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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



7 minutes in mentions a prison on the moon and the American Feds having the capability to move prisoners there.

I am now massively intrigued by this. Can anyone tell me more about this?


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


12 minutes in mentions having seizures after putting phone near his head



Alright this is getting out of hand.

Can anyone tell me about Orange Juice Para Plane Telephones?


File: 81667fefe668ccf⋯.webm (5.58 MB, 640x360, 16:9, papież kosmita.webm)


>length of the video- 21:37

>at this exact time john paul the second died


He said that IF they could he believed they would but based on his story he cant really imagine life outside of prison also who the fuck would build a prison on the moon?



Even if the moon was a place you could visit, think of the cost of boosting some trash prisoner there. It would be easier and cheaper to build a prison at the bottom of a lake. If you could actually go to the moon, you would put things like military bases, mines and factories there.



Presumably they would have some type of valuable forced labor for you to do up there. Or it's just a psyop experiment to make one think they're on the moon.


While the phone seizure thing sure was interesting to hear, when he mentions the base on the moon he is clearly just doing so as a metaphor.


File: 9ff2cdf243434ad⋯.jpeg (6.26 KB, 251x201, 251:201, serveimage.jpeg)



It's happening.



I presume to do experiments on them. That is why you'd make a prison on the moon and why you'd send prisoners there. Prisoners are morally irrelevant.



Also, remember, Australia was used as a dumping ground for prisoners. Why they spend all the money and time to ship them all the way to Australia?


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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