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I have recently read through the KJV and the Quran and a ton of other books (e.g. Essene Gospels, Pistis Sophia, all the books recommend on here, etc.) as well as talking whenever I get the chance to people from the various religions and listening to music related to each and getting a very good grasp on what unique message each religion emphasizes. One thing that you can't understand very well if you only study one religion (such as one you are born into or the first one you adopt) is what is special about your religion. To the ignorant each religion may seem, when very much generalized, to preach the same thing. This is not so. Rather each religion has much of the same teachings in common with each other but something especially emphasized in each. It's that 10% or so that is different for each religion that matters in evaluating what each religion is about and how they contrast.

The Message of Christianity

After reading the King James Bible and talking much with many Christians and immersing myself in Christianity this is what I have learned.

The unique message of Christianity is the grace of god, his love, and his salvation. Not by works will you be justified, not by anything human will you measure up to his greatness, but because he is a loving god he will save you. All that is required is your faith (in his power, his love, etc.). When you are saved your nature changes to be more Christ-like and you take on qualities or characteristics that align with the archetypal Christ. The Holy Spirit (one of the three parts of the Triune God) works within the believer for his salvation. This message makes perfect sense and is in line with a very high conception of God. It is also proof that the Christian religion is one of the more advanced ones.

Noteworthy as well is that after reading the KJV, The Stellar Man by John Baines makes more sense to me. When I had to read through the entirety of the old testament from start to finish it didn't really get good until Psalms and Proverbs and if the Old Testament had to stand by itself it really wouldn't be worth recommending for reading for others. It appears to me that Christ had to come to heal the mentality of the Jewish people who seem to be dominated by an egregore of their own creation that reflects their own sick mentality. The old testament does emphasize the beginnings of a monotheistic religion (the concept of a one god) and other important concepts such as his omnipotence but there is mixed into their concept of god things which below to a lower order, closer to the human sphere of desires and thought-activity. My current impression of the old testament god is one that is incomplete, an impure conception of God. With the coming of the Christ we have a more full and proper revelation of God. I hope I'm being fair in saying all this but that's how I feel about the Torah. It is not a surprise to me when we see all the trouble the Jews who rejected and continue to reject Christ create in the world because they are missing something very important.

Concerning "cultural Christianity" aka what the average Christian is like, I find most of them ignorant and deluded, but when one fails to understand the Bible the result usually isn't particularly harmful compared to the degenerated forms of most other religions. Christianity usually leads to an improvement in anyone who receives the message of Christ in any degree in fact. That is noteworthy to me.

In pointform:


>Justified by Faith not by Works


>The All, The One

>Salvation (of the Whole Man ?)

>Divine Love

>The Spirit Works Within You


The Message of Islam

After reading the Quran and trying to do it justice I do not have a favorable impression of Allah and his Prophet Mohammad. The Islamic Paradise caters to the desires of a warlord who practiced pederastry, polygamy, and was a pedophile. I was honestly hoping that groups like ISIS were just misinterpreting the Quran and perverting its message but actually they are spot on with following the teachings of the Prophet to the letter. The Quran emphasizes Jihad and specifically dying in combat as the quickest way to Heaven. There are large sections about how to manage your slaves, how to take care of the orphans (because so many men are dying in war there's a ton of orphans for them to take care of), how the Christians and the Jews are supposedly allies of each other and to be opposed. There is even a part where you get promised boys that never grow up that "serve you" (if you know what I mean) in the Islamic paradise. That whole thing with Arabs obsession with fucking little boys didn't come out of nowhere. There's lots of commentary also on the old testament and a bit on Jesus and Mary though it's very obvious that Mohammad minimizes, glosses over, and ignores the teachings of Christ. There are also parts in the Quran that justify Arabic Supremacy, basically the idea that Arabs are better and more favored than anyone else, even those who are converted to Islam but are not Arab. So anyone who converts to Islam and is not an Arab is a confirmed cuck. He also calls upon Muslims to kill and wage war with Christians and Jews.

I get the impression that Mohammad just wanted a lot of sex slaves and to kill his numerous enemies and be a big warlord so he picked out what parts in the scriptures he felt could justify him (taken out of context of course). It's like he wanted to go back to old testament times and repeat all the mistakes of the people of Israel.

Allah is called "the most merciful" and there are parts throughout the Quran where it says you can forgive people for their transgressions at any time. However it's also perfectly alright with Allah to chop off the hands of thieves and to apply various other very harsh punishments for everything. Allah also doesn't like it apparently if you so much as make the slightest sound of disapproval or contempt towards ones parents. The overall picture if of "severity" and that word "severe" is used a lot throughout the Quran as in "a severe punishment". Any mercy in the Quran is that of a tyrant who sometimes decides to spare a few people who resist him on a whim.

In the Quran there are a lot of laws. Instead of being given principles to live by you have many things spelt out for you similar to the laws given by Moses in the Old Testament. The laws cover everything from marriage and divorce, standards for testimony (how many witness you need etc. also btw the word of a woman is worth less than that of a man), laws concerning what you can do with your slaves, laws where you basically have to give tribute to Mohammad paying heavy taxes to him, etc. Sharia comes out of the Quran.

In pointform:





>Mercy (when you feel like it)

>Pederastry (boyfucking)


>Constant War

The nature of the Arab world today is an accurate reflection of the standards given in the Quran.


The World Stage

I like the willingness of Muslims to fight. The problem is the society which they would create is a hellish one characterized by oppression and degradation and also despite the claims of Muslims that their religion is a universal religion it would make everyone submissive to the Arabs. We can say that Christians are submitted to Israel and the Jews and that has certainly played out in the world with America being the goytoy of the Israelis and their foreign policy being entirely shaped by Israel. However I am not surprised AT ALL about the numerous times in history in which Christian nations expelled their Jews either. If one has actually read the Bible start to finish and has a good philosophical education to partner with that and can understand the Bible well, Christianity is essentially "anti-Semitic", a word I'd rather not use as it's such a bullshit term but I digress. The Jews are seen (rightly so) in Christianity as the people who rejected Christ and who failed God many times and who are being used by the Devil. Jesus the Christ had some conflicts with the Pharisees that you will read about in the New Testament. All you can say about the Bible to criticize it from a pagan nationalist perspective is that it's all centered around the people of Israel and their tribal history. You're learning a lot about the Jews and getting "Jewish Memes" in your mind instead of worshiping God through the perspective and context of your own ancestors. That is a valid point.

However, Christianity metaphysically speaking, contains a doctrine of very great value. The Epicureans and the Stoics are addressed in the Bible and the limits of mans knowledge are challenged. There is talk of "foolishness for Christ" in the Bible and the epistemology of the Christians I find humbling. It is very convincing and it is not a surprise to me that much of the Pagan world accepted the message of Christ without much resistance or conflict in the matter. Christian metaphysics and theology contains within it much to benefit the soul of man.


Animosity towards pagans

There is a lot of talk of burning down groves and killing idol worshipers and such in the Old Testament that will make any Pagan reading it rather nervous but I personally think much of these old religions died a natural death that always comes to any religion which mistakes the form for the essence. Naturally, mundane peoples who observe ritual and whose eyes (clairvoyance) is not properly open, end up creating a legalistic religion that is empty of essence and preserves only the outward forms. When a religion has reached this state it is time for it to die so that those people may be brought back to reality/god.

Alternatively, and highly probable in some cases as well, certain of the Pagan cults were actually functional and living religions in the sense they had an active egregore whom they were giving life to. In this sense I seem them as comparable with the people of the old testament. I reckon that they were so dominated by these egregores that it became limiting for them, an obstacle in their path towards the one true God. Imagine growing up and seeing the psychical phenomena created by your tribal egregore and then throwing reason and critical thought out the window because you are so awe-struck by its power that you lose sight of an even greater power that is more fundamental. It is said that the horizon is always man's limit. We've seen it all throughout the world, mundanes who haven't ever seen any of the higher phenomena before, who are then converted instantly to whatever doctrine that entity or people espouses in connection with their workings. In such cases it is necessary for someone like Moses to come along and challenge someone like Pharaoh. When your deities are blinding from the highest power they ought to be challenged and defeated, this is in accord with natural law, and divine justice.

Acceptance of pagans

On the other hand the Christians have preserved very much of the pagan world for us. We know that the days of the week, our holidays, and very much else has come down to us from our pagan ancestors. The works of the ancient Greeks such as Plato were preserved by people like Plotinus. In many ways our current tradition is an amalgamation of all that was good and worthy of the Pagan world with the added message of the Gospel. We Europeans sees a good and worthy idea and we adopt it regardless of its original source. What works — works, and what is outdated and useless we caste aside.


The Man Jesus

For me I personally find myself greatly in accord with the message of the New Testament but there is one apprehension I still must admit I have. I found my sensibilities offended by the notion of a Man-God. Christianity is not at all the first religion to have this, there is the Cult of Mithras for example, and there is the worship of Pharaoh as God, and so on. I still have to think more about how I am supposed to relate to and understand The Man Jesus. It is said he is without sin and it is said by many Christians that the way to god is only through Jesus. I can come to terms with that idea if we distinguish The Way from The Man. If a Christian says to me that I will come to God only through Jesus and they mean through the path or example or way of Jesus it makes sense to me, if they somehow want me to believe rather that I need the Person of Jesus as my saviour I am not sure what to make of that. I can't worship a Man, my love of God is for God only, and any religion or man which might make impure his message I must discern about. I am told to accept Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. If I were told instead to accept the Holy Spirit I have no problem with that. From what I understand about Jesus is that he was a man made great by the Holy Spirit. It is the Spirit which must work within me for my salvation.

I center my mind all the time on the qualities of god as described in The Kybalion. That is the original work which made me a theist. If I were to use symbolism for God it wouldn't be a man crucified upon a cross it would more likely be a big, open, empty room in which no idol is to be found. Contemplation of a void and its apparent potential as well as contemplation of natural law is more fitting for me.

I will admit however that without the Christian theology I would still be a believer in the demiurge or blind god with all the torments that came with that view of reality. It is through Christianity that I found the love of God and his justice (the very opposite of a blind and mechanical god). Maybe an empty room or void is sufficient to reveal much about god but Jesus reveals his love in a way that the aforementioned symbolism couldn't for me. I can't help then to say… thank you Christ for opening my heart.



The Hindu religion has many degenerate forms thanks to the limitations of the many inferior pajeet minds in India which can't comprehend the most high god and are stuck in idol worship. However the teachings of Swami Vivekananda and certain of the advanced sages of India I readily accept. Here is what is of especial worth and emphasis in Hindu thought:

>lots of meditations based on concentration, self-observation, etc.

>all paths leading to god (the various kinds of yoga)

>each is great in his own place

>the effects of causality on higher planes (karma)

>renunciation (putting aside the not self until you find god through negation)

>affirmation (I forget if this is the exact technical term, but it's a more difficult way to find god, via seeing god in everything)

>various metaphysical concepts like Indra's Net that are good metaphors for infinity

>tremendous respect for the guests of ones home

>clear understanding of the nature of forms

>change the nature of the man

There are many books they have. Hinduism is basically the collected traditions or teachings of India going back thousands of years. There is a lot of emphasis on asceticism and on addressing each aspect of one's life so that everything can then center around god.

Some ways Hinduism goes to shit are when they are too accepting of their place in life, the pacifism gets too much out of check, they get a bit too obsessed at times about dietary laws (the muslims and the jews do this too), and some of the paths to god (which they are accepting of all) are clearly not as efficient as might be hoped for. Besides this there are Hindus that spend too much time on siddhis and other matters that then become obstacles in the path. This is warned about however in their literature. It's not really a problem with the texts at all just a problem with humans in general.

It's a pretty alright religion but it might be said there are too many guruus and too many distractions. Of interest to me concerning Christianity is they have their Bible and it holds great authority for them, what is written in the bible takes precedence over any writings that are non-canoncial. If you are a Hindu you can be lost in the mire of so many teachings for such a long time. There is in India many false preachers. We can say the same about any other religion of course too but, and correct me if I am wrong, where in the Vedas or other foundational texts of Hinduism does it ever say their works are the word of God? Where do they claim authority?

There is I should say also a very pragmatic aspect in Hinduism and also Buddhism and the oriental philosophies in general in that all of them rather than telling you the truth will with-hold it from you and instead tell you the means by which you may ascertain the truth for yourself. So there is no receiving the truth and then rejecting it. Instead there is simply the way and the clear realization that comes from a systematic procedure that gives you insight. It is expected of you that you will practice and then you will attain insight. It is also generally recommended for the average person that they have a guruu who is supposed to keep you from falling into delusions of maya, who is there to keep you on the right path. The problem is as I mentioned before; too many false teachers. How it the aspirant then to find God when he is vulnerable and ignorant and can be led astray? At least the Christians can say about their Bible that it does not lead you astray and that you can return to the Bible again and again when you do go astray and find the light there again. Similar claims are made however about the Bhagavad Gita in which it is said the book is to be read and understood in a different light 7 times, each time a new light coming to that person who reads it, until the seventh and final conception comes to them.



The Buddha is highly acknowledged by Swami Vivekananda. Buddhism is very similar to Hinduism but it's a bit more pessimistic and also most forms of Buddhism aim at enlightenment without any deity worship. There isn't much talk of many personalities of God but it seems rather to be focused on the self or "not self".

From talking to various Buddhists however many are unenlightened retards and rather disappointing. Perhaps they don't spend enough time on contemplating the one true god and instead get too content with the meditations that are only to prepare the way, they never really getting onto the true path.


It's all about enlightenment through paradoxes. Building up beliefs and tearing them down, examining polarities. The ultimate taoists seems to be one who has fully realized the 4th hermetic axiom. It is a method of coming to reality or truth by constantly contradicting oneself and seeing through one's own bullshit.

How efficient this is I can't say. It seems like your average taoist doesn't go far enough to get to the stage of direct gnosis and open communication with the spirit.


Well if anyone has any questions about any books or religions I haven't really addressed here or any comment on what I've said I'll just wait for your feedback now before posting more. This is enough for me for now. This has taken me hours to write and I want to make another thread specifically about the trinity but I'll have to do that later.



First I just want to thank you for sharing what you learned. It was a good read.

>believer in the demiurge or blind god with all the torments that came with that view of reality

This is basically where I am at now. I am working through The Kybalion but I still see things through the lens of this depressing view that I am trapped in a planar prison with a cruel imperfect god. I'm on chapter 7 and what I have read so far has really resonated with me. I wonder a lot about these different religions in relation to Hermeticism. I have always had an interest in them but could never commit to anything having a kind of decision fatigue. Do you find any of these religions to be complementary to your beliefs? What you said about Jesus opening your heart, did that come about after reading the bible?


File: 97d7e9e4e3802df⋯.jpg (645.74 KB, 1362x1600, 681:800, Brahma.JPG)


>We can say the same about any other religion of course too but, and correct me if I am wrong, where in the Vedas or other foundational texts of Hinduism does it ever say their works are the word of God? Where do they claim authority?

IIRC the Mahabharata says that the Vedas were composed by Lord Brahma through the medium of Veda Vyasa, and a number of Puranas make the same claim. Brahma imparted the knowledge unto the Rishis, those very best of men who have ascended and beheld the truth of the words themselves- hence the term rishi or seer.


Wow you read a comic book good for you



Christianity is a highly spiritual teaching and thus esoteric. Jesus spoke of advanced spiritual concepts in the non-cannon gospels that ties into imagination, astral projection, reincarnation and manifestation. The religion in itself however is not enough to attain gnosis.

This Gnostic book will perhaps uncover some secrets of the bible:


I recommend a buffet of religions, dip your toes in many ponds. Then sit down and find yourself. Knowledge liberates.



Nah wasn't the Bible it was Christian theology that did that for me. I'm not sure if I had been exposed to the Bible first if it would have done it but probably not.

It was just a few lines in Basic Theology by Charles C. Ryrie that described the love of the father (a corrective love, and one that hates sin) that managed to make everything click for me that I had been grasping at for most my life but never able to bring into clarity. I also encountered around the same time some rantings of Molyneux about parental love where he was talking about making a child brush their teeth for the good of them but that was after the incident with the theology book.

I never had any of that in my life and couldn't even fathom it. I raised by people spewing Frankfurt cancer around me all my life and so empty love, blind love, really nothing but blind affinity I should say, stood in the place of actual love for me. To me love was just affinity that could be applied to anything.

Divine love is special and operates to in accord with the triune nature of all things to bring a thing into its state of perfection. The love of god can be described as that love which allows you to attain and to become the very object of perfection.

Something else I love about Christian theology is there is a love of that which is good (including perfection). There is none of the frankfurt / neomarxist ideas we see spammed everywhere that advocates the disgusting and unhealthy and unworthy. In Christianity the whole world is sin and the absolute standard of perfection is god and the Christian is to let the Christ work within him to bring him into that state of perfection and so you can see in the genuine Christian that his nature becomes very high and noble and sin hath no hold on him.






Ah I stand corrected then.

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