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Tipp's Fringe Bunker


Hello this thread is about how politicians and the Illuminati are literally stealing peoples souls. Especially advanced souls, because they want to control us. Some of the Notable politicians include Edward Milipede, Donald Trump, Bob Stewart, Emile Macron, Hollande,The Clintons.

The Illuminati guy who mainly organizes it is Jason Vorheaz pronouced Vor-hes, and his gay son. I don't know how to spell it.

I will make a follow up post with more of their names once I think of them, but right now they are attacking me and trying to integrate my soul, but lots of them don't actually have souls

The CIA is actually breaking the law and helping them even though it is actually against American law, and they are trying to get it legislated that it can be.

They are literally going all out on me, because I am a huge victim of it like many others, and I am trying to get it out into the public.

Please help I have spoken with the original founder and the current leader of this board, and it has to stop.



Actually I'm not sure if the current owner is someone I've talked with.



Also the corrupt boss of the CIA's name is Jeremiah Kembel, or Kemble not sure how its spelled pronouced Kembl

Also the Illuminati is trying to convince me and many others to like him so we incarnate as bloodline members, and sell our souls and other gay shit like that.


Pretty sure all bodies have souls but not all bodies have spirits.

You are a spirit, you have a soul, and you have a body. You don't have a spirit though because you are spirit.

Yet some people are apparently, and I'm not really sure yet how to differentiate them, walking around with no divine spark (no spirit).



(also interesting is studies on MPD and the implications, e.g. what is mentioned in The Holographic Universe by Michael Talbot and in Sorcery by J. Finley Hurley and The Science of Miracles by Max Freedom Long)

I don't think a body can remain in a given form without a soul. I have heard mention though of group souls (a concept well explained in Reincarnation The Cycle of Necessity by Manly P. Hall). I guess the empty people simply have no individualized self, no divine spark, but are animated in the way ants/bees are, by a kind of group/species collective consciousness.

Can you explain why the, as you label it, "Illuminati" are stealing "souls"? If soul means to you what it means to me, I suspect that means they are stealing the minds (including memories and so on) of people they need to further their agenda?

I would like to see whatever material you have concerning the CIA's attempts to legislate whatever you're talking about. This might make it more clear to me what you mean by your terms.






Hey OP can you identify the man in these videos?




I have reason to believe he is a potential threat. I am investigating the situation and suspect he has a connection to the FBI. I think he has a vendetta that he won't just bury.

Note this channel and vids might go down any moment so someone please archive please.

I need this cleared up. Someone is causing trouble.

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