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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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What are you guys personal experiences that make you dislike the new-age type philosophies? I have experienced some gnosis but my gnosis was centered around the ultimate truth being infinite love and me being a servant to mankind in the name of ultimate love. The thing is I recognize maya, or samsara, which is the all the illusion in life but I also agree with the new age in that love is the ultimate answer and we are reincarnating souls. After writing this out I realized that asking for a path or answer and any answer I get would be an illusion but also super real. I guess there are infinite paths to God and whatever personalized spirituality I have is the perfect formula for me. I guess what I am trying to ask is do you guys think everything is alright in the long run? Do we live infinitely or is that even illusion and this is my ego being out of control? Or does it not matter at this current moment and that's all that matters, being a servant to love without worrying about the future?


OP here just got a synchronistic captcha, did you? Another question I have for more advanced occultists, how hard is leaving materialism? As hard as I make it, or what! Do I start by quitting everything slowly, any tips for quitting materialism (porn, lusting, bad food, tobacco, alcohol)? Thanks!



The demon destroys souls by any means. It's so seamless and all-pervasive, most people will only be able to observe its effects over a length of time. Honestly looking back on their course of life should inspire horror and pain, then maybe they can learn to see it in the present. Maybe not. It took a long time for me to really see it clearly because it would so seamlessly turn my thoughts away, and I'm especially cursed to seek it out. Only by using a written memory of my observations everyday did I learn to see it clearly.



I have noticed the "demon/demiurge/parasite/ego mind/unconcious" is what I am pinging in my head. On a subtle level I ask this piece of my mind for what to do, always when I am in a low vibrational state, and the thought that manifests comes from it



I just thought about it and I thinks it's because we are challenging the demon




I don't know about those other things. I only know it as subverting understanding and potential. Observing wasted life is the easiest means of observing it that I know of. It's very slippery, but can't cover the big trends unless a person has completely identified with its lies. Even observing time spent in a single day should scare people, and then they may hear it whisper its justifications.

I can't say which path is optimal for you. I see a real evil working on my people and marching its army of the darkened mind to my home. I suspect its intent is to darken all of this existence, and the souls trapped within, once more.

It is a great learning opportunity to fight this thing. What is a soul? How does it interface with the body? What is this demon? How does it interface with the body? How can I influence these things? Can I increase the strength of my soul? Can I decrease the influence of the demon? Can I more fully integrate my body with my soul to completely mitigate the demon? Where is God in this?


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Terry are you worthy to be the man who makes the temple? If you are, you must answer: Is this niggerlicious or is this divine intellect?

– God, as dictated by Terry A. Davis


Everything is bullshit written by somebody trying to manipulate others into creating the reality they want. The truth is you live for yourself and what you care about only. Justice is a good. Bill of rights makes sense and should be expanded. It's impossible to call anyone pure evil for killing when every country was built by murder. All this horoscope bullshit is hypnosis and if you go to deep you will become delusional. That's why we use surgery instead of chanting when somebody was in a car accident. There are some trials you can have but once you see it's all just mindless chaos you can never go back to relying on imaginary friends again. You are on your own an only you can create justice. Earth is a prison and pretty fuckint retarded. The final form of society is libertarian socialism, empathy, but freedom and voluntary partnerships. Ai could replace workers. Blah blah go do something useful you stupid fuck .

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