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Tipp's Fringe Bunker

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I have an addiction to reading books, researching, and talking about stuff endlessly.

I've been doing this for years.

Evola and other suggest the first step to higher knowledge is to optimize/change ones own self and find superior ways of knowing. That if you don't even have the right prerequisites you're doomed.

I should be practicing techniques that allow me to tune into and find higher quality and more relevant information so I don't waste so much time digging the world's knowledge on the internet.

I should be learning rapid perception like is talked about in Personal Power so I can glance at a page of text and get a perfect copy of it in my mind that I can read then without staring any longer.

I should be working on servitors and thoughtforms that can assist me in difficult and repetitive mental tasks and help me in brainstorming sessions and counsel me on the problems of life.

I should be cultivating intense interest so I develop a strong and perfect memory.

I am not doing this because I love my books too much and I love imageboards too much and I like theology groups too much.

It's not that I have to stop these things completely, but, every day I should be spending more time in meditation and thoughtforming and such until I feel exhausted and then switching to other activities, so that eventually the amount of time I do my usual habits becomes almost nothing.

I also have a habit of wasting my time on frivolities like getting into stupid discussions with anons on /pol/ and /b/ and /fringe/ and other boards.

When Manly P. Hall was around my age he wrote The Secret Teachings of All Ages. His knowledge I bet you was not acquired from having a short attention span and a shit memory. The amount he already knew in his 20s was more than the average man today will learn in a lifetime of struggle. That's saying nothing about those who don't even pursue knowledge, I'm specifically talking about people who pursue it, but haven't developed the skills and techniques to process and assimilate knowledge with high efficiency first.

I should promise myself that I will never read another imageboard post without first learning to be able to freeze an image of everything on my computer screen, close my eyes, and read it from memory that way, then write a response with my eyes still closed.

There's more as well I need to be doing. I practice pranayama but not nearly as much as I should. I should be controlling my breath and producing the corresponding physiological states on a regular basis. I practice tummo but the best I can do is generate enough heat to be sweating like crazy (I can also control my ability to sweat and that leads to red outbreaks and rashes on my skin because it's getting overheated and I'm stopping the sweat from happening that would allow it to cool down). I should be so good at it that I can set stuff on fire like Dynamo Jack.

Renouncing lust is a big thread on here. However we should be pledging to stop our lazy mental habits too. Have you ever introduced your mother or some random normie to your computer and seen how they refuse to use shortcuts and they figure out some way to do something but it's super fucking slow yet even after you show them a way to do the same task in a fraction of the time they still do things the way they learned it because changing habits is hard? THAT IS ME. THAT IS US. WE NEED TO STOP USING OUR MINDS INEFFICIENTLY JUST BECAUSE IT IS THE HABIT FOR US.

I pledge to renounce mental laziness. I pledge to cultivate myself. I pledge to develop a superior form of cognition.


Every day I fail at doing this and use my old habits and never even try to work on the new techniques I will admit my failure. I could be doing my research a thousand times faster, I could be providing citations and reading out quotes without even having to rely on searching them up first because of a perfect holographic record in my memory, I could be homing in on the most relevant and important information through superior intuition and channeling or dowsing techniques, I could I could be so much mentally stronger and progressing a thousand times quicker than the way I am going about things right now. I am a god damned snail, mentally superior relative only to common men, but a mental midget still compared to the demi-god like intellects of more disciplined men.

Lets stop using our minds the wrong way. Lets reach true mental competency. We don't need technology to do this, we don't need transhumanism, our minds are already known to us to be capable of immense power (such as when men did calculations that supercomputers could only prove were correct a hundred years later or when the CIA did its remote viewing experiments in Project Gateway). The neurons in our brain and nervous system form more connections than there are particles in the universe. Our bodies generate like 80 watts of electricity at rest and 1600 watts while sprinting. We are possessed of TREMENDOUS power and infinite potential but we aren't leveraging it correctly. Our power is every day dissipated and wasted. This is our fault and is due to our laziness, our lack of mental discipline.

Are you with me /fringe/? Renounce bad mental habits. Start using your mind the right way. DROP EVERYTHING ELSE. No I don't care how interesting what you are currently researching is and what you got on your reading list still left to read. Learn how to use your mind efficiently and do it. If you already know how to use your mind efficiently like me, then your only problem is you need to actually do it. Then you can read all those books and do all that other stuff you wanted but in a fraction of the time. I've been told by a man with much stronger power for psychometry and other psychic skills than me, again and again, to drop the books and meditate… and month after month what have I done? I have found more books, and more books, and read them all, and discoursed about them, and continued the same way as always. I have to stop. It is hard though. I will never however proceed to the rank of master on this board if I don't… and I want to be the first. The first to btfo everyone on here with superior and easily demonstrable psychic power so perfected as to be usable on demand. The first to tell posters what their thoughts are and to lift up objects in their rooms. The first to actually heal anons of their problems at long distance. The first to record himself sitting in a fire and demonstrating the ability to control what burns and what doesn't (e.g. letting one glove and some of my hair burn off while the rest of my body and clothes doesn't).

I will never realize these dreams if I keep doing things the slow and inefficient way. I will never realize this if I distract myself with politics and computer games (unless using them as a setting for mental practice). I will never realize this if I keep using my mind the way I am accustomed to when I KNOW BETTER.


If any of you have ever used an image manipulation program and had to learn about workflow and seen how some people can speedpaint and such to put together some artwork in a fraction of the time it takes people who don't properly learn the keystrokes and familiarize themselves with the software… this is the perfect analogy for what we are doing with our own minds. We're the old grandma who writes down a url on paper and then types it in later rather than doing ctrl + l to highlight the url bar, ctrl + c to copy, ctrl + t to open a new tab, and ctrl + v to paste…. all done in about a second instead of 5 minutes.


That's all fine and dandy, but how do you actually do any of these things? Photographic memory is well and good, but the mundane consensus is that it doesn't exist, and I've never encountered any workable methods for developing it in occult works either -nor have I encountered practitioners able to do it.

I know of mnemonics and all that, but that hardly allows you to remember a whole page of text with a single glance.




See Perceptive Power; or, The Art of Observation



>Photographic memory is well and good, but the mundane consensus is that it doesn't exist

i think science says that some savants had it



I recall clearly reading some passages in a magazine or something that went on about someone with literal autism that could memorize everything from visuals to text from a quick glance. I never heard of it with someone that is not idiot-savant



How are you going about this? what practical exercises for example are you going to do for example.

( I would rather just not read through any WWA right now, he has a horrible tendency to overwrite even when he's overwritten already.)




oh shit we got 2 fedoraposters now?

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