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Tipp's Fringe Bunker


for those of you familiar with joy of satan, here is a passage I wanted some insight on:

"Much can be done with a well-trained mind. For example: Knowledge of anatomy gives one the ability to either heal or inflict harm. Nerves can cause pain, if one focuses upon them in a hated one. This is one of many examples. You can also open and access other areas of your brain that are dormant in most human beings and empower these areas by focusing on them and attempting to use the abilities they provide when activated. Thoughts can be placed in another person’s head the same way. Concentration and repetition are necessary here."

I didnt understand the anatomy part fully. what are the nerves being mentioned?


File: bb5d6bc78b2f9bb⋯.jpg (35.34 KB, 272x343, 272:343, Human-Nervous-System-wikip….jpg)


seems like a post that belongs in the questions thread, but I'll answer anyways because I'm not a gigantic faggot.

"Learn everything. Later you will see that nothing is superfluous." - Hugh of Saint-Victor

The idea is that concentrating upon another individual can be aided by knowing exactly how their bodies work. A clear knowledge of anatomy will aid visualization in your mind and will aid any attempts you are making toward affecting another mentally. For example, you may want to mentally produce a sensation in the lower leg of some individual. You would be better off trying to do this if you could focus specifically upon their tibial nerve, rather than their lower leg as a whole. And of course, you could not focus on their tibial nerve if you didn't know where it was or what it was. A deeper knowledge of human physiology will not only assist your efforts in the field of affecting another, but will also improve your understanding of yourself. The core of the passage's meaning is in its first sentence. Strive for a well-trained mind first, the rest will follow naturally.

I will also warn that perhaps causing pain in another may not be the wisest path to take. Hatred, violence, and strife are within our world, and should not be treated as categorically wrong or evil; however as an untamed flame will devour all that it touches, so too will an untamed hatred devour you.



Thank you that was a very complete response. But how could focusing on a nerve cause pain, and which nerve by focusing on can knock someone unconscious?



I am unaware of any specific nerve that can knock a person unconscious. Perhaps you could begin by studying pressure points on the human body.


There is a complete description of the pain pathway on page 155 in the above textbook.


In this second link, you will find a more basic and general description of how pain is translated from a physical sensation to a mental understanding of pain - aka how you know to say "Ouch!" when you burn your fingers on a hot stove.

Using the aforementioned information, I will now attempt to briefly answer your question. There are two main components in understanding the response. The first is understanding the nervous system and the pain response. The second is understanding how the specific act of 'focusing' can cause an effect in another. As far as the nervous system goes, you must know that the perception of pain is not in the body, it is in the mind. The nerves simply relay the presence of harmful stimuli to your brain. Therefore, it is in my opinion equally effective to focus upon the mind of another, rather than just their nerves. However, the nerves may be more sensitive and more easily agitated depending on the person you are dealing with. Like many things, the proper point of focus must be determined by the practitioner in the moment.

And the question of focus is a difficult one, but I will try to answer as best as I can. Focus is something that the entirety of the magickal, mental, spiritual, whatever you may want to call it journey depends upon. Extraordinary amounts of time should be spent developing focus in and of itself before beginning to try and apply it to the real world. I know this isn't the most pleasing answer, and it seems like a non-answer. That's because it kind of is. But imagine a world in which the focus of an average person could easily be activated towards knocking another unconscious or causing another pain. It would be quite the hectic world wouldn't it.

So, the actual question of HOW FOCUSING on a NERVE could cause PAIN can now be answered. The last piece of this puzzle lies in the HOW part of the question. And this is simple, and in fact you probably already know it. The universe is mental, and you seek to alter that reality. But before altering the reality of others, you must learn to alter your own reality first. I would contend that only in the rarest cases will an individual be able to mentally produce an effect in the world without first producing it within his own body.

I hope this was helpful.

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