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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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I've been on the path to knowledge for 21 years.

Initiated and taught by my extremistic master for 13 years every day.

I know something or at least have insight on any possible subject.

So come and challenge my ways. Ask away! No matter what!

I take critique and learn too if you tell your ways.

So, all-topic discussion and answers to anything!

With Mër ~


What doth life


Any tips for emotional body integration? I'm getting along reasonably well so far, but I've seen a lot of widely varying information, so maybe you'll have something useful to add.


The one question that has plagued thinkers for all time…



What life does.. Life utterly enchants all of it's observers and makes them learn and grow and become eager to gather knowledge and such experience to be brought back to the core of all essence to be rearranged as a new kind of life, in it's most simplistic way of description, i think.


Can you describe is it part/s of your body that you have hard time accepting? If it's for general completion of loving your physical being, i have just few things that are crucial.

-Anima/Animus balance.

Have yourself appreciate and thus accept both sides and their respective features of the body and the characteristic signs of male and female behaviour in you.

Total emotional integration of the body and the mind of it's features and behaviour would create self-healing effect that could even sprout anti-aging and similar immortality feats.

But to accept a certain feature, just describe the issue.



And to clarify, Immortality through appreciation of body:

Also it would take massive amounts of appreciation and that all to be healthy appreciation in a world full of sickness?

Not good. You could end up as a guinea pig for some government in the worst case scenario.




That's not what emotional body integration is. When you go through strong emotions that aren't fully expressed (like if you're molested as a child and you repress it), you get splits in the emotional body, and then you have to re-experience repressed emotions in order to reintegrate. Have you ever heard of samskaras? Similar concept. Samskaras are scars on the emotional body from intense emotional experiences during previous lives. The difficulty and confusion comes when figuring out how to bring these experiences back from the subconscious. There are a lot of different methods of varying usefulness. I wondered if you'd done anything like this.

By the way, that other poster was referencing a TV show and they weren't being serious



A while back i had a serious problem drinking habit and ended up going to a psych ward to not to drink myself to death. Bad times. There i had a great opportunity to sober up. I think that is very important for the feelings to integrate cleanly from the subconscious. Also in a stress-free situation that has a fair amount of continuation, there, i experienced complete integration of all my personas/splits/soul splinters/alters/samskaras.

As far as i've studied dissociation and the splitting of personas, there's two ways of healing.


Bigger and beneficial parts of the psyche/soul join the core persona and make up a more whole person.



Personas***etc that are unbeneficial, too insignificant or similarly not needed to corporate into the main core persona tend to expire/destroy in short-termed personal crisis states of the mind.

I achieved total completion possibly only because of the conditions of safe environment, stable eating schedule, social conflict and contact in the ward with other patients, soberness, etc.

I got a whole lot of myself together, but relapsed back into my old loops when i was released, still retaining most of the integrated parts though.

The expiration is a short-lived, but painful experience but integration happens mostly unknowingly.

Basically the trauma-induced splinters are stored in the brain/body/soul and can be reconstituted only through medical care as i can imagine.

A lot of meditation in introspection and healthy lifestyles can make a difference too, only that most of soul-broken people tend to not be capable of sustaining such lifestyles in the daily life.

That's my experience.



I have never had to care about handling my personas, possibly because i have a life-history of being programmed multiple. A mk ultra operative so to speak. So that has been taken care for me throughout my life.

Total beforehand acceptance of what may be inside the traumas, as bad and horrible and crazy they may be can and will help the unconscious give itself the permission to release the memories, emotions etc. though.



So have no fear of anything.

First rule of magic as well.


Would you, in your own words, describe "will" and/or "willpower" to a person gaining familiarity with magick?



I want to risk everything in order to get what 'I want'. What should I do?


▶Rasputin 0 - Anonymous 12/31/18 (Mon) 13:09:16 No.127121[Watch Thread][Show All Posts]

Rasputin has been reported as an occult master with insane powers of psychic manipulation and control. His gaze was so feared that he could send commands to anyone just by looking at them with intent. Can anyone comment on how he was able to do this? Did he do any type of special practice?



I have a challenge for you. Try to explain this passage…

"For instance, take a man who has no knowledge of shaktipat: he too can practice a little bit of

shaktipat with the help of body magnetism. But he has no knowledge of the other six bodies within.

The body has its own magnetic force. If arrangements are made through some situation you can

be made to receive shocks through it. This is why the meditator in ancient times was careful about

which direction to keep the head when sleeping. He would not put his head in a certain direction or

his feet in a certain direction.

The earth has its magnetic force and the meditator is always mindful to be properly aligned with it

so that he is constantly magnetized by it. If you sleep at an angle to this force your body magnetism

becomes less. If you lie in the direction of the current, the force which gives the earth its magnetism

and which forms the earth’s axis will also magnetize your own body magnet. It fills your body with

the magnetic force in the same way that a piece of iron is magnetized by placing it in front of a

magnet. After becoming magnetized it will begin to draw smaller objects like pins and needles.

So the body has its own magnetic force. If it can be properly aligned with the magnetic force of the

earth it is very beneficial. The stars too have magnetic forces. On special occasions certain stars

are particularly magnetic. This can be verified; we have all the necessary information. So if you are

in a particular state seated in a particular posture at a certain special moment, a particular star will

cause your body to become especially magnetized. Then you can give magnetic shocks to anyone

and they can take it for shaktipat. But it is not shaktipat. The body has its own electricity. If this is

produced in a proper way you can light a bulb of five to ten watts by merely holding it in your hand.

These experiments have been successful. There are people who just hold the bulb in the palm of

their hand and it is lighted. But the energy within the body is infinitely more.

You take energy from the food you eat and this energy charges the batteries in your body. Therefore,

many times you feel the necessity to recharge the batteries. A man is tired and spent by the evening.

A good night’s rest recharges him. However, he does not know what it is that recharges him in sleep.

During sleep some influences are at work upon him. Much psychic research has been done and we know what kind of forces work on him in sleep. If a man wishes he can take advantage of these

influences in the waking state. Then he is capable of giving you energy shocks that are not even

magnetic but which are of the body electricity. You can mistake this for shaktipat. There are many other ways of pseudo shaktipat that are equally false. They are in no way connected

with the actual transmission of divine energy. If a person has no knowledge of body magnetism, of

body electricity, but he knows the secret of breaking the electric circuit of your body, he can give you

energy shocks then too. There are many ways of breaking your body’s electrical circuit, and when

this is disturbed you receive a shock. Nothing comes from the other person toward you but you feel

the shock. It is the shock of your own body electricity which has been disturbed."

I was particularly curious about the last paragraph. I understand how body electricity and magnetism work (sort of), but it makes no sense how you can disrupt someones elses body electricity without sending them any thing…



Chop wood, carry water.

It's the individuals' firmest decision to overcome their comfort zones and physical/psychological/spiritual limits without an exact "need" or a "have to".

In essence, a decision.


Think about it very, very carefully and consider thrice. And once more. Sounds like a terribly absolute choice to make that kind of decision in any case. Consider thoroughly.


As far as i know, Rasputin was an orthodox monk from Siberia and extremely gifted probably through reincarnation and probably some technique he learned too well in the monastery, which caused him to be kicked out of there and seek his future in the city.

There are probably not many of those with abilities like his, but he was most probably very ascetic, stoic and devoted to his practices and read more and worked more than others.

In essence it's just mind power he had cultivated to the extreme, with extreme training.



For he does not give, but takes instead.

If you build a watering slide in your garden from bamboo halves and take one piece off the watering rail, the water flows to the ground and not on the flowers and they wither and die.



ok, but is Rasputin the most powerful man who ever lived (from a spritual energy/mind power standpoint)? It seemed that no one else had the powers he did, what do you think? Who in history has possessed the greatest mental powers? and how did they get them



prove it



I'd guess, not the most powerful, but certainly very well known and documented, which is rare to start with.

Most gifted people i think keep their abilities hidden or are hired by governments around the world in complete silence.


Your comment doesn't quite meet the ends needs for this thread.




Can you take a look at the larger passage ive posted above? If you dont want to read it I can summarize: It basically postulates that using a secret method one can disturb the energy field of another thus giving him an electric shock. Can you explain more about this? Read my larger post for more details on the question.

I think its basically about bioelectricity



Yes, i read it.

Let me put it simple:

The true master (in this case) of their own bioenergy field doesn't send an electric shock (which is more of an emotional sensation, positive or negative, than an actual electroshock), but rather cuts their own flow off from a part of their soul and draws the extra energy from the victim, creating an empty space in their system, like for arms length which when fills up on itself in a second or half, creates a sensation of shock and exhaustion, when the energy flows filling the empty space collide inside the body.



Actually making room for energy in yourself and forcibly transferring every third nadi's worth of energy from another person's body evenly and simultaneously can knock even big men unconscious, leaving them in complete exhaustion for hours.



Also it can purely refer to the imaginative uses of spiritual energy a master of the arts can demonstrate, unlike a trainee who are more concerned about doing everything by the book.


The purely spiritual effect of sheer will, and not bioenergy at all.


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I've done it before and I'm not even a master. I'm not even sure of the precise mechanisms as to why it works. It could be sub conscious transference that starts with conscious choice, which then sends an energy vector into the collective unconscious, which then flows up into the individuals sub conscious causing and electric shock when unblocking a pathway. I did it to a black woman before, and she visibly tremored and openly stated that a jolt went up her back and spine and she wasn't quite sure why.

Honestly I'm not 100% aware on how I do any of this interpersonal stuff. I just enjoy focusing on and removing energy blocks that I sense anywhere in my field of consciousness by pushing through them with the final syllable and body movement of my expressions. It's like I feel a build up with my words and hit hard with the final note. I've been naturally drawn to behaving like that because it seems to make more of a difference in my social environment.

On a side note, it's astonishing how unaware others are of their own behavior. I catch them dropping Freudian slips that they themselves don't notice all the time. I'm starting to believe they're not actually fully conscious of the present.



They could consider the slip a blockage they they've chucked up like food in the throat with a heimlich.



They could, and now I certainly do because it makes sense, but they don't even notice that theyve made a Freudian slip. It's like they don't notice themselves talking.



Hmm thats very interesting. can you tell me more about this technique? what is the actual process to do this and knock someone out?



is the spiritual effect of sheer will capable of knocking someone out or giving them electric shocks? how does that work? does the energy come from the will center into the other person??



I assume the process is different for each situation because it has to do with the handshake that occurs between the individual and the collective unconscious. That handshake has a nearly unfathomable amount of variables. I doubt anyone could use it consistently without decades of practice and a permanent, and probably negative, alteration of the self. You'd have to master being a creepy fuck.



They just haven't learned the "make a joke out of your own freudian slip" technique. Are your friends sleep deprived?



You, sir, are a good man.

May your will to light up your world reflect unto you and make you wise and strong.



Exactly that. Being a creepy fuck on the other hand is a quality of so many people. There is no Yin without Yang.

Personally i want to be able to heal as well as injure with the capabilities of the spirit.

About freudian slip. Keep your change. I don't need it.




ok, im just asking you about injuring at the moment :)

particularly the technique mentioned where you transfer every third nadis energy and knock them out. This question was meant for the one who created this post, because he mentioned this technique



can you tell me about the third nadi energy removal thing?


How do I fireball?



I need to know how to enter that void-state where you're just awareness and able to percieve in all directions. I've had it happen randomly a few times with what feels like an energy vortex rushing my head just prior to entering the state. Thanks m8


I have dreams that physically hurt me. Usually I see some entity that I feel trying to force it’s way inside my mind.. i physically tense my body and the dream is often followed by sleep paralysis. I’m afraid to sleep sometimes.



It's advanced propio-perception or whatever the word is. Develop your sense of space and distance. Try to develop your sense of the environment's space in front of, beside and behind you. In other words, focus on developing it consciously, and after enough effort you'll be good enough at it you can just meditate and do it.

Always test your awareness of distance, space, objects in the environment, the speed things are going, etc. Develop your perceptual dexterity and precision. How far is your back from the wall? Who is where in the restaurant you're sitting in without looking? Can you 'hear' the distance of the wall in front of you (echo location) ?

If you can do it actively you can do it passively.



My eyesight is going to shit even with the fucking screen right as close as possible everything is blurred I can barely read. At this rate I will eventually have to give up reading if this continues to progress because it'll be too much strain to try and see the letters.

I have a lot of possible questions I can ask you but I would like to start with; what ARE the most important questions I should be asking?



> - Are you farsighted or nearsighted?

> - How long has your eyesight gone to shit?

> - How fast did it take to go to shit?

> - Can you move your eyes on your own? As in moving your eyes without moving your head, if yes, how do they feel when you move them?

> - Do you have prescription glasses or contacts that you're wearing?

Less importantly

> - What is the average distance you look at things for most of the day?

> - How do your eyes feel right now?



Nearsighted also the left eye is more fucked than the other.

>> - How long has your eyesight gone to shit?

It's been slowly progressing over a decade but it never gets better only worse.

>> - Can you move your eyes on your own? As in moving your eyes without moving your head, if yes, how do they feel when you move them?

Yes. Feels strained.

>> - Do you have prescription glasses or contacts that you're wearing?

Polarized glasses.

>> - What is the average distance you look at things for most of the day?

I would prefer to look at things at arms length at the very least but now it has to be elbows length.

>> - How do your eyes feel right now?

Worse than usual.



sounds like what I'm dealing with, but shittons worse. When I look at something for a while sometimes my right eye goes lazy on me, particularly when looking at things that are close.

Does your left eye go lazy on you if you stare at something long enough?



I don't know what it means for an eye to "go lazy"?

I know that sometimes when I'm wearing my glasses, my focus spontaneously shifts, to where I am focusing on what is in front of me as if I didn't have glasses on, so things appear blurry until I take the glasses off.

Is that to do with lazy eye?



Lazy Eye is exactly what I'm talking about when I say my eye "goes lazy". I notice this when I look at a mirror very close. When I stare at a mirror at body-height-distance, it doesn't happen.

Typical lazy eye problems are a brain problem. In my case, it's due to muscle overuse (nearsightedness, and staring at close stuff all day.)



Really? So maybe the problem isn't in my eyes and not in my brain? I found out that a problem I thought was in my elbow was actually in my shoulder, and another time that a problem that seemed to be in my knee, actually started at the hip. Until I knew these things, I couldn't cure the problems, as I kept trying to use magick on the parts of my body that didn't even need it.

Maybe I could correct my eyesight by focusing on portions of my brain? I have a very strong capacity to center my awareness in any part of the body. Where should I focus?



I would say right behind your eyes if you really want to try that out. Really, the problem with your eyes may a physical thing. If you want, you can make a thread on /fit/ about this, it's a slow board but threads will be on there for at least a few months, and you may get some replies.

My exercises that I use to help with my eyes are as follows:

>"scanning" exercises, you do these without moving your head at all. Look all the way left, then as slowly as possible if comfortable, look from left to right, Then right to left, do it all without moving your head. five times a day should be a good start, then go to ten if more comfortable. If you want, you do this exercise in another manner by rotate your eyes clockwise one motion, then counter-clockwise another.

>Spend at least five minutes every now and then, looking at something that is as far away from you as possible. If you have a busy day, try to plan it out and do this for a longer period of time. The more often you do this the better.

>take your index fingers and massage the hard area around your eyes. do it slow and press firm enough so that it gets that "hurts so good" but not the "oh god what the fuck" pain. If the massage is too uncomfortable for you, ease up, take it slow.

>get in the habit of better tongue posture. People call it mewing because a doctor with the name last name mew rediscovered this, but really it's just tongue posture. The basic idea is to try and suction-cup the whole of your tongue to the roof of your mouth, keep it this while throughout the day if you're not eating, drinking or talking, this will help a whole load of sinus issues too, but your eyesight will benefit from this too.



Ah I had already learned these things long ago. I think they're more preventative than anything. Mouthbreathing seriously ruined my life.



how do i stop letting my thoughts control me, i've tried different techniques for calming my mind and not feeding every thoughtform in my head but it only ever seems to work for a day before they return again.

how do i separate myself from these things, they feel like they're coming from myself but they shouldn't be.



i would also like to add that there's not a lot keeping me from ending it all anymore, i still want to keep trying but every day feels like torture with only glimpses of happyness.


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==How does one "judge with righteous judgment"?


I have a question

I recently met someone and we both have this feeling of strong conectivity. Looking at her i sometimes feel like i remember a memory wich is not mine. I cant stop think about that we have known each other in a previous live. I also seem to understand her way better i've ever been able to understand anyone, i mean if she says something i seem to sometimes know exactly why she says it and where that tought comes from.

Any toughts on this?

And my actual question: does anybody have experience in finding the source of a connection or finding out about your previous lives?

Appreciate your help


What's everyone think of Dean Radin?

Specifically, supposedly he was able to prove that conscious attention in some way interacts with matter by quantum phenomena.

The experiment seems legit (I'm no scientist), and I couldn't find anybody debunking that particular experiment, nor did I find any replications.

Video- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nRSBaq3vAeY



I'll be happy to challenge you, and you can change my life by doing this. It's very simple.

I've written a random word and a symbol on a piece of paper. I put the paper in a desk drawer. Without any hints simply describe what's written on the paper.


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Please tell me everything you know about the 144,000?


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Chamber Of Light wants you.

DizzyC0rd : BKJC8ss


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Here's what my teacher, Swami Satchidanand, has written about this:

For thousands of years Yogis and Masters of Meditation have been talking about integration.

With integration comes all the benefits of a one pointed and focused mind, leading to higher ability and achievement, Higher Intelligence, Intellect, Emotional IQ, Communication, Creativity and Will Power.

As well as the integration of the energy centers of the body, the chakras through the removal of energy blockages, there is also an incredible integration of the separated selves, both of which come about through meditation.

Yogic theory says that your mind is like a distributed or parallel processing computer with many energy blockages, ego programs and sub-personalities wandering around in it. Ghosts in the Machine!

This is the reason why people are inconsistent, they tend to change their minds!

Now this is interesting, the idea, the theory that we are a collection of sub-personalities and in this work of integration, we are aiming to make one of the sub-personalities the strongest by absorbing and integrating all the lesser sub-personalities into it.

One strong integrated personality is more decisive and more successful than a hundred weak and aimless sub-personalities.

The first step in the process of integration is simply to examine the theory and literature on sub-personalities and then start to spot and notice the effects of sub-personalities in the people around you.

1. First we have the literature on Sub-personalities. As well as the psychological books detailing abnormal multiple personalitied people, we also have literature on the softer and more normal symptoms of the pervasive nature of sub-personalities in everyone. 17

a. Paracelsus von Hohenheim (1490-1541) was the outstanding medical therapist of his time and, perhaps, the greatest mystic in the history of Western medicine. He devoted his life to research in the healing arts. Paracelsus visited Constantinople to acquaint himself with the secret practices of the Dervishes and the Sufis.

The invisible progeny of man include thought-forms and emotion- forms. These are like infants or inner children, especially in their beginnings, for they depend upon their creator for their nutrition and survival. Paracelsus noted that most elementaries or sub- personalities seem to be of an evil or destructive nature. They are generated from the excesses of human thought and emotion, the corruption of character, or the degeneration of faculties and powers which should be used in other, more constructive ways….

b. Gurdjieff "The person who says he will get up at 5 in the morning, is not the same person who throws the alarm clock out of the window!" Addictive and negative sub-personalities were part of the Gurdjieffian teaching, The Work, and indeed Gurdjieff cured many people of their most distressing symptoms.

"One of the basic principles explains the many and varied I's in a man. The unawakened man is not a unified person. He has dozens of selves within him, each falsely calling itself "me". The many I's within a man explains many mysteries about human nature. For example, a man decides to give up an undesirable habit, but the next day he repeats it again. Why? Because another entitiy sub personality, I, has taken over, an energy blockage that likes the habit and has no intention of giving it up."

c. Eric Berne of Transactional Analysis, and his book, "The Games People Play". Forty years ago, Games People Play revolutionized our understanding of what really goes on during our most basic social interactions. More than five million copies later, Dr. Eric Bernes classic is as astonishing and revealing as it was on the day it was first published.

d. Jung, and his Archetypal sub-personalities.

e. Dame Alexandra-Neel worked with sub-personalities and Thought-Forms in Tibet and reported on her experiences in her autobiography.

f. Hubbard - those beings or entities, energy blockages or "body thetans" ("BTs") that are located in the body or around the body are inhabiting various things, like a body part - a bone, arm, cell, or they are a particular sub-personality, or condition, such as "TV watcher," or "fear," or "worker," or "solitary angry man," and so on. 18

"People get confused as to who they are and who they are not. A person hears these voices or feels desires, and so on, and thinks he is the source of them. Yet, you are not necessarily the originator of these thoughts or impulses. So, by identifying who is the source of these vocalizations or impulses and spotting where it is located and removing it, you are freed to think for yourself."

g. Many philosophers, including George Santayana and David Hume, have also observed how a person switches constantly from one I to another.


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(Continued from above:)

2. Sub-personalities in people are created to make them weaker. The younger we are, the more we are affected by physical and emotional shocks to the system, traumas which create negative emotions, anger and sadness are caused by energy blockages. These traumas split off the ego programs into Inner Children Sub- Personalities who sabotage your life thereafter.

3. Then we have the symptoms of sub-personalities in all people. The inner child archetypes of the attention seeking energy vampires, - the poor me, the violator, the selfish competitive star, the seducer, the tyrant, the pleaser, the critic and many more games that people play, which have been written about in many articles.

4. Then we have the advanced meditational technology to integrate the sub-personalities and become more creative and successful. And even meditation is not enough, now we need real Meditative Progress, a Speeding up of the Process of Meditation through Advanced Meditational Techniques.

The Kundalini Kriyas, the Grounding of Negative Energies, Opening the Heart Center, Soul Fusion and the Seven Step Process will integrate you and give real results of Integration - evolution, coherence, alignment and progress in our lives and in the lives of everyone in the World, FAST!!

Meditation and Energy Enhancement which teaches Twenty Seven Ancient and Effective techniques Beyond Simple Meditation to Speed Up the Meditative Process will progressively increase Energy, Intelligence and Will.



You may find the above interesting and relevant.

My tip for emotional body integration (once the blockages and subpersonalities have been cleared out, and the associated negativity has been drained to center of the earth):

Fill your body completely with electric, cobalt blue light. Best done in deep meditation/trance. The emotional body resonates with this color and it will help soothe, fill in any gaps, and integrate it.

Stay that way for 5-15 mins, repeat as needed.

PDF attached is probably more relevant.

In case it's not clear, Energy Enhancement has the techniques to do this properly. This is something my teacher has synthesized from everything he learned and researched, and I do it pretty much on a daily basis, any time I find one.

You may be surprised to learn that the # of sub-personalities, personas, that have taken up residence inside you is in the hundreds or thousands. Some are much more significant and others are minor, perhaps even to be considered negative thoughtforms vs. true soul splits.


The above is why the Freudian slips occur. A lot is hidden in the shadow, and you are correct that often people do not realize what they say or do. Hence, the necessity for the above-mentioned integration for yourself.


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Warts are commonly associated with witches. (Most) Warts are caused by HPV, the Human papillomavirus. I did not know until recently this is what it looks like under a microscope (with different parts colored).

After seeing this, I was brought to wonder "Was HPV made by a magus, either on purpose or by accident?"


Why can we summon demons but not Angels? Why is there such a stigma/caution against this?




Most viruses and common problems of the like (candida->cancer, HIV, HPV, hepatitis, Lyme disease, other parasites) are definitely created by the dark forces to keep us sick and lacking vitality, so we aren't able to develop spiritually.

That way we continue feeding the black magicians our energy. Most of these things are designed to work hand-in-hand with implant blockages.

Learn about implants, and how to remove them.

"If you have not been informed about implant addiction blockages then you too are a slave." -Satchidanand



thank you, this is exactly what I was looking for


What is the best way to turn myself into a beautiful woman?


If I die, should I carry a gold coin to pay the reaper, or is that just dead religion


What can I do to ensure godhood after I die, or at least escape reincarnation and keep my individuality?





is this a new meme


well you see ive been practising for years ive achieved quite a bit but i cant do it on command only from deep trance

so like dude spit up the secret to physical manifestation already


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Though I view this as largely useless in the grander scheme of things, the secret is this:

You have lots of things in the subconscious that block you from manifestation, because the whole you is fragmented. Meaning, you have inner children/soul splits, oaths, vows, contracts, and perhaps even ancestral beliefs that are going against the things you want to manifest.

Even if you, one time, go into trance and cast a spell or intention, as soon as you go back to waking state, your subconscious is now fighting against that very thing you want to will into existence.

Imagine 1-10 Yes votes, depending on your willpower and concentration vs. 100s of No votes coming from your subconscious.

Long story short, clean up your subconscious, and you'll find much greater success in manifestation.

What I would suggest in the bigger picture, is to open up your heart chakra more, and focus on getting aligned with all the amazing things which are meant for you, rather than trying to force the thing you want right now.

Oftentimes the things we desire in the moment are basically settling for less compared to what we could actually have.

Since this isn't my thread I'm going to bow out, will start my own soon, and also check in on the question thread.


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You're welcome.

(meme related)



hi, was wondering if you knew any common materials/things that embody the element air excluding feathers, pumice. actual air and smoke?



I'm not him but I can give you a few suggestions for each element.

Fire: Hammers, tools, wands, controllers (debatable), Essential oils.

Water: Bowls, bottles, cups, chalices, clay (soft) strong booze,

Air: Blades of any kind, books, paper that has been written on, CD roms possibly.

Earth: pentacles, tokens, coins, ingots, precious stones, icons, salt.

This sounds pretty accurate. Anyone wiser than my neophyteness should point out if anything is in the wrong place.


What is the most inexpensive way to build a noise cancellation circuit with minimal latency?



thank you, i think i understand the concept.

I'll try blades since I have a bunch of knives lying around anyways.


Dad's been a piece of shit and treats me like a retard, even after 19 years. Is there a way to JUST him through gnosis or any other psychic shit?



Can you help me to understand the differences between these different "selections"

>all of the pagan options

>all of the 卐 options

>the #woke option

>the gondola option

>the wizard options

>the "pill" options

I currently don't know much about any of these options as it stands now, the most I can confidently identify with is the national socialist option, but I want to go deeper.


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>actual paths

Pic related should help



Memes of this type are disinfo. Various organizations comprising nominally different sects of a materially ruling class, typically associated with "the illuminati," are not *the* Illuminati, that is, the one which is actually important, which is without the need for classical organization. People who don't know any better take things at face/name value from other people who know even less. It's like saying that someone who knows karate also must know aikido because they're both martial arts schools, or that they are both "controlled" by kung fu, because someone who doesn't know anything about martial arts got karate chopped one time and now has a podcast about it.

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