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Esoteric Wizardry


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Alright /fringe/, I don't want to have 3 stickies since it's retarded and occupies too much space, but this is important, even if you live outside the US.
This also can endanger the very existence of the 8chan and freedomboard.

NOTE: This isn't fringe wizard related, but it affects us all, so I'll have it here for some time.

It's also worth noting how TPB (The Pirate Bay) got taken down 2 days before today.

>Bill passed on Dec. 11 (today)
>Dec 11


From /pol/ thread >>>/pol/532001

Congress has quietly passed an Intelligence Authorization Bill that includes warrantless forfeiture of private communications to local law enforcement.

Representative Justin Amash unsuccessfully attempted a late bid to oppose the bill, which passed 325-100.

GOP rep attempted late bid to kill spy bill

One of the biggest thorns in the side of the country’s intelligence agencies attempted to mount an eleventh-hour bid to kill the spies’ funding bill on Wednesday.


Amash's Facebook Post:

When I learned that the Intelligence Authorization Act for FY 2015 was being rushed to the floor for a vote—with little debate and only a voice vote expected (i.e., simply declared "passed" with almost nobody in the room)—I asked my legislative staff to quickly review the bill for unusual language. What they discovered is one of the most egregious sections of law I've encountered during my time as a representative: It grants the executive branch virtually unlimited access to the communications of every American.
Post last edited at 2014-12-11 23:18:41


TPB being taken down isn't that big of a deal as it happened before and will most likely come back online within the next month and kickass torrents will be a suitable replacement in the meantime.

This new bill seems much more important, is there any uproar from the mundanes or has it eluded the attention of every non chan browser?

Now would be an excellent time to post a quick telepathy tutorial and a signed picture of our target.


>TPB isnt big deal
Yeah, I forgot it was taken down many times before…

As for uproars I don't know much about that… thus far the /pol/ thread seems to be still very active.

>Now would be an excellent time to post a quick telepathy tutorial and a signed picture of our target.

Good idea, /fringe/ would surely appreciate this.



What would be the point of telepathy if the bill already passed?



Answering my own question:
>The bill passed the Senate earlier this week and is now on its way to President Obama.

Looks like we all need to telepathically suggest Obama veto this bill.


The means of telepathy are universal, and it would be of enormous help in case of happenings that derive from this event.

Like >>12713 we could suggest oboongo to veto this shit (although I doubt the elites that control him would simply let this happen)


You have no respect for the free actions of others. You ignore the boundaries of others or attack them. You are not one those seeking joy should style themselves after.


Not him but if it's a menace to our freedom, it's nothing more than self-defence.



Do I even feel the need to protect the mundanes when they don't care to look out for themselves? What is the benefit for me to use up my already limited energy to people who have chosen their oppressor?

It is tiresome
It is bothersome


It's waste to try to help everyone, as you can't really help people grow and make good choices, (you will either break their freewill, or they are just not ready to adopt what you teach). Humankind is not going to ascend in thousands of years. Best we can do is to ascend ourselves and then work behind the scenes. It's no use for us to stay here and try to convince humans on higher truths, especially when half of them don't even have a spirit to begin with!

For now, it's no use.

I would support the attempt to use telepathy. This breaks against OUR freewill, so we can defend ourselves. It's unfortunate, but we can't just let ourselves to be stomped on.


Although we could try to affect Obama, would it be possible to affect the masses through telepathy?

Many anons here like myself aren't from the US but it shouldn't matter.

If we split into groups that get assigned certain states to rile up the masses against this shit we could cause a big enough uproar to stop this.

This is pure theory, I don't know enough about telepathy and would like someone's input on this.


When you use your energy for the benefit of all things rather than self a certainty and identity is derived which is present regardless of circumstance.



Mundane pls. Best you can do is lend your loosh to a trained wizard.


I am not sure how I feel about this. Are we going to soon be apprehended and contained just for posting about things like this?

The government is already tyrannical via the "dark government" AKA fucking Jews with a lot of money who buy out the laws, the people, the medical system, and every other god damned thing in reality that big money can pay for (as if they need to use their money for THINGS, they just get THOSE handed to them).

I feel that soon enough we will be floating about in a wasteland of voluntarily slavery being labelled as freedom-constrictors and safety-invaders by those who control things, and those who choose to see nothing but their TV and computer screens will know how to do nothing but mindlessly agree with them because they're perfectly comfortable staring at a screen while their fellow humans in Africa die of Ebola and starvation.

Get ready, brothers, something is happening.

Obama needs to be impeached, but Congress is the one making these decisions… so does it really matter in the end? There seems to be no use in attempting to spread the light of these events.

Posting this information on social networks does virtually nothing, seeing as most people on social networks are there to read about their friend's relationship or share photos or write statuses with their sense of humor borrowed from Tumblr or 4chan.

Are we ever going to wake up, brothers? Ever?


Is it possible to know the exact date of Obama's signature?


>NOTE: This isn't fringe wizard related, but it affects us all, so I'll have it here for some time.
But I'm not American and the government already spies on me



Oops, thought I was on /pol/ for a second.


There's always hope, Anon. By spreading this shit we can at least inform people of this happening and they should react, even if most do nothing about it.

Obongo hasn't signed this yet, but he will.

I'm not a burger either, but this still affects us all. They can start confiscating servers of anything hosted in the US under mere suspicion.
Post last edited at 2014-12-12 20:13:19


Your Point Being ? ? ?


Full communism is taking place in America.. fuck the kikes

Even libertarianism is better than this. I at least want privacy jesus fuck what's so bad online?


Can we just take this down now?

We don't need this stickied.


Unstickied, there aren't that many of us on /fringe/, and nobody is interested in doing anything about this. Just go spread information about it on /pol/ or other places and coordinate your redpilling efforts in here. Jews are going to have things their way one way or another.

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