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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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Let me start this post by asking you a question; what are some basic universal signs of magick? If you asked a person on the street to describe what a magickal item might look like what do you think they would say? Something I'm sure would turn up often is a "glow". Certainly everyone has seen a cartoon or movie, or read a book that features magick, and has seen the glowing of the spells, or enchantments. Even in my work, and I am sure many of your's, light is utilized to power or effect things. Look in history, and religions, and around mentions of magick will always be mentions of strange lights.

To diverge for a moment, let me ask you another question; what causes diseases in the human mind and body? There are a range of answers to that and wont be spending anytime exploring the different possibilities, but rather would like to posit a definition for the rest of my post. Disease and dishealth in the human body is a symptom of a lack of balance. What exactly that balance is, and even what the scale is to weigh it, is up to debate, but I hope all of us can agree to my definition.

Now, what class of items has the classical magickal trait of glowing, and causes all sorts of diseases? The answer im talking about is Radioactive items.

Think about this for a second. It is so obvious, it has been right under our noses the whole time. Radioactive items could be the single most magickly power tool humans as a species have found. Im not going to waste any more time trying to define my terms and am going to speak much more candidly now for times sake. My word isn't law, lets not split hairs with my definitions here and try to look at the bigger picture.

What is magick? Potential. What is one of the strongest energy sources mankind has at it's disposal? Nuclear energy. Notice how you never hear anyone complain about nuclear energy because it doesnt work? It's always because it is dangerous.


Radioactive items give off so much energy it overwhelms the human system. We don't know how to deal with such a huge influx. It sits on us and that imbalance builds. Disease comes. We die.

We can build machines that know how to handle Radioactive elements and even use them to our benefit. It can power our entire planet, or destroy it. Both with ease. Imagine what we could do with this given the impetus. If we could only translate it's energy into something else…

Think Uranium powered enchantment machines. Plutonium powered divination mirrors. In Liber Null and Psychonaut the author says "It is in the interests of the survival of the species that occultists continue to ridicule and discredit their own arts in the eyes of orthodox science", and while I agree with the sentiment, I do not believe we need to uphold the utmost of secrecy. Sure mankind uses the most power magickal items on the planet to scare each other with giant metal penises but things change. The future is a very long place. We are the new generation or humans, and so shall our children, and our children's children. If we want anything to change we have to start doing that NOW. Even if you believe it is not possible in your natural lifetime, we live on in our children but thats an entire post for a different time

I was thinking about this earlier and knew I had to share and get some other peoples opinion on it.

Also apparently Eris likes to refer to Earth as a big planter


Sorry for the typos! I can't find the edit post option, I havent been on here in a while.



There's an article with some Dr. Hashirama just researching techniques to use this in a private facility, but I read that many years ago somewhere in a magazine.

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