people that did long periods of nofap instead, davinci, tesla, freud, isaac newton, mike tyson.



K thx, but I have one last question. What is your experience with celibacy and the benefits?

>Look into the great people that did long periods of nofap instead, davinci, tesla, freud, isaac newton, mike tyson.

Wordly success, power and achievement doesn't intrigue me. It is sad for me that only those examples came up because all I truely care for is to escape this matrix and achieve immortality of the soul. My interests are purely spiritual/occult. I was hoping all this harnessed sexual energy could evolve my spirit and unlock the astral for me.


I'll check the video out now, thanks for the contribution. But I must say that even looking at the thumbnail of that yogi does instantly smell like meme and bullshit to me. Sorry for my bad english, still learning btw



>What is your experience with celibacy and the benefits?

Much higher quality of thoughts, better concentration, much easier to meditate, becomes easier to feel the energy during energy work exercises, luck and attraction of positive things increases by a ton, faster muscle gains, more motivation and productivity, less anxiety and depression.



How is it possible to have faster muscle gains if celibacy kills all your testosterone? Like the guy in the video said >>127718. Gymbros told me the more test, the more muscles. That's why you never skip legday btw, because leg exercises and especially squats release big amounts of test, since leg parts are huge muscles.



Because celibacy doesn't kill your testosterone, it's bullshit science



Do you think mike tyson had low test in his prime after being celibate(no sex, no fapping) for 5 years straight?




well thx for the answers. I didn't know about Tyson but thanks to you I will look closer into the topic and see if I can find anything about celibacy not affecting test myself. Or maybe he just fapped every 14 days to achieve the perfect test-cycle and use test spikes and highs the most effective way? I have read about that in nofap communities too.

If celibacy truely does not affect test then it is the ultimate way, but right now personally I feel like it does. Cheers mate



>Most nofap reports are bullshit

>proceeds to list anecdotes


Yeah, when he was 12 and then said he was an idiot for falling for that bullshit. What a great nofap occultist.



Mike tyson never looked much into the methods of cultivation that were set upon him by his trainer cus d'amato, he just did what he was told to do.

I'm not sure why you greentexted the fact that he was 12 when he started to do it, considering he was the youngest heavyweight champion of all time, that would serve as further proof for how powerful celibacy is.

Also kys



Kill yourself, bullshit occultist.



not an argument


I read that the ideal form of abstinence to prepare ones mind for a ritual is best done over a period of nine days before the ritual occurrs. Even still, you can substitute fasting of any kind as well.



>Even still, you can substitute fasting of any kind as well.

No you can't, there is such a thing as sexual energy



never cared about fasting but this isn't the topic for it anyway…or is it? Since it's faggots useless thread I guess we can make of it what we want.

Anyway, did some research on Mike Tyson and on the topic of celibacy lowering test levels and of course all to no avail, much different theories and some obscure studies and researches that all contradict eachother. When I came upon an article that said you need to have sex frequently, best every day for high test I knew I needed to stop. I saw that mike tyson is a great example in the nofap community, but I believe >>127728 may be right and Mike only claims he did it for 5 years when he was very young and calls himself an idiot for doing it so he might as well imply that it's bullshit…or maybe not?

It's all a giant fuck, the only way to know it is to do it and live through it yourself. Therefore I become a test subject for myself. I just keep being celibate and keep lifting every week and see what happens. It's not that test is especially important for me, but my test levels dropping to the levels of little kids and me becomming completely emasculated is not something I desire. After the initial few weeks of nofap I already start to feel pretty low desptite avoiding all drugs, porn and frequent lifting. I may report my results in a few months, maybe even in the summer and share my then hopefully more educated oppinion on that matter. Of course, the best I hope for is spiritual benefits and powers but completely becoming a nintendo-switch-playing castrate cuck for it doesn't seem to good of a deal. Well, till then. And at least we can all agree on the fact that frequent masturbation is bad and the op of this thread can go fuck himself some more. This far I already know, if you do fap then you have to limit it to once a week or every two weeks or you only harm yourself.



What happens after a few weeks of celibacy is the "flatline". It's a period of time when you feel unmotivated and depressed that all people who on celibacy experience in some way. It usually lasts about a week or two. There is an explanation for it floating around in the community that it's your dopamine receptors recovering after years of jacking off regularly. Personally I don't believe in it, it has a couple of holes in it, if you consider the different reports of what people experience during this flatline.

Now the thing is that, the symptoms of a flatline are the same as the symptoms of a badly functioning sacral chakra. And I've experienced that pranayama breathing makes all these symptoms go away because you move the piled up sexual energy up your spine when you do it and it doesn't block up that chakra.

Here is the exercise


The thing about mike tyson is that if you watch any of his interviews, he doesn't put much faith into any of cus d'amato's more esoteric methods. He praises him mainly in how he taught him the techniques of boxing and lower tier psychology stuff like affirming to him that he's the best and etc…

Only recently did he even open up about how cus d'amato used to take him to a hypnotist often.

And if you try to more consciously observe life before and during celibacy, you'll see that semen retention is like the glue and the charger of all the self improvement principles you may be employing, like affirmations, visualisations, energy work, meditation, working out, reading, anything. It makes you progress at any area at a much faster pace and supplies you the motivation as well.



Why is it that everything Samael A. W. wrote is 90% fluff, 5% Christian nonsense, and 5% useful instructions. He's so happy writing pages and pages beating around the bush and basically just quoting from other sources



that's what all modern "teachers" do. None of them knows anything for themselves, yet they have the audacity to become gurus and brainwash other people with stuff they themselves merely store from other sources. That's what new-age is (and essentially new-tought before it), it's the age of the brainlet leading brainlet sheeps, the blind leading the blind. Never seen a genuine master, all the guys who seemed real masters have existed so far back in the past that it's impossible to tell if they were actual masters or not.

Because of this the whole spirituality and occult seems even more like a stupid meme and larp.


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That which fails should be doubted. That which consistently fails should be changed.

~Epyc Wynn


File: 6e04e98f7f323b3⋯.png (53.95 KB, 354x452, 177:226, epyc1s.png)

Masturbating has no downside to the clarity of your thoughts. If anything it balances out your soulless thoughts with thoughts tied to passion and pleasure. All logic and no pleasure makes Jack a dull boy.

~Epyc Wynn



I admit I got worse in a videogame i've been playing where you really need a sharp mind and reflexes and lots of attention after being celibate for over 3 weeks. That's also a part of what I meant with becoming slower. Passion is definetly going down, but I assume it is only the flatline effect and it will get better soon. No premature judgements, let's wait until I have at least 6 months under the belt before we speak out a judgement.

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